TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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I am no longer at all convinced that the perp has any sort of right foot injury. I think she or he walks with BOTH feet outward.

Go to the video's 1:25 mark. I made a still photo of it but I can't upload it - my screen freezes when I click on the Insert Image. But anyway, if you'll go to the 1:25 mark, the perp walks toward the camera, straight down the center of a long hallway. The left foot turns out almost as much as the right foot does. I don't know if it's a function of the poor-fitting boots or if the perp just walks this way all the time. But both feet turn out, not just one.

It's not just the foot turning outward. There's something in the way he/she bends the knee with each step that also makes the gait unusual.

Thank you much for making this clear, so 28 minutes we have not seen and possibly the murder was not captured, I know a far LEAP but just perhaps looking at swatperp may be in the wrong direction 3-7% odds it may be someone else.

I think there is 0% chance that someone besides the fake cop killed Missy.

BB is happy with how the investigation is going. Sounds like time is running out for the perp.

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That depends...BB may not want someone caught, so perhaps his "happiness" about how the investigation is going is because they DON'T have a suspect...
I agree that the tips should have been called in - I don't have any problem with that at all. I'm grateful for all those trying to help figure this out. But tips to LE are one thing, and vicious gossip online is another.

I have been disturbed by so many negative things being said and speculated on about CT (not just here at WS but in lots of other places online). As you can see by my user name, I'm opinionated and usually don't have a problem with speculating but for some reason it just makes me feel really sorry for CT. Her appearance, her career, her parenting, her relationship with her husband have all been harshly criticized.

I agree with you and that is why a few days ago, I decided to sit back and read and stop theorizing. I've only commented a couple of times when I've seen misinformation that I felt needed to be corrected (i.e. Posters saying the Bevers children were homeschooled when only one was....Mansfield being an hour away when in reality it is 15-20 mins).I also know that all of this is starting to impact AJT's business, and the implications of that are huge. This family could lose everything, and for people who are innocent, that's awful!

That being said, I don't know how much longer this can go on. LE has to know about the rumors. Will they clear the T's of any involvement for the sake of their reputations and livelihood? I don't know, because they may be showing their hand to someone else who is the perp. It's a sad situation.
I'm another new poster, drawn in by the classic "whodunnit" nature of this killing. Also a retired police officer. I've tried to follow these threads, but it seems impossible to keep up with all the info. I think the thing that bothers me most is the conflicting theories that go thru my mind, based on past precedents. Any police officer will tell you that the big 3 reasons for murder are:

So, "sex" jumps out front on this one. Then, husband happens to be out of town. Convenient coincidences like this also leap out to me. Another sub-motive with married couples in trouble could also be child custody, or influence on the affections of the kids.

The video is a rare bit of bonus evidence here, but it also causes more conflict for me. Another adage I used to toss around was "burglary loves company". The burglary angle here is pretty weak, IMO. As a former K-9 handler, burglars were what we dealt with. Church burglars were usually young, and rarely acted alone. They suspected alarms, and moved fast. Smash a window and head for the office usually. They don't pre-plan, and invest in phony police gear to hide. They pull a t-shirt over their head and move fast, not this plodding around. They get out quickly.
Alarms on churches are funny. Many suburban churches still don't have them. Truthfully, they aren't targeted much. Still, thieves always expect them. I don't think many folks think this was a burglary, but the nonchalance of the suspect is unusual.

The video really bugs me. That walk does often look like a woman, but the part where the suspect stops and grabs at a door knob looks very male.
The walk does look much like the father-in-law, but at the same time looks a little more effortless; maybe younger? The suspect doesn't look quite as big given the bulky clothes to me. Hard to say.

The choice of weapon certainly suggests a male suspect typically. If whoever did it was dumb enough to buy a new hammer for the job, it will probably backfire.

Another tid-bit I haven't noticed mentioned is that this suspect is someone capable of slipping away for an hour at 0400 on a rainy morning without worrying about being noticed, or leaving kids unattended, etc. Just something to file away.

I'd imagine the detectives are working very hard on tracking phones, and trying to run down places where that tactical gear might have been sold. It could be tough, but if you look for say, a purchaser that bought a single jacket in the last 3 months, something could turn up.
BBM Ohhh, I so agree. For the most part, the walk and mannerism appear feminine, and I've thought from the beginning this is a woman, but that part where the perp saunters up to that door and grabs that doorknob just says male to me. I used to have a male relative who opened doors just like that..Anecdotal, I know, but still...
Welcome to WS and thanks for the input!
Growing up in a small southern town, I know "those" who don't have local roots can be regarded cautiously. One doesn't know their history, who their momma is, where they go to church. I don't mean to diss this by any means. It's human nature.

I noticed Tamera gave Brandon a wide pass for his interviews and subsequent actions, saying everyone knows that's just the way he is, no need to bother looking at him. It's interesting. She really gave a good look at the Midlotian subculture.

Tricia is a brilliant interviewer.

So it appears the locals may have tunnel vision. A native is given a pass and an outsider is viewed with suspicion.

That doesn't make me feel that these local views are very fair or unbiased. JMO
I also know that all of this is starting to impact AJT's business, and the implications of that are huge. This family could lose everything, and for people who are innocent, that's awful!

That being said, I don't know how much longer this can go on. LE has to know about the rumors. Will they clear the T's of any involvement for the sake of their reputations and livelihood? I don't know, because they may be showing their hand to someone else who is the perp. It's a sad situation.

Heartbreaking :(
I am no longer at all convinced that the perp has any sort of right foot injury. I think she or he walks with BOTH feet outward.

Go to the video's 1:25 mark. I made a still photo of it but I can't upload it - my screen freezes when I click on the Insert Image. But anyway, if you'll go to the 1:25 mark, the perp walks toward the camera, straight down the center of a long hallway. The left foot turns out almost as much as the right foot does. I don't know if it's a function of the poor-fitting boots or if the perp just walks this way all the time. But both feet turn out, not just one.
I agree. Both feet do turn out when the suspect walks.

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So it appears the locals may have tunnel vision. A native is given a pass and an outsider is viewed with suspicion.

That doesn't make me feel that these local views are very fair or unbiased. JMO

I'm not convinced that all the locals have the same opinion. I think there are still several "camps", so to speak, of local opinion, as far as I can tell. But I'm not sure that any of them are truly unbiased. I get the feeling that several people are being given the side eye in the Midlothian area.
LOL now we all know how to have a secret phone for whatever purpose.

excerpt below from Nancy Grace aired 5/11/16 - http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1605/11/ng.01.html

"LEVITAN: So the carrier registered the phone. They know where and when that phone was activated. And most stores that sell disposable phones do keep a video for 30 days of who bought that phone."

I stated in a thread way back that a professional criminal or hitman would buy phones all over the place, and keep them for a long time before using them, maybe a year or two, because LE would likely not be able to go back and get old video of the purchase even if they knew specifically where and when it was purchased.

Sometimes I think too much is said in the media and on the Internet about things. Why should we know that they only keep video for a month?
Again, the owner of the site had a guest talk at length about CT just last night. So we can talk about the same person. She is not the victim - MB is. She is alive and breathing and living her life. MB is not.

I take LE comments about who is and who isn't a suspect with a healthy grain of salt. Sometimes they deliberately mislead us for their own purposes. And I'm not even saying that's wrong. But come on, "never considered any of them a suspect"? They had to establish probable cause in order to get the SW signed, so everyone on that list was, at least at one time, someone they were interested in or else they wouldn't have included them in the SW in the first place.

So all of these people are fair game for us to discuss as persons of interest. The fact that LE says there might be new POI does not definitely rule out the original POI, unless and until LE loosens their lips and says with no ambiguity, "So and so has an alibi that has been verified and is not a suspect", or they arrest someone.

I guess we will agree to disagree.
I take a reporter's word with a grain of salt and LE's with a bit more validity. And if LE is embellishing a bit to better their case, then it should be left at that.

Regardless, I pray for swift justice for Missy and her loved ones. I also hope that all these rumors (not here, in general) don't cause any more pain and suffering unnecessarily.
Thanks. Could be! (Says a person who has never held a gun in her life, let alone owned one.) I found THIS multi-gun silencer:

Yes, exactly! Me too on the gun issue~~but hubby was in army and said it kind of looked like one. I was trying my hardest to figure out what the perp was carrying, couldn't find any tools that would match that item, then he came up with that.

When looking at the tools, I was really thinking hired hit~~not sure who the hiree is/was because the tools look like professional tools, not ordinary average tools. However, I don't think that is the case any longer. I think the perp planned this for quite a long time and when they arrest the perp I think you will find the perp has watched videos on breaking/entering, etc. I think a computer is also going to show the perp shopping for the items. JMO of course.
I agree that a guest on a radio show isn't necessarily reliable - after all, last week's guest said the buzz was that it was a black woman.

But the fact remains that anyone publicly named in a SW becomes a person of interest publicly, unless and until LE states that they've been ruled out.

This site, from my several days of being here, seems like it's run as a pretty tight ship. They have clear rules and don't hesitate to delete posts that are wild speculation. Like LE, we just are trying to follow the clues and see where they lead.

Not to be harsh, but this site wants this thread to be about MB and solving her murder. I don't think they want us navel-gazing and wringing our hands about some other person. We're here to try to figure this thing out, and those who are uncomfortable with that process always have the option of sitting it out. As always, JMHO

LE actually DID say the people in the SW are *not suspects or persons of interest*.

It's a weird circular logic that the thread is supposed to be about MB which caused CT to be discussed heavily but when it's mentioned that discussing CT may not be appropriate suddenly I'm being reminded that this is about MB.

I've been a member here for around 2 years and participated in many threads and there has *never* been another case where the rules have been essentially thrown out. If new people begin participating in other threads they're going to be so confused when half of their posts get deleted for breaking the rules.
I am not knowledgable about mace and what physical damage and evidence it would leave behind, but I do wonder if this was used to initially subdue MB.

Coincidentally, a social media image from one of the target numbers, shows another name on that list demonstrating what appears to be a pink mace canister. It could also be a personal alarm, I'm not sure.

Anybody else see this that can identify the pink canister please?

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Pretty sure it was a hammer to the back of her head. I doubt she ever knew what hit her.
Why could CT be a suspect?

1. She is not a Midlothian so locals are suspicious of her - not a good reason. IMO CT is a scapegoat suggested by the Bevers family and IMO the one being targeted by RB's mother in the two letters she has written.

2. She broke her foot a few years ago - but did the perpetrator walk lopsided or was limping a bit? Both feet seem to be duckfeet and the walk is the same on both feet.


3. She must have found out about their LinkedIn messages, been jealous of her husband's friendship with MB and felt threatened when they went to the CG camp together
for the weekend.

4. Because of the walk, the perpetrator must be a female but older men also walk like this.

5. Is she depressed or have any mental illness?

Why should she not be a suspect?

1. Height - how tall is she? Hard to tell from Facebook. But I do not think she is even 5' 8" which is the shortest height the LE have mentioned.

2. She is the mother for four children. Did she leave them alone or did her mother mind them that morning as AJ was also due to give a class a little later? If she left home very early that morning, her husband would surely know.

3. According to her activity on Facebook, she was able to carry on as usual.

4. Where would she have got the SWAT gear and weapons from? Not so easy for a female perhaps.

5. She seems to be a very devoted mother and wife who IMO would not like to take the risk of being away from them in prison.

6. She seems to love her career as a Mary Kay consultant.

IMO CT is a scapegoat of the Bevers family and whose reputation could have been muddied by the Bevers family possibly even before the murder.

Re #3 - the Linked In messages were NOT between AJT and MB!! That's why I'm frustrated - there's no reason to think anything was happening between them except rumors!
Husband has a preference for a certain type of woman. Marries one and pursues a career that puts him in close contact with this type. Wife is aware of past affairs & sees another one developing. Bingo
Pretty sure it was a hammer to the back of her head. I doubt she ever knew what hit her.

Except the early reports and articles indicated that there were "signs of a struggle". That could be incorrect, of course, but at this point we don't know since it's all rather vague.
Sometimes I think too much is said in the media and on the Internet about things. Why should we know that they only keep video for a month?

So that if someone decides to commit a crime, they know they must wait until 31 days after they buy their burner phone.

Means, motive, opportunity.

Means - if someone lived in a nearby town, had the financial resources to acquire gear, had the ability to case the scene, to research the victim's schedule and whereabouts, had the ability to leave the scene and return to a 'normal' schedule that day.

Motive - if someone were terrified of losing the family unit, protecting that family could be motive. The person could have been jealous and/or afraid that the spouse was not attracted to them and was looking elsewhere for what should be kept within a marriage. The person could have a controlling personality or a personality disorder which may lead them to embellish actual facts into something much, much worse. Or maybe something much, much worse was actually going on. In either case, if someone was so consumed by control - this could be motive to do away with the one person who was so threatening to the family. That person could be threatening in two ways - taking the spouse away and/or threatening the financial means of support. This person could have portrayed (perhaps even on SM) a lot of controlling, perhaps narcissistic, characteristics that do not fit the profile of an emotionally healthy individual.

Opportunity - if prior to the crime, someone had some time alone, they could have had the opportunity to be in the vicinity and case the crime scene, could have had the opportunity to assemble the gear needed for the crime. If the day of the crime, one's family were away and/or left the house prior to the needed time of departure, one could have gone to the crime scene, committed the crime, and returned home without detection. Even perhaps disposing of the gear along the way, perhaps along a back road, into water, into garbage facility, etc.

Of the original target number list, means, motive, and opportunity have pointed me in one direction without any rumors involved. Especially with physical similarities to the crime scene video. Time will tell.
Except the early reports and articles indicated that there were "signs of a struggle". That could be incorrect, of course, but at this point we don't know since it's all rather vague.

I think that was said because there was broken glass around and a dead woman on the floor, so they assumed there'd been a struggle. Then later realized it was broken glass from the perpetrator wandering around disturbing everything.
Husband has a preference for a certain type of woman. Marries one and pursues a career that puts him in close contact with this type. Wife is aware of past affairs & sees another one developing. Bingo

What? A husband that likes older women with fake <modsnip>?
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