TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #29

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SandyQLS, you have really outdone yourself with the last two lists you put together. Thank you.
I don't agree with any of this. She didn't work at the church and wouldn't have been alone "all day." Have you read the facts of the case?

MB held her classes at CC. Hence, it was her place (aka location) of employment. I did not say she was employed by CC. MB was a homeschooling mom so as soon as she returned to her house after her 5:00 class she would have had at least one of her children with her for the rest of the day. Please let me know where you think I am mistaken.
MB held her classes at CC. Hence, it was her place (aka location) of employment. I did not say she was employed by CC. MB was a homeschooling mom so as soon as she returned to her house after her 5:00 class she would have had at least one of her children with her for the rest of the day. Please let me know where you think I am mistaken.

Oh I'm sorry. I totally misunderstood. I thought you meant she would have been alone all day at the church. I understand now what you mean. :)
Oh I'm sorry. I totally misunderstood. I thought you meant she would have been alone all day at the church. I understand now what you mean. :)

I am sorry that I didn't word my original post more clearly.
I have been following this case from the beginning. After watching the cctv footage repeatedly until my eyes were crossed, I decided to take a step back and asked what are we missing.
Starting from the beginning: Because the common consensus is that LE should hold to a higher standard, I think it is human nature to dissconnect the perp by assuming that, of course this was a person dressed at a cop. For thread after thread, the odd walk, weight, gender, etc. was discussed. Burglary, vs. planned attack. All the usual suspects.

Most often, it is the most obvious that is true. I happen to know neumerous people in law enforcement and in thinking of friends in LE, I had to recalculate my initial view of the videos. Cops come in all shapes and sizes. We, tend to have the TV land view of all things. Law officers are or should hold to a higher standard than the general public, therefore this should not be a cop, but someone dressed as a cop.

While looking at this video with a friend of mine, who is a veteral decetive, I had a revolation. Or not. I have held to the very distinct possibility that this was a law officer. For thread after thread, we discussed everything from where this perp got the gear, to if in fact it was lagitimate gear at all. We have been back and forth on gender, weight, age, motive etc. My friends immediate reaction was that this is a cop. Not necessarily a Midlothian cop, but a cop none the less. He seemed to think that the per displayed some common manerisims of LE. He also agreed that it would be highly unlikley for anyone to go out and obtain this type of gear for the sole purpose of disguise. It would make more sense if the perp wanted you to believe that it was a cop that did the deed, and if that were the case, would have displayed some identifier of department or person. Our discussion consisted of officers we know who dont know how to use a screwdriver, another that walks particularly funny. (no offence Johnny) we love bro. We also are of the opinion that this perp was just killing time, as apposed to staging a burglary. As for motive who knows? But the topic of our discussion was that the public only knows of one possible romantic interest and if that lies within the character of the victim, there are possibly more or previous ones. Maybe one of them if there are others, is a cop?
I agree with yu. To your point, doesn't LE say when investigating a murder that they start from the inside (people closest and most known by the victim) and work outwards. They want to eliminate those known by the victim first.

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and if this has the potential to be a death penalty case...everything has to be checked out in triplicate! I think that may be where the charges (when made) may be heading. I don't expect to hear anything much until there is an arrest.
I was thinking that LE said the injuries were consistent of the tools left at the scene. JMO MHO

The May 3rd search warrant specifically states that she "had multiple puncture wounds found on her head and chest [that] are consistent with the tools that the suspect was carrying throughout the building." Maybe another search warrant indicates "tools left at the scene," but this one specifies that the murder weapon was "carried" by the murderer. So it doesn't necessarily mean a hammer. There are many "tools" that can cause puncture wounds, and in MHO, the claw part of a hammer would not necessarily cause deep puncture wounds, like some other tools might.
We do not know if there was or was not violence in the home. You've stated this pretty clearly, and unless you have access to information not yet available this seems like another example of how suppositions morph into facts. Domestic violence isn't ruled out just because BB is not a suspect. Then again, we don't have a suspect list, nor should we. To be clear, I'm not suggesting BB is involved. I am saying your post is more opinion than fact.
I said that the "MB case doesn't involve violence in the home", and that is an accurate statement. Every bit of information released and sleuthed about this case gives zero indication of any violence. If anything were to come out later then I would have to change the wording of that statement. But just like (for example) the use of drugs in the home, it's accurate to say that the MB case does not involve these things. If we could only discuss the things that have been 100% definitively ruled out, we would have nothing to discuss.
I actually don't find this case super bizarre or unusual. Am I the only one? Aside from the swat gear, nothing sticks out at me.

Since I believe that this was a targeted killing, the church isn't odd. It was MB's place of employment, and it's the only place where she would have been alone all day.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. The circumstances of this case don't defy logic as applied to a plan to kill Missy Bevers. However they are outside the norm when compared to other murders. I'm arguing that statistics don't apply to this case. The time of her murder alone puts it outside the norm. The hours between 3am and 6am are the least likely time to be murdered. But that's when Missy was murdered and for a reason specific to her.
The May 3rd search warrant specifically states that she "had multiple puncture wounds found on her head and chest [that] are consistent with the tools that the suspect was carrying throughout the building." Maybe another search warrant indicates "tools left at the scene," but this one specifies that these were carried by the murdered. So it doesn't necessarily mean a hammer. There are many "tools" that can cause puncture wounds, and in MHO, a the claw part of a hammer would not necessarily cause deep puncture wounds, like some other tools might.

Thank you, cfreyja23. In your opinion, is a gun one of those "tools?"
Also, since you are a verified attorney in Texas, do you believe the lack of recent info from LE to be consistent with other local cases? Could the FBI's role be leading local LE in that direction?
So many questions! Thanks. :)
"Evidence" seen through the filter of bias. I have seen too many times, public opinion go toward conspiracies and complicated connections - anything but the simpleness of being killed by a stranger.

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I won't go over the stats everyone else posted again that being killed by a stranger is a lot less likely than being murdered by someone you know, to me the additional facts that make a stranger murder unlikely are 1) the creepy LinkedIn message, 2) a friend saying that Missy wasn't acting normal lately, and 3) the unbelievably coincidental timing of her murder. There can only be so many coincidences that lead up to "wrong place at the wrong time" murder.
The May 3rd search warrant specifically states that she "had multiple puncture wounds found on her head and chest [that] are consistent with the tools that the suspect was carrying throughout the building." Maybe another search warrant indicates "tools left at the scene," but this one specifies that these were carried by the murdered. So it doesn't necessarily mean a hammer. There are many "tools" that can cause puncture wounds, and in MHO, a the claw part of a hammer would not necessarily cause deep puncture wounds, like some other tools might.

Graphic content warning.
There is so much we don't know about the crime scene, making it very difficult to sleuth this case:
We don't know how deep the puncture wounds were.
We don't know if there was one or more than one tool used in the crime.
We don't have an autopsy report. We only have documentation prior to autopsy that there were puncture wounds to head and chest.
We don't know what wound was the fatal wound. Was it a blow to the head, or a blow to the chest? Don't know.
We don't know if the victim bled out, or if there was a brain injury, or if the attack triggered some other medical condition like a heart attack. And really, for all we know, the perp could have incapacitated her and then covered her mouth and nose. We just don't know.

Filling in the details of what actually happened when the two encountered each other is key to solving this case, IMHO. It would help to reveal much more about the type of person we're dealing with - whether they were prepared for what happened, or caught by surprise, whether the death of Missy was an unintended consequence of the encounter or whether the perp went "all in" and made sure of a fatal end.
Yes, GA_Peach! For instance, if there were two unsubs (unknown subjects) then they may have expected two people to set up the camp, ie., Missy and one other, who may have backed out for some unknown reason to us, at the last minute. That way, it would be two killers against two victims who were unaware of danger lurking inside the church when they opened for campers that fateful morning. That's my theory and opinion, at this time, which may change without advance notice.
I'm with you for the first half of that post. As of a few weeks ago, I began being more open to the second unsub theory. Either in the building (off camera) or not. SP doesn't look capable of the door destruction and a guaranteed take down of MB, and if I'm SP, I'd be pretty afraid I'd get that hammer (or tool) turned back on me (if I was by myself).

You've got to track MB's movements. You've go to figure out where the cameras are. You've got to position yourself to ambush her (and not be detected). You don't see the "fight" because it is intentionally off camera. You've got to clean up what I think is a messy murder scene. And you have to make a prompt escape. Two people can do all that better than one, esp if the one is this SP we've grown to know pretty well.

Totally not subscribing to a two victim scene. Two people want two other people dead? Sounds too much like a WWE script. The second is then a child (the usual accompaniment) ? No. They wanted MB GONE. For sure and minimal video.
I won't go over the stats everyone else posted again that being killed by a stranger is a lot less likely than being murdered by someone you know, to me the additional facts that make a stranger murder unlikely are 1) the creepy LinkedIn message, 2) a friend saying that Missy wasn't acting normal lately, and 3) the unbelievably coincidental timing of her murder. There can only be so many coincidences that lead up to "wrong place at the wrong time" murder.

Great points. And I bet the stats of getting killed in a church, in general are quite low too.

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Thank you, cfreyja23. In your opinion, is a gun one of those "tools?"
Also, since you are a verified attorney in Texas, do you believe the lack of recent info from LE to be consistent with other local cases? Could the FBI's role be leading local LE in that direction?
So many questions! Thanks. :)

Hi, GummyWorms!
JMO, but I think it is unlikely that she was shot. It just doesn't make sense to me that someone would shoot her and then follow up with puncture wounds. To me, the whole point of using regular, everyday construction tools would be to prevent weapon tracing. So why use a gun (which leaves a piece of physical evidence behind) and then use a "tool" (my gut tells me it wasn't a hammer)? Some have suggested that the murderer may have used a tool to (pardon the indelicacy) retrieve a bullet, but I think the murderer knew that time was of the essence once Missy arrived, and that task seems like it would take some time.
I'm happy to give my opinion about the FBI involvement, but to be fair it would not be any more legitimate than a non-attorney, as I have never professionally worked with the FBI (but I have with other law enforcement agencies). I think the FBI tends to have more of a "get public cooperation and assistance" attitude than local police do, so IMO the press releases and Nissan car information were released upon the recommendation of the FBI. I would be absolutely shocked at this point if they did not have at least one, if not several, solid POIs. I also think that the fewer press conferences they do, and the less information they release, the more likely that they have specific targets they are investigating. All JMHO.
this is an image I got here from WS, I am by no means a pro etc at photo manipulation etc... I adjusted the exposure, sharpness etc. Does one eye appear to "Odd", if yes, could SP have a fake eye, and eye injury, maybe at some point suffer from a stroke (Maybe that would explain odd SP walk?) Just my thoughts and opinions.


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3) the unbelievably coincidental timing of her murder. There can only be so many coincidences that lead up to "wrong place at the wrong time" murder.

Personally, I don't see the timing as being 'unbelievably coincidental'.

Personally, I don't see the timing as being 'unbelievably coincidental'.

Really? I read all your posts- but surprised that the early am time frame- getting in/out, killing MB before (presumably) first camper arrives is quite unbelievably coincidental. Hmm...

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Really? I read all your posts- but surprised that the early am time frame- getting in/out, killing MB before (presumably) first camper arrives is quite unbelievably coincidental. Hmm...

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If something is by design, it isn't really a coincidence. Someone knew that she would be there early in the morning, and worse a disguise in the event of being seen. It's no more of a coincidence that it would be for me to go to the bus stop before the bus arrives.

Moreover -- and just speculating here -- I suspect the 'unbelievable coincidence' adverted to above is BB's being out of town. If I'm right about that, calling it a coincidence is one thing, but calling it an 'unbelievable coincidence' (in my opinion) is a way of casting suspicion on BB.

Personally, I don't see the timing as being 'unbelievably coincidental'.

To be more specific, the facts that lead it to seem that way to me are, 1) she just came back from an out of town trip, 2) it was (IIRC) going to be the last class at the church, 3) her husband was out of town (though I'm not implying he was involved), 4) it was later in the morning than most burglaries occur (statistically), 5) SP was right where MB was walking toward to, I presume, open the other door, 6) we don't see that many break-ins with a perp wearing this level of costume--so hiding any identifying information was a high priority (and do you think a perp would go to this level for just a minor church burglary?), and 7) she had just received a "creepy" message through a social media site. How much more coincidental can it be?
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