TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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Odd that they would carry the box though. :waitasec:

I wondered about this too. Especially considering you'd have to add batteries if it were new. But then it occurred to me I know a lot of people who keep and store tools and devices in their original boxes. Perhaps when putting together the suit and gear, the perp was adding tools and items needed for the mission over time as he thought through each scenario. For instance, adding a pry bar or breech bar for doors with bolt latches. Adding a monocular for distance surveillance. Adding a couple types of flashlights as it would be dark. Adding the tactical vest to store this growing variety of tools. You get the idea. Then when packing the vest ahead of time, just placed the items in the pouches to store them all together and just forgot to remove the box beforehand while preparing for the mission.

It's a thought.
I don't recall that
I recall him calling her at home when he was away

Am I wrong?

IIRC, Brandon called Missy twice from Biloxi on Sunday evening. Once when he finally arrived (after flight delay) and once around 9-ish to say good night.
I don't know if you listened to Tricia's show last night but I was just responding to the exact things I heard there. I am new and I am older. (69) I must be not understanding because if I said anything wrong I am so sorry. If you have some time please rewrite my comments as they should be and private message them to me. I will then delete my comment and add the correct one. I sure am not trying to do the wrong thing to upset anyone here. Guess I am a slow learner. Again sorry I offended anyone.


No,no. You certainly didn't offend me. Definitely not. Moreover, my response may have been (unintentionally) offensive. My apologies,there. I simply interpreted your "speculation" as "qualification". And I now get it 100%! Thank you :)
I'm one who doesn't equate flirtatious messages with an affair. Flirtations are just that - flirtations. It can be a precursor to a full-blown affair or it can remain playful and nothing more. I think if there were messages of depth, it would be different from what's described as flirting. For my purpose of definition, anyway.

Am on the same page as you! Agree 100% :)
Ok so I just listened to Tricia's interview with Tamara Jolee which I have to say was interesting.

One of the things I found interesting (and have heard myself but no explanation givin as to why) is that it seems early on they (MPD) had zeroed in on one person in particular.

We have heard that MB quit going to the gym a couple weeks before her murder which raises questions in my mind. They are (in no particular order) ...

1. Did MB have a run in with someone at that gym (member or not)?

2. Could she have received more than one creepy message but only chose to show her friend the most recent one? And if so, could she have brushed those off in the beginning? Something or someone scared this woman to change a 3 year daily habit.

3. Did MB's SIL and or MIL know about this *possible* run in or these creepy message(s)? If so and they told the MPD would the MPD ask them not to speak about it in the begining of the case?

4. Why does it *seem* like MB's MIL is sending a message to a specific person?

5. Why was BB and MIL worried about MB's safety? Do they know more than they are telling? I think they do.

4. If you were *possibly* being accused of an affair that did not happen would you talk to someone about it? If I was being accused of that I know I would share that with my family members and or close friend.

5. If you felt threatened, would you stay away from a specific place?

The one thing that Tamara Jolee said that I do hope is true is that she thinks an arrest will be made within 7 days. That 7 day window ends next Thursday. *IF* she is correct it can't come soon enough but I understand that MPD has to build a solid case.

I have my own opinion on this case and will admit I have gone back and forth between a couple people. I have tried my best to keep my comments to "he/she" when speaking here. I don't post anywhere else because I like this place and the rules that Tricia has established.

And my last thought is: Even bad people have family members who are innocent victims and we should always remember that.
RBBM : Why does sex jump out front in this case ?

The retired police officer who has joined our discussion mentioned three reasons for murder: 1) Sex 2) Money 3) Drugs

"Physical fitness can increase blood flow, which in theory can make sex more pleasurable since sexual arousal for both men and women involves increased blood flow to the genital area. And that can increase desire itself—if it feels great, you tend to want to do it more. <snip>"

Odd that they would carry the box though. :waitasec:

I agree. But I thought it was a stellar find. Just as good a theory as the Saran Wrap box or the door push-handle. IMO. I never could "see" a pair of pliars like some people did. I guess we will find out one of these days.
Maybe many of you sleuthers know this... Are there examples of cases where LE has claimed certain people are not POI and then later on those people do become the suspects and get arrested? I'm not sure if that typically happens (LE going back on their word). Would be useful to understand if this has happened before. If there aren't other examples of it then I would guess we truly do need to take target numbers off our suspect list.
My bold.

I'm sure others have answered this already but yes, LE does this ALL.THE.TIME.
I was listening to Tricia's show last night. I don't think I can discount Tamara Jolee's insider information because I bet she does have many sources.

I have looked at county records to see if CT has been in trouble before. If she has I couldn't find it. Through her FB page her maiden name was discovered. I found nothing searching that way either.

So why would she do this? I noticed she has dated AT since high school on her FB page. That's a lot of history.

Having said the above I still have a hard time believing she killed MB. I get "feelings" I am just not feeling it. Would a beautiful intelligent woman throw away everything, a perfect family, a nice home, ect., in a jealous rage? If it was her I would expect her to be nervous, instead our perp appeared calm, cool and collected.

As far as people wondering if she would leave 4 children alone, either grandmother had them,or if not,I guess a person who would murder wouldn't be bothered in her conscience by that either.

I still say the one who gains the most from MBs death is her husband. Not accusing, just speculating.

The above is JMO.

What does the husband gain? TIA
One of the things I found interesting (and have heard myself but no explanation givin as to why) is that it seems early on they (MPD) had zeroed in on one person in particular.


IMO, this is problematic, in that police have a natural, human tendency to develop a theory of a crime and then color all the evidence in a way that "proves" that theory. That's how you get false convictions. I hope that is not the case here.
Yes, this. You can clearly see the mounted light at 1:41 in the surveillance video. I was also wondering why they would be using it, other than the obvious dark rooms. It is interesting to me that it hasn't been mentioned until now, so it seems. Maybe it isn't relevant or maybe it is? :thinking:

We have discussed the headlamp in MANY of the threads from was it really a head lamp or glare from the overhead light after many still shots you can clearly see the headlamps reflection on a wall. We also had many theory's as to why it's on in some of the video and then off. Some theory's were 1) we know we only have snips of the video and do not know what order they are in. It's possible the perp had it on in the beginning after being outside and breaking in and then realized they needed to turn it off or 2) maybe they were going to use it to blind Missy or conceal their eyes from her to gain her trust as a true LE agent.
I'm still browsing to catch up but I'm not ready to join the public mob CT train just yet. I'll gladly eat up some humble pie at the kid's table if the time comes but there are so many variables left untouched and I know how these things work. Nobody is talking about what was found on BB's phone or who his " affairs" were with (possible motive) Everyone was quick to throw the victim under the bus about her "flirty messages" but quickly forgot that there is a husband who was also part of the marriage. Who was out of town. Who, along with CT still hasn't been cleared by LE. Did we determine if MB had life insurance? I'm not saying BB or CT is innocent but I'm not ready to say either are guilty just yet. I just need more information and it seems the mind of most of "Midlo" is made up and has been since day 1-3 of the investigation.
Thankfully the justice system has more stringent requirements for arrests and convictions.


No evidence of any BB affairs.
I'm confused on why people think rumors in this chat room would destroy a family. This is really a rather unknown site. I happened to stumble upon it. I highly doubt anyone in the case has been on here or is even aware of it.

Yeah, it's such an unknown site that LE from some of the most high profiles cases have posted here, actual perps (murderers) that we were sleuthing posted here with us, and LE have also asked for our help in many cases.

I wouldn't underestimate Websleuths and the people posting/reading here. :) You'd really be surprised.
I'm still browsing to catch up but I'm not ready to join the public mob CT train just yet. I'll gladly eat up some humble pie at the kid's table if the time comes but there are so many variables left untouched and I know how these things work. Nobody is talking about what was found on BB's phone or who his " affairs" were with (possible motive) Everyone was quick to throw the victim under the bus about her "flirty messages" but quickly forgot that there is a husband who was also part of the marriage. Who was out of town. Who, along with CT still hasn't been cleared by LE. Did we determine if MB had life insurance? I'm not saying BB or CT is innocent but I'm not ready to say either are guilty just yet. I just need more information and it seems the mind of most of "Midlo" is made up and has been since day 1-3 of the investigation.
Thankfully the justice system has more stringent requirements for arrests and convictions.


I believe BB is now off limits. As he is a member of the victims family. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Scary to think that if someone I knew and had contact with had been murdered that every detail of my life would be drudged up for the entire world to see and for my kids to find out later. We all have skeletons people. Glad I'm not CT right now.

No skeletons here.
As I've said many times in many forums on here, if the reward is going up, that means the police aren't as close to finding the suspect as we think.
We have discussed the headlamp in MANY of the threads from was it really a head lamp or glare from the overhead light after many still shots you can clearly see the headlamps reflection on a wall. We also had many theory's as to why it's on in some of the video and then off. Some theory's were 1) we know we only have snips of the video and do not know what order they are in. It's possible the perp had it on in the beginning after being outside and breaking in and then realized they needed to turn it off or 2) maybe they were going to use it to blind Missy or conceal their eyes from her to gain her trust as a true LE agent.

A possible explanation for the light going on and off (IF that is actually occurring) could be that the light is part of a video camera. When the camera lens is directed toward a darkened area, the light automatically comes on. When it's directed toward a sufficiently lit area, the light goes off.

This could also be the basis for investigators' supposition that the killer may have video recorded the crime.
I believe BB is now off limits. As he is a member of the victims family. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Oh I didn't know that. I thought the SW for the phones stated affair(s). I have not been on much more than browsing over the past couple of days. Sorry for the confusion.

I'm not sure what to make of it anymore so I'll just sit on my hands & wait for an arrest.
As I've said many times in many forums on here, if the reward is going up, that means the police aren't as close to finding the suspect as we think.
Not necessarily... If the suspects spouse knows something and thinks an arrest is inevitable they might come forward for 20,000 because they are gonna need it for sure!
I'm one who doesn't equate flirtatious messages with an affair. Flirtations are just that - flirtations. It can be a precursor to a full-blown affair or it can remain playful and nothing more. I think if there were messages of depth, it would be different from what's described as flirting. For my purpose of definition, anyway.

What does "turned intimate mean" ?
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