TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #26

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Agreed, I stand like that in almost every photo I take, regardless of who is in said photo with me.
I think she poses like that because she saw it as her "good side." Turning sideways makes you look thinner and most women know which side they look better from in pictures.
respectfully, 15 minutes when the first camper arrived, 40 minutes from the time Missy entered and camper entered, big difference. The camper sat in their car until 5,
sorry I didn't post quote. This was in response to ( short amount of time to attempt clean up )
i am so torn but a big part of me thinks there are two people in the video's.....JMO and I could be so wrong

I have had this same feeling since the posted the three in one video, the last one where they merged the original ones.

So LE started showing up at classes where Missy's former campers are now. Are they protecting someone who may have seen the perp car leave, a witness for the trial? Are they expecting perp to kill again to take the heat off of the obvious suspect(s) in Missy's murder? Are they protecting AJ as I've seen people accusing him (even though he is not light skinned like police say the perp is) Is perp back in the area?
Have we talked about the odds in a murder case where the victim is female? My very 1st thought was look at that stats.. that keeps returning to my mind. Article says 1/3 killed by male partners, I would have thought it was higher than that...

I'd love to see a more detailed analysis of these statistics, because it sure doesn't match what we see here.

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So LE started showing up at classes where Missy's former campers are now. Are they protecting someone who may have seen the perp car leave, a witness for the trial? Are they expecting perp to kill again to take the heat off of the obvious suspect(s) in Missy's murder? Are they protecting AJ as I've seen people accusing him (even though he is not light skinned like police say the perp is) Is perp back in the area?

You questions are exactly the same ones I have. However, txmommy also shed some light on another possibility (just up thread) ATs camp (at least this one) is held at a facility where there are others also working out. It is possible the LE presence was there watching or looking for someone from that group. Whatever the reason, this gives me hope that they are moving in on the SP and possibly know who it is.

What if someone was obsessed with or stalking AT? They took out Missy because of jealousy of their public work relationship (maybe they saw more into it than there was.) Or maybe they wanted AT to have more income from more CG campers if Missy was out of the picture? AT seems like a likeable guy from his fb page posts. He seems upbeat and not afraid to take selfies with or let his female students tag him. Maybe a female student took his positive personality as affection and twisted it into something sick and more than it was. ... Just some random early morning theory thoughts on why LE continues to show up at CG workouts.

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I just wanted to say thank you to each of you amazing sleuths who gave so many different perspectives last night. Best night of sleep I have had in a long while, lots of things to mull over today! You guys are amazing and I love each of you! [emoji8]

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Maybe I am the only one and that's ok, right? [emoji15] Anyway, if it's early in the morning pitch dark, pouring cats and dogs, I can't say that it would have struck me as odd if I saw a vehicle pulling out of the church parking lot. At least not enough to take notice and see what the person was driving, wearing, doing etc. in fact I would think they may have missed their turn and needed to go the other direction. If I were missy I and saw a car in the parking lot at the church on Monday morning (especially since she didn't attend that church), I wouldn't think to much of it, I would probably think someone's car broke down on Sunday or they left it there for some reason the day prior.

I am way more aware of my surroundings now, and I know missy was more aware just than I would be, given the message she got etc. but I also wonder if missy chalked that message up to her "special friends" wife or someone like that sending it and quickly dismissed it after showing her friend. Am I right that the last presser that we've heard anything about said message was that they (LE) were still trying to obtain a copy or see the message, because they haven't yet?

Last but not least I don't think missy knew anything about the LE officers who got busted but that's my take.

Maybe I am the only one and that's ok, right? [emoji15] Anyway, if it's early in the morning pitch dark, pouring cats and dogs, I can't say that it would have struck me as odd if I saw a vehicle pulling out of the church parking lot. At least not enough to take notice and see what the person was driving, wearing, doing etc. in fact I would think they may have missed their turn and needed to go the other direction. If I were missy I and saw a car in the parking lot at the church on Monday morning (especially since she didn't attend that church), I wouldn't think to much of it, I would probably think someone's car broke down on Sunday or they left it there for some reason the day prior.

I am way more aware of my surroundings now, and I know missy was more aware just than I would be, given the message she got etc. but I also wonder if missy chalked that message up to her "special friends" wife or someone like that sending it and quickly dismissed it after showing her friend. Am I right that the last presser that we've heard anything about said message was that they (LE) were still trying to obtain a copy or see the message, because they haven't yet?

Last but not least I don't think missy knew anything about the LE officers who got busted but that's my take.


I agree with all you have said. I wouldn't think seeing a car parked there was odd either, unless it was running with lights on and someone sitting inside.

The killer is male

I just don't see how those eyes could be female- way too masculine to me. The one thing we have that's concrete and we can see.


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Okay guys trying to figure out something and I need a collective effort here since we all have been watching this from different angles.

What has changed in the last three weeks?

My question is more why would there have been police presence at a work out camp here three weeks ago that abruptly stops but then pick up again today?

What are we missing?

What happened three weeks ago to change the presence and then cause it to randomly start back up today?

This is only me trying to figure out what is different. No local tumors just picking apart some

Eta : I am reporting my own message in case it needs to be deleted or snipped.

Okay I can't report myself please someone click report for me. Lol

My suggestion is that they weren't gone for 3 weeks at all...they just weren't VISIBLE for 3 weeks. Watching to see how people act when police are/aren't there, perhaps.
I just don't see how those eyes could be female- way too masculine to me. The one thing we have that's concrete and we can see.


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I don't see how anyone can see eyes at all lol.
IMO the picture of MB and AT could be a picture that they were taking (just the 2 of them) and then the 3rd guy came in at the last moment and jumped in ("hey come over and take a picture" or he just inserted himself in the picture) if they were already posed, it makes sense that they were leaning in towards each other. I know body language experts say posing like that is a sign of sexual tension/attraction or whatever but I think they were just posing. IMO IDK *shrug*
Regarding the SW and why CT cell record request was included...

The SW request may not be because MB had contact with CT.
The SW can reveal what was discussed b/t AT and CT.

JMO :)
Thinking out loud...... Glammie tells us about LE presence at latest CG class. Maybe LE suspects a camper is the perp?

That could make sense it was a camper who did this murder because his car may have been parked & MB saw it & recognized it so no red alerts...she went about her business of going into the church & setting up as some of her CG-ers were early birds. After the murder, SWATperp ditches his costume into a gym bag, cleans himself up (which LE said "clean up"--maybe the killer cleaned up in the bathroom & MB blood is left in sink) & in the confusion the killer blends in with the other campers. Maybe he killed MB in the bathroom & quickly cleaned up & changed up in there?

The killer is dressed like a camper now.

At the murder scene, everyone is in shock & horror and all focus is on MB initially; no one is noting the peripheral parties including arriving campers. The perp now appears to arrive & feigns shock/sadness.

Perp gets to leave later whenever the rest of the campers leave therefore no car seen during the guesstimated SWATperp exited times.

Clever perp.

All speculation

I have thought this could be possible from the beginning. I am NOT saying C1 is the SP BUT a camper makes sense for so many reasons. They have a relationship with the victim, they know her routine at this location including arrival time and moving indoors, and their alibi is being there at the church aka murder scene. They made it look like a robbery so LE and others wouldn't be looking around at the campers thinking they were the killer (at first it is rumored that they thought she had an accident) and IMO I don't think that LE searched any of the cars in the parking lot that day. I don't see anything that remotely resembles LE searching the actual people there that morning or their belongings. I'm with you Honey, I still think SP left with or after the campers that day.
I have thought this could be possible from the beginning. I am NOT saying C1 is the SP BUT a camper makes sense for so many reasons. They have a relationship with the victim, they know her routine at this location including arrival time and moving indoors, they made it look like a robbery so LE and others wouldn't be looking around at the campers thinking they were the killer (at first it is rumored that they thought she had an accident) and IMO I don't think that LE searched any of the cars in the parking lot that day. I don't see anything that remotely resembles LE searching the actual people there that morning or their belongings. I'm with you Honey, I still think SP left with or after the campers that day.
If outside video wasn't working, how do they know exact times C1 and C2 arrived other than from them, which may or may not be accurate.
Regarding the SW and why CT cell record request was included...

The SW request may not be because MB had contact with CT.
The SW can reveal what was discussed b/t AT and CT.

JMO :)

Or CT could have been included due to some of those tips and statements referenced by LE in the SW..........killer could have provided some tips and statements to start folks down the wrong road. LE and rumor mill.....Maybe?
If outside video wasn't working, how do they know exact times C1 and C2 arrived other than from them, which may or may not be accurate.

Exactly! I have questioned that in previous posts.
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