TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #20

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Assistant Chief Kevin Johnson said at a press conference Friday that the owner of the vehicle is not necessarily a suspect, but police want to know if the person saw anything that could help the investigation, reports CBS DFW.

"The last remaining lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA Sporting Goods parking lot at approximately 2 a.m. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later," Johnson said.


It's unusual that Johnson would specify the car as being the last remaining lead. So forget about shirtgate, limpgate, swatgeargate, etc. LE wants the public to think about this car.

Car is seen at approximately 2 a.m. Perp is seen inside the church at 3:50 a.m. That's a little less than two hours. Take into account the multiple break-in attempts and dismantling of doors and windows. That's not really that much time wasted. Am I stretching here? The last remaining lead...

He actually says the last remaining lead from this video...

The quote from the news source is not complete.
Yes, I definitely think that LE has to absolutely 100 percent have better photos than this. There are AT LEAST 4-5 cameras on you at all times....all the way around the building. All different angles would be captured on every single vehicle driving in and out.

Also, I was surprised because I thought SWFA was in a strip center but it wasn't. The entire building IS the store. It's way bigger than I expected.

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With your descriptions of the place, I am really thinking that LE has ideas about that car that they are not sharing...and/or information about something else captured on video that they are sort of letting the perp worry about.

Well, I hope so anyway.

JMOpinion, grasping at straws sometimes.

There have been several warnings re: the FB groups. They are not to be brought here. They are off limits and Your posts will be deleted.

Also, DO NOT post any pictures of innocent people and the purple Twitter pic.

I believe LE when they say they've exhausted all leads but the Nissan. We all heard early on about a car captured on video, but LE felt it wasn't visible enough to give out to the public. Well...now they have.

I'm fairly certain, from the way each was described, and the context in which they were mentioned, that you're mixing up views of two completely different vehicles.

One car was seen about the time that the perp arrived, a car apparently seen somewhere in church parking lot, seen off in the distance from some camera or another, and was so far away that they couldn't even offer a guess as to make or model.
The other was almost 2 hours earlier, a car in the SFWA lot next to the building, seen from a camera close up, and enough clarity to offer make, model, and approx year.
He did say "last lead", but I was glad to know they have 12 guys on the case daily.
There has got to be more than this. There is no way they have spent over a month now investigating this crime and have only a blurry pic of a Nissan Altima to go on.
It was there at 2:00 though and Missy didn't get there until much later. I would think the lookout would have been somewhere closer to her house and following her so the perp would have plenty of time to get in place. If it's the lookout why go so early?

Maybe a drop off??

I'm fairly certain, from the way each was described, and the context in which they were mentioned, that you're mixing up views of two completely different vehicles.

One car was seen about the time that the perp arrived, a car apparently seen somewhere in church parking lot, seen off in the distance from some camera or another, and was so far away that they couldn't even offer a guess as to make or model.
The other was almost 2 hours earlier, a car in the SFWA lot next to the building, seen from a camera close up, and enough clarity to offer make, model, and approx year.

*banging my head* soooooo confused...
And why did police make sure that [the bloody shirt testing] was brought up in the press conference today?

The media asked about various random details, including a query about the status of the test on the bloody shirt(s) and LE simply answered what was asked. LE didn't bring it up. That's the norm in pressers of every ilk with a Q&A, you never know what sort of random question will raise some unexpected topic.

There have been several warnings re: the FB groups. They are not to be brought here. They are off limits and Your posts will be deleted.

Also, DO NOT post any pictures of innocent people and the purple Twitter pic.


He actually says the last remaining lead from this video...

The quote from the news source is not complete.

Does anybody know.....do law enforcement agencies have PR professionals that write their press releases? And/or, does a lot of strategy go into what they say?
Can anyone post a link to downstairs? I can't figure out how to get there without a link. Thank you.
I got the impression the Deputy Chief wrote the press release himself. JMO. I thought he did an excellent job BTW. JMO.

"Deputy Chief Kevin Johnson said Friday that experts believe the suspect is between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 7 inches tall. However, no other distinguishing characteristics could be gleaned from the analysis."

I think these investigators know so much more than they are letting on. I think they very much want us to stop noticing what may be happening and commenting on it in a public forum(10 suv's). And, they want us to speculate on people that are of no interest to them...I suspect they throw us bits of info so that we are not openly discussing things they don't want known.
Why? Idk but there is a reason.
Either that or they are really clueless...and I don't buy that for a second.

So, should we stop being brilliant sleuthers for a couple of days and give them what they want?
Don't know if I can....
Does anybody know.....do law enforcement agencies have PR professionals that write their press releases? And/or, does a lot of strategy go into what they say?

yes and no. Police Officers who are expected to speak to the media, Public Relations Officers, Administrators; are sent to special schools to teach them about writing and delivering public statements.

In this instance, you can bet every public statement is done so with complete forethought, tact, and with a purpose on the part of the LE professionals.
A thought on this car. Assuming the car is registered in Texas, it seems like LE would have run the make, model, and 2010-2012 as suspected, through state registeration for the surrounding counties to see if one was owned by a person in the area. This would give them a staring base to work with. Perhaps run the car for the entire state.

Wonder if they have done that? Also, wonder if they cannot locate the car, but have reason to believe the owner is still in the area? With that oval sticker on it, it would be easy to identify it.

Of course, someone may be busy tonight removing an oval sticker! Lol!
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