TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #20

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Maybe a drop off??


Walking ,the distance between Creekside and SWFA is only 17 minutes and .8 miles. Keep in mind the weather was also horrific. This could definitely be a possibility! This also would indicate they perhaps did not know the cameras at the church were sporadically inoperable and used SWFA as the "go" zone. This, however, wouldn't explain the unidentifiable car in the church parking lot, unless that was an LE bluff to scare someone into confessing. Oh, the possibilities!
Okay, so hubs & I just went by the SWFA store to get photos of the cameras.

Y'all....the cameras are EVERYWHERE! It's crazy how many there are. There are cameras in so many places I probably missed most of them. There is no way that a car could drive into that parking lot without capturing footage of every single section of that car. FWIW, Hubs says that it would be impossible to drive through a single square inch of the parking lot without your license plate, and every dent, ding and scratch being identifiable.

One camera captures the front of every car that pulls into the parking lot. And probably traffic on 287 too since it faces that way. There is one way in and one way out of that parking lot.

We drove by mostly because I was curious as to why they chose to release that particular photo of the car. Maybe it's because of the sticker but there were 30+ (hubs says that's his estimate but it's probably low) cameras so I guess we are surprised they don't have a better photo to release of the back of the car. Looking at the cameras and parking lot, well I guess you could say I'm a bit confused. That is seriously the best photo they have? Ummm.....okay.

Tapatalk won't let me post the photos without signing up for something but I will post them later when I get home. They aren't that great so don't sit on the edge of your seat or anything . I didn't get out of the truck. ;)

Creekside was hard to drive by....definitely hit me more than I expected. :(

We did drive by Whataburger but we didn't see any cameras except the one on the drive thru which isn't anywhere close to 287.

Anyway, just wanted to share what I saw with y'all. All IMO.

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That's a lot of cameras. Do you think they're all legit? I know of some businesses that employ dummy cameras to look like they have a ton when they only have a few.

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A thought on this car. Assuming the car is registered in Texas, it seems like LE would have run the make, model, and 2010-2012 as suspected, through state registeration for the surrounding counties to see if one was owned by a person in the area. This would give them a staring base to work with. Perhaps run the car for the entire state.

Wonder if they have done that? Also, wonder if they cannot locate the car, but have reason to believe the owner is still in the area? With that oval sticker on it, it would be easy to identify it.

Of course, someone may be busy tonight removing an oval sticker! Lol!

Or maybe doing a little spray painting. Rain may wash that away though.
Snipped to isolate the part of post that I'm replying to:
Do the police EVER actually announce that they have a "suspect" prior to an arrest? I cant remember that happening in any recent cases.

Charlottesville (Virginia) Police named Jesse Leroy Matthew a suspect in Hannah Graham's abduction before arresting him:

"September 23, 2014: Matthew is officially named a suspect in Graham`s disappearance, accused of abduction with the intent to defile."

"September 24, 2014: Matthew is arrested near Galveston, Texas, where he was camped on Gilchrist beach."


The store owner said they saw the car in the overnight video footage BEFORE knowing about the murder.
it's how they determined when Missy arrived in her truck

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It's unusual that Johnson would specify the car as being the last remaining lead. So forget about shirtgate, limpgate, swatgeargate, etc. LE wants the public to think about this car.

Car is seen at approximately 2 a.m. Perp is seen inside the church at 3:50 a.m. That's a little less than two hours. Take into account the multiple break-in attempts and dismantling of doors and windows. That's not really that much time wasted. Am I stretching here? The last remaining lead...

To be clear, Chief DID NOT say that the car was the last remaining lead of any kind. Far from it - he said they have (only) finished with about 80-90% of the phone-in leads, of which there were over 1000, and which leaves 100-200 more to chase. And undoubtedly they have lots of other things they are chasing too, from other sources.

Instead, it was just about camera leads from that vicinity. Here's exactly what he said, where those words appeared, and which is being misconstrued:

"Part of our initial investigation involved canvassing residential and commercial camera systems for any activity in the vicinity of the murder prior to. Several leads were generated through this effort. All but one of those leads have been exhausted.

The last remaining lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA sporting goods parking lot at approximately 2 am. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later.

We believe that car is a 2010 to 2012 Nissan Altima. It's light in color, possibly silver. (It's hard to tell - if you remember, it was raining that morning.)

Let me emphasize, though, we don't have any reason whatsover to believe that this car or its driver are in any way involved with the murder of Missy Bevers. In the interest of following up on every possible lead, this is the last lead that hasn't been exhausted from that video canvassing. We'd like to talk to the driver of that car and they can contact us at our established tipline or our non-emergency number.

But again, we don't believe this is the vehicle of the killer. We don't believe that there's necessarily any connection to the offenses. It's well over an hour before the killer is believed to have come onto the scene at the church, and it's arguable how visible the church may have been seen from that business on the morning when it was raining.

It's simply just an unfinished lead, that we'd like to talk to that person and see if they have anything to add to the investigation."
Assistant Chief Kevin Johnson said at a press conference Friday that the owner of the vehicle is not necessarily a suspect, but police want to know if the person saw anything that could help the investigation, reports CBS DFW.

"The last remaining lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA Sporting Goods parking lot at approximately 2 a.m. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later," Johnson said.


It's unusual that Johnson would specify the car as being the last remaining lead. So forget about shirtgate, limpgate, swatgeargate, etc. LE wants the public to think about this car.

Car is seen at approximately 2 a.m. Perp is seen inside the church at 3:50 a.m. That's a little less than two hours. Take into account the multiple break-in attempts and dismantling of doors and windows. That's not really that much time wasted. Am I stretching here? The last remaining lead...

I thought he meant they tried to collect any possible video from the residents/business and this car was the last video lead. IMO
I wonder in which direction the car went when it left the parking lot. Definitely more suspicious if it went back in the same direction from where it came. Just a thought....hitman coming from some distance (possibly many hours away), arriving early and pulls in the SWFA parking lot once they realize they have reached their destination...then notices cameras, so leaves area until hit time.
I got the impression the Deputy Chief wrote the press release himself. JMO. I thought he did an excellent job BTW. JMO.

"Deputy Chief Kevin Johnson said Friday that experts believe the suspect is between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 7 inches tall. However, no other distinguishing characteristics could be gleaned from the analysis."


When they did the video recreation a few days or so ago, didn't they say they were able to tell height and weight? Was anything mentioned about weight today?
yes and no. Police Officers who are expected to speak to the media, Public Relations Officers, Administrators; are sent to special schools to teach them about writing and delivering public statements.

In this instance, you can bet every public statement is done so with complete forethought, tact, and with a purpose on the part of the LE professionals.

That's interesting, I've been wondering why the first press conf was handled by Chief Carl Smith but all subsequent have been by Assistant Chief Kevin Johnson (not that I'm complaining!! LOL). Asst Chief Johnson seems a bit more comfortable in front of the cameras, wonder what the background in public speaking is for the two of them.
If you look at MB's facebook photos - she has several pics from boot camps in the dark at the church (and other locations) but you can see various camper vehicles in the parking lot where they are working out. If you look specifically at photos from 1/19/16 (and this one the license plate is fairly visible,) 2/26/16 and 3/22/16 there appears to be a silver or light colored Nissan Altima in the pics. But I'm old & my eyesight isn't that great. There also appears to possibly be another on 8/8/2014. I still feel that MB's killer is someone very well known to her thru Camp Gladiator.

Great catch! What about pic 2 from MBs FB from 01/19/16? Is that silver car in the parking lot a Nissan Altima. I apologize in advance if it's not. I am not that good with newer cars.
yes and no. Police Officers who are expected to speak to the media, Public Relations Officers, Administrators; are sent to special schools to teach them about writing and delivering public statements.

In this instance, you can bet every public statement is done so with complete forethought, tact, and with a purpose on the part of the LE professionals.

Also, with so many agencies working on this case, there are a few well - qualified, if not expert, people writing the press announcements even though MPD is the one who gives the announcement. The person giving the speech, has had much practice time so it is memorized and flows from his mouth as if his own thoughts.
A thought on this car. Assuming the car is registered in Texas, it seems like LE would have run the make, model, and 2010-2012 as suspected, through state registeration for the surrounding counties to see if one was owned by a person in the area. This would give them a staring base to work with. Perhaps run the car for the entire state.

Wonder if they have done that? Also, wonder if they cannot locate the car, but have reason to believe the owner is still in the area? With that oval sticker on it, it would be easy to identify it.

Of course, someone may be busy tonight removing an oval sticker! Lol!

If you look on the Midlothian FB page, you will notice that one person made a comment about the DMV, and it says she received private message back from "the page." I've never seen that before so maybe it is a new FB feature, but it looks like the Midlo PD responded to her via private message....perhaps. I have no clue why of course.
Great catch! What about pic 2 from MBs FB from 01/19/16? Is that silver car in the parking lot a Nissan Altima. I apologize in advance if it's not. I am not that good with newer cars.

I don't know but it sure looks similar
Assistant Chief Kevin Johnson said at a press conference Friday that the owner of the vehicle is not necessarily a suspect, but police want to know if the person saw anything that could help the investigation, reports CBS DFW.

"The last remaining lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA Sporting Goods parking lot at approximately 2 a.m. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later," Johnson said.


It's unusual that Johnson would specify the car as being the last remaining lead. So forget about shirtgate, limpgate, swatgeargate, etc. LE wants the public to think about this car.

Car is seen at approximately 2 a.m. Perp is seen inside the church at 3:50 a.m. That's a little less than two hours. Take into account the multiple break-in attempts and dismantling of doors and windows. That's not really that much time wasted. Am I stretching here? The last remaining lead...

True.....why would he say it's the last remaining lead from the video when he later goes on to say that his team has gone through 80-90% of the leads that have been called in (total approx 1015-ish). To say "last" is very definitive when more leads are still left not investigated thus far.
I am not saying he is incompetent.....far from it. I just think LE knows more than they are letting on & it's those little things like this that us WS-ers notice.

LE is putting the "squeeze" on someone .... and they know it!

I got ya! But that would make sense if it was a Friday or Saturday night. I must be really old if that has extended to Sunday and Monday night:blushing:

At least one of the school districts didn't have school the next day. It could have been teenagers sneaking out and pulling over to smoke/drink or something else they probably wouldn't want to be caught in busy area doing.
To be clear, Chief DID NOT say that the car was the last remaining lead of any kind. Far from it - he said they have (only) finished with about 80-90% of the phone-in leads, of which there were over 1000, and which leaves 100-200 more to chase. And undoubtedly they have lots of other things they are chasing too, from other sources.

Let me emphasize, though, we don't have any reason whatsover to believe that this car or its driver are in any way involved with the murder of Missy Bevers. In the interest of following up on every possible lead, this is the last lead that hasn't been exhausted from that video canvassing. We'd like to talk to the driver of that car and they can contact us at our established tipline or our non-emergency number.

Thank you so much for finding this and writing it out. It is frustrating that the media is (once again) not getting the information posted correctly. And they are even quoting Johnson, which makes people think it is his exact words.
I find it hard to believe that fancy analysis program can only determine a height. They could have looked here for that info on day two. IMO
I'm sorry I thought the car photo was the last remaining lead in the case. MSM quotes can be confusing. It makes more sense to me now that I see it in it's context. Thanks to all who cleared that up for me. :)
When they did the video recreation a few days or so ago, didn't they say they were able to tell height and weight? Was anything mentioned about weight today?

He did say no weight was able to be determined from the recreation...
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