TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #24

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Undoubtedly there is more than the 2+ minutes of video that we have seen. BB and LE have both mentioned them, but the perp spent time in rooms and in places not captured by cameras and the cameras only capture motion, so I'd say it's doubtful that there is as much as 28 minutes of video available.

Good point. And some other things I've wondered about... No footage that we've seen yet of the perp in the church offices themselves, right? Were there cameras in the offices or were they strictly in more public areas? Video of the perp in the offices might provide a clue as to whether burglary was the primary motive, as if there was money at all, the offices would be where it would be found and the perp knew that.

Also, I'm interested to know if the last time the perp is seen on camera coincides or overlaps with MB entering the church and getting close to where the perp was. I hope so, because you would think that LE could figure out from the perp's reaction whether he was expecting someone or whether it shocked the perp.

I suspect that maybe overlapping video doesn't exist because LE said in the 4/22 pressed that they did not know a motive.
Just pondering what kind of person would chose the Swatperpoutfit?

For a burglary:
1) The wannabe- younger male, possibly awkward thatis into police, military, weapons and cool gear. Kills to show that he is theman.
2) The drunk- male-closes the local bar and puts onlast year’s Halloween costume and heads out for to see what he can get. Killswhen he is startled.
For a murder:
1) The wannabe- younger male, possibly awkward thatis into police, military, weapons and cool gear. Has been solicited for themurder.
2) The planner- late 20’s to mid 30’s woman,watches crime shows and believes that disguise will hide their identity andreduce DNA exposure (incidentally it worked). Crime of passion.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the “types” ofpeople that may chose this get-up, but there is a reason that they chose it.These are also JMO and brainstorming ideas.

Yeah, I can see any of these. If not a woman, then a teenager.
Good morning all.
I hear the groans as I return to "shirt-gate", but something just occurred to me after reading all the recent discussion. The timing of this visit to the cleaners so soon after the murder, followed by the mauling death of what's reported to be a beloved little dog (like others, that women's shirt would be in the trash), makes me wonder if it was a deliberate choice. It surely drew a lot of public speculation and attention. And media coverage blew up with this, courtesy of the alibi duet. Such jovial composure. I just wonder if drawing media attention to what is likely a "non issue" was also to give some diversion relief to the killer. To get some anxiety under control and blend in, to confess, to flee.............I dunno...........just a thought to share.

After the clown picture of RB was posted to Facebook. I realize that he likes the attention during this thing. So I think shirt-gate was for attention. Now of course I think RB is innocent. But I don't think he did shirt-gate with the hopes of making the killer more comfortable. Jmo.
something that has been interesting to me from the beginning and maybe some can shed light to this. The last few seconds of the vid from the door opening to the "CUT" has no real value in the realm of John QP helping to identify the gate. As well there is an obvious zoom, now I am not sure if a CCTV camera does that, and if not it was purposeful on LE part. My gut tells me that only LE and Perp know what happened next however I think this very well may be a "we gotcha" moment for LE. Knowing perp would be watching, and if perp stayed in that vicinity for any period of time, they may have a very clear shot of who they are looking at.
None of them are valid. The so-called "enhancing" techniques are not scientifically valid. Enlarging pixelates the image, producing artifacts that are not really there. And repeatedly saving a jpg image alters the digital content of the image. Anyone who thinks they can recognize anything or determine eye color from these "enhanced" images is fooling themselves.
Here are some of my shots of the killer's eyes & please note - each shot was taken from screen captures at different intervals from the MPD surveillance video:

first is the killer's eyes squinted

killers eyes2.jpg

killer's right eye

killers right eye.png

killer's left eye looking down at the door she is prying


killer's left eye (and this one is the best IMO) and this may be the one that most closely resembles a target interest's FB photo....what can I say. (I did send this to the investigator who is taking tips.)

left eye walking.png
DUH. I may have missed this. I just re-read the fox 4 Richard Ray interview w BB. BB told R RAY that he had seen video of the perp "holstering the clawhammer" with little to no effort for a female...although he thinks the perp is female. Is this "holstering " seen on the video that we have been privy to? R Ray said that he had not seen it. If its not on our video, then BB must have seen more than what's public. Maybe neither R Ray nor I have seen it but everyone else has! JMO
None of them are valid. The so-called "enhancing" techniques are not scientifically valid. Enlarging pixelates the image, producing artifacts that are not really there. And repeatedly saving a jpg image alters the digital content of the image. Anyone who thinks they can recognize anything or determine eye color from these "enhanced" images is fooling themselves.

Agree. A hammer is one thing. But eye details from that distance while wearing a helmet and balaclava would render any zoom useless as it only distorts the eyes more.
Good point. And some other things I've wondered about... No footage that we've seen yet of the perp in the church offices themselves, right? Were there cameras in the offices or were they strictly in more public areas? Video of the perp in the offices might provide a clue as to whether burglary was the primary motive, as if there was money at all, the offices would be where it would be found and the perp knew that.

Also, I'm interested to know if the last time the perp is seen on camera coincides or overlaps with MB entering the church and getting close to where the perp was. I hope so, because you would think that LE could figure out from the perp's reaction whether he was expecting someone or whether it shocked the perp.

I suspect that maybe overlapping video doesn't exist because LE said in the 4/22 pressed that they did not know a motive.

I agree about the overlapping video.jmo Never heard about any office video. I do recall LE saying that the perp spent a lot of time in the church kitchen. FWIW...
This is dragging on so long that I'm starting to believe LE has nothing solid to go on. moo

If you are referring the the 2nd close-up left eye, I did that myself. I copied MrsPC's eye shot to see if I could see ANYTHING at all. I wasn't seeing even an eyeball. I was on a Mac, put it in my Photos, hit edit and tried sepia, chrome and other settings.. and I saw the pupil. I moved the brightness and I saw the whole blue eyeball. My first thought was OMG, that's "XX". I haven't said who, I just know that others thought it was a different person than I did. So there you have it. I don't know where the original closeup is.. way too far back. I'm not good enough at maneuvering around this forum yet and don't want to lose my place. I can guarantee you, I would NEVER do what you are insinuating.. ever. I don't even know these people. Why would anyone want the wrong person arrested? I feel MrsPC's pic's are reliable as well.
DUH. I may have missed this. I just re-read the fox 4 Richard Ray interview w BB. BB told R RAY that he had seen video of the perp "holstering the clawhammer" with little to no effort for a female...although he thinks the perp is female. Is this "holstering " seen on the video that we have been privy to? R Ray said that he had not seen it. If its not on our video, then BB must have seen more than what's public. Maybe neither R Ray nor I have seen it but everyone else has! JMO

It is video we have NOT seen. I remember it being discussed earlier, so if my memory is incorrect someone please feel free to correct me. MOO.
Yeah, I can see any of these. If not a woman, then a teenager.

I think what some people are missing on the burglary angle (why dress like that just to commit burglary?) is the practicality of it.

That outfit is going to serve a lot of purposes other than just making you feel like a man, protecting you against the person you plan to kill, etc. For the burglar it's going to do the following: keep your DNA contained, keep your clothes underneath dry on what was a very rainy night, and give you lots of storage for tools that you may need for the burglary.
The best way to leave the scene would be in a plastic lined trunk. But I think there were two involved. One driver - one doer.
Here are some of my shots of the killer's eyes & please note - each shot was taken from screen captures at different intervals from the MPD surveillance video:

first is the killer's eyes squinted


killer's right eye


killer's left eye looking down at the door she is prying


killer's left eye (and this one is the best IMO) and this may be the one that most closely resembles a target interest's FB photo....what can I say. (I did send this to the investigator who is taking tips.)


Thanks for these MrsPC.
I think what some people are missing on the burglary angle (why dress like that just to commit burglary?) is the practicality of it.

That outfit is going to serve a lot of purposes other than just making you feel like a man, protecting you against the person you plan to kill, etc. For the burglar it's going to do the following: keep your DNA contained, keep your clothes underneath dry on what was a very rainy night, and give you lots of storage for tools that you may need for the burglary.
Another positive for this outfit with either the burglary OR planned murder angle: if you haven't been in the building before, this outfit protects you against injury from shards of glass you intend to break, climbing thru a window and landing hard on the floor, etc. I know some want to think a burglar would dress lean. While that would give him more agility, it increases the risk of leaving DNA behind.

Regardless of motive, the killer was smart to dress like this.
something that has been interesting to me from the beginning and maybe some can shed light to this. The last few seconds of the vid from the door opening to the "CUT" has no real value in the realm of John QP helping to identify the gate. As well there is an obvious zoom, now I am not sure if a CCTV camera does that, and if not it was purposeful on LE part. My gut tells me that only LE and Perp know what happened next however I think this very well may be a "we gotcha" moment for LE. Knowing perp would be watching, and if perp stayed in that vicinity for any period of time, they may have a very clear shot of who they are looking at.

It isn't a zoom. The MPD frame with their insignia is removed allowing the video to fill the entire frame. The field of view remains the same.
Swatperp seems to have been very well prepared. this means that they put in place an alibi so nobody could put them at the scene. Which I'm guessing means it is someone who Missy would know. That may also mean that they planned disposal of the clothing at a place where they have access and entry but nobody knew they were there. If this person was supposedly away but came in the wee hours of the morning to dispose of outfit in the company dumpster knowing the pick up day or coating perp outfit in concrete hiding it permanently. Then heading back to where they were supposed to be before anybody knew they left. Somebody knows more than they are saying. Somebody close to perp, somebody covering due to fear or they are a party to it and agreed it needed to be done. Maybe perp knew where a job was that had a hole dug ready for a concrete pour for a foundation? Cold have dumped outfit in there and covered up before pour happened, Or perp went back to where he was supposed to actually be with the perp clothes and has them nearby. No doubt, this perp was clever. Perp has an alibi, probably very confidant they crossed every t and dotted every i. If perp was the car at the gun store (light Altima) and they drove in with no lights, they may have forgotten that the brake lights would come on regardless. Did perp think of everything? Somebody noticed a change in routine and/or behaviour. Somebody else knows or suspects something. For the sake of MIssy's children and family, I hope anyone who knows or thinks they know anything comes forward before this person gets away with murder.
If you are referring the the 2nd close-up left eye, I did that myself. I copied MrsPC's eye shot to see if I could see ANYTHING at all. I wasn't seeing even an eyeball. I was on a Mac, put it in my Photos, hit edit and tried sepia, chrome and other settings.. and I saw the pupil. I moved the brightness and I saw the whole blue eyeball. My first thought was OMG, that's "XX". I haven't said who, I just know that others thought it was a different person than I did. So there you have it. I don't know where the original closeup is.. way too far back. I'm not good enough at maneuvering around this forum yet and don't want to lose my place. I can guarantee you, I would NEVER do what you are insinuating.. ever. I don't even know these people. Why would anyone want the wrong person arrested? I feel MrsPC's pic's are reliable as well.

If I know who you mean by XX, and I do not agree nor do I disgree, XX always seems to have different eye colors in photos leading me to wonder if XX wears contacts in different colors. just wondering
I think what some people are missing on the burglary angle (why dress like that just to commit burglary?) is the practicality of it.

That outfit is going to serve a lot of purposes other than just making you feel like a man, protecting you against the person you plan to kill, etc. For the burglar it's going to do the following: keep your DNA contained, keep your clothes underneath dry on what was a very rainy night, and give you lots of storage for tools that you may need for the burglary.

Average burglary takes less than 7 minutes. Re: Amanda Blackburn (RIP) http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...nt-murdered-Indianapolis-10-Nov-2015-4/page35

Just a time reference for average home burglary. Our perp spent much more time than 7 minutes in the church. JMO.
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