TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #27

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Yes! We refer to Texas as the Bible Belt! Churches everywhere! People pray in public places, business meetings, school functions etc. and no one bats an eye. People sure can be hypocritical when they believe they are right/justified, and can usually find some convoluted bible verse to back their ideology. Let's just put it this way I live in the DFW area and would never tell anyone at work I'm agnostic for fear of losing my job.

ETA: I do not live in Midolothian so just info about DFW area and Texas in general

Hahaha! We also refer to the south as the Bible Belt! Lol

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Well, it was very wet that night/ morning, so there is always the possibility of a slip. It could also be a combination of preexisting and acute injury- or even soreness? I am mentioning soreness, as a I am thinking of reasons why the perp would go through all the masquerade and then walk like a T-Rex.. Also, when you watch the MLPD video, you notice, how the gait changes. However, since we don't know, how the video was edited - time wise- it is only an observation with a possible explanation. All IMO of course

Respectfully BBM. While I totally agree we do not know the time stamps on the large portion of the 227 video, we do know some of the time frame 358am so was there few min prior JMHO (the area by the bulletin boards) thanks to the 7 sec video that was orig released with time stamp still attached http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12519680#post12519680
It's the little things...

If it was determined that the perp did NOT enter via the door after beating the lockset apart, then I would have to say the perp is probably not LE or firefighter. I cannot believe that persons of either of those two professions could not defeat the lock after beating it apart.
The killer's eyes are not deep set. The killer was squinting in that shot. And the killer has something covering their forehead and and had some sort of cover just under the eyes as well. So, this particular shot is deceiving. I previously posted a really good shot of the killer's right eye here:


And just for kicks - just to give you a feel of what the killer looks like - I took that right eye shot and flipped it horizontal and put the two together. It's not a real accurate picture of the killer because in the right eye shot the killer is looking slightly to the right. But IMO it's definitely a female.


and remember - the killer has something coming down from the forehead that covers the nose and has something just under the eyes so it makes the cheeks appear puffy but that's not the killer's cheeks.

edited to add - also the killer partially moved/pulled down some of the face covering during the video so the different eye shots I've posted are from different intervals of the video and the coverings were different in some shots.

I am really curious how we will all feel about our perception of the eyes, gait, body size, car sticker, etc once we know who SP is. Will we be like, OMG, of course, look at those eyes. Exact match! Or, hmm, not one bit like what I expected them to look like. I still don't see the resemblance. It will interesting to see how all our guesses match up with reality.
Ha! I wish there was a way to toss out all the red herrings so we could focus on what's important. Just today I listened to the April 24th Cowboy Church sermon and looked into Midlothian's railroad industry. Crazy! I'm curious what you are thinking about the case these days. Care to share?

I will answer this question tomorrow. I have many thoughts. However, have been at a birthday party and want to answer this question with a clear head (to much wine). Loose lips sinks ships ;)

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"... Medial rotation of the thigh is also severely impaired. When a person is asked to stand on one leg, the gluteus medius and minimus normally contract as soon as the contralateral foot leaves the floor, preventing tipping of the pelvis to the unsupported side. When a person with paralysis of the superior gluteal nerve is asked to stand on one leg, the pelvis descends on the unsupported side, indicating that the gluteus medius on the contralateral side is weak or non-functional. This observation is referred to clinically as a positive Trendelenburg's sign.

When the pelvis descends on the unsupported side, the lower limb becomes, in effect, too long and does not clear the ground when the foot is brought forward in the swing phase of walking. To compensate, the individual leans away from the unsupported side, raising the pelvis to allow adequate room for the foot to clear the ground as it swings forward. ..."

Is this what SP puts his weight on the left leg, his pelvis tips down on the right, making the leg seem too long, so he swings it forward?

I wonder if he has previously been shot in the a$$ resulting in permanent, non-organic damage to the superior gluteal nerve that feeds the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles.
In my opinion, it does. The general posture (forward head, sway back, hypermobile knee, toe-out) match at least one person. Additionally, since the posture is accurate, it's my opinion that it potentially eliminates several people on the SWPOI list.

Omg! I just googled two of the male sw folks and came upon a side by side video of one of them and the sp video. That, along with this awesome animation has sealed the deal for me.

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I will answer this question tomorrow. I have many thoughts. However, have been at a birthday party and want to answer this question with a clear head (to much wine). Loose lips sinks ships ;)

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I admire your restraint and respect for people.

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The killer's eyes are not deep set. The killer was squinting in that shot. And the killer has something covering their forehead and and had some sort of cover just under the eyes as well. So, this particular shot is deceiving. I previously posted a really good shot of the killer's right eye here:

View attachment 96475

And just for kicks - just to give you a feel of what the killer looks like - I took that right eye shot and flipped it horizontal and put the two together. It's not a real accurate picture of the killer because in the right eye shot the killer is looking slightly to the right. But IMO it's definitely a female.

View attachment 96476

and remember - the killer has something coming down from the forehead that covers the nose and has something just under the eyes so it makes the cheeks appear puffy but that's not the killer's cheeks.

edited to add - also the killer partially moved/pulled down some of the face covering during the video so the different eye shots I've posted are from different intervals of the video and the coverings were different in some shots.

Wow, I see the eyes in that second pic and wow, such evil
Wouldn't necessarily be a SW target number.....LE said a long time ago that they were looking beyond the SW peeps. I think Cagney is right, LE may well know who owns the car but not who was driving it and neither have come forth to tell them. JMO

But if LE knows who owns the car, wouldn't they have interviewed them and discovered who was driving the car? I guess I'm lost.
I agree!! I believe it is hip or knee, (not from break in), just the state of their physical stature.
Arthritis will cause stiffness upon awakening that can also show similar signs so may not be an exact injury but long-term condition and yes you can have one side worse than the other with arthritis, etc.
I totally agree with this. The first time I played with it in Lightroom this is exactly what I thought.

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This is what I got using light room this time. Playing with the exposure and bumping the black and whites up and down. I just haven't a clue.


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I'm sure this has been noted before...the marks seem to show that the mechanism was struck VERY hard from the right and rotated counter-clockwise. This would have required a sledge hammer...perhaps not the long handle variety, but at least a five pound head.

The smaller marks to the left of the handle appear to have been made by the tip of the handle after being struck.
And right handed? Just a thought.
This is what I think the car sticker is


LOL...Quite familiar with that one. I'm a Green Bay Packers Fan myself, so I prefer this one...LOL

There isn't enough for me to tell whether or not you are correct~~~It does appear to be raised perhaps on the left side?


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