TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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They are sitting back watching what the suspect does now... Do they try to get rid of evidence... Do they start talking to others.... Do they appear to be withdrawing money or trying to leave town. They are putting heat and pressure hoping it gives them more ammunition for an immediate arrest.
With all due respect, this is way too nitpicky. And simply wrong. If a MSM reporter (who has to answer to an editor, a legal team, and whose reputation is on the line) tells us "The MPD said such and such" then it's silly to demand a video of the MPD saying it, the name of the MPD spokesman, and/or a transcript of the conversation, before accepting it as having been said.

We can question motives of MPD offering up such info to mainstream media, and perhaps speculate misdirection motives. Maybe. And we can wonder if the info is accurately being relayed (ie, did MSM actually say this?) if it's on TV rather than in print. But the idea that MSM is simply making it up as they go along? That's the exact opposite of what their job is, and just silliness.

Yet the media with the legal document right in front of them says in countless articles that a search warrant contains COD from puncture wounds when the actual document says no such thing about what the COD was nor does it state to be a definitive document on all the injuries suffered by MB. Even if I believe someone in the media has a high level inside source, I don't believe the media is relying it right in playing 'telephone,' which is why I look for legal filings and direct quotes from named sources.
Ok, here is one possible scenario for it to work out. This is just a thought in my brain based off warrants and information reported in the news.

1. CT finds AT is cheating.
2. Convinces him to join her plan or she will expose and leave him.
3. Gets two burner phones (To leave CT phone home and AT phone to be taken to CG).
4. Sends kids to parents.
5. Perp1 goes to church to setup “robbery”.
6. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and leaves AT real phone there.
7. Perp2 follows MB to church to warn Perp1 of the arrival time.
8. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and sends Facebook and Instagram messages from AT real phone for AT alibi.
9. Perp1 kills MB taking pictures and/or videos of it.
10. Perp1 sends Perp2 the pictures and/or videos as proof the deed is done.
11. Perp1 if AT goes to AT's CG, if CT goes home.
12. Perp2 if CT goes home, if AT stays to setup.

The only reason I think that AT may be involved is that LE believes pictures and/or videos were taken. Why would they need this unless to “prove” they did it? I think it must be burner phones otherwise they would have arrested someone by now.
Just opinions based off some facts released.

She would rather murder than leave her husband? He would rather be an accomplice to murder than be left and exposed? I can't see that happening in this case, although I am sure it has happened before.
I'm also wondering the same. Maybe the perp is so nonchalant because the perp did not intend to be there to kill, only to frighten and send a message. That could explain not going with a gun (if there wasn't one). Maybe the tools were just to break in and then something escalated and got out of hand when it wasn't intended to. All JMO

I think there is a lot of value in this theory - but how does the use of a burner phone fit into this equation?
If Tarrant Co. forensic experts are just now investigating this case, it indicates to me that LE is either tying up evidence into a very neat, tight package or else that they don't know much more than they did at the beginning. I would have thought that the FBI would have been on forensics from the get-go.

Quoting myself now. I now see that my last post is now invalid since it now being reported that LE has a detailed description of killer. Sorry folks!

As I understand it, Missy returned from the Austin trip late Sunday afternoon/evening and Brandon left for Biloxi on Sunday afternoon. He would have been at home (with the daughters) during the majority of the weekend. Missy would have gotten home sometime fairly shortly after he had left.

So where did MB go in Austin? Did she only go for the Saturday night?

How long was BB planning to be away? So no fishing was done then? With whom did he fly there?
Has the burner phone been verfied to exist?
Are there more sources for that info than NG?
Ok so I just listened to Tricia's interview with Tamara Jolee which I have to say was interesting.

One of the things I found interesting (and have heard myself but no explanation givin as to why) is that it seems early on they (MPD) had zeroed in on one person in particular.

We have heard that MB quit going to the gym a couple weeks before her murder which raises questions in my mind. They are (in no particular order) ...

1. Did MB have a run in with someone at that gym (member or not)?

2. Could she have received more than one creepy message but only chose to show her friend the most recent one? And if so, could she have brushed those off in the beginning? Something or someone scared this woman to change a 3 year daily habit.

3. Did MB's SIL and or MIL know about this *possible* run in or these creepy message(s)? If so and they told the MPD would the MPD ask them not to speak about it in the begining of the case?

4. Why does it *seem* like MB's MIL is sending a message to a specific person?

5. Why was BB and MIL worried about MB's safety? Do they know more than they are telling? I think they do.

4. If you were *possibly* being accused of an affair that did not happen would you talk to someone about it? If I was being accused of that I know I would share that with my family members and or close friend.

5. If you felt threatened, would you stay away from a specific place?

The one thing that Tamara Jolee said that I do hope is true is that she thinks an arrest will be made within 7 days. That 7 day window ends next Thursday. *IF* she is correct it can't come soon enough but I understand that MPD has to build a solid case.

I have my own opinion on this case and will admit I have gone back and forth between a couple people. I have tried my best to keep my comments to "he/she" when speaking here. I don't post anywhere else because I like this place and the rules that Tricia has established.

And my last thought is: Even bad people have family members who are innocent victims and we should always remember that.

Really good thinking. I feel:
BB might have at first been reserved and closed on some personal details. He seems like that type, plus some of it is embarrassing, and being made public. When my aunt was murdered (same sized town - I was one of the only close (sane) relatives she had in the area). The police handled it very professionally (think of your doctor or accountant). Factually but empathically. Trying to heads up the victims relatives. Being pretty straight but withholding a few things. And as time progressed (this is three weeks now) you start to trust them and they start to trust you. There is some relationship built. By now BB's figured out that it's better to be transparent than have them find out later.

Yes, I think she had a run in with a member of the club to change behavior and countenance that much.

One creepy message was mentioned. There could have been more but you would think that would have been said (series of creepy messages, rather than "a"). Who else did she show (usually people don't show only one person something significant. Did BB see it? That's a little bit of a barometer of the relationship.

That next point is what I've been thinking of: If I was accused and was innocent, I'd judiciously show or release proof of it. That's what CW did; and what RB and BB are kind of doing. CT has been silent. When AT was made aware of things, his "surprise/ignorant" response actually seemed genuine. And soon after, he went silent as well. Again, that might be on the advice of counsel.

Why were they fearful. Could have been a general fear/uncertainty. CG is MLM and seems a bit fanatical based on all the pictures, a "young and excited" clientele; lacking corporate control (they're independent contractor so they pretty well run it like they want). Very physical and physically focused. That kind of environment seems a bit opposite of BB and MB's personality type. Fear may have been based on general uncertainty.
Thanks Tricia! For this who might be interested in how Tricia started WEBSLEUTHS and how it has evolved since then, I just came across this new article. Nice job, Tricia!! Hopefully, we have had some positive role in helping with Missy Bevers' case, too.


Good read - and the part that might answer a couple of recent questions:

".... a couple times each year, she [Tricia] gets subpoenaed for IP addresses, she said. She always asks why but rarely gets an answer.“The only thing they’ll ever tell me is the person is posting info that nobody else has but the killer and the police,”....
Has the burner phone been verfied to exist?
Is there more sources for that info than NG?

No, it hasn't. Even Nancy Grace was using phrases like "we believe police are tracking down a burner phone". We don't know if a burner phone has been uncovered. Even if one has been found via pings, we don't know if it's connected to the murder. I think LE asked for pings from a 5 mile radius of the church, which covers a fair amount of ground.

As I understand it, Missy returned from the Austin trip late Sunday afternoon/evening and Brandon left for Biloxi on Sunday afternoon. He would have been at home (with the daughters) during the majority of the weekend. Missy would have gotten home sometime fairly shortly after he had left.

So where did MB go in Austin? Did she only go for the Saturday night?

How long was BB planning to be away? So no fishing was done then? With whom did he fly there?
Major Issues! I don't think the DA would allow an arrest if they couldn't at least specify a gender.

I agree but I was also thinking along the lines of having a lot of other kinds of evidence to prove it is subject X. If they can prove through this analysis that Swapperp is subject X but only have some other evidence, they probably have a better chance with a jury than if they have a ton of other evidence but only enough analysis to show that subject X is consistent with the Swatperp.

A defense team would try to disprove the analysis but the jury would be more likely to believe it if it says 'this is Subject X' than if it says 'it is consistent with Subject X' and we have a whole bunch of other stuff too. Personally I'd rather see 'consistent with' and a lot of other evidence but in general that isn't how juries work. They want an eyewitness, not evidence that requires thought and consideration.

I have tried to rewrite this a few times because I'm not sure if I'm expressing myself correctly but it isn't getting better so I'll just post. If it doesn't make sense..please forgive me and move on :-).
I see rage in the means of killing, but the rage definitely could have resulted from interaction at that time, that frustrated and maddened the killer.

Reminds me of the Jodi Arias case. From time to time, like others, I would think maybe she went to Travis' house to plead her case one last time for him to take her to Cancun on the awards trip or whatever it was; they had sex; he indicated to her once again that he would not be exclusive with her, and she stabbed him. But then I remember the gas cans and the gun and the staged robbery at her grandparents' house where she got the gun. That's just so much premeditation. In this case, the SWAT outfit seems like premeditation as well.
As I've said many times in many forums on here, if the reward is going up, that means the police aren't as close to finding the suspect as we think.

And sometimes a bump up in reward is just the incentive needed for a person with definitive evidence to come forward. Some people weigh the value of turning in a friend/relative or friend or relative of a friend or relative.

Person A has a brother/sister whose friend/in-law killed MB. $10k wasn't enough Person A to come forward and get his/her brother/sister in trouble for not coming forward with the direct knowledge or evidence, but for $20k they talk.
Regarding CT's number appearing on the search warrant, could it be as simple as this: While in Austin, AT's phone battery is low or died and he is unable to charge it right then and there, but he wants to check in with CT. MB says, "Oh, just use my phone." He does. CT doesn't recognize the number, and off the call goes to voice mail. CT later listens to the voice mail and realizes, "Oh. That was AT." She calls AT at MB's number, and just like that, her number is one of the nine to have last contacted MB.

Just a brainstorm. My husband reached out to me earlier today this way, and I had a lightbulb moment.

It's certainly possible....and a sickening thought given the recent witch hunt.
What would be BB's motive for those of you that suspect his involvement. From everything I have seen he was a loving husband.

Based on comments BB and his family members have said, it was clear that MB's lifestyle had changed dramatically during the previous few years. BB himself admitted more than once he did not ever embrace/participate in her fitness passion. Additionally, a few remarks made by a relative of BB made it sound like there may have been some general resentment about the amount of time MB dedicated to fitness: "she didn't have time for anything else" - a quote from one letter. Then in another article she says she won't even speak the name (Camp Gladiator) "I guess because it took so much of her life, and then it took her life."

Obviously an absent wife/mother is not a motive for murder. But to me, it paints a picture of general resentment and dissatisfaction in the relationship. A change in roles. A hint at unfulfilled expectations. Perhaps a power shift in the marriage. The dutiful wife and mother finds new strength and success outside the home. Perhaps her flirtations or attentions have been discovered. The entire situation simmers and festers. Sympathetic ears turn into angry allies and stir the coals. The resentment builds. The rage. Some final straw pushes the situation over the edge, and plans start to materialize.

BB seems to be a soft-spoken man with nothing but love and admiration for his wife. But to my eyes, there is an undercurrent of disconnect in his words (and the words of his family members), that hints at something out of place in the family dynamics.

Again, not necessarily a motive, but some things to consider. There could be much more going on with BB, but I'll only speculate on published quotes that are verified.
Why would a burner phone possibly be involved if CT is the perp ?

Did MB have any life insurance ?

1 There is not necessarily a burner phone involved (or any phone, for that matter). No reports that one was found. LE investigated usage off nearby cell towers in that vicinity around the time of the murder, found one or more unidentified phones, and was chasing them down to see if the info led anywhere. From that, the "burner phone" idea mushroomed into way more than it ever was.
2 AFAIK no, haven't seen it said. It was speculated by some here, because the issue of health insurance arose, but life coverage is much different as it is not required by law, and is much rarer (especially with people who are having financial struggles and lack disposable income)
To those of you that downplay her affair as flirtation and harmless. It wasn't to BB. He was devastated.
To those of you that downplay her affair as flirtation and harmless. It wasn't to BB. He was devastated.

I don't downplay it all. Any spouse would be heartbroken.

But...has he given a statement regarding the affair/s?
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