TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #29

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MB Facebook post stating that she was moving indoors was removed fairly quickly-c IF it was posted on FB that was moving indoors. She could have been sent on the CG app to members that morning by MB. There is not a screen shot of it, but there is screen shots of the couple of FB post night prior. I do not doubt that she made a post or sent a message to CG Campers because we know she had done that in the past (see Jan 3, 2016 post*this one is where she posted not feeling well, not April 17 that has grown legs)

Also have no doubt the class was going to be inside, because Chief Carl Smith tells us this at the April 18 Press Conf. No reason for him to make this up. * Remember they spoke with the actual CG Campers, and I would think again it would be on MB phone extraction too (that would come 2 days later) JMHO

Chief Carl Smith: She is an instructor for a fitness club here in Ellis County, and she was preparing for a class and was actually having the class inside the facility today because of the rain. So her students actually were in the building and found her and notified law enforcement/EMS of her condition http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12592838#post12592838
not directionally challenged. I wasn't being mean to you.

Where MB was parked is on the East side of the building facing 287 (which is south side of the building) and that corner faces east towards Waxahachie. The other corner closest to Whataburger would be SW end going towards Ft worth.


MB parked at the bottom left corner of the church, in the aerial pic above, and Whataburger is closest to the top left in the pic. On that we agree. But factually, those are SW and NW respectively, and the side of the building closest to 287 would be its West side. That's the same thing everyone else here would (and does) call them, and if you don't understand that, you're going to be mighty confused.

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  • Creekside aerial view.png
    Creekside aerial view.png
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1) JMHO it appears the Cameras are at the doors and possibly at each end of hallways. I just don't see them having a camera pointing toward the doors leading out to where MB truck was parked in addition to the one that captures the Dutch door hallway and the one over the doors that caught the Suspect coming from the NW side of building towards the covered awning doors. **why would they do that if they have the exterior camera on the outside, pointed to where - if working properly - would capture anyone entering or leaving those doors

2) Main Hallway of Creekside CoC runs from North West parking lot side (where metal door busted) to the South West side (where the Covered Awning that MB parked under). It has a different design on the floor than the other Hallways in the Creekside CoC. Captain Spann references that MB seen walking down Main Hallway:
Captain John Spann: Pretty quick after she got there. Again, the timeline from the boot camp members that were arriving there &#8211;&#8211;again, we know the time that she entered the church, which I believe is going to be around 4:18 [A.M.], again, approximate time. We see her in the video. She's walking down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her, but when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion, and the camera turns off, so we don't have anything. Like I said, we have no video of the assault actually taking place http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12592838#post12592838

3) Captain of CID John Spann, comments make reference to the entry doors
Captain John Spann: The video that we're going to release to you is of the suspect. There's no video of the assault that took place. There is video of Mrs. Bevers when she first enters the church, but I don't believe that's part of the video that's being released for right now
Captain John Spann: Like he said, she's part of a Camp Gladiator boot camp that meets there. she camp normally starts at 5:00 A.M. She arrived approximately a little after 4:00 A.M. and was in the process &#8211;&#8211;her vehicle was parked by the entry door, unloading her equipment. She was actually found by one of the boot camp participants who got there a little bit early, waited outside for a while, and then, once some of the other people arrived, they entered the building to go start their boot camp, and that's when they located her, and at that time, just as soon as she was unresponsive&#8211;&#8211;until they saw her injuries and called
And there are 4 corners of a building North West Corner (Front Corner of building on side of busted metal kitchen door) North East Corner ( Same side as busted metal kitchen door at the rear of building where the double doors were busted) South West Corner (Front Corner & side with the Covered Awning where MB parked truck) South East Corner (Same side as Covered Awning at the rear of the building) "south west corner of the interior of the building" Could literally be anywhere in that 1/4 of he building. JMHO
page 6/8 iPhone iPad SW
At approximately 0418 hours, the victim Terri Bevers is observed entering the building through the main door under the awning area. The video shows Terri Bevers walking toward the suspects location. Neither the suspect nor victim, were seen again on video. The victim was later found deceased at the south west corner of the interior of the building.

4) I have no reason so far to believe that MB did not entry doors at the Covered Awning. This is the area where she would have had under the awning - if had not moved it indoors due to the weather or in that South West parking lot that was the most lit up area. It is where if you look on her FB, any photos from that 5am class was in that area. Why would she choose to have a class at the West - FRONT entrance, where there is only 1 street light? She did not have them there is good weather (going by her FB photos. And vehicles parked in that area also.
Missy Bevers Creekside parking lot street lights.jpg
I don&#8217;t think anything happened in the auditorium/sanctuary.
1. In churches. The auditorium is the most important room to lock. It&#8217;s got the A/V(most breakable and valuable thing in the building, probably), the drums (also are a bit fragile and too tempting for kids and teens to play on.) It was most likely locked. SP COULD have broken out the glass and reached his/her arm in and unlocked the door so he/she could quickly exit through to the north side (I think Steve&#8217;s right). Churches generally resist putting security camera&#8217;s in their auditorium/&#8221;sanctuary&#8221;. The only one I&#8217;ve ever worked on was a mega-church that had them hidden in the ceiling and scanned the crowds for threats when filled.

This is a thought-filled post, but I gotta disagree with many of these item 1 points.

a I go to a church in the same general area, that I think is a bit bigger than CCoC (but not by much), and the auditorium is NOT locked. In fact, I doubt the doors to our auditorium even have locks on them at all.
b You assume drums in this auditorium. I think they have no instruments at all. Church policy/beliefs drive that.
c The pics that have been posted here show the auditorium as a multi-purpose area, which would imo make it less likely to be locked down, and more likely to have it set up for people to come and go.
d My suggestion was that the perp did NOT simply smash the window in the door to enter. It looks to me like the damage shows they tried to do that, but it was much more difficult. (But I do think that the exit was easy.)
1. A burglar or someone staging a burglary would want to find the AV equipment because it is valuable, no? Even BB mentioned that.

2. MB was running a business and leasing the church spaces for that purpose. Given the obvious risks of excercising and potential liabilities, the CoC no doubt has a facilities manager and probably a lawyer who reviewed a contract with MB and CG to clarifiy potential liabilities and insurance, define exactly what MB could and could not access or do, define dates and times, an end date for the contract, etc., which everyone signed and for which consideration was given.

4. RBBM. I have seen this promoted repeatedly without any link or presser that "the CG campers saw MB through the glass". Do you have a link? Who said this? JMO but it was a theory that has grown legs.

1. Yes, I (I think we all) agree that usually the biggest cache in a church is the AV. The last church I was a part of that put one in dropped six figures. I think we're hitting it from different angles to make different points. My point was that the auditorium is generally the most secured and I'd be a little surprised if the church just handed over the keys to that room to MB, a non-member/staff. So a burglar broke into it? I buy that. She voluntarily went in or was enticed in. Possible. But I don't think she regularly went in there. Dragged in? I'd ask "why". To get out of the range of cameras? Possible. Occam's razor starts shaving away at that a little. Now she's in a big room and fast (looks a lot faster than SP - yes I have no proof of that). We're all speculating. I'm prone to keep it simplest. Confronted in hallway/enclave and that's where everything happened.

2. Do you know for certain she paid CCoC? "CCoC no doubt has a facilities manager" Both highly speculative. Link? Their website does not list any facilities manager. My guess is they have a 3/4 to full-time custodian. I used to run the business end of churches and we didn't always charge. Totally depended on who or what. We let the Scouts use our facilities for free. 1. We agreed with their mission and wanted to support them. They were building up young men and women. We'd have 40-50 potential new members of our church in our facility regularly. We'd build relationships with them. And if they decided they wanted to start taking their family to church, where would they go? You bet, they knew us and were comfortable with us. We let employers host job fairs in our church for free. Why. Because that's a worthy cause and we were doing good for both our members and the community. Blood drive was mentioned. May have been a for-profit or not-for-profit but don't be fooled. There's some pretty good money flowing thru there. But we supported that cause. An outdoor exercise group wants to use our cement and awning to get physically fit. I'd run it by the board but they might like that idea (esp if they knew the people involved and maybe got a discount for church members.)

4. Yes. You've asked for that and I haven't dug it out yet. My apologies. It was very early when people were talking, esp locals (I'm about 20 minutes away so I know people that know people; which I agree, can be dangerous.) It was a bit chaotic and everyone was trying to find out as much as they could. It may not have been on this site. I didn't question it was rigorously because it made sense and didn't seem to push any agenda and I didn't see a motive to make it up. But you are correct to question it. I'll dig back but I don't think it's critical enough to the case to spend half an afternoon.

Thanks for your consistently insightful sleuthing.
Does anyone know exactly where the CG class was to be held? Was it a room inside the building off of one of the hallways? I think if she actually was killed in the southwest corner of the building, it must have been inside a room or it was captured on video, because two cameras are in the southwest corner.

That or it wasn't the southwest corner, since the actual southwest corner of the building is a covered patio. I'm going to assume she was killed somewhere else in the building, away from the cameras and indoors? I haven't heard any clues that would point to otherwise.

Here's my map of where I believe at least three of the cameras are placed. Disclaimer: I've never been in the church, so this map is only an estimation of hallways/walls, etc. It is in no way accurate as far as doorways, exits, etc. It's really only for my own orientation regarding the video. The patio area is definitely on the SW corner, though.


Great Job! I agree with your camera placements.

May 20 Press Conf:
Chief Kevin Johnson: Absolutely, yes. And to clarify that, so&#8211;&#8211;the exterior cameras worked on an intermittent basis, so they were experiencing just some malfunctions. We have video, you know, during previous times of exterior footage, but on the day of the murder we don't have exterior footage from the cameras outside. And again, the cameras inside &#8211;&#8211;you know, they have their field of view and then they have a motion sensor field, if you will, and those don't always coincide. So, as you see in some of the videos, you know, you see a &#8211;&#8211;the suspect walk away from a camera and then it deactivates. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12581000#post12581000

:thinking: was in field of view, the camera just didn't pick up her motion and cut off? So there wasn't another camera in the area she was to pick up the motion. But where the Suspect Location there was >> ETA: OR, the Suspect was seen on camera prior being in that area. Even though the Suspect area may have had a camera, "She's walking down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her, but when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion, and the camera turns off, so we don't have anything" Dont have the assault but they do know where the Suspect was.

JMHO Wherever MB was located is between Door that Suspect opened and the area by Come As You Are area this is down the Main Hallway...Again there is a small hallway just prior to the Door the Suspect opened. We don't know if the Suspect came back and closed that door (doubtful but we don't know) anywhere in that area is my guess where MB was located. Possibly in that room or hall. There is also a glass top table between little hallway and the Door Suspect opened. MPD 227 Video MB.JPG

Also here is those doors April 18 at 10 pm news, can see what appears to be the restroom doors (told there are restrooms there) But by placement of cameras, I don't see how that could be considered (with the limited facts we have so far JMHO) April 18 wfaa covered doors news shot.jpg
Captain John Spann: Pretty quick after she got there. Again, the timeline from the boot camp members that were arriving there &#8211;&#8211;again, we know the time that she entered the church, which I believe is going to be around 4:18 [A.M.], again, approximate time. We see her in the video. She's walking down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her, but when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion, and the camera turns off, so we don't have anything. Like I said, we have no video of the assault actually taking place http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12592838#post12592838
MB Facebook post stating that she was moving indoors was removed fairly quickly-c IF it was posted on FB that was moving indoors. She could have been sent on the CG app to members that morning by MB. There is not a screen shot of it, but there is screen shots of the couple of FB post night prior. I do not doubt that she made a post or sent a message to CG Campers because we know she had done that in the past (see Jan 3, 2016 post*this one is where she posted not feeling well, not April 17 that has grown legs)

Also have no doubt the class was going to be inside, because Chief Carl Smith tells us this at the April 18 Press Conf. No reason for him to make this up. * Remember they spoke with the actual CG Campers, and I would think again it would be on MB phone extraction too (that would come 2 days later) JMHO

Exactly. Besides that, Missy opened the Church doors even when it was not raining so that campers would have access to the restrooms, and other necessary amenities inside of the church. Not sure why this is so difficult to understand.

arkansasmimi, :rose: you just don't know how much you've been missed. :welcomeback:
SteveS, Cannonball, PibblePal, Everyone - not sure who to quote - Thank everyone. This series of posts just gave me a lightbulb moment of clarity (perhaps a dimbulb moment). There have been speculative posts that MB might have gone early to meet someone, which we now know that CG requires trainers to arrive 30 minutes early, so nothing unusual in arrival timing by MB. Since the SP broke into and illegally entered the building, and at the hidden-from-view NE corner, then theories that she had arranged to meet someone inside for any purpose (tryst, signup, discussion or confrontation) are negated. Additionally, LE would likely have discovered an electronic communication between MB and the other person. JMO MB was completely surprised by someone inside the building who did not belong there. (You all probably already deduced that.)

Respectfully bbm I don't buy that, JMHO, not that particular day anyway. Leaving her kids home alone, just don't see that. But again JMHO and we don't now ..
This member does not know what a WWE script is although it matters not as it was placed in your remarks to belittle the theory of two perps; two victims. AFAIK. a child has never accompanied MB to her 5am workouts. Another CG did though. A younger person accompanied MB on her 9am camps after the others were at school.

Let that sink in a minute.

Okay. I let it sink in a minute. What was speculated (and that's all ANY of us are doing here or we'd have a perp behind bars) was that there were two perps and two targets. Frankly, I was one of the earlier proponents of a two perp theory. At the time I proposed it, it didn't go over that well either (that's what this forum is for - to bounce ideas off of). See how people react. They didn't like the idea. I'm okay with that. I'm still only at maybe 30% in favor of that theory myself. You can see a little of my thinking above.

Were there two perps and two targets? There's not a lot of evidence that I've seen. Occams razor is buzzing like crazy. No one (here, LE, et al) have ever mentioned there may have been two targets. One or Two motives? Like to hear your thoughts. From what I've read, she generally went by herself (which worried her family). I read she took her daughter along occasionally. You say the minor only went to the 9:00? If that was published, I might have missed that or you have inside information?

I mentioned the WWE scenario because when you mentioned two aggressors and two targets, I went through my memory banks to think of any scenario that I've ever seen in my life where there were two perps and two victims, and that's the only thing that came to mind. We used to watch it (was called WWF and on Saturday nights) and they frequently had tag teams with two on each side. Was it scripted? So scripted that they had to legally change their company's name from World Wrestling Federation to World Wrestling Entertainment. I was wrong if I came across belittling your (or anyone's) idea, if that's how you read it (communication is the responsibility of the communicator, I screwed up then).

Having said all that, I still stand by my speculation that there was maybe a second perp, but find it improbable (IMO) that anyone was expecting or looking for a second victim. I believe (IMO) that MB was the only target and I subscribe to the thesis a few pages ago that she very well could have been stalked with her movements noted.
2. Do you know for certain she paid CCoC? "CCoC no doubt has a facilities manager" Both highly speculative. Link? Their website does not list any facilities manager. My guess is they have a 3/4 to full-time custodian. I used to run the business end of churches and we didn't always charge. Totally depended on who or what. We let the Scouts use our facilities for free. 1. We agreed with their mission and wanted to support them. They were building up young men and women. We'd have 40-50 potential new members of our church in our facility regularly. We'd build relationships with them. And if they decided they wanted to start taking their family to church, where would they go? You bet, they knew us and were comfortable with us. We let employers host job fairs in our church for free. Why. Because that's a worthy cause and we were doing good for both our members and the community. Blood drive was mentioned. May have been a for-profit or not-for-profit but don't be fooled. There's some pretty good money flowing thru there. But we supported that cause. An outdoor exercise group wants to use our cement and awning to get physically fit. I'd run it by the board but they might like that idea (esp if they knew the people involved and maybe got a discount for church members.)

4. Yes. You've asked for that and I haven't dug it out yet. My apologies. It was very early when people were talking, esp locals (I'm about 20 minutes away so I know people that know people; which I agree, can be dangerous.) It was a bit chaotic and everyone was trying to find out as much as they could. It may not have been on this site. I didn't question it was rigorously because it made sense and didn't seem to push any agenda and I didn't see a motive to make it up. But you are correct to question it. I'll dig back but I don't think it's critical enough to the case to spend half an afternoon.

Thanks for your consistently insightful sleuthing.

2. I did not say that a designated facilities manager was a paid position; it is the person designated as responsible for the building, reading contracts pertaining to the building. I also did not say that money was paid to use the CoC facility. I said that consideration was given (element of a contract, which can be verbal, and does not necessarily involve the exchange of cash). And you are correct - I should have qualifed that post as a Question? because No, I do not know any fact. You are local there, so perhaps everything is handled by handshake. But in this case we do not have an injury or accident, but a death on the CoC premises while a business called CG was in operation. Where I live, and I brought my bias in on my post, no later than day 2 after the murder there would have been multi-million dollar lawsuits filed against both entities, which is why contracts are forged in advance in writing.

4. No, please do not waste your time chasing a rabbit. The point comes up often enough that someone else will post it again and they may have a link. It isn't really relevant in the big scheme of things because we do not know exactly where the body was located, and LE seems to like it that way that the public is unclear on the exact location where the campers found the body.

Sorry if my writing is grumpy or snarky - it's not intentional. Love your posts, and everyone's posts.
This is a thought-filled post, but I gotta disagree with many of these item 1 points.

a I go to a church in the same general area, that I think is a bit bigger than CCoC (but not by much), and the auditorium is NOT locked. In fact, I doubt the doors to our auditorium even have locks on them at all.
b You assume drums in this auditorium. I think they have no instruments at all. Church policy/beliefs drive that.
c The pics that have been posted here show the auditorium as a multi-purpose area, which would imo make it less likely to be locked down, and more likely to have it set up for people to come and go.
d My suggestion was that the perp did NOT simply smash the window in the door to enter. It looks to me like the damage shows they tried to do that, but it was much more difficult. (But I do think that the exit was easy.)

You are thinking of a more traditional Church of Christ. And yes, they harken back to a literal biblical interpretation that hymns were sung a cappella. Creekside is nothing like that. They have full instrumentation (the worship minister has quite the guitar get up on his webpage). Other pages will show multi-screen and full audio-video.

Every church is different in the amount and levels of security provided (the trend is toward more secure - a pastor was murdered and his secretary severely beaten here in Arlington alone in a church not terribly long ago. Was a local convicted felon doing a basic robbery.)
Lock on the doors exterior entry doors Covered Awning Covered Awning door lock.jpg
Covered Awning entry doors looks like the very same kind as in the rear. :thinking: WHICH MAYBE why entry was not made through those NE Rear Busted doors! JMHO Covered Awning entry door looks same as back doors busted.JPG

Lock on NE (rear busted double doors) Terri Missy Bevers door lock on boarded up doors .jpg
Busted double doors on NE Rear of building look like same doors on Covered Awning entry doors! NE doors.JPG
I don’t think anything happened in the auditorium/sanctuary.
1. In churches. The auditorium is the most important room to lock. It’s got the A/V(most breakable and valuable thing in the building, probably), the drums (also are a bit fragile and too tempting for kids and teens to play on.) It was most likely locked. SP COULD have broken out the glass and reached his/her arm in and unlocked the door so he/she could quickly exit through to the north side (I think Steve’s right). Churches generally resist putting security camera’s in their auditorium/”sanctuary”. The only one I’ve ever worked on was a mega-church that had them hidden in the ceiling and scanned the crowds forthreats when filled.
2. Most buildings, esp churches this size, will have a lockset to the exterior doors and a separate lockset to the interiordoors. MB could get into the vestibule,and have access to all those hallways. I doubt they would hand over complete access to the entire building to anon-member/staff. The bathrooms are public restrooms and almost never locked. If this is a newer construction (which it looks like) there will generally be a water fountain by or between the bathrooms (there’s water running in the framing already). If there are 1-2 dozen people working out for an hour+ in the morning shortly after getting their digestive system moving, you KNOW at least one of them needed to go to the bathroom so MB would have had a routine of opening the Ext Door to accommodate this (before anyone arrived).
3. The kitchen is iffy. Most churches usually try lock it because there’s food in there and kids will sometimes pillage it (and then you’remaking something and it’s missing something because it got pillaged. Church kitchens generally will have lots of accesspoints, roll-up doors for serving large numbers et al. So keeping everything locked can bechallenging. But SP could have clearedout a windowed door here as well (answering the question – Why was SP breaking windows.)
4. I believe everything happened in the hallways and recesses for the auditorium doorways. The CG’s saw her on the ground, looking through the ext. glass door. And entered when they realized what was going on. They couldn’t have seen her if she was in the auditorium.
Respectfully BBM... Something def did go on in the Sanctuary/Auditorium.. the Suspect went in there at least 1 (or so it appears on the spliced video) Havent watched it in awhile to say if actually went in, thinking did but not honestly sure at the second since has been while.
Audiitorium door opened up easily when the Suspect opened it in the 227 min MPD video. No windows in any of the Auditorium/Sanctuary/Worship Center doors. They do have that push bar to open though. Auditorium door going to Dutch door hallway.JPG jmho
Originally Posted by SteveS View Post
There's nothing wrong with your map, or your mark where MB parked. But when you then try to tell me that wasn't the SW corner of the building, that's where you're oddly off. Not sure why, maybe you're directionally challenged with N, S, E and W.

But the red X on your map would be the SW corner of the church, and the top left corner of the church (on your map) which is closest to the Whataburger would be the NW corner of the church. Which is exactly what I've been saying all along.
11frogs;12659770 not directionally challenged. I wasn't being mean to you.

Where MB was parked is on the East side of the building facing 287 (which is south side of the building) and that corner faces east towards Waxahachie. The other corner closest to Whataburger would be SW end going towards Ft worth
Respectfully MB truck was parked on the SW corner of Creekside CoC. East side of the building is Rear of the church.
I think you are just turned around. Maybe because the odd way the church sits on the property.




  • Whattaburger.JPG
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Originally Posted by WannaBDetective View Post
I don’t think anything happened in the auditorium/sanctuary.
1. In churches. The auditorium is the most important room to lock. It’s got the A/V(most breakable and valuable thing in the building, probably), the drums (also are a bit fragile and too tempting for kids and teens to play on.) It was most likely locked. SP COULD have broken out the glass and reached his/her arm in and unlocked the door so he/she could quickly exit through to the north side (I think Steve’s right). Churches generally resist putting security camera’s in their auditorium/”sanctuary”. The only one I’ve ever worked on was a mega-church that had them hidden in the ceiling and scanned the crowds forthreats when filled.
2. Most buildings, esp churches this size, will have a lockset to the exterior doors and a separate lockset to the interiordoors. MB could get into the vestibule,and have access to all those hallways. I doubt they would hand over complete access to the entire building to anon-member/staff. The bathrooms are public restrooms and almost never locked. If this is a newer construction (which it looks like) there will generally be a water fountain by or between the bathrooms (there’s water running in the framing already). If there are 1-2 dozen people working out for an hour+ in the morning shortly after getting their digestive system moving, you KNOW at least one of them needed to go to the bathroom so MB would have had a routine of opening the Ext Door to accommodate this (before anyone arrived).
3. The kitchen is iffy. Most churches usually try lock it because there’s food in there and kids will sometimes pillage it (and then you’remaking something and it’s missing something because it got pillaged. Church kitchens generally will have lots of accesspoints, roll-up doors for serving large numbers et al. So keeping everything locked can bechallenging. But SP could have clearedout a windowed door here as well (answering the question – Why was SP breaking windows.)
4. I believe everything happened in the hallways and recesses for the auditorium doorways. The CG’s saw her on the ground, looking through the ext. glass door. And entered when they realized what was going on.
They couldn’t have seen her if she was in the auditorium.

1. A burglar or someone staging a burglary would want to find the AV equipment because it is valuable, no? Even BB mentioned that.

2. MB was running a business and leasing the church spaces for that purpose. Given the obvious risks of excercising and potential liabilities, the CoC no doubt has a facilities manager and probably a lawyer who reviewed a contract with MB and CG to clarifiy potential liabilities and insurance, define exactly what MB could and could not access or do, define dates and times, an end date for the contract, etc., which everyone signed and for which consideration was given.

4. RBBM. I have seen this promoted repeatedly without any link or presser that "the CG campers saw MB through the glass". Do you have a link? Who said this? JMO but it was a theory that has grown legs.

Respectfully BBM.. It came from FB groups. I have a ss, its just one of many rumors spread like facts. MPD nor MSM has stated anything CG Campers seen. Other than what has been stated in SW and April 18 Press Conf.

This morning,at approximately 5:00 A.M., Midlothian officers and EMS were dispatched to an unresponsive person ––to the Creekside Church in the 5400 block of East Highway 287

Female Reporter:Who found her?

Chief Carl Smith:She is an instructor for a fitness club here in Ellis County, and she was preparing for a class and was actually having the class inside the facility today because ofthe rain. So her students actually were in the building and found her and notified law enforcement/EMS of her condition

Female Reporter:Sorry, [I don't know if]the Chief finished his statement, but who found her, and how [unintelligible 00:07:29]?

Captain John Spann:Like he said, she's part of a Camp Gladiator boot camp that meets there. The camp normally starts at 5:00 A.M. She arrived approximately a little after 4:00 A.M. and was in the process ––her vehicle was parked by the entry door, unloading her equipment. She was actually found by one of the boot camp participants who got there a little bit early, waited outside for a while, and then, once some of the other people arrived, they entered the building to go start their boot camp, and that's when they located her, and at that time, just as soon as she was unresponsive––until they saw her injuries and called[/QUOTE

iPad iPhone SW
On April 18th, 2016 at approximately 0506 hours, Midlothian Police received a call of an unresponsive person at The Creekside Church of Christ, located at 5401 East Us Highway 287, Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas 76065. The caller advised a female subject (later identified as the victim Terri Bevers) was at the location and wa not breathing and was deceased.
I just have never seen it stated from MPD or MSM or even locals here on WS post that. JMHO Rumor that grew legs.
Quote Originally Posted by WannaBDetective View Post
I don&#8217;t think anything happened in the auditorium/sanctuary.
1. In churches. The auditorium is the most important room to lock. It&#8217;s got the A/V(most breakable and valuable thing in the building, probably), the drums (also are a bit fragile and too tempting for kids and teens to play on.) It was most likely locked. SP COULD have broken out the glass and reached his/her arm in and unlocked the door so he/she could quickly exit through to the north side (I think Steve&#8217;s right). Churches generally resist putting security camera&#8217;s in their auditorium/&#8221;sanctuary&#8221;. The only one I&#8217;ve ever worked on was a mega-church that had them hidden in the ceiling and scanned the crowds forthreats when filled.
2. Most buildings, esp churches this size, will have a lockset to the exterior doors and a separate lockset to the interiordoors. MB could get into the vestibule,and have access to all those hallways. I doubt they would hand over complete access to the entire building to anon-member/staff. The bathrooms are public restrooms and almost never locked. If this is a newer construction (which it looks like) there will generally be a water fountain by or between the bathrooms (there&#8217;s water running in the framing already). If there are 1-2 dozen people working out for an hour+ in the morning shortly after getting their digestive system moving, you KNOW at least one of them needed to go to the bathroom so MB would have had a routine of opening the Ext Door to accommodate this (before anyone arrived).
3. The kitchen is iffy. Most churches usually try lock it because there&#8217;s food in there and kids will sometimes pillage it (and then you&#8217;remaking something and it&#8217;s missing something because it got pillaged. Church kitchens generally will have lots of accesspoints, roll-up doors for serving large numbers et al. So keeping everything locked can bechallenging. But SP could have clearedout a windowed door here as well (answering the question &#8211; Why was SP breaking windows.)
4. I believe everything happened in the hallways and recesses for the auditorium doorways. The CG&#8217;s saw her on the ground, looking through the ext. glass door. And entered when they realized what was going on. They couldn&#8217;t have seen her if she was in the auditorium.

Respectfully BBM... Something def did go on in the Sanctuary/Auditorium.. the Suspect went in there at least 1 (or so it appears on the spliced video) Havent watched it in awhile to say if actually went in, thinking did but not honestly sure at the second since has been while.
Audiitorium door opened up easily when the Suspect opened it in the 227 min MPD video. No windows in any of the Auditorium/Sanctuary/Worship Center doors. They do have that push bar to open though. View attachment 97296 jmho

I am going to conceded that the Suspect may not have actually gained entry into the Auditorium/Sanctuary/Worship Center.
I just went back and watched (* I like to go back and re read and re watch, you see things sometimes that you missed) I know one thing there are many edits in that 227/ or jumpy camera starting for sure.

This is the last SECOND we see the Suspect, he appeared to be going into the Sanctuary/Auditorium/Worship Center. BUT that is another illution in this whole mess. Because the EDIT show it looking like going in then then next thing the Suspect is coming out of that room. Then the video does that whole zoom in ...

Also. Looking at this spot... again this camera angle would show MB coming into the building through the SW Covered Awning Entry door. IF SHE walked straight, this camera would see til she out of the left side, and it would also show her on the Camera that pointing towards the NW hallway (same that caught the Suspect at 358am) suspect area of Auditorium doors.JPG http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12515085#post12515085
Nothing new? :( Praying God gives LE the wisdom and knowledge to SP behind :jail:!! RIP Missy! Prayers for the family! :rose:
ok yes I will agree to what you are saying with certain burglars. But let me understand this with MBs murder...

break in
Eat chicken leg and potato salad
break a few things (no spray paint cans to make graffiti)

Is something wrong with this picture?
(If this turns out to be a B&E I will be the first to say you were correct)

sorry to sound as people say Snarky.

No, I don't believe anything is wrong with that picture. Simpler crimes turn into murder all the time. If this perp had no expectation of running into anybody, and then got cornered, he would have used the tools he had in hand to get out of the situation. And if he was under the influence of something, as I think might be the case, that might have caused him to react in a way he wouldn't normally do.
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