TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #22

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I'm still trying to get my bearings around the church layout. Can someone confirm that these two photos are of the same hallway, just from opposite viewpoints?...SBM images... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. I would say those are opposite viewpoints of the same Main Hallway. The first photo with balloons - doors at end are the SW covered awning area where MB truck was parked. There is believed to be a security camera near the blue balloon deep in the photo near those doors, a camera that faces the opposite way that is the view in the second photo. Poster arkansasmimi is the master of sorting out these photos. JMO
Have any of the locals driven to the gun store to see if the road is sloped? I would the no a newish building like this would have a level entrance. I could see an old building out in the country but this looks like recent architecture

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but here's a relatively decent (and very recent) picture of the terrain of the drive and road.



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This has probably been mentioned and I read every post, but I still miss things, so here goes:

If there is video of the Altima leaving, there's video of the Altima arriving. IOW - video of the driver?

WOW do I feel like a dope! lol YES there HAS to be video of arrival.....even If it was left in the back lot of the store and picked up at 2am to exit. JMO
If the officer is not on official duty, meaning their regular shift, then they are not supposed to be in uniform. We had a case in my state of an officer who would pull women over, just after his shift was over, and eventually rape them. I can't remember the exact charge but it had to do with acting as a police officer while not on official duty.
Exact wording varies by state and/or jurisdiction, but I believe one term used is "acting under color of authority" for abuse of the LE badge.

ETA: The nylon necklace thing workers or athletes wear around their neck to hang an ID card or something is called a lanyard. I saw some in the sporting goods section at Walmart and stopped to read the little tag - it ws driving me crazy to not remember. Unknown term from thread so many moons ago, like thread 6.
So true. By the way did you notice that a specific word used yesterday in the closed thread was mentioned in a recent interview. That gives me reason to think this forum is being read daily by extremely interesting people....... :escape:
Really wish you would take the guess work out of the 'word' comment so a person wouldn't have to go on a hunt. Daughter has a medical emergency right now and don't have time to hunt.[emoji53]

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Exact wording varies by state and/or jurisdiction, but I believe one term used is "acting under color of authority" for abuse of the LE badge.
Thank you Sandy! I believe that's exactly the wording! Could not remember it!
Please don't think I am excusing the perps actions whether on alcohol, drugs or PMS... I think, however, your assertions go against most statistical information provided. imo

Would the stats differ on crime of passion vs premeditated?
I was late to the party eyeballing the Altima. Like several posters, I thought I saw a wall at first. But I went back and read everyone else's posts and came to the conclusion that's it's yet another optical illusion in a case full of them. What may look like a wall is likely the upslope of the driveway and the upslope of the gray shoulder area, and what looked to me like the bottom of white window frames is likely the hash marks on the 287 road southbound side. The Altima is level; both sides of 287 are separately elevated, in overhead aerial photos. The southbound side of 287 is elevated above the SWFA property. JMO
And when you are sitting here facing 287 you are looking right at the airport. It would be a good place to sit and wait for a plane to land. You could easily see it day or night even in the rain.
I can't see how the perp perhaps using drugs or alcohol is some sort of game changer in what happened here. That's because the perp didn't just wander by and stumble in. He was intentionally wearing a costume, and coming intentionally to this place (which is a remote spot), both of which indicate planning to some degree was involved. He may have had a shot or two of "liquid courage" in his veins, or maybe not, but he chose to be there and I doubt that altered anything. Personally, I don't see a drunk/impaired perp anyhow.
Would the stats differ on crime of passion vs premeditated?

How do I word this so I don't have to go find 50 links..I think I read somewhere that 37% of all violent crimes happen under the influence of Alcohol.7% on drugs. 66% of Alcohol related homicides were against known victims. 31% were against strangers. imo
Respectfully, what you said here is not even remotely close to accurate, in reflecting what LE said.

They said they have one lead OUT OF THE CAMERA SURVEILLANCE LEADS that they haven't finished chasing down. They also said that from the public, they started with over 1000 tips, and they still have hundreds of those left to sift through and track down. And they gave no hint whatsoever as to whether any of those I just mentioned have yielded anything, not any mention as to how many other leads and angles they have developed and feel might be valid.

We have no idea how much LE has. What we have been told is just the tip of the iceberg.

Respectfully, I've read every tidbit and listened to every word of every press conference. For brevity's sake I didn't specifically mention some things but since you bring it up - Johnson said last Friday that they were at 1,015-1020 leads. He said they had worked through upwards of 90 percent of them. That does not leave "hundreds" to sift down. Plus, I would imagine that they have prioritized those leads, with the ones they're working on now being leads that they had pushed to the bottom of the pile thinking they probably won't amount to much (JMO on that).

LE "gave no hint" of any strong leads - that's exactly right. Nothing that Johnson said in his prepared remarks or in his answers to reporter questions gave a hint that LE is on to something here. But I'll put you firmly in the optimistic camp.
Really wish you would take the guess work out of the 'word' comment so a person wouldn't have to go on a hunt. Daughter has a medical emergency right now and don't have time to hunt.[emoji53]

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sorry, just being tactful. place of worship. ch.....
I can't see how the perp perhaps using drugs or alcohol is some sort of game changer in what happened here. That's because the perp didn't just wander by and stumble in. He was intentionally wearing a costume, and coming intentionally to this place (which is a remote spot), both of which indicate planning to some degree was involved. He may have had a shot or two of "liquid courage" in his veins, or maybe not, but he chose to be there and I doubt that altered anything. Personally, I don't see a drunk/impaired perp anyhow.

You're probably right, but, if someone asked me "who among your friends can you see being drunk at 0400 on a Monday morning"..might narrow the possibilities. Of course I have some lousy friends, so it may not be that easy :)
Missy's family members, friends, and co-workers are off limits and not to sleuthed. They are not suspects, nor are they POIs.

Not trying to be rude but still doesn't mean they aren't POI .. Even though he said that they were not suspects, he also said a few sentences later that exact quote "Until Missys killer is caught, I will Stop short of saying that nobody is absolutely excluded.. " As a senior majoring in this subject there is a Total difference between suspects and persons of interest. Of course, no one is a suspect. But touché. No need to sleuth anyone. I'm sure midlothian will get their act together soon and the truth will come out either way.
No slope. A very new building that opened maybe a little over a year ago. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
Daylight photos of SWFA driveway.


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Hey folks,

The entire Bevers family is off limits, including Missy's side of the family when it comes to sleuthing. They "have not" been named a POI/Suspect by LE. No where is it stated by LE any one has been named a POI. You may discuss what they've said in MSM and that's it.

People on the target list are off limits, they've not been named a POI/Suspect. No where is it stated any one of them are a POI.

AND Finally...the FB Group pages are off limits as are unauthorized Twitter accounts. Please do not bring any of the information you've found here. It's against WS TOS and will be deleted.

Please thank this post.

Thank you!

ETA: Let's not play guessing games. If you can't say it, please don't mention it.
BBM. Why do you believe that? If the car's plates were readable, they would have grilled the owner for hours on end to find out who might have been driving it if the owner wasn't. And I don't think they would have paraded that picture in the press conference if they at least knew for sure who owned the car. More likely, to me, is that a glare prevented readability, or else someone switched the plates. In which case they would have no clue about this car, which is certainly how it seems if you take their comments at face value.

I am surprised to read post after post after post on here in every thread, stating how LE knows sooo much more than we think they do, that they know exactly who the killer is and are just collecting evidence, etc. And I'm not sure why that opinion is so prevalent unless people just want to be optimistic and want to trust those in authority that they're making progress.

But given everything we've seen and heard (and what we have NOT seen and heard yet), I see no reason to take this investigation in any way differently than what LE has stated to us and to the media. They are stumped. They're not sure if the perp is male or female. They have the height narrowed down to a 6-inch range. They don't know motive. They're not sure what the reason was for all the movement they saw on video footage. They don't think the family or friends are involved, but after going thru over 1000 leads they don't have anything else other than an Altima that may or may not be involved at all and whose driver or owner is unknown to them.

If anyone has any reason other than your own guarded optimism to say that LE IS close to learning gender and motive, and identifying a prime suspect, let's hear it.

This is all IMO and it's not based on optimism but on general observations I have made over the years following cases and reading about police procedure. First, of course LE knows a lot more than we do. They don't have to tell us what they know and are always going to keep some information only the killer would know confidential for multiple purposes. They might know gender but don't want to tip their hand. Why would they say that their last possible lead after going through 1,000 tips is the footage of the Altima? Yes it might appear to make them seem stumped but if that truly were the case, why add the part about it being their last possible lead? the wording is interesting and strategic IMO. Also, In regards to the height range, they likely do have a more exact height but a range is given in reports to account for error and all that stuff is calculated by the experts, and if it comes into evidence at trial you can bet the defense will grill the expert about this, the science, math, and technology behind it. We also still don't know what was sent for forensic testing from the crime scene, and those results can take time.

Also, It is not uncommon for LE to release info designed to target a specific poi and then see how they react. It's also bad form for LE to speculate to the public on a specific motive or theory before an arrest is made for obvious reasons. Jmo
I think that possibly their peripheral vision was obstructed by goggles and a helmet, and the too-big boots made them clumsier than usual....coupled with the gait which I think is their natural gait, but pronounced because of the boots. JMO

I agree with cady's assessment. The way SP touches the wall at occasional intervals is something I do at night in the hallway to help me stay oriented in the dark, and I've lived in the same house most of my adult life, so it's not like I don't know where I'm going. Added to the fact that the helmet most likely limited vision somewhat (like a horse with blinders) and it makes sense to me that in the (presumably unfamiliar) dimly lit church corridors SP was using the wall to stay oriented in space, not because s/he was drunk or high and in need of help to stay vertical. The entire scenario is so premeditated that I don't find it plausible that SP needed or used substances to carry it out. I think s/he felt that harming Missy was justified, so there was no need for Dutch courage. My own opinion, nothing more.
Also. I'm sure the police are closing in on their suspect. I find it very interesting that the ATF is involved and the next clue is a vehicle parked in the gun store parking lot. Also, the dog was brought in for checking gun powder or explosives. That's super weird to me. I don't think that's a normal thing for homicide. Very interesting. Patiently waiting.
I'm still trying to get my bearings around the church layout. Can someone confirm that these two photos are of the same hallway, just from opposite viewpoints?

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Yes, it is the same hallway. There has apparently been some construction since that photo with the balloons. There was an entry vestibule added (with another set of doors beyond) at the far end where the double doors are.

If you follow along in the perp video you will see where he/she turns left at those double doors (and goes to the dutch doors). The video is continuous action (spliced from different cameras) at that point --- leaving the aborted door jimmying and the camera changes as he/she turns the corner (you can see the same short table or cart with white papers, or whatever, right there at the end of the hall).
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