TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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Okay, I can't find this new "fox news" article on google search, on Fox's main or local FB pages, or on fox's website

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Finally found it...you really have to dig for it.

Still curious as to why it isn't showing in Google search or on their FB pages
I thought the same in an earlier thread with this scenario:

1. CT finds AT is cheating.
2. Convinces him to join her plan or she will expose and leave him.
3. Gets two burner phones (To leave CT phone home and AT phone to be taken to CG).
4. Sends kids to parents.
5. Perp1 goes to church to setup “robbery”.
6. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and leaves AT real phone there.
7. Perp2 follows MB to church to warn Perp1 of the arrival time.
8. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and sends Facebook and Instagram messages from AT real phone for AT alibi.
9. Perp1 kills MB taking pictures and/or videos of it.
10. Perp1 sends Perp2 the pictures and/or videos as proof the deed is done.
11. Perp1 if AT goes to AT's CG, if CT goes home.
12. Perp2 if CT goes home, if AT stays to setup.

The only reason I think that AT may be involved is that LE believes pictures and/or videos were taken. Why would they need this unless to “prove” they did it? I think it must be burner phones otherwise they would have arrested someone by now.
Just opinions based off some facts released.
Why would they need to send photos or videos to prove they "did the deed?" If somebody is murdered it's going to make the news, no need to create an unnecessary evidence trail. IMO there was no photos or video taken by the perp, it was just worded that way so they can cast a wider net with the SW.
Okay, I can't find this new "fox news" article on google search, on Fox's main or local FB pages, or on fox's website

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I don't understand why you couldn't find it....the link was repeated here several times??????? JMO Because of IPhone?
I thought the same in an earlier thread with this scenario:

1. CT finds AT is cheating.
2. Convinces him to join her plan or she will expose and leave him.
3. Gets two burner phones (To leave CT phone home and AT phone to be taken to CG).
4. Sends kids to parents.
5. Perp1 goes to church to setup “robbery”.
6. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and leaves AT real phone there.
7. Perp2 follows MB to church to warn Perp1 of the arrival time.
8. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and sends Facebook and Instagram messages from AT real phone for AT alibi.
9. Perp1 kills MB taking pictures and/or videos of it.
10. Perp1 sends Perp2 the pictures and/or videos as proof the deed is done.
11. Perp1 if AT goes to AT's CG, if CT goes home.
12. Perp2 if CT goes home, if AT stays to setup.

The only reason I think that AT may be involved is that LE believes pictures and/or videos were taken. Why would they need this unless to “prove” they did it? I think it must be burner phones otherwise they would have arrested someone by now.
Just opinions based off some facts released.
I don't think any pictures or video were taken of the murder. I feel that AT dropped Swatperp(SP) off (after breaking into the kitchen door) at the kitchen door so SP could stay dry. Hence ,no wet bootprints.

He then went around back, knowing the cameras weren't working outside and busted up the back doors. SP was instructed to walk the perimeter inside and bust a door here and there but not by the front entrance as AT knew that was where Missy would come in. SP and AT communicated by burner phones or by some other device undetectable by cell towers.

I speculate that when Missy came in through the front door, ( this was the only door she had a passkey for) she had to head SW down the front main hallway to unlock the door where her car was parked. She was probably wet and distracted when she heard a noise. When she went to investigate, it was nearby in a place where the cameras couldn't reach. The sanctuary? After Missy was attacked, the perp cut through the sancutary (headed north) and out the way she came in and into the waiting car being driven by AT. Why a camera didn't pick her up then is beyond me unless she moved too quick before the camera could activate.

I go along with part of your theory but the burner phone exchanges strike me as being too convoluted. And Jmo, she was the mastermind.

This is all speculation on my part .

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(SBM) It's been my personal experience where vendors often have given me two tickets to someplace or to an event. It's usually 99% pleasure, 1% business. I've only rarely taken Mr. Retrolala, opting for a trip with my bff, or a few times with my sis-in-law, as the trips were "girly" in nature (fashion shows, mainly). I don't find BB going on a vendor-sponsored trip with a buddy as unusual.

And if you had a year to plan things (which the trip was apparently booked around a year ago), it wouldn't be too difficult to plan things out where one or both of you isn't present for some or all of the time where the only one who could vouch for you is each other, short of getting a subpoena of things like hotel cameras and hotel records. You two could both fly in and check into the hotel, your friend drives back to the Texas and commits the crime, then you both vouch for each other in being in the car driving home and you show the plane tickets, hotel room bill and rental car receipt. If it was BB for instance that booked the hotel room for his friend, his friend wouldn't even have to check out as BB could check out for both of them so looking at who checked might not even tell you when the friend actually left the hotel for good as they could for instance have left sometime the day before. The closer the friend, the harder it is to verify the story as anything based on being an eyewitness rather than 3rd party records couldn't be considered reliable as one friend could be lying to protect the other friend, which that certainly goes for who was in the rental car as it only takes one person to rent and drive it. Regardless of who did this, I think they'll be caught due to some type of record tripping up their story.
JMO I have absolutely no reason to think that AT committed this crime, or was an abettor to it. JMO
My dad said something interesting this weekend.

There has been plenty of speculation that the perp may have been in the military at some point (and I agree that it's a legit possibility)--what my dad said though was that when he was in the military, in basic training it was continuously drilled into his head to walk with his feet forward (i.e. a "normal" gait) and that they were specifically discouraged from walking bow-legged due to the potential damage to feet/ankles/knees etc with all the marching they did... He said it sticks with him to this day and he is perpetually conscious of it even now.

He is nearly 70 years old, and it's entirely possible that a.) that is not something that is commonly trained anymore or b.) it was something unique to his particular set of drill instructors, but I thought it was worth noting.

What was really wild was that the conversation was not in reference to this case whatsoever, but WAS in reference to foot/ankle injuries and exercising caution after such an injury so as to not aggravate it.

That is an interesting observation and worth noting. Now that I think about it, the ex-military people I know have very good posture, walk straight, and have coordination....not sure how to describe it, but they don't move like the perp does in the video. Good point.

I mentioned previously that the security guards where I work "make the rounds" in the buildings, and they do move like the perp and check out rooms in that same casual demeanor.

So perhaps not military background for the perp, but LE or security.
Hi you all.. this is my first post to websleuths although this is a site i have been lurking in actively since before Casey Anthony saga. I feel very shy as you all are so incredible at sleuthing and i am by no means local. My country has a long border with Russia actually. so forgive me if my question is pathetic but due to such a big difference on how LE goes on about cases here and the US.. if AJT and CT end up being completely innocent.. would they be entitled some compensation from the state of Texas? Cos their reputations and livelihoods are for sure affected. you are all amazing and TIA if someone can answer!
Hi you all.. this is my first post to websleuths although this is a site i have been lurking in actively since before Casey Anthony saga. I feel very shy as you all are so incredible at sleuthing and i am by no means local. My country has a long border with Russia actually. so forgive me if my question is pathetic but due to such a big difference on how LE goes on about cases here and the US.. if AJT and CT end up being completely innocent.. would they be entitled some compensation from the state of Texas? Cos their reputations and livelihoods are for sure affected. you are all amazing and TIA if someone can answer!

Welcome to posting at websleuths!

I am not sure why they would be compensated as LE has been very careful to say that all of the people involved in the targeted calls are not POIs or suspects.The speculation about everyone has come from SM and other sources
I certainly could be wrong
In the perp’s planning process did they consider that the victim would initially be cautious about entering a building alone at 5:00 am and upon seeing signs of forced entry that the victim might immediately call 911. I know that this is not what happens but it could have easily happen. This indicates poor planning on the perp’s part. I think the door that the perp was prying on was in the victim’s field of vision when she entered the building. Once the victim saw the signs of forced entry, did the perp present compelling reasons for her not to call 911 and for her to stay in the building? Perhaps the police costume was used by the perp so they could direct the victim’s actions and mitigate the victim’s reaction to signs of forced entry. Of course if there was as gun that could serve as the compelling agent to direct the victim and the police costume was just used for disguise. IMO this perp is too sloppy and plans too poorly not to leave additional evidence behind. IMO the LE is working that evidence now. Our poor planning perp will soon find his world collapse around them.
Interesting interview/take on BB's statements. Any thoughts? Although, I'm not sure if this is allowed, so please delete if it's not in line with the rules. Are we allowed to mention BB at all?? I'm confused after earlier closure of thread. Thanks.

I agree with Mr. Moore. BB is as in the dark as the rest of us regarding Missy's death. He doesn't have any inside information from LE. He has to be very careful regarding the words he chooses lest he reveal any "culpable knowledge."

If a burner phone was used to facilitate Missy's mother, I think it will be found. NYPD demonstrated their ability to do this in the case of Peggy Nadell. She was murdered by her daughter-in-law and another woman as an accomplice in a murder-for-hire scheme. The DIL claimed to be in Washington DC at a wedding at the time of the murder of her MIL in New York. NYPD traced a track phone purchase all the way to Florida which is where the DIL actually lived. Very impressive! I think Missy's case is in very good hands.
Few thoughts

1 <modsnip>

2. No ones brought up dumb luck. Yes I think think was well planned by a decently intellegent person(s). But have you ever pulled something off that u probably shouldn't have because everything just falls right. Perfect storm.

3. We're at 30 days. We're going to start losing data (if we haven't already). Hope LE is hording and saving AMAP.

4 debate going on that once FBI steps in they take over. Helping is nt their normal role. Any evidence of that?

5. Multiple people involved. Usually simpler is better. BUT LE I think left us a clue that more than one person is on the table

6. The comment on stuffed shoes makes sense. Throw the foot size and shoe

7 the shoe lift less likely. Ps. Avg us male 5'9 to 5'10 depending on source
they have a few pretty good shots of the perp next to wall markations they're probably close
Hi you all.. this is my first post to websleuths although this is a site i have been lurking in actively since before Casey Anthony saga. I feel very shy as you all are so incredible at sleuthing and i am by no means local. My country has a long border with Russia actually. so forgive me if my question is pathetic but due to such a big difference on how LE goes on about cases here and the US.. if AJT and CT end up being completely innocent.. would they be entitled some compensation from the state of Texas? Cos their reputations and livelihoods are for sure affected. you are all amazing and TIA if someone can answer!

The simple answer is NO. AJT and CT are only mentioned by LE because the search warrants that were made public list them as being in contact with MB in the days prior to her murder. The released information is factual and the truth is an absolute defense to libel or slander.
Hi you all.. this is my first post to websleuths although this is a site i have been lurking in actively since before Casey Anthony saga. I feel very shy as you all are so incredible at sleuthing and i am by no means local. My country has a long border with Russia actually. so forgive me if my question is pathetic but due to such a big difference on how LE goes on about cases here and the US.. if AJT and CT end up being completely innocent.. would they be entitled some compensation from the state of Texas? Cos their reputations and livelihoods are for sure affected. you are all amazing and TIA if someone can answer!

Wow, you get the prize for longest gap between joining and posting - welcome!!
Why would they need to send photos or videos to prove they "did the deed?" If somebody is murdered it's going to make the news, no need to create an unnecessary evidence trail. IMO there was no photos or video taken by the perp, it was just worded that way so they can cast a wider net with the SW.

Perhaps the perp sent photos for bragging rights, and/or his own enjoyment. jmo
I don't really find it odd. Unless I have some of my facts wrong, MB was found pretty far away from the entrance, in a room in the SW corner. We know the first camper arrived at 4:35. We know it rained a lot that morning, so those first campers could have been waiting for a lull.

Then when they did enter the building, which I think I read was no earlier than 4:45, they could have milled around just inside, thinking MB was in the bathroom. And remember, MB was not a church member. Some or maybe even all the campers weren't, either. So probably not a comfort level to just go roaming.

But they knew her vehicle was there, so probably 4:55 they check the bathroom and then start looking further. So the 5 am discovery makes perfect sense to me. JMO

I agree. Most people may not be likely to snoop around (well, we would). Also, I may be remembering incorrectly (no surprise), but she didn't go in the doors under the portico where she parked, she went around to another door? She then went back to the doors nearest her car and opened those to unload? I think. :scratching head:

Were those doors nearest her car open when the other arrived? If not, it's likely they were waiting there for her to come and get them. When there was no sign of her, then they went looking for her.

Were those doors open when LE arrived? Was she killed before she was able to, or were they closed after her death or were they meddled-with to prevent them being opened?

Which door did she have the keys to?

Seriously, with so many pages of theories (which are wonderful, I'm not complaining a bit!) I had a hard time with the Search function here.
The simple answer is NO. AJT and CT are only mentioned by LE because the search warrants that were made public list them as being in contact with MB in the days prior to her murder. The released information is factual and the truth is an absolute defense to libel or slander.

thank you a lot! to both of you that replied. It was just the difference between police activity between here and the USA. Here search warrants etc cannot legally be public before trial, maybe after a confession but not otherwise. I would also like to know if we can talk about BB? and btw by no means i do mean our way is better. I get routinely worried because of the judicial secrecy here. Missy though, has inspired me too. i went from a total couch potato to a semi active woman just thanks to her. I pray the killer, the psychopath who did this is caught soon!
But wouldn't a police officer lift/his her visor when walking indoors to examine a possible burglary? I wonder if he/she ever appeared with the visor up? If not, that would have shocked and scared Missy. As for Missy, I think she was caught off-guard, probably with equipment in her arms.
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