TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #18

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IMO that SWAT "get up" served a couple of purposes. It served to make it hard to ID the person and it served to give the perp an advantage over MB. She may have trusted, at first, that the perp was LE. She seemed athletic enough to run for her life. The perp had to be close enough to keep her from doing that.
To anyone who has examined the swatperp(S) in the video very carefully ... as I see many of you have including measuring height, shoes, glasses etc... Have you noticed if there is any splicing going on in the video? ie... the possibility that each edit or 'glitch' could be a switch of 2 perps?
Have you noticed a difference in the size of their shoes (one set smaller on one person than the other), how the hammer is carried in one excerpt but switches to no hammer, the difference in the stuffing of the boots, etc?
I'm wondering if just one of the reasons they dressed like this was to not only disguise themselves, but also to try to disguise that there were 2 or possibly 3 people in that same costume getup...

As always, JMHO :)

Yes, I notice this too. It's been on my "list" since the beginning too but mainly because it would explain the calmness of the "female" to me (JMO). But then I started seeing different shots of perp outside of WS and things don't match up so it makes even more sense now. Of course I could be wrong :/ I did write down in the very beginning my "gut" feelings so when it finally breaks, I can see how close I was. But 2 perps has been on my list from the start, but it was more one inside and one outside. But seeing pics now...I'm thinking both inside.
Quote Originally Posted by Jsoeur View Post
Did anyone see the "negative" comment on the Midlothian PD post about the SWFA reward that was right above BB's? Same person has a very disturbing post shared on Mon May 9th about 5:45pm Central

I saw the one responding to BB about the reward...creepy. I didn't see the one on May 9. I don't know why but I thought the post by BB about the rewards was kind of weird.

Where can I find the Midlothian PD and BB's posts?
Was camp equipment stored in the church or did MB enter the church only because of the weather required the camp be held outside? In other words, would she go into the church if the camp was held outdoors?

Maybe to use the bathroom. A poster said a short time ago that her trainer has a key to let people in to use the bathroom. Don't know if her trainer is with CG, though. JMO......my guess is no equipment stored in host venues.
Has anyone noticed that MB's last FB post was deleted many days ago? This is the one where she talked about going to bed and having to be up at 3:30. Any idea why this would have been deleted? I noticed the post very early on in investigation and now it is not there.
Yes, I notice this too. It's been on my "list" since the beginning too but mainly because it would explain the calmness of the "female" to me (JMO). But then I started seeing different shots of perp outside of WS and things don't match up so it makes even more sense now. Of course I could be wrong :/ I did write down in the very beginning my "gut" feelings so when it finally breaks, I can see how close I was. But 2 perps has been on my list from the start, but it was more one inside and one outside. But seeing pics now...I'm thinking both inside.
Two people would explain why I thought, at first, that the perp used the right and left hand. One is right handed and the other left handed??
Hi everyone,
Sorry to barge in. Ive been reading this thread as much as possible and trying to keep up.
Question, someone mentioned that our moderator sparky posted a close up or still of the swatperp face?
Can someone please guide me to where that is?

It is in several places in this thread, check post 262
I don't know if it was a key or a card.
I may be remembering all of this wrong so don't beat me.

I recall a poster familiar with the church saying Missy would have had a key to ONE of the front doors.
She also said it might have been to a door other than where her car was parked.
She may have gone in one door, and walked down to open the other door to put her equipment in.
It depended on which door she had a key for.

I would so appreciate the poster who first posted this to come to my rescue , especially if i am mistaken

Maybe it was a burglar and they expected Missy to have a key to the office where the money was kept. She arrived and the killer told her to open the door but she couldn't because her key wouldn't work on that lock. The perp could have thought she was lying and it resulted in her death? I don't know that just popped in my head after the key discussion.
Has anyone noticed that MB's last FB post was deleted many days ago? This is the one where she talked about going to bed and having to be up at 3:30. Any idea why this would have been deleted? I noticed the post very early on in investigation and now it is not there.

IMO, I think the family deleted it because they don't want a remembrance page to have such a chilling reminder that this last post may have given the SWATPERP her exact schedule. I know it would make me queasy seeing it, if I were a loved one.
I didnt mean mean to imply they threw it in the trash. I meant only that I would have shown it to the police and then I would have thrown it in the trash. (Where I live, the best way to set a stain is to take it to the dry cleaners....then it will never come out.). JMO

That's a worthwhile PSA - never send stained clothes to the dry cleaner - they will make the stain permanent. I've also been told that you should never try to remove stains with hot water. The heat will seal it. (This comes under the red cool-aid stain category)

WS can be educating!!! Not just in the "How to get away with Murder" type info!!

p.s. I learned from the Jodi Arias trial that Hydrogen Peroxide is the best way to remove blood, not bleach. Helpful when you do laundry for various female family members. I keep forgetting to try that trick.
Has anyone noticed that MB's last FB post was deleted many days ago? This is the one where she talked about going to bed and having to be up at 3:30. Any idea why this would have been deleted? I noticed the post very early on in investigation and now it is not there.

I assume to conceal identity of her campers if they commented on it.
That full body picture with the eyes sends chills down my spine every time I see it. We're visualizing a sadistic killer. That person doesn't emit that. There's almost a Mona Lisa quality about him/her. It seems to have a femininity, whether man or female. On a mission but holding on to some trepidation.

Curious if the hired video guns have greater resolution qualities than our sleuths. Does "photo-shopping" leave the prosecution vulnerable to accusations of manipulation? I still feel it is one of 10 or 12 key pieces of the circumstantial puzzle.

2 or more perps is an interesting scenario. Some accomplice. That always seems to up the ante a bit (pitting them against each other - esp for compromised sentences.)

We just need to give LE time (as tortuous as it is). There's lots of agencies on it. They don't want egg on their face (on a national stage). This one's going to take some time to put together. The longer they work, the better the presentation. The reason they aren't disclosing/clearing more is that each time they do that, they paint themselves more into a corner. It allows the defense to assemble more reasonable doubts. "Oh, on such and such date you said, "X" That doesn't quite line up with my client's narrative." That's the direction you should have gone, not sleuth my client. We think "they did it." Or why do you think my client had anything to do with it when you cleared them. And if you cleared them with this evidence, my client should have been cleared as well.
However, the warrant is only for ONE white ladies shirt with blood. Nothing is mentioned about another shirt with blood being taken to the dry cleaners and the dry cleaners only reported one shirt.

Later in another interview, RB mentions he took two shirts to the dry cleaners with blood on them. The reporters catch his remark and really jump in questioning him about the statement he just made. It is true he took 4 shirts, but only ONE was reported to have blood! RB's face told he made a mistake or slip-up! I reported this as soon as it happened with the link. I think this is an important clue that has been followed up by LE.


We still haven't heard if the blood on the shirt was animal. Why is it taking so long? Is LE keeping the answer to themselves for a reason?

Just wanted to point out that if I were in RB & VB's shoes, my DIL just murdered, and then a dog fight that leaves one or more shirts covered in blood, my first reaction would be, "Crap, they're going to think this blood had something to do with MB." I'd certainly be proactive in making LE aware of the situation so they could confirm my story. My thought is that perhaps LE advised RB/VB to take the shirt to the cleaner's in order to get the story out there . Wouldn't the speculation be ten times worse if the public learned about the bloody shirt before RB said anything to the press? It'd definitely look like he was trying to hide something then. Maybe the dry cleaner press conference serves a dual purpose of managing the fallout from the bloody shirt and misdirecting public attention (which I know has already been mentioned), and RB's apparent verbal slip-ups are due to the fact that he's trying to follow instructions from LE. Based on the facts that the bloody shirt has been such a public issue, that the vet confirmed the dog fight story, and that LE has not mentioned it again, my opinion is that it's immaterial, nothing more than a coincidence that LE used to their advantage. And, as always, my opinion is subject to change with new insights and opinions from others.

This is my first post on MB's case, mostly because so many other posters have already expressed my thoughts and speculation, and usually much more eloquently. My opinion is very fluid, shifting from a male perp to female with almost every new post. You guys give me a lot to think about! One thing I'm convinced of, though, is that it's personal. There is someone who hated MB enough to ensure she died, and violently, whether by his/her own hand or that of a hired killer.
Deleted because LE said only ONE swatperp, not two. My suspicion is false.

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