TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #30

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Perhaps if we quarter the map with orange lines (iPad is hard to work on, sry)..MPD says MB was found in the southwest corner of the building. I'm thinking it could be anywhere inside that quadrant and be an accurate statement...jmo


  • image.jpeg
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Funny you mention it. There is indeed a FB pic (MB FB) of the CG group posing in front of that accordion door for a photo!


Great find! So that tells us that being inside the church was not such a rare occurrence for the CGers. At least it tells us that Ms. Bevers was comfortable taking them inside the building.
Great find! So that tells us that being inside the church was not such a rare occurrence for the CGers. At least it tells us that Ms. Bevers was comfortable taking them inside the building.

From MB FB entry from January 11, 2016:




  • MB holy grounds pic january 11 2016.jpg
    MB holy grounds pic january 11 2016.jpg
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Gonna try to go back and read all comments ltr, but i quickly scanned info.
1) vestibule
2) restroom
3) santuary corner....
Perhaps if we quarter the map with orange lines (iPad is hard to work on, sry)..MPD says MB was found in the southwest corner of the building. I'm thinking it could be anywhere inside that quadrant and be an accurate statement...jmo


My personal thinking is a bit more restrictive, seeing two possible definitions for "the interior of the building" as being meant to indicate either (a) the entire building, or (b) the inner/interior meeting area (auditorium). Thus, somewhere near the "SW corner" of each of those specifics (within our other limitations as well) being what I see as best speculative locations for where she was found.



  • After MB entrance w SW grid.png
    After MB entrance w SW grid.png
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I question an adolescent's ability to plan and commit the murder in this way. Executive function of their brain isn't close to maturity, and the casual demeanor of this killer just looks like someone older and more mature. Looks that way to me, anyway. No shuffling around, checking a watch, startled by any possible sounds in that vacant building, no nervous hand movements. It also looks like the killer was familiar with her routine at the church - not sure how an adolescent would know that.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps if someone equally familiar told him ? jmo
Legal disclaimer: The following is just my opinion and for entertainment purposes:
I know there's a lot of imaginative, creative, intelligent people on this forum and I know that I'm in the minority here, but in my 17 years if LE experience I still believe this to be a burglary gone wrong. I've been to the church and have seen the exterior cameras. One is located in the front of the church pointing to the entrance from the highway and the other is in back.
I'll only go with facts from LE and not topics covered by the media or the internet.
MPD has stated that the suspect's vehicle is seen on camera and parked too far away for license plate identification and they aren't comfortable releasing details of the vehicle. However, they don't say how long the vehicle was in that specific spot.
The suspect was in the church for approximately 15-20 mins before victim arrives. We know that it was raining that night. However, when I look at the video there are no signs of precipitation on the suspect or even where that person has walked.
In my experience and opinion, the suspect parked under the awning where suspect won't get wet and the suspect can easily load something of value into the vehicle. There were no cameras under the awning.
Speculation, again based on experience, the victim arrives and the suspect notices the headlights of victims truck. The suspect goes back to where he/she is parked. The victim also parks under the awning in order to unload the truck with items needed for her fitness class. The victim sees the suspects car (maybe thinks it's an early camper) and proceeds to unload truck. Meanwhile the suspect is possibly "freaking out" thinking that he/she has a witness to the burglary they are committing. Victim enters the church and an altercation occurs which resulted in the murder of the victim.
I know people are hung up on the fact that nothing was reported stolen. When I look at the video I see a church burglary taking place and the suspect casing out the establishment to see what he/she can load into their car and that eventually the suspect was interrupted.
In burglaries of churches and schools I've, on numerous occasions, seen suspects 'casing' the place for sometimes hours (even stopping to eat something from a fridge and use the microwave).
However, I can say that this forum in particular has been very interesting to read through.

TY for this post. If the SP was completely unconnected to MB, and if he also left no DNA ( or his DNA isn't in any database), this case would see to be extremely difficult for LE to solve. jmo :(
Sadly, it sure looks like we may be headed for the dreaded cold case file.

Although she hasn't posted in over a month I still give my vote to local Breck80 -- who works in the legal field -- for perhaps the most compelling piece of profiling/sleuthing so far...even if she has now changed her mind and I am not saying that she has.

Here is an excerpt from her excellent analysis in May.

Motive: Personal & Professional Jealousy

IMO...You have a possible perp where LE is aware of the home bc of possible past domestic violence issues where police were called out; wife might have been the aggressor. Husband is former military & self-defense expert. Wife likely has above knowledge capabilities in self-defense & combat, too. Missy was fit & tough, but female perp was likely skilled enough to surprise attack and drop to the ground.

Background: Wife makes all the money working 9 years as a budget analyst at an aviation company. She's smart & successful with an MBA. She leaves her job one year ago & 3 months later becomes pregnant. So now you have a tsunami of things occurring: loss of major income and your 4th child on the way. She starts doing Mary Kay, another likely stressor, bc now two parents rely on unsteady income.

Right before pregnancy, daughter falls from the home stairwell balcony and suffers a broken jaw & brain injuries and is in ICU. She ultimately survives but requires longer hospital stay. More stressors.

Mom gets pregnant. During pregnancy, she posts selfies constantly and speaks about losing weight as soon as the baby arrives. She seems determined. She talks about getting in shape and going to the gym. When baby arrives, she's soon all about losing weight. But as the months move into February, she's not going to the gym as much nor losing the weight.

Soon her husband finds a great new job with a vibrant woman as a partner in the next town over. This woman is also a mom & wife and also runs her own business and seems to be loved by everyone. She's fit, bubbly and outgoing. Her husband and MB are working a lot and just all about helping other people with their goals! So mom and dad split time with the kids, but dad's new job requires him to do many classes early and late.

Missy is just like CT in her eyes. Missy's also a mom & runs her own business...And she's successful, healthy and fit. And everyone admires her. Even CT's husband. She can't take it anymore. The rage & jealousy builds. An emotional affair derives in her mind. Since she's smarter than all of us, in her eyes, perp thinks she can get away with it. She knows the ends and outs of that location, surveillance cams, when Missy will arrive, when campers will arrive & it won't be suspicious to be out early in the morning bc that's when she usually works out anyway.

April 16-17 Missy & AJ are heading to Austin for a work event.

One day before, April 15, a creepy message arrives to Missy on LinkedIn by unknown person.

April 18 - Missy is murdered with wounds to her head and chest, meaning the perp likely sat on top of her so she could see her eyes.

Husband never knows.

All of this JMO & my amateur profiling

With respect I may very well be wrong but I really do not believe the swat perp is a married mother of 4 young children.
First of all statistically speaking, a mother of 4 young children would be the least likely to commit premeditated 1 st degree murder! I mean has there ever been such a case in history???
what on earth would her possible motive be, yes I know a suspected affair but there really is no evidence of that is there and even if her husband was unfaithful, wouldn't it be financially advantageous to divorce and reap the child support, and the home?
CT is listed in SW and as such would have her car searched, home searched, cell searched . If this was her surely they'd have a fairly strong forensics case against her by now.

As a mother myself of 3 young children I barely have time to comb my hair most days, can not fathom having the time nor energy to plan such a crime. There would be nothing beyond the protection of my children that could motivate me to take a life.
I don't think this is CT. All just my opinion.
It was an angle I've been interested in to a degree, though I think this case hints at being much more tangled than just that aspect, with the search warrants stating that others in the community might be at risk. (It was an odd coincidence, though, to discover that April 15 was not only the date that bad cop Slaughter got arrested but also the deadline for purchasing high school prom tickets.)

Not that it means anything, but April 15 is also tax day. Missy's MLM business must have been a real headache when it came to tax time. Being self employed means saving every little receipt for deductions, among other things.
The rekindled Breck80 post seems to include lots of gossip, not one link, speculation about finances/employment among other topics, and personal information about child(ren) who should be off limits completely, IMO.
Has anyone seen a recent post from Breck80?
Here's a question, since some have brought up the CT theory. When KS was interviewed and said that they thought they knew who did it early on, then that turned out not to be the case, was she referring to CT? I assumed she was. Anyone have reason to think otherwise?

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Not that it means anything, but April 15 is also tax day. Missy's MLM business must have been a real headache when it came to tax time. Being self employed means saving every little receipt for deductions, among other things.

Tax day was April 18th
I don't believe LE claims there's video of MB walking TOWARDS the camera, but instead just the opposite. She walked up the main hallway and then cams stopped recording as she got farther away.

I believe she was going someplace she needed to go to prepare for her class, which maybe was being held inside somewhere. But how far up the hallway, to be past cam notice where it stopped? I'm speculating she went at least as far as the blue arrows, but imo it could have been even more, perhaps even all the way up to some part of the halls in the NW corner imo, which I have indicated some of what I think are possible ensuing routes by the red arrows in the diagram.



I have always assumed that MB entered through the main entrance (west side) and then turned toward the SW door. I thought that the attack happened just outside the restroom or inside the vestibule. However, there have been three sticking points to this theory. The first point relates to a topic discussed yesterday - the statement that the perp was not seen on video after the attack and was presumed to have left the same way he/she entered (the north side of the building). The second point stems from your point that I put in bold above. It doesn't make sense that MB would be getting out of range if she was walking toward the camera. Third, I imagine that the blind spot outside the restroom is relatively small. If there was actually a struggle, it seems that they would have rolled into view of the camera at some point. I am now rethinking everything.

I also have to give credit to arkansasmimi. Given her statement about LE repeatedly walking through the vestibule while they were at the church, I have all but ruled out the vestibule as the source of the attack.

SteveS, thank you for getting my wheels spinning again.

That would be the $25,000 question...but frankly, I'm relieved to say I have no specific person in mind for that older accomplice (who, as mastermind, instigator, and corrupter, would be pure evil). In answer to your question, here is some largely speculative theory:

I juggled a couple theories about accomplice(s) at the outset, but the accomplice-mastermind profile I keep coming back to is an older male, possibly LE-affiliated (or formerly LE), possibly in fitness circles, who is currently involved in illegal drug (and possibly gun) activity. If this older male (OM) is in on this murder with the younger male (YM), it is possible they both have a vested interest in quieting Missy about something illicit she may have discovered (eg. Illegal steroid sales at the gym...which could be just a drop in the bad-cop bucket if this unearths a ring also involved in stolen gun sales).

I can't help suspecting that the reason the TX Rangers and then FBI and ATF got involved so quickly might be that this relates to the current bad-cop investigation in Ellis County. If so, it would certainly explain the almost convoluted vagueness and hush about Missy's manner of death ("puncture wounds" by "unknown instrument" "consistent with tools" etc.) and also that LE will not, even after autopsy, confirm that any one of those tools were the murder weapon, nor that the murder weapon was even left behind. (I think in a plot this thorough that it was not.)

Why did the ATF dogs come back to the CC the day after her autopsy? Did that hushed firearm serial number associated with Missy's murder Monday morning have anything to do with the pawning of stolen guns by bad cop Slaughter who was arrested 3 days earlier? Is Missy's murder related to the current TX Rangers corruption investigation? Is there more bad cop involvement in Ellis County? What other criminal evidence was stolen and sold from the Ellis County property room this past year?

OM (if younger male's trainer and/or supplier) may be in a position to have bribed AND threatened YM into carrying out the murder - by threatening to expose his drug use, or threatening YM's family in some way. OM may also supply (stolen) gun and cash or drugs in payment to carry out murder. YM may have been assured (erroneously) by LE-type OM that he wouldn't get caught, or, if he did, he wouldn't get capital murder thrown at him. YM may also have been willing to carry out the murder if he had a secondary personal grudge against Missy (other than that she might out his drug use), but I think when you're talking capital murder, the odds are greater that more complex motives might be at play.

Gotta go, back later. Thanks for your question - I've enjoyed the discussion, too!

That's one of my main problems with the teenager perp theory. I cannot envision who the accomplice/organizer would be. It's a whole new level of depravity to drag a child into this situation.

However, the corrupt LE/FF connection is definitely not off my radar. If that corruption is part of MB's death, anything is possible IMO. There is no telling who would be the organizer, perp, and/or accomplice.

In the middle of a hallway? Just curious.

I wondered the same thing. What a strange place for a coat rack!

However, if it is not a person, the nature of that thing is more than likely completely irrelevant.
this video gives a daytime view from ssfa parking lot towards th church. The videos are very high quality as stated.


Very true, but as high quality as these cams are, looking and seeing what they can see (at the link https://youtu.be/x8otfKXGMgQ ) underscores that from SWFA you can't see squat at the church (as to being able to see a car, identify it, make out a plate or a person) other than the church building in general and some trees.
Tax day was April 18th

Ah, you're right! I'd forgotten the date was changed. Odd coincidence. With my self employment experience I always waited until tax day to mail in my return. Because I always owed! Wonder if Missy did the same.
Here's a question, since some have brought up the CT theory. When KS was interviewed and said that they thought they knew who did it early on, then that turned out not to be the case, was she referring to CT? I assumed she was. Anyone have reason to think otherwise?

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I am assuming that she was referring to CT as well.

Speaking of the KS interview, I relistened to that interview a couple of days ago. I am so bothered by the fact that KS said she knew that the girls were home in bed. How exactly did she know that? Since BB wasn't home to keep an eye on them, why would she have assumed that the girls were not also targets? She said that her family was worried about telling the girls but absolutely no mention of checking up on them to make sure that they were safe.
We still don't know for certain that AJ and MB had any sort of sexual relationship...............I suppose its possible that CT believed so or knew so, but without that connection theres not much of a reason for CT to want to kill Missy. Also, if LE has evidence against her, they would probably take it to a GJ. I DO think that CT is who KS and MT had on their radar.....and that is probably why CT was listed as a "target number" on the SW. We don't know if they were reacting to local gossip, or if they actually KNEW of a relationship of a sexual nature between AJT and MB. JMO
I don't know... As LE said, there are "technological issues" with the camera system at this church. They spoke not only of the outdoor cameras working intermittently, but the inside cameras cutting off prematurely when perp was still in field of view but at a distance.

So it's very possible that these cameras could also not turn on fast enough, particularly if the perp didn't get very close on his way out to the SW corner camera that had already shut off prematurely.

As for gun store CCTV you mentioned... the one gun store we know of in THIS case, the SWFA, we know has a MUCH better camera system than Creekside - like night and day difference.

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I think we can come to the assumption these cameras weren't high quality nor reliable. I really hope they incest in better ones afterwards. They probably wouldn't have thought someone would murder someone in their church though. depressing, huh?
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