TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #18

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This article states, "Security cameras only provide images (save and transmit them) when they detect motion. And motion detection is basically the process of comparing sequential images and determining whether the differences between them represent motion. If there are significant differences between two consecutive images, the cameras conclude that there has been motion within the camera view." http://www.computerworld.com/article/2761095/it-management/how-motion-detection-cameras-work.html

It looks like that door has a long narrow window. The camera could have detected motion in the hallway if the perp's flashlight or headlamp shined through the door's window into the hallway as he/she approached the door.

Comparing images from before the light hit the window and the hallway and after, the camera would note a difference in the images (dark v. a bit of light) and start recording, even before there was true movement from the door opening.

This article does a fairly good job explaining how motion-sensing surveillance cameras work: https://www.videosurveillance.com/blog/technology/how_does_motion_detection_work.asp

Respectfully, I can't get it to post but some cameras do show you 3 secs prior to motion. It is a built in feature.
Sorry if this has been repeated:

Does that door go to the outside? Like the perp was coming in from outside? (The door where the perp is seen walking through it, at 1 minute 53 seconds?) The hinge on top of that door made me wonder…


No, the room is an interior room, Rm 12. (Numerals are to the right of the door, and room's trash can is seen by the door.) If you check the church website you'll see that Rm 12 is where the weekly ladies Bible study meets. I believe it's a multiple-purpose classroom; someone in an earlier thread said it was used for a children's classroom on Sundays.
No, the room is an interior room, Rm 12. (Numerals are to the right of the door, and room's trash can is seen by the door.) If you check the church website you'll see that Rm 12 is where the weekly ladies Bible study meets. I believe it's a multiple-purpose classroom; someone in an earlier thread said it was used for a children's classroom on Sundays.

Thank You! :)
Respectfully, I can't get it to post but some cameras do show you 3 secs prior to motion. It is a built in feature.

Just bumping off your post and thanks bees for the additional links and research. I find it incredible that when we are looking at the motion activated cameras from the inside and how high tech and sensitive they are (activated by possible flashlight rays) YET- the outside cameras failed to deploy. Weather-related or not. Inconsistent.
I think the question of how the perp got to the church is an important one. Hopefully LE covered their bases in examining ALL manner of ingress and egress the day of the 18th.

Respectfully, imo it's not very mysterious at all, because of the setting.

The church is on a 4-lane divided highway, where the perp can enter and escape going 60 mph. The church otherwise is in the middle of nowhere, and with it raining steadily, secluded by many many acres of made-muddy fields, and no other paved access except by the single driveway in and out, especially with the heavy rain and resulting muddiness being a further limitation. Any vehicular route, except via that drive, would leave heavy tire tracks, with the added risk of getting stuck.

If you park anywhere except the church lot, you have to leave your car for it to be seen, run across the highway or down the shoulder or road ditch in the rain (which would be noticeable and odd for cars passing), and navigate the walk/run either in a bulky police costume, or carrying it with you. And then, with campers coming soon, you have to get away by reversing the process, again with the police costume accounted for somehow, maybe wearing it.

In summary, imo the only way a "planning" perp would have come and go would be by vehicle, to be able to make a quick and efficient escape before a slew of others arrive. And a non-planning perp certainly wouldn't have picked anything except the quickest and most obvious option, which is also to come and go in a vehicle.

There's only one exception to any of that, which would have been for the perp to be one of the campers, making an exit by "arriving" with or before others and then blending in to the group before they all left. Ballsy, risky, but theoretically possible.
That part of the video is the most interesting to me. The camera is already active before the door opens, the lighting is better, the footage is clear and it is a very close angle to the perp. I hope LE has more from that portion or more of that quality that they have not shown us. IMO.

ETA: if they can positively ID swatperp on video, I assume they can arrest for B&E but that's not enough for murder charges, or is it?

I learned this weekend apropos of nothing that in my state "any person who, without the consent of some person authorized to give such consent, goes or enters upon, in the nighttime, the premises or property of any church . . . for any purpose other than to attend a meeting or service held or conducted in such church . . . shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor."

So, there's that.

Texas might have a similar law.
I learned this weekend apropos of nothing that in my state "any person who, without the consent of some person authorized to give such consent, goes or enters upon, in the nighttime, the premises or property of any church . . . for any purpose other than to attend a meeting or service held or conducted in such church . . . shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor."

So, there's that.

Texas might have a similar law.

Thanks! There is the "impersonating an officer" charge too I guess? Dressing up as one during a crime counts, right?
Undoubtedly LE asked, but has not shared that conversation with us. Presumably the answer is they didn't see anythingas LE would have had a better description of perp and vehicle to share, if they had seen anything. And there was definitely a big enough time window for perp to have gotten away before 4:35. (Unless the 4:35 person was the perp, of course, there all along and rehearsing innocence for when others arrived.)

Well.. We just do not know either way whether they saw or didn't see anything. I still would like to hear the double 911 calls. Why were they not released?? Anyone have any opinion on why????
I think it's very important. Why would the perp assemble his costume and plan this attack at the church if she may never go inside? Also, if she only went inside when the weather was so bad it would limit the perp list to those who knew the camp was moved indoors.

Well, with the Police disguise on, one could envision this "Police" officer calling MB into the Church if he had to. He could've used a lot of different ruses to get her inside.

Or he could've known she had a key & always accessed the Church or any facility she hosted her workouts at BUT one thing that I Heard (but can't remember where) is that this session was to be her last session held at the Church which may prove to be important, no?

And then there's this: he knew MB arrived early (even from her SM posts) & so if she didn't come inside the Church, he could go outside. It would be easier to do the horrific deed inside BUT he had enough time & concealment of the night to do it.

At this point, I am lucky to remember anything. All these initials, posts, clues, theories. It is all a jumble.
I'll be brave and ask, what does OP mean? I've seen it mentioned a few times and can't figure it out. It took me a while to get what meant, but I finally got it. Lol
Everyone wouldn't know [her class was going to be indoors].

Of course they could have. Everyone living and breathing and with any access to FB. It wasn't a secret and she more or less was advertising it. Her FB page was open to the public, and some on WS even accessed it at their leisure even after her death. Anyone who wanted to know where she would be and what she was doing could have looked up her FB page and seen that info, and gotten the knowledge that she would be conducting a class early in the morning of 4/18, indoors, at CCoC, with class beginning at 5 ...and iirc, with the info that she was getting up at 3:30 to go to it. She wanted as many people as possible to know.
I'll be brave and ask, what does OP mean? I've seen it mentioned a few times and can't figure it out. It took me a while to get what meant, but I finally got it. Lol

I thought it was Original Poster.
That seems to be debatable! Our guesses range from Saran Wrap, square flashlight, mag flashlight in box, door safety bar to UFO. Wait, not ufo. We can't agree. Care to take a guess?

You forgot silencer!
Well.. We just do not know either way whether they saw or didn't see anything. I still would like to hear the double 911 calls. Why were they not released?? Anyone have any opinion on why????

I'm assuming they are either holding them for trial because they contain sensitive information that the PD doesn't want to redact and release and/or the PD feels the family would be traumatized by hearing the calls at this time. I can't find anything specific about Texas laws pertaining to the release of 911 calls. I know I'm still waiting to hear the 911 calls in some other cases I have followed over the years, including one case from 5 years ago, but that case still hasn't gone to trial so that is probably why the calls haven't been released.
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