TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #24

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Oh my gosh lol I was on a criminal jury, there was one lady who wanted to convict " because what if we let him go and he does something" Scary thing in these high profile cases, people WANT to be on them. I dont understand vigilante justice. Cases like that the criminal has big chance of getting off . JMHO

Google Murderpedia....you will find hundreds upon hundreds of female murderers and their crimes. Some of the crimes are so unspeakable, so unfathomable, horriffic......I had to stop.

Just to add to those stats... I Googled the words, "killed with a hammer," and searched thru 10 pages of search results. I only found 2 cases involving a female offender. All of the rest were male and most victims were parents, grandparents, stepparents, or brothers. Several victims were wives, one was a twin brother, and another was a child. The two women both had killed their husband. But, by and large, the majority of the cases I found were men and the victim was a close blood relative.
I lean to trashbags from the kitchen. Possibly to put clothes and tools in after they murder her. Keep their car clean of DNA evidence.

Looks like a cardboard box they are squeezing.

Thanks for the picks Moonchild!!! WOW!! It does look like some type of plastic. Reminds me of those plastic rolls you get when you are about to start a painting project to cover the floor. I wonder if the perp was planning on using it to protect himself/herself from flying glass when they broke the windows? Just a thought.
And from this video same date, April 18, on the 10 pm news cast, got new SS of the area. We see the drive area that goes in front of the church gown down into a dip. Watch the LEO driving up . Reporter states that busted doors and window have been boarded up (as of this news cast 10 pm) and that no damage to the Front entrance. Notes that some flowers had been left at those doors.

* Reporter also says at 227 mark Does not appear that man had a gun, although does appear something used to pry open those doors http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/10...ad-at-Church_Dallas-Fort-Worth-376156441.html

1) also see diff angle of the busted metal kitchen door View attachment 95878

2) :waitasec: an exterior camera by that kitchen doorMAYBE this is where a smalle frame of car in distant seen? Intermittent working? View attachment 95879

3) someone asked me threads back where these Guest parking are. I thought they were in that NE entrance area and they are as seen here View attachment 95880

There is a TON of parking in the back, definitely hidden from any visibility from front (drive by twice daily and strain to see around). I could easily drive in and around and check it out, but just can't seem to bring myself to, idk why. And the parking/church lot is so very wide-someone could easily have driven out the back far north entrance and not been seen from the south side, esp. If no headlights were visible and it was dark-no real lights on road either after dark. I imagine if I were playing on my phone/sipping coffee, etc., I wouldn't have noticed a thing sitting where they park.
Usually, after gelling down the facts in my mind, I'm either on the fence or jumping off the fence...but in this case I am still just looking for a fence. This is such an extremely unusual case...I'm at a loss, as there are many possible theories as mentioned.
I had said before I didn't see a camera, but I definitely see what you are pointing at and agree it is very likely. Which make so much more sense as to why LE would have said they thought it was possible the killer recorded the murder. I wondered why they would think that. I was thinking with a cell phone, so I thought well they either have the phone (which didn't make sense with no arrest) or they have the killing on camera even though they said they didn't. Now looking at this I am guessing LE can see what very well may be a camera on the helmet.
If the killer recorded it, that copy of the killing is likely something they won't be able to part with. The key would be to find it....

Oh my. I have thought all along that LE just wrote a very inclusive of everything 'just in case' SW regarding recording of the crime. Your post caused me to remember Maury Terry's book on Son of Sam where he theorizes that some of the murders (Muscowitz) occurred in locations where there was sufficient lighting for filming (1970s technology) for the underground snuff film trade. I don't think that is what happened to MB, but there would be big money to be made off of a film like this.
Two guesses please.

Completely random event. Perp there for their own purposes, whatever that is.

Someone very close to Missy as in a family member or close associate. It's been a long time brewing.
Let's play a game. Clue, if you will indulge me? Just the profile I your opinion. Try not to refer to others or compare notes. Just your theory's core and suspect basics. As follows:

White male.
Mid 30 to early 40s.
lives in or close to midlothian.
Known to victim, not necessarily to us.
History of acting out.
Motive / anger over failed or unrequited romance.

This is mine. Looking forward to reading all of yours. Afterwards, comparing notes may be interesting.

White male
Mid 20's to 30's
A flunky of sorts eager to prove himself to higher ups
Premeditated and organized by someone else
Unknown to victim, unknown to us. Organizer known to victim but not known to us.
I think he was carrying out an assignment. Got there early. Started wandering around while he waited. Decided while he was there to make it look like a burglary. I think he enjoyed the "pretend to be LE" aspect of the crime.
Motive: MB knew or saw something that was threatening to organizer.
Let's play a game. Clue, if you will indulge me? Just the profile I your opinion. Try not to refer to others or compare notes. Just your theory's core and suspect basics. As follows:

White male.
Mid 30 to early 40s.
lives in or close to midlothian.
Known to victim, not necessarily to us.
History of acting out.
Motive / anger over failed or unrequited romance.

This is mine. Looking forward to reading all of yours. Afterwards, comparing notes may be interesting.

CHUCKJ - but of course, I thought you'd never ask...

#1 profile
White or Hispanic/Latino
In his 30's
5' 6", 160 lbs, size 9 shoe
he is 1 part of a 2-person team
does not live in Midlothian, but lives in TX
has experience as a laborer/roofer/maintenance-type job
has definitely played FPS video games
has inside information about MB's routine, the church layout & security system
motivated by money or other reward
somehow - I don't know exactly how - but somehow pain pills are involved
costume is a hodge-podge of inauthentic pieces

#2 profile
gender = probably male
he catfished MB - presented himself as someone he was not over SM
he is a catfish killer
For those contemplating the likely gender of the perp, here are some stats to chew on. In a comprehensive study of homicides committed in the U.S. Over more than a decade, the study revealed the following:

Only 14.7% of the homicides were committed by women, despite females comprising more than half the U.S. population.

In 80% of homicides committed by men, they killed someone they weren't close to - a casual acquaintance, stranger, or someone of indeterminate relationship.

In 60% of homicides committed bywomen, they killed someone they were close to - a spouse, intimate acquaintance, or family member.

I found a more recent source that claims the number of women who commit murder is not 14.7% as noted in the above study, but is actually 11%.

What I gather from these stats and articles is that female murderers are rare (there were only 830 total in the U.S. In 2012). When women do kill, they don't kill strangers or casual acquaintances.

If the total percentage of murders done by women is only 11%, imagine how much lower it goes down when you break it down to murders done by women against women? I wasn't able to find a specific stat on female-on-female murders. If the incidence of females killing females is equal to the incidence of females killing males, then cut that 11% in half. I actually think it might be lower.

So as I see it, the chances that MB was murdered by a female are between 5 and 10 percent.

However, it is less likely for a female to use a firearm. (But, did they not bring in ATF dogs?)
I just saw a rather mundane picture of one of the people listed in the SW, and it gave me the chills.

I think that SP is:

White female
Mid 20's to 30's
Known to victim, very likely known to us.
Motive: The reason most women kill - jealousy, rage, or scorned by a lover.

After looking at the video one more time, I think that swat perp is a female with an apple-shaped body type. She has broad shoulders and a rather large, but somewhat boxy, chest. The legs of SP really taper as they approach her ankles. This is a rather feminine trait. For the most part, men's bodies are fairly straight from the hips to the ankles. SP's body is widest at the shoulders and only continues to narrow as it approaches her ankles.

JMO, of course.
I think that if the perp is married, by now the spouse knows. It probably came to them in a huge OMG moment not long after the murder.
So now what? Confronted the possible perp and got a "this is all because of you!", answer?
Again, now what? Turn spouse in? Kids, family, reputation, livelihood and so on. Spouse knows what's right but can't bring themselves to do it.
Just one of my scenarios.

I think you're right on the "OMG moment". I'd guess that moment was when the cops aired that video and they saw them ambling around in the church video, wearing that getup.
The only word I would ever breatheeeee to a cop if I was being questioned or investigated in regards to a crime is "LAWYER". No matter how innocent the person, even if/when LE has the best of intentions, words are often misunderstood and can be twisted in ways that make you look guilty.

For example, Billy Bob's ex-girlfriend was shot and killed while he was out of town during what appeared to be a home invasion. LE doesn't tell Billy Bob that she died from a GSW though. Billy Bob knows he's got nothing to hide because he's innocent. He agrees to talk to LE because he wants to help them any way that he can. Without even realizing it, Billy Bob just assumed his ex-girlfriend had been shot during the robbery. So, he tells investigators he had nothing to do with this crime and tells them he doesn't even own a gun! LE's immediate response to that is suspicion, and they ask him... "Now, wait a minute, how do you know that she died from a gunshot wound? We never said anything about a gun." And, so the pigeon hole begins...
Absolutely. Verbally invoke your 5th amendment rights and ask for a lawyer. Then sit there like a knot on a log.
Let's play a game. Clue, if you will indulge me? Just the profile I your opinion. Try not to refer to others or compare notes. Just your theory's core and suspect basics. As follows:

White male.
Mid 30 to early 40s.
lives in or close to midlothian.
Known to victim, not necessarily to us.
History of acting out.
Motive / anger over failed or unrequited romance.

This is mine. Looking forward to reading all of yours. Afterwards, comparing notes may be interesting.

White male.
lives in greater DFW/north Texas including Ellis County.
Not known to victim.
Possible of criminal record; or, LE or military background.
Motive money.

The above Clue answer only relates to SwatPerp.

My top theory is: Either A or B or A&B wanted to eliminate MB. A may know nothing, or B may know nothing, or they both may know most everything. Either A or B or A&B are somehow associated with C, who is the SwatPerp. C agrees to eliminate MB, but then required the assistance of D, the accomplice, if one exists. MB knows either A or B or both A&B, but does not know C or D. The weakest links are D, and let's just use B with A the main instigator of the murder plot. D can testify against at least C, and perhaps also A and/or B, and they should go get a lawyer and turn themselves in for the DEAL. B also should do this, especially if B knows what happened but did not participate, and take a DEAL, because they could be charged as accessory after the fact and with obstruction of justice. Leaving A, the main instigator, and C, the SwatPerp, to their deserved first degree murder charges.
Folks I may be way behind here with this , but can anyone tell me what transpired 10 months ago...it would be about 11now. BB mentioned that number specifically when he said MB had been calling him at work everyday saying she loved him, and had bought that book during that time. And he referenced the 'ten months ago' another time also.
Plus when the others were saying she'd been more reserved lately , one of them specifically said 'for the last ten months'
i probably missed it in the threads, but apparently something happened in their relationship 10-11 months ago
Folks I may be way behind here with this , but can anyone tell me what transpired 10 months ago...it would be about 11now. BB mentioned that number specifically when he said MB had been calling him at work everyday saying she loved him, and had bought that book during that time. And he referenced the 'ten months ago' another time also.
Plus when the others were saying she'd been more reserved lately , one of them specifically said 'for the last ten months'
i probably missed it in the threads, but apparently something happened in their relationship 10-11 months ago

Brandon got very, very ill. Still is. He's been hospitalized a lot and Missy was very worried about him.
MrsPC, you're such a help. I know that for the red eye and yellow eye, you had to do some color rinse to clarify those photos. But in this series, is it correct that you have done no colorization? I ask because, again, I see that blue or green hue to the iris, and I also believe that a brown iris would be lost in the shadows and without detail like being able to differente the iris from the pupil in the last couple of eye images which many poster were able to do.

I copy & pasted the photo of the (right) EYE, into my "Irfanview" photo imager. I then 'enlarged' it. (+), and I was able to see it better. (I think it may be a "female".) And looking at it further, I was looking at the 'outline' around the eye.(Is that person possibly wearing "eyeliner" and "mascara" ? Because, when you enlarge the photo, it sort of looks like "eyeliner" MIGHT be there. And the eyelashes look like they MIGHT possibly be somewhat long, maybe mascara.) (But, I cannot tell if that is just how it looks, or if that IS the case.) In regard to eye color, I also see "blue or green" hue. (If the color has not been changed in some way, during the process of getting a close view of that eye-shot), then wouldn't that mean then: the eye might be, "blue or green". (In that photo) The shape of the eye looks to me to possibly be: almond-shaped (like a "cat's-eye") i.e.: an eye that belongs to: a "female".
Originally Posted by Jackeee
I think that if the perp is married, by now the spouse knows. It probably came to them in a huge OMG moment not long after the murder.
So now what? Confronted the possible perp and got a "this is all because of you!", answer?
Again, now what? Turn spouse in? Kids, family, reputation, livelihood and so on. Spouse knows what's right but can't bring themselves to do it.
Just one of my scenarios.

I think you're right on the "OMG moment". I'd guess that moment was when the cops aired that video and they saw them ambling around in the church video, wearing that getup.

Yeah, and if it was a "female" who did it (and she has an ol' man. Husband or boyfriend), that getup (part of it, anyway. Helmet, vest with Police stated on it), might belong to, her ol' man.

i.e.: His clothes (belongings) were an "accessory" to a murder.
Finally caught up tonight! Just in time for bed..LOL

Here is my take on swatperp: Going against the grain here.

Knows MB very well
Protective of her loved ones
Feels MB hurt someone she loves
Commonly up at that time of morning
Lives alone
Likes to watch crime shows
Knew MB schedule
Familiar with church
Not active in athletics
Church was chosen to protect the children
Has been hurt before by someone who committed adultery
Soon to be spending the rest of their life behind bars

JMHO~~and that changes daily and even hourly. I still can't get over SP looks like a male in some frames of the video and in others looks like a female
Folks I may be way behind here with this , but can anyone tell me what transpired 10 months ago...it would be about 11now. BB mentioned that number specifically when he said MB had been calling him at work everyday saying she loved him, and had bought that book during that time. And he referenced the 'ten months ago' another time also.
Plus when the others were saying she'd been more reserved lately , one of them specifically said 'for the last ten months'
i probably missed it in the threads, but apparently something happened in their relationship 10-11 months ago

One thing I found and do not know if it has anything to do with the 10 mo, but MB posted on her fb June 1, 2015 (eerie now) that she had a hysterectomy. April 18 would be rouughly 10 1/2 months JMHO
Got another eye shot - this is a screen capture of the killer's *right* eye - coming out of the first door at 0:28 in the MPD surveillance video.


But what better evidence that the video. If you show her it's her....she is gonna talk.

maybe she has an attorney and isn't really cooperating

IMO, respectfully, this is all highly inflammatory. Unlike TV shows, you really can't zoom in on a grainy eyeball and suddenly have a clearer image. An un-pixelated image? Sorry, but it seems to me that you are practically painting a picture here, and that is dangerous. I don't mean that you are doing it intentionally. Can you please post the exact original SS that you took the latest eye pictures from?


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