TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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Interesting idea. I wonder what LE has learned about the possible use of firearms.

Just before the item appears in the footage, there are a few frames where some people have noticed what appears to be a wand torch/flashlight in the perp's left hand, held in an overhand grip. We had a discussion on another forum about the object, and a person posted a photo of what he thought it could be. I found that to be very compelling.



You mean "we" think the "Saran Wrap" box is actually a flashlight box?? Wow! You guys are good.
I haven't weighed in on the enlarged/enhanced photos yet - honestly, I don't think they're helpful. Even experts in enhancement have to be careful not to introduce artifacts when they're working on photos or videos. JMO but I wouldn't trust any of the ones I've seen in this case including the black and white one. No disrespect to those who gave the effort.

This. A thousand times over.

My opinion, as well. Thanks for posting.
I have not named names, I have sleuthed - which is what I understand this forum is about - and I believe there is only one person who has the means, motive, and opportunity. I am not following rumor or innuendo here. No one else on the list fits IMO.

I wonder if it is the same one I think.

One with an alibi. One who expressed concern for MB's safety. One who may or may not have been on the phone with MB, building up the rage to pull off the act, just before it happened? :thinking:

And sadly the Bevers children who are dealing with the heinous loss of their mother could be hearing the same about their father and grandfather. It's sad all the way around

Especially sad if any of it turns out to be true.

These are MOO.
Scary to think that if someone I knew and had contact with had been murdered that every detail of my life would be drudged up for the entire world to see and for my kids to find out later. We all have skeletons people. Glad I'm not CT right now.
Hi everyone. Just stopped by to say that I hope there is an arrest soon. Sounds like LE might be firming up their case and tying up loose ends, if what y'all say is correct.


When I hear experts in video re-creation being brought it, it leads me to believe that they are firming up a case and preparing a visual representation (presumably ultimately for a jury). Maybe honing in on a measurement (height). But I can't think of too many scenarios in a case like this that they are using video re-creation of the scenario to solve it. Again, just playing the probabilities.
Question for the locals who don't think the perp's name has appeared in any of the now-public SWs ... Without naming anyone, do you have a specific person in mind, and if so, what's the motive?
I haven't weighed in on the enlarged/enhanced photos yet - honestly, I don't think they're helpful. Even experts in enhancement have to be careful not to introduce artifacts when they're working on photos or videos. JMO but I wouldn't trust any of the ones I've seen in this case including the black and white one. No disrespect to those who gave the effort.

Her credibility goes further than that. IMO and if you listen between the lines, she is trusted by LE as well.

Could you elaborate?
Scary to think that if someone I knew and had contact with had been murdered that every detail of my life would be drudged up for the entire world to see and for my kids to find out later. We all have skeletons people. Glad I'm not CT right now.

I don't know what "skeletons" about CT have been brought up. (ETA: I misread and you weren't saying she specifically has any! My mistake.) By all means, her public FB account shows she's an attentive and loving mother and wife. I haven't seen any "bad" things about her come out (aside from the obvious assumption she is swatperp).

I do know what you mean by everything you do and say being put on display. Definitely hope we never have to endure public scrutiny. I have anxiety anyway, so I'm sure I would need a sedative. JMO!
AJT and MB had 2 different locations that they taught at, a few miles from one another. They did not drive to the camp together.

It has been said that the fishing trip was planned for months ahead of time and that it was possibly an annual trip.

I meant the Austin camp. Do you think they would have gone there together in one car?

Also the fishing trip might have been an annual one but that does not mean the exact same date every year. She was going away so he went away the same weekend.
I meant the Austin camp. Do you think they would have gone there together in one car?

Also the fishing trip might have been an annual one but that does not mean the exact same date every year. She was going away so he went away the same weekend.

I don't recall that
I recall him calling her at home when he was away

Am I wrong?
Regarding this being done in a church: Besides the obvious fact that it's a hidden contained and convenient place for killer, some might question how a religious person (and it seems everyone in this area and involved in this case is very religious) could kill like this and in a church no less. One theory I had is that perhaps this person is so religious that they believe they were getting rid of a sinner, maybe even one who was committing more than one offense against the 10 commandments, by breaking up families or cheating or whatever and that they were in a way "doing Gods work" to make things right in the eyes of God in his house the church. This might explain how a religious perp might reconcile in their own mind killing in a church.

It's absurd to assert that because the killer entered a church to do their killing, then the killer must have been a "religious" person. Entering a church doesn't make you religious, any more than being in a garage makes you a car. The church setting was because that's where MB's class met, and the killer had hatred against MB and went where she happened to be alone, and had nothing to do with the killer.
Don't worry. Even if they calculate the perp to be 6 feet tall or over, some will say that CT put rocks or piled saran wrap into her boots to make her look taller. ;)

It's better than RB or BB teleporting home from California or Mississippi to do the murder. ;)
It sounds like the town is trying to get a reaction out of CT by stating these things about her. In my opinion LE is encouraging it by not stepping in any saying she isn't a person of interest or a suspect. Are they trying to put heat on her so she will confess? I think they should tread lightly on the fb posts... If they truly think she killed Missy they might want to keep it to themselves. You're not anonymous on FB. Just saying... 

I completely agree - and I wonder if BB is in on it, too? I had some major side-eye at the time when he said he was privy to some information from LE that made him satisfied with how the case is going. Because why would LE give privileged info to a potential POI? But now I am reconsidering - what if LE has spoken with BB telling him they have a very strong suspect and they are hoping pressure from society with get that person to crack, so LE isn't making a statement that they have cleared anyone from the 'suspect numbers' SW. So BB and his family need to hold tight under their own social scrutiny for now, hoping that that overall scrutiny causes the real perp to crack? And that might be why the MIL keeps writing her notes to the killer (even though I still think that is weird...).

I do think CT ticks an awful lot of my boxes for this perp. Regardless of who is ultimately fingered for this, so many people have been negatively impacted by this horrific crime - not the least of whom is Missy Bevers.
When I hear experts in video re-creation being brought it, it leads me to believe that they are firming up a case and preparing a visual representation (presumably ultimately for a jury). Maybe honing in on a measurement (height). But I can't think of too many scenarios in a case like this that they are using video re-creation of the scenario to solve it. Again, just playing the probabilities.

This case is very different from most other cases in which video reconstruction is used.
I have not heard one local state positively that CT limps or has any odd gait due to the broken foot she sustained a few years ago.
I meant the Austin camp. Do you think they would have gone there together in one car?

Also the fishing trip might have been an annual one but that does not mean the exact same date every year. She was going away so he went away the same weekend.


As I understand it, Missy returned from the Austin trip late Sunday afternoon/evening and Brandon left for Biloxi on Sunday afternoon. He would have been at home (with the daughters) during the majority of the weekend. Missy would have gotten home sometime fairly shortly after he had left.
HERE is my issue. LE confirmed "the marriage had financial issues AND intimate relationships"

They did not say: MB had intimate relationships and financial woes. A marriage (as if this even needs reminding) is TWO people. True: Missy's murder has flung their once-private financial position out into the open. Somehow people have massaged this into MB being the deflector in the marriage? That's nuts. FWIW, from the SWs, yes, I believe BB had his own flings, too. They *both* did. But we do not *know* that.

Result? Majority people translate flirtatious messages to an affair. We have heard NOTHING more than that. CT and BB have been condemned as the perp by growing anger on 2 sides of a fence. And it is deplorable! BOTH of these (as yet innocent) people have become society's suspects and BOTH have children. Children, people. This is so going pear-shaped and it is truly breaking my heart. If it breaks my heart I cannot imagine the horror those on SWs are going through. Folk need to chill out here. Big time.

I'm one who doesn't equate flirtatious messages with an affair. Flirtations are just that - flirtations. It can be a precursor to a full-blown affair or it can remain playful and nothing more. I think if there were messages of depth, it would be different from what's described as flirting. For my purpose of definition, anyway.
I didn't mean literally every single detail but that there is so much speculation, which is only natural here, I know. It is alarming to me that The Bevers, AJT and CT, the guy who is married and was questioned because of his communication with Terri on linkedin, they've all been subjected to our scrutiny because they happen to have known the victim. I am sure they all wanted to be able to deal with the infidelities, financial issues, health problems without the eyes of the anonymous watching their every move. I know I am partaking by bringing it up. I am just sad for the kids involved and the likely fallout from all of this.
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