TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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Hi R@ngers#1,


Before I point out a few things about the popularity of Websleuths ( we are a forum and not a chat room) I want to take a moment and discuss posting on the Internet.

No matter where you post information, even if you remove it later, it can be found and quite easily I might add.

Suppose you are right that only a handful of people have ever heard of Websleuths. It doesn't matter. It's the fact that someone posted something on Websleuths about a live person. That's the problem. Thanks to Google.

To prove my point here is a hypothetical situation : Let's say we let a post like this one stand, "I think the neighbor of Missy's named Smithy De Smithy looks like a creep. I'd stay away from him. I heard he is a child molester"

Now, let's assume only 3 people read it and move on. Doesn't matter. What matter's is Smithy De Smithy's potential boss Googles his name and guess what pops up? Yep. The child molester post.

We are a discussion forum. People are allowed to have their opinions. In fact you are responsible for what you post. You might have to defend your words someday in a court of law. It's rare but it does happen.

We do our best at Websleuths to minimize the damage done when ordinary people are thrown in the spotlight. Again, we can't protect everyone. We have to allow discussion but we feel we have a moral obligation to at least try to stop rumors or harmful posts made about people who have done nothing wrong. We do not always accomplish that goal but we try.

You see it has nothing to do with our size and everything to do with Google searches.

But about the size thing? Yes, we do have a good size number of people posting and reading. In fact, I think Wednesday we had close to 300,000 (three hundred thousand) individual page views.

Websleuths members have made differences in so many cases I've lost count.

Law enforcement is reading on our site constantly.

We are quoted in major news articles all over the world.

i can promise you many people involved in this case from Law Enforcement to people close to Missy read here. They may be participating for all I know.

One of my proudest moments on Websleuths is when Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony's mother, personally told me she was going to shut down my site because she didn't like what we said about Casey. Then she told me no one reads Websleuths. Later, hundreds of pages of Websleuths posts were found in her garbage can.

We're not the Huffington Post or The Drudge Report. Not by any means but the people we do have posting make a difference in people's lives all the time.

To me, that's the coolest thing about Websleuths. We make a difference.

Tricia Griffith

Thanks Tricia! For this who might be interested in how Tricia started WEBSLEUTHS and how it has evolved since then, I just came across this new article. Nice job, Tricia!! Hopefully, we have had some positive role in helping with Missy Bevers' case, too.

Question for the locals who don't think the perp's name has appeared in any of the now-public SWs ... Without naming anyone, do you have a specific person in mind, and if so, what's the motive?

Don't have a name. Motive I guess would be a targeted hit that is money related. LE said the marriage was having financial difficulties. Sad, it makes all kinds of people do all kinds of things.
I'm one who doesn't equate flirtatious messages with an affair. Flirtations are just that - flirtations. It can be a precursor to a full-blown affair or it can remain playful and nothing more. I think if there were messages of depth, it would be different from what's described as flirting. For my purpose of definition, anyway.

I agree. But i do think messages fall under the category of an emotional affair.
That to me is the big issue with CT as the sole perp. With AT or others they can at least be gotten out of their home without it being a roadblock to Means/Motive/Opportunity. All that has been said with CT is the babysitting, which doesn't establish that AT wasn't home that morning or that he left ultra ultra early. AT as sole perp or AT/CT acting in concert can at least get them out the door, but I'm just not seeing CT alone and if that was the case AT and the rest of the family could be in danger (especially if there's a 7 day countdown) where rather in this ending up as an arrest, it ends in murder-suicide.
I agree that is an issue. Talk about taking chances (not that the whole plan wasn't chance-y enough!) but let's say she relied on him leaving at a certain time, and say he forgot his wallet and came back home and she's gone. It seems the kids would have to have been elsewhere, which has been mentioned, but to my knowledge not been proven.
He had left for his own camp.

From Mansfield his camp is closer than Creekside and the perp according to the LE timeline was first seen on camera at 3:50, which doesn't mean the perp arrived at 3:50 but would have needed to arrive early than that. If he did leave that ultra early where someone else also coming from Mansfield could already be inside and on camera in the further away church at 3:50 that actually would seem to point to him as a conspirator.

May 13, 2016 12:17 pm
"Midlothian police now have detailed description of church killer but won’t release it."

"Midlothian police have sought the expertise of other law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and NYPD. On Friday, they said the Tarrant County district attorney’s office just completed a detailed analysis of the video to create a “more specific physical description” of the killer.

“We do not plan to release those findings at this time,” police said, declining to elaborate."
What would be BB's motive for those of you that suspect his involvement. From everything I have seen he was a loving husband.

I don't think he is involved but I haven't ruled him out b/c he hasn't been cleared by LE but 2 of the motives we talked about in the previous 14 threads were:

Life Insurance Money $$
Get of out marriage (without paying child support, alimony or getting a divorce plus have life ins money to help with the financial troubles)


May 13, 2016 12:17 pm
"Midlothian police now have detailed description of church killer but won’t release it."

"Midlothian police have sought the expertise of other law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and NYPD. On Friday, they said the Tarrant County district attorney’s office just completed a detailed analysis of the video to create a “more specific physical description” of the killer.

“We do not plan to release those findings at this time,” police said, declining to elaborate."

This is wonderful news. Maybe an arrest soon.
What would be BB's motive for those of you that suspect his involvement. From everything I have seen he was a loving husband.

Well, many people off their spouse to gain something: if not insurance money, then a new wife or not pay alimony. Statistics say men more often than women. LE stated the marriage had intimate relationships & financial woes. They did not state Missy had relationships. To date, we only "know" Missy has flirtatious messages. Flirt is not an affair. There is absolutely NO evidence of an affair with AT. Equally there is NO evidence of an affair with BB. But there may have been an affair. If there was an affair, it will come out. He could have been a king or a *advertiser censored* behind closed doors. The marriage may have tired on its own. These things happen. I find his being out of town just a tad too convenient. Perhaps previous cases made me wonder. The perp who murdered Missy is a full-blown, cruel psychopath, IMO. That much we know. She will be caught; I doubt CT. I did create a list,starting from Missy of all the women close to her (immed & extended family) to nameless colleagues and co-fitness associates. Then I took a long hard look. some things have struck me so blatantly that I've all but made up my mind.

Would I say so here? No. Never. If I am wrong I could not live with myself insulting at least, to wrecking at worst, another person's life "because I happen to think so". These people have kids. I don't believe BB was perfect however I also don't believe he is the murderer. He *may* have known about. He may not. I am reserving judgment right now. But I do have a strong notion. :)

May 13, 2016 12:17 pm
"Midlothian police now have detailed description of church killer but won’t release it."

"Midlothian police have sought the expertise of other law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and NYPD. On Friday, they said the Tarrant County district attorney’s office just completed a detailed analysis of the video to create a “more specific physical description” of the killer.

“We do not plan to release those findings at this time,” police said, declining to elaborate."

I was thinking about this last night. Is it possible they were able to do a full body scan? To get the exact measurement of swatperp and they can compare that exactly to the POI? This of course in addition to the other tools (enhancement of the video and still images plus other evidence) they have to use? Just a thought. I'm not sure what technology is out there IRL vs on TV.
I still say the one who gains the most from MBs death is her husband.

I bet her husband would adamantly disagree with this. Loss of wife, loss of mother to his kids, loss of income, loss of partner in life, whole world turned upside down, there's NOTHING in this event that is a plus for him.
Oh I didn't know that. I thought the SW for the phones stated affair(s). I have not been on much more than browsing over the past couple of days. Sorry for the confusion.

I'm not sure what to make of it anymore so I'll just sit on my hands & wait for an arrest.

Me too.
I like the detailed description part
This is exactly my thought and why I am pretty much backing out of this thread for awhile. I feel like we have moved from informed speculation to an outright witch hunt in some cases.
I agree 100%. It is similar to what happened on the DeOrr Kunz thread. And that ones STILL shut down[emoji17]

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As far as the comment about no imminent arrest... They are going to do it when they do it and not give anyone a heads up first.

May 13, 2016 12:17 pm
"Midlothian police now have detailed description of church killer but won’t release it."

"Midlothian police have sought the expertise of other law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and NYPD. On Friday, they said the Tarrant County district attorney’s office just completed a detailed analysis of the video to create a “more specific physical description” of the killer.

“We do not plan to release those findings at this time,” police said, declining to elaborate."

Oh how I would hate to be SwatPerp right now. The tide is turning. An arrest (or 2 or so perhaps) will quell growing discomfort and protect / vindicate others, maybe?
Not only is Tamarack Jolee very credible apparently but it's in my opinion and I'm sure many others that Tricia wouldn't allow "small town gossip" as part of her show.
And yet, she did. There was no pretense that this show was anything other than a sharing of whispers and small town gossip, based entirely on "what have you been hearing" and no assertion of any of it being from anyone actually knowing anything. The answers were stated as such, and stated that way multiple times.

It was a fun gossipy show to listen to, and worth the time, but nothing whatsoever in the way of new or previously-unnoticed facts being offered.
What would be BB's motive for those of you that suspect his involvement. From everything I have seen he was a loving husband.
BB is not on my radar, although I think he's an odd duck. But generally speaking, why would any husband kill his wife?

1. Insurance money
2. To keep her from leaving him and taking the kids
3. He wants out of the marriage, but not by divorce because of stigma/cost
4. She found out something he did, and he doesn't want anyone else to find out.

I can't really think of anything else, when you're talking about a pre-planned spousal murder.
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