TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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Respectfully BBM, True that my layout is not to scale (no one that I have seen anywhere has provided so much as anything anywhere other than what I have sketched out and another member Pibble Pal help to clean up my hen scratch drafts... But how is my layout not Sanctuary/Auditorium in middle with hallways around it? The rooms I labeled are verified by pouring over those same ton of photos that you should be referencing.

I worked hard on that when time and time again some fussed how it was not important. It was and is. Honestly my idea of rooms was verified, thanks to another member finding an article. There were many that helped in brainstorming and I appreciate that. Unless someone comes forth with a layout/blueprint of the church, I am satisfied I did what I set out to do. Have a general idea of what was what. And honestly other than curosity what the other rooms are is not important. MB was Murdered in the SW corner of the church, when the Search Warrants were filed/released May 3. Which again verified my layout after the fact. So as far as what is where, I am satisfied personally. Other than a few things and only can that be proven by someone actually going in and taking photos from section of church that I have thoughts about. I am done with the Layout. Good Luck.

Whoa up there please. I was in no way denigrating anything you have produced, in fact I've given you credit at least twice for what I know was accomplished with a lot of time and effort on your part. I, too, find the layout to be important, if only to my own grasp and understanding of what happened in that building.

Mentioning rooms off the east hallway was my attempt to add to the whole building conversation, and I apologize for offending you with my contribution.

The photos I mentioned are mostly from news accounts and the church website and Facebook pages.

The aerial view of the building, along with the ground-level photo of the back (east) side, show where a perp's vehicle could have been parked back there and not been seen by Missy when she arrived. That made me wonder if any of those rooms on the east hallway were any of the ones shown on any of the videos.

Again, I did not intend any disrespect to you, or your contribution to this case. I always read your posts because it appears you try to stick with the facts of a case in your discussions, and I really appreciate that.
Adding: There is no link to my opinion other than my posts. Is my/our opinion obsolete without a link? Therefore everyone who mentioned a gun, getaway car, hospital injury, etc may have been used or Missy had an affair should also be condemned for no factual link? Ditto AT CT WH RB and all others on SW?

And that is...I would not be surprised if BB dabbled outside his marriage. That does not make him a murderer at all; however it make give a mistress reason to be upset.

Are you saying, therefore, that until trial and a conviction, speculation/consideration/thought and possibility are all completely out of the window?

Just asking as the rules are tight enough as it is :)

Just to keep things clear, if something any of us post is a fact we are supposed to add links, right? And when it is our own opinion we are supposed to state such? Or we can add these abbreviations( there may be others): JMO = just my opinion or IMO= in my opinion

Do I have that right?
Is the gym guy the only one who has said she hadn't been at the gym over the past few weeks before her death? I wonder if he is the only one who knew this. What was she doing if she wasn't there?

Good point about gym manager's comments. I also wonder if anyone else around her noticed or remarked that she wasn't herself or was more reserved in the weeks before her murder. Is he the only one?
Adding: There is no link to my opinion other than my posts. Is my/our opinion obsolete without a link? Therefore everyone who mentioned a gun, getaway car, hospital injury, etc may have been used or Missy had an affair should also be condemned for no factual link? Ditto AT CT WH RB and all others on SW?

And that is...I would not be surprised if BB dabbled outside his marriage. That does not make him a murderer at all; however it make give a mistress reason to be upset.

Are you saying, therefore, that until trial and a conviction, speculation/consideration/thought and possibility are all completely out of the window?

Just asking as the rules are tight enough as it is :)


Why would we want to drag another woman (as in possible mistress) through the mud? Perhaps she has children too.
That is true, but not impossible. It's just something I have wondered about.
BB was also coincidentally out of town and time-stamping (maybe overly so) on FB.

Respectfully snipped [emoji4]

Speaking of time-stamping on FB. Is it odd that someone on the SW posted a status update at 4.26am on April 18th? (Unless of course my times are mixed up because where I live is 15hrs ahead of Texas and the time underneath the status shows up different for me)

It is not BB, RB or CT.

Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
Just to keep things clear, if something any of us post is a fact we are supposed to add links, right? And when it is our own opinion we are supposed to state such? Or we can add these abbreviations( there may be others): JMO = just my opinion or IMO= in my opinion

Do I have that right?

Yes, That's right
It helps keep fact and speculation separate :)
Just to keep things clear, if something any of us post is a fact we are supposed to add links, right? And when it is our own opinion we are supposed to state such? Or we can add these abbreviations( there may be others): JMO = just my opinion or IMO= in my opinion

Do I have that right?

I think the "right"is a norm. I think we all have different views; I made particular note of adding JMO,or example olnly in bold,too, and was still questioned. fact remains, I think we should (or may) do well to collectively agree as adults all (relevant) posts, that include "what if, who is to say, perhaps, maybe, etc" are subject to opinion and not fact, considering
not one of us have any more fact that as supplied in the SW. Right now - I may not take anything as fact unless and until that person/poster states X *and* provides a link as to why.

Let's say this case takes 10 yearsto solve (Heaven Forbid). Nightmare. There are people who believe CT is responsible. I don't. I Do respect their right to believe that. I do not respect anyone's right to exploit children related to this crime, directly or by default (which WS has avoided, thank God). And if we were all 100% correct we'd be working for LE with our mouths shut - or would have verified XYZ included in our avatars. I may claim to be so experienced as a prosecutor, def atty, LE, paralegal, EMT, forensic student etc. Am I? Not on your Nelly!

I certainly do not condemn those with differing opinions to me. This is why I will not state the people (yes multiple people) I believe are behind this crime. God. I'd not be able to live with myself for such carelessness if I am wrong. Must I go to the gallows for that thought? Nope.

Asper SWs "MARRIAGE had intimate relationships & financial issues" TWO people in ONE marriage :)

We *know* Missy sent flirtatious texts. Is it right to only jump on the woman? The same woman who was murdered???

What evidence have we had that BB has NOT dabbled outside the marriage? His word? Your word? Or? Opinion? Not good enough in a court of law. Even if such "dabbling" (if this happened by BB) was also as innocent as the said/hereto known flirtatious texts Missy allegedly sent?

Have we received/seen any fact Missy had an affair? Or are we basing this on her "flirty texts" thing? Is there evidence BB did not have an affair? Unknown. Fact remains an affair doth not a murderer make.


IMHO LE used the term intimate relationship as an antiseptic term instead of being more graphic. JMO. We can assume one or both had one or more of these relationships. MB had a relationship of some sort with CW. I might have interpreted the search warrant wrong but I see LE asking for CT & AT phones to pursue a possible motive based on the Bevers financial problems or an intimate relationship by one of the Bevers. I doubt MB would talk to CT or AT about her families money problems or her husbands possible infidelity. They leaves me to believe it was her "infidelity" that prodded LE to search their phones. I also doubt she would message them about an "infidelity" she had with someone else. This reasoning leads me to believe their was an "infidelity" with CT or AT. This does not mean AT or CT were involved with her murder. No evidence of that whatsoever. JMO
Having said this, it is still possibility and I am awaiting conformation in hopes to answer the hallway where Suspect comes out of room and stumbles or touches wall -- may be the hallway noted behind the bulletin board area. If so that is in the SW corner of building also.. be far SW corner...

I appreciate all your hard work, arkansasmimi. I was only trying to help out because I agree with you that the layout of the church and the killer's movements through it are an important part of the case. It's actually one of the very few pieces of evidence we have to work with right now. I hope we can continue to discuss and modify your diagram as necessary.

Regarding the hallway you mentioned, I don't think that is a hallway. I believe it's the inset with the square column at the corner adjacent to the Cub's Corner entrance. I'm wondering if there are drinking fountains in that area. Btw, looking at satellite view and street view can be helpful in locating the bathrooms. There should be vent pipes for the plumbing coming out of the roof. And there would probably be an absence of windows in that area as well.

The part of the video where killer is touching the wall as he walks is more likely the back hallway, judging by room numbers. There's a 22 beside the door in the forefront.

I'll try to post pics soon to illustrate what I'm talking about.
IMHO LE used the term intimate relationship as an antiseptic term instead of being more graphic. JMO. We can assume one or both had one or more of these relationships. MB had a relationship of some sort with CW. I might have interpreted the search warrant wrong but I see LE asking for CT & AT phones to pursue a possible motive based on the Bevers financial problems or an intimate relationship by one of the Bevers. I doubt MB would talk to CT or AT about her families money problems or her husbands possible infidelity. They leaves me to believe it was her "infidelity" that prodded LE to search their phones. I also doubt she would message them about an "infidelity" she had with someone else. This reasoning leads me to believe their was an "infidelity" with CT or AT. This does not mean AT or CT were involved with her murder. No evidence of that whatsoever. JMO

So well said! I cannot argue your sensible, logical rationale. Thanks!!!

However, please do take on board....we may not simply exclude "female relationships" with BB,especially as SW stated "marriage relationships"...plural; 2 in a marriage. SW did not state "Missy had a relationship" only. We'd be branded tunnel vision if we excluded that simply because it stained a narrative we may prefer to adopt. Agree?
Yes, someone on the SW did have an FB post at that time and within a short distance of MB's location. More "evidence" that others close to MB could have had opportunity... I just don't want to discard any possible scenarios or make assumptions that anyone on SW is definitely in the clear just because some people have "alibis" until/unless LE makes a statement that could counter these theories.
Leaving Missy and CW and the flirtatious texts aside, what's to say those on the SWs were not mixed up somehow with each other, romantically or otherwise? If we could mix and match amongst those named, what might show up?


Oh my goodness, have you not opened a fresh can of worms! YES! perhaps, who knows, maybe ? What *if* A was seeing C and D was pushing Missy (B) for facts and to try and fix it all, B took pics and A and C retaliated.

well! I actually never thought that as a possibility. Again, boils down to duplicity and intrigue, eh? IF. IF. if this may be the case.

must say. One of the first different ideas in many a thread - to me - that is. Hmmmmm. :)
Respectfully snipped [emoji4]

Speaking of time-stamping on FB. Is it odd that someone on the SW posted a status update at 4.26am on April 18th? (Unless of course my times are mixed up because where I live is 15hrs ahead of Texas and the time underneath the status shows up different for me)

It is not BB, RB or CT.

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Yes, someone on the SW did have an FB post at that time and within a short distance of MB's location. More "evidence" that others close to MB could have had opportunity... I just don't want to discard any possible scenarios or make assumptions that anyone on SW is definitely in the clear just because some people have "alibis" until/unless LE makes a statement that could counter these theories.
With K9 dogs, seems a gun may have been used. This may have sped up psychopath SwatPerp's 'time' or window of opportunity. LE have said little. My guess is, they'd not have sent in those dogs if there was not a valid reason to do so. Fact? We simply do not know. If true, seems anyone waiting outside, and/or arriving early enough, may have heard. Was the "SaranWrap" a silencer after all? Or was it an object designed to keep a (push-bar) door open to aid an escape? We just don't know.

Not specifically for a gun, here are some likely reasons to bring the fabulous dog nose:

Some track human scents, missing persons - could have been used in this instance to learn if the killer was still on the grounds or what paths were taken. Did they have a car or did they run to the trees to a stashed car

Some for bombs - could have been used to detect bomb materials if a church/hate crime suspected

Some for accelerants
Some for drugs
On the one hand, having an accomplice seems like such a huge liability for the perp. Most likely any accomplice is going to squeal like a pig when LE comes around especially if they did not think a murder was going to happen. On the other hand, how in the world could the perp have planned the timing so well. The fact that it rained which put the perp alone inside with Missy as opposed to being out in the open in the parking lot - this is Texas. The chance of counting on rain is slim to none.

Bows my head in shame.Never been to Texas. Would *love* to see the Heart of the USA, for want of a personal take and an expression :) Enjoyed 7 trips to USA, Florida, Minnesota, NY and it always rained - and East Coast. I think this crime is so well planned it had to include a team; just like SWAT. Everyone knows where they must be, what they must do, who should react and build in contingency plans. This was not a spur of the moment week-end dream-up-a-crime. I truly believe months went into it and Missy's murder team worked well and worked close together. And they believed they committed the *real* first perfect crime.


They ... did... not.
Yes, someone on the SW did have an FB post at that time and within a short distance of MB's location. More "evidence" that others close to MB could have had opportunity... I just don't want to discard any possible scenarios or make assumptions that anyone on SW is definitely in the clear just because some people have "alibis" until/unless LE makes a statement that could counter these theories.
I agree with you. I don't think anyone is cleared. I think it is odd that at the same moment MB is being beaten to death, someone on that list is posting a status on FB. I don't class that as an alibi. In fact, it makes me wonder more if that person knew what was going down at the Church and was attempting to alibi themself.

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