Maybe I am the only one and that's ok, right? [emoji15] Anyway, if it's early in the morning pitch dark, pouring cats and dogs, I can't say that it would have struck me as odd if I saw a vehicle pulling out of the church parking lot. At least not enough to take notice and see what the person was driving, wearing, doing etc. in fact I would think they may have missed their turn and needed to go the other direction. If I were missy I and saw a car in the parking lot at the church on Monday morning (especially since she didn't attend that church), I wouldn't think to much of it, I would probably think someone's car broke down on Sunday or they left it there for some reason the day prior.
I am way more aware of my surroundings now, and I know missy was more aware just than I would be, given the message she got etc. but I also wonder if missy chalked that message up to her "special friends" wife or someone like that sending it and quickly dismissed it after showing her friend. Am I right that the last presser that we've heard anything about said message was that they (LE) were still trying to obtain a copy or see the message, because they haven't yet?
Last but not least I don't think missy knew anything about the LE officers who got busted but that's my take.