TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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Didn't he have a 5:00 a.m. class as well in neighboring town? If so, then not unusual to post at that hour, particularly if related to class.

No, not unusual, although a convenient alibi if you thought it could prove you were at your home. (I don't think AT did this, FYI, but if he knew of it and was trying to provide an alibi for someone, i.e. "she was home with me and I can prove I was home, look at my FB" it could be relevant)
I agree. People say the perp looks at the camera, but maybe just looking in the direction and it appears he or she was looking right at the camera...

DexterMorgan suggested the killer may have simply been looking up at a clock - I believe it could have been that, or anything else that caught the killer's attention at that moment.

It could have been coincidence - I don't necessarily believe that the killer was taunting LE by deliberately looking at a camera.

In another case here, David Messerschmitt in DC hotel, the killer looks directly at the camera while going up the stairs. Coincidentally, as in this case, there was rabid disussion on whether the killer was male or female. Turned out female. I had been sure it was female based on mannerisms and gait, but I was so wrong in that they looked squatty and in reality, she was quite tall and lanky.

DM's thought about a camera made me think of what a great location to place a camera - in a location where there's a strong likelihood of someone looking directly at it and they can get a full facial picture. Brilliant idea.
Clarification of previous question. She's getting her picture take with two guys she's working with at the Austin conference. Normally if you have two guys you're getting your picture take with, you have one on each side, everyone looking forward. If it's a cozier picture, you might put an arm around each guy's shoulders. She completely turns her back on the one guy and turns her body right into AJ.

Thanks for clarifying. I didn't know about and haven't seen the pic. Is it still available to see? Tia

This is the alcove in the main hallway to the right of the main foyer as you enter the building. The entrance to Cub's Corner would be to the right of this photo. I think this alcove is what someone mistook for a hallway.
Sure seems like a dumb thing for someone to do who has supposedly planned the crime very carefully. I would want LE to think I was still fast asleep at home, not have to explain why I'm up at that hour.

And 4:26 is problematic, especially in a lone killer scenario. If the killer is posting a FB status at that time, he or she is most certainly inside the church at that moment and is either in the process of killing or doing the clean-up afterward. They have to expect that a cell tower would pick up their use of data.

Unless they're working with somebody, and they are in fact posting from home just to show that they themselves could not have been at the church at that time. But... I just don't see this being more than one perp. Maybe that's just me not wanting to believe that not just one person is evil enough to do this and then resume their normal lives, but two or more were.


I have another thought regarding being up that early to post on FB. This crowd in general is an early-morning crowd. Trainers and class-members were up and out of bed early to work-out. Within this particular group of people, 4:26am posting is within their normal waking hours....so to me, it's either significant in that is was purposely posted at the time of the murder to "prove" the poster busy with things other than murder... or it is insignificant because it falls within the realms of completely normal behavior.

So, it's either significant or insignificant....which sums up just about every thought and hunch I've had about the case.

JMOPINION, subject to change.
Sure seems like a dumb thing for someone to do who has supposedly planned the crime very carefully. I would want LE to think I was still fast asleep at home, not have to explain why I'm up at that hour.

And 4:26 is problematic, especially in a lone killer scenario. If the killer is posting a FB status at that time, he or she is most certainly inside the church at that moment and is either in the process of killing or doing the clean-up afterward. They have to expect that a cell tower would pick up their use of data.

Unless they're working with somebody, and they are in fact posting from home just to show that they themselves could not have been at the church at that time. But... I just don't see this being more than one perp. Maybe that's just me not wanting to believe that not just one person is evil enough to do this and then resume their normal lives, but two or more were.

Good points. This is why this case intrigues me so much. There are several people with relationships to MB that could have had means/motive/opportunity - but then again, it could be a weird coincidence (things like FB posts/timing, etc.). That's why I'm open to all possibilities but again, want to keep all options on the table until LE releases more info/statements about the case and/or persons of interest.
Clarification of previous question. She's getting her picture take with two guys she's working with at the Austin conference. Normally if you have two guys you're getting your picture take with, you have one on each side, everyone looking forward. If it's a cozier picture, you might put an arm around each guy's shoulders. She completely turns her back on the one guy and turns her body right into AJ.

I noticed this as well. And if he was my DH and I thought something untoward was happening, that photo would have made me really angry.

Satellite view of the church building. Vent pipes are visible in various locations. IMO, these would be associated with kitchen equipment, bathrooms, and possibly a mechanical room.

I have another thought regarding being up that early to post on FB. This crowd in general is an early-morning crowd. Trainers and class-members were up and out of bed early to work-out. Within this particular group of people, 4:26am posting is within their normal waking hours....so to me, it's either significant in that is was purposely posted at the time of the murder to "prove" the poster busy with things other than murder... or it is insignificant because it falls within the realms of completely normal behavior.

So, it's either significant or insignificant....which sums up just about every thought and hunch I've had about the case.

JMOPINION, subject to change.
So true! Imagine this must be the daily frustration for LE :thinking:
Because it's as reasonable as "one of Missy's alleged men" currently being dragged thru the mud. Or...is that OK with you? Unsubstantiated, pure hearsay, basis naughty texts pertinent to Missy only? Have I mentioned a name that BB may have dabbled with? No. does this happen every day to a few good men? yes. Not only women. May we mention the topic/consideration? OF COURSE!

Or is this a victim-bash-blame only case? That is, IMO, closed thinking.

I know this is graphic to think about, but is a decent possibility IMO. Could the SWATPERP have used a gun, possibly with the "silencer" in his hand, to kill MB? The bullets could have been dug out (cringe) of the chest in head to remove evidence. Explaining the term "cleanup" as well as why the dog was brought in. It would also explain why the perp didn't have to fear a struggle and being overpowered.

Just an idea. Do you see this lining up in any other details?
I believe that it the logic at Wal Mart. They have dome cams mounted vertically by the interior doors (where you get carts, some stores have the arcade games here). I've noticed them mounted there presumedly to capture everyone coming thru the doors probably at a general height to catch all. If they need to go back and look/zoom in to get a better look for id purposes, they can.
I know this is graphic to think about, but is a decent possibility IMO. Could the SWATPERP have used a gun, possibly with the "silencer" in his hand, to kill MB? The bullets could have been dug out (cringe) of the chest in head to remove evidence. Explaining the term "cleanup" as well as why the dog was brought in. It would also explain why the perp didn't have to fear a struggle and being overpowered.

Just an idea. Do you see this lining up in any other details?

This timeline implies that the killer had less than 15 minutes alone with TB, I'm not sure that would be enough time to do any digging or much cleanup. If the first on the scene would have been there a few minutes earlier we might be be looking at 2 victims? Time was extremely limited.


"Johnson said the suspect was first seen on surveillance after breaking into the church at 3:50 a.m. Bevers, a mother of three, entered the building at 4:20 a.m., to prepare for the 5 a.m. fitness class she planned to lead, Johnson said. Bevers died from a head wound, according to a search warrant for her pickup truck released Thursday.

A participant in Camp Gladiator, Bevers' program, arrived to the church at 4:35. It's not clear how soon after that arrival Bevers was found, but two 911 calls were received by police at 5 a.m., Johnson said."
AT. Impossible to say from where, but it was worded to appear from home.

Thanks. Since he was hosting his own early am class, being awake and posting at that hour is not setting off any alarms for me. And as I have seen a video of him jogging, it is my opinion that he is not the splay-footed SWATPERP.

Add that the video capture appears to reveal part of SWATPERP's Caucasian face, I definitively rule out AJT.
I know this is graphic to think about, but is a decent possibility IMO. Could the SWATPERP have used a gun, possibly with the "silencer" in his hand, to kill MB? The bullets could have been dug out (cringe) of the chest in head to remove evidence. Explaining the term "cleanup" as well as why the dog was brought in. It would also explain why the perp didn't have to fear a struggle and being overpowered.

Just an idea. Do you see this lining up in any other details?

I thought I had read about this exact scenario. I posted a question here asking if it was rumor or substantiated. Didn't get a response unless I missed it.

But you'd have to think there was something to lead LE to sniff for gunpowder residue, like a perp firing a gun and then removing the bullet. This could even be the "clean-up" that LE referenced.
So well said! I cannot argue your sensible, logical rationale. Thanks!!!

However, please do take on board....we may not simply exclude "female relationships" with BB,especially as SW stated "marriage relationships"...plural; 2 in a marriage. SW did not state "Missy had a relationship" only. We'd be branded tunnel vision if we excluded that simply because it stained a narrative we may prefer to adopt. Agree?

The way it is phrased in the Search Warrant is "relationship(s)". That (s) means that it can be one or more. It's like if you would say about a couple of boys, "the boy(s) threw rocks at the window." It could mean one boy did it or more than one.

I haven't gotten through all the posts and missed some on previous threads, but haven't seen this mentioned.... Could the swat perp be wearing shoe inserts to increase their height? That would make walking a little more challenging and possibly affect their gate, especially if they're not used to them. This particular one is from 1" to 2 1/2 " in height, and would change the height from what LE has stated to be between 5'8 - 5'9 . Not many men are that short, so would increase the odds of it being a female. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Undercover-Fo..._UL160_SR160,160_&refRID=0Z6M830V3BB4VNZTZR6X
Did LE or MSM ever say if MB was fully clothed when she was found ? TIA to anyone who might know.
15 min is a longggg time. If there was a shooting, that would be a matter of seconds. Sit in a dark room with no distractions for 15 min. A lot could be done. IMO
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