TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #35

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Suppressors are legal in many states. It only requires filling out a for 4 tax stamp which is a $200 fee, and the purchase of a suppressor.
They can also be made at home using a maglite flashlite, a standard automobile oil filter or even a liter plastic pop bottle.
NFA weapons (silincers and suppressors) became legal in the state of Texas in may of 2015.
From a medical perspective, I have no idea what would cause the gait. I do find it very unusual though. It isn't the gait so much as that each foot comes down so differently. On the long MPD video you can see it starting around 1:07 and again around 1:42. When the left foot lifts off the ground, it stays fairly straight or with a slight (within normal range) turn out. You can see the feet in comparison to the tile lines to gauge the turnout. When SP lifts their right foot, it turns out very wide.

That's what I see in the video as well.
IMO the SP can't be pigeon toed with shoes on the wrong feet because his/her ankle bone is turned outward and his/her heels come to a V when walking. I have years of dance experience and I've never witnessed a dancer with a clunky walk like the SP has in the video. Others have posted that dancers typically maintain good posture even when their dancing days are over and I agree 100% and they also walk with a lot more grace than the SP.
was just making a joke about myself. Nothing meant there. :)

sorry to anyone I offended by saying I check the thread info. Sometimes I just see who's on if nothing is going on and sometimes I see ones I have never seen posts here. I like to posts my thoughts as well so that great conversations can be started and hopefully we can contribute by unearthing clues.

You're not alone....I do the same thing.
I would absolutely think so, and that's my point. I can't imagine CT trying to locate AT via MB would constitute probable cause. However, if CT has an apparent motive (as determined via interviews, electronic data gathering, et al) to kill MB, that gives LE probable cause. IMO motive rather than simple communication is what is driving the "Target Numbers" on the SW. Simple communication has come up here over and over again as the reason for a person having a "Target Number," and if that is the case, there will be Fourth Amendment challenges IMO.

Hypothetically speaking, let's say that CT did not attempt a call to MB. Yet CTs possesses a LEO target number. Perhaps someone informed LEO of something significant that CT said or did for LEO to seek the SW target number for her. Maybe CT was shopping in a boutique or a butcher shop when Missy parks nearby. CT could have said something unkind about Missy forcing the Conscientious Owner to inform LEO of the conversation. Maybe another person heard or overheard CT say something untoward about Missy. This person, in turn, informs LEO. 2 strikes. She is AJT's wife. 3 strikes. She gets a SW.

AJT trained his own CG that Monday morning. KC taught a spin class that morning yet they are both on the SW target numbers, possibly for the same reason.

Slightly Sensitive * Please Scroll and Roll " *WARNING*

Speaking of targets, the SP may have had access to a field or a farm where target practice would be normal. Perhaps SP experimented with different ammo until it was determined that one type proved to be the perfect ammo to use. As others have opined, the other puncture wounds were likely performed postmortem leaving little traces of the actual weaponry used until the AR was released from the ME in Dallas.

Masquerade Ball on WS
Haunted Houses year 'round in Mido
Nudists Colonies on Hwy 287
Sexting amongst Thriving Trainers and Coaches
Pretending to be God near Holy Grounds
Silent Strickland's
I found "my eyes" on the video (VB) but it doesn't really make sense and the gait isn't suitable so I'm as sly as before. :)
Do we have video of VB's gait? I came to the same conclusion it looks like VB's eyes

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The one thing the perp does do that cannot be faked is stand with his/her toes pointed completely perpendicular to each other. That is unique. That is not natural. I'd like to see if anyone on this board can naturally do that. Put your heels together and now point your toes straight out away from each other.

An earlier poster (claiming a medical background) pointed out that is the sign of someone with a dance background.

Toe-out is not necessarily a sign of a dance background. My ex bf had this, as did his younger two brothers. It's been linked to to osteoarthritis, inherited disorders/syndromes, etc. Often multiple family members share the trait. I have dancers in my family, and though they do occasionally affect 1st and 4th position stances, it's always in combination with a very balanced posture and light gait - nothing at all like you see with SP's very distinct hunched shoulders and rocking, paddle-footed shuffle. In my opionion, SP is not a person with a dance background.
ETA - Please let me assist you in rewording my questions because your proposed phrasing misses my point. I should have actually asked, "In this case was the search and seizure that was already preformed legal if..." I hope that helps you understand my question. As we both know, SWs that are illegally obtained or made under false pretenses poison the fruit. I would hate to see that happen here.

I am not sure what scenario you are referencing. My point is simply that LE has to have a reason, based on something other than a whim, to separate a "bystander from suspect."
In an attempt to not further derail this thread, I will agree with you on your point in bold. The SW must have been obtained legally in order to not have poisoned the fruit.

You must have missed my ETA above where I clarified what I was asking.

Moving on....

I didn't see any of this earlier, because you added the first by edit after I had already replied. Thank you for the clarification. And I see you added a second note as well.

I agree that an "illegally obtained" SW will be a problem, but it needs to be clarified what that means, because it's not as broad as I think you are imagining.

Such an illegal SW would be one in which the affidavit supporting it contained material lies.

However, it would NOT be a SW in which the reasons behind it were somehow flimsy and then second-guessed later. The obtaining of the SW itself is a process that insulates LE from such legal second-guessing as to whether there were sufficient grounds for such a search, because the court ruled on that very thing when it was submitted for approval. Nor do they have to offer all or even most of the reasons they want the SW, only enough to get an okay.

When you say "LE has to have a reason, based on something other than a whim, to separate a "bystander from suspect" then that is probably going to be true to prevent them from getting a SW in the first place. But ...if a SW has been granted on such flimsy grounds (and in this case, they did have a SW), then they will have no problem later from someone questioning those grounds. That's the law.
KS stated in the Dateline interview iirc that a CG camper called BB then MPD called him. IIRC (been awhile) I think BB stated the same thing. Callers identity has not been released nor has the caller of the 2 approx 5:00 a.m. and 5:06 am 911 calls. Desired Justice alluded to that the campers that called daughter and MB daughter were friends. I just was wondering if I had missed something from MSM or MPD stating that. First Camper was suppose to be one of those finding MB per Captain Spann JMHO * I understand why and respect why the names to my knowledge have not been released to public.

IIRC someone many threads back and local, said one of their mother's co-workers was one of the campers to find MB.

While watching a crime show over the weekend, the investigator busted the person who found the body ( not saying this is true in MB case) . I don't recall who the local was - anybody? I am still curious about the 1st camper's arrival time and to not go in until almost 5:00.

Another thing that has struck me as odd-why was she pronounced deceased at the church? I am not in the medical profession but in most news accounts, they transport people to medical facility and they are pronounced there. I mean obviously if someone has been deceased for days, but for such a short time to elapse. Also on the show, it stated the left side of the brains controlled functions? Still trying to understand how the crime scene was cleaned and released so quickly in such a brutal attack. It makes you think the killer knew how to kill.

By insinuating that SP may be CT, one must also believe that MB and AT were having an affair or that they were in some sort of flirtatious relationship and CT was so enraged at MB that she lost total control over herself and committed murder. I don't buy it. AT and CT were HS sweethearts and have been together a long time. They have 4 small children and are doing what everyone else does, working and raising a family. AT has been around a lot of women as part of his career choice and likely women flirt with him. But, that doesn't mean he responds to the flirtations or jumps into bed with these flirty women. It is pretty much an assassination of his character to believe that he has no regard for his wife, his children, the family he created, the life he made for himself. or himself and would risk everything for some meaningless sex with a married mother of 3.

Until something concrete is uncovered that tells me AT is of low moral fiber, I will assume he is a good and faithful family man and therefore no reason to suspect CT of killing MB over jealousy.

I will continue to believe that they are just innocent people on the periphery of the Bevers' lives and are only mentioned because they and MB exchanged phone calls.
*IMHO only* In MB and AT you have two very ambitious, outgoing, personable people. Often in life, (being an older person) I have seen people like this unfairly whispered about for all kinds of reasons. Some people are jealous of their personalities, I think. Some are mean spirited. Some just love to make crap up in an adult stye make believe. I think MB and AT were friends because they were so similar and some people just can't understand that men and women CAN be friends.
*IMHO only* In MB and AT you have two very ambitious, outgoing, personable people. Often in life, (being an older person) I have seen people like this unfairly whispered about for all kinds of reasons. Some people are jealous of their personalities, I think. Some are mean spirited. Some just love to make crap up in an adult stye make believe. I think MB and AT were friends because they were so similar and some people just can't understand that men and women CAN be friends.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in addition to that, didn't MB and AT just meet 5 weeks prior to the murder?

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IIRC someone many threads back and local, said one of their mother's co-workers was one of the campers to find MB.

While watching a crime show over the weekend, the investigator busted the person who found the body ( not saying this is true in MB case) . I don't recall who the local was - anybody? I am still curious about the 1st camper's arrival time and to not go in until almost 5:00.

Another thing that has struck me as odd-why was she pronounced deceased at the church? I am not in the medical profession but in most news accounts, they transport people to medical facility and they are pronounced there. I mean obviously if someone has been deceased for days, but for such a short time to elapse. Also on the show, it stated the left side of the brains controlled functions? Still trying to understand how the crime scene was cleaned and released so quickly in such a brutal attack. It makes you think the killer knew how to kill.


With one camper not going into the church: I think someone told us they should have at least 2 campers to leave their cars. I wondered why it was/is okay for the trainer to be alone and in danger.
Do we have video of VB's gait? I came to the same conclusion it looks like VB's eyes

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More coincidence couldn't be if VB has the same gait as her husband. :D
[FONT=&amp]IMO the perp never intended to enter through the NE entrance[/FONT]. He broke the first set of glass (doors) and did not proceed in order not to be on the inside surveillance cams. Why not? Even if the panic bars were locked , he could not simply duck and enter? If he got to the church and broke the glass, then left and observed the building for dispatch, he could have returned and proceeded to break through the second set of doors. He didn't. Why not? Because that's not how it went IMO.

If this was a [FONT=&amp]burglary[/FONT], what was the burglar going for? If he was looking for the [FONT=&amp]Sunday's donations[/FONT], the [FONT=&amp]directory sign[/FONT] in the parking lot would have made clear the offices were towards the [FONT=&amp]South[/FONT] of the building. Why didn't he try to enter through the [FONT=&amp]SE entrance [/FONT]then? That entrance is located out of view - like the NW entrance- and yet, it would be much closer to the offices and would establish a better exit point. If the burglar was looking for equipment, how would he have carried it out to where? He did not establish another exit point yet, but the kitchen vestibule exit door, which is visible and risky to park a car in front without possibly being seen. Begs the question again ( for the x amount of time) why did he enter through the kitchen?

The entry and (same) exit point for a burglar in a relative large building like that is [FONT=&amp]somewhat[/FONT] risky from my point of view. No matter how I turn it, the entry chosen by SP does not make sense to [FONT=&amp]me[/FONT], if this was a [FONT=&amp]burglary[/FONT]. If he worked so "hard" and had to abort breaking through the second set of doors of the NE entrance like it has been previously suggested, then he would have had to anticipate the same hardship, in case he had to exit the church in a quick run. He would almost [FONT=&amp]have[/FONT] to establish a [FONT=&amp]second point of exit other than the entry point[/FONT] to have a [FONT=&amp]safe escape[/FONT]. In this case, the burglar would literally have to circle around the building or diagonally across just to arrive back on to the start. Who does that?

All that risk taken for staying inside the building for what? I am saying it again, the way of how, where and possibly [FONT=&amp]when[/FONT] ( hopefully we will know) the perp entered the church, was a mistake on SP's part. An almost perfect outfit to conceal and to possibly escape during a [FONT=&amp]not expected altercation - but then why costume up to begin with??[/FONT]I'd saythe perp staged this entire break in scenario [FONT=&amp]well in advance.[/FONT] The broken-in parts ( window(s) and glass doors) were possibly accomplished well before SP's time of actual sighting on camera. S-he could not have possibly planned being inside the building in a timely manner in order to finish his deed.This was done long before IMO[FONT=&amp]. [/FONT]I'd also say,[FONT=&amp] SP possibly had a key.[/FONT]This was all so very well planned in advance, poor Missy did not have the fraction of a chance. It is very possible IMO, that Missy indeed was first shot and then in addition injured to obscure the entry wound.

Was this [FONT=&amp]personal[/FONT] or was it supposed to[FONT=&amp] look personal[/FONT] ? To me the answer is simple, it is just the [FONT=&amp]opposite[/FONT] of what it looks like. Same like the[FONT=&amp] police outfit[/FONT], the [FONT=&amp]break in[/FONT], the running around and [FONT=&amp]breaking glass [/FONT]( everyone is looking at the glass, but it's the [FONT=&amp]hammer [/FONT]he want's us to see), the unsuccessful [FONT=&amp]prying open [/FONT]of a door ( it wasn't the door, perhaps the plate, but for sure it was the [FONT=&amp]tool [/FONT]he wants us to see). It's all fake. Fiction is the lie, through which SP is telling us the truth. So, who is behind Missy's murder? The person with the biggest motive ( in their view), some cash and a good sense for fiction and Hollywood limelight.

All my thoughts only.

I think this is well reasoned. What is you estimated time this began? Before 4/18? the blood drive? 2 am or earlier on 4/18?
I believe it was a husb and a wife but not the ones listed in the SW. Is that who your talking about?
is there anyone who can point me in the direction of any info (perhaps even discussion here that seems legit) to support this? I have been trying to find something about who found her and have been reading endless news reports etc, to no avail. Anything at all would be appreciated. This is a gap in my research. =) TIA
IIRC someone many threads back and local, said one of their mother's co-workers was one of the campers to find MB.

While watching a crime show over the weekend, the investigator busted the person who found the body ( not saying this is true in MB case) . I don't recall who the local was - anybody? I am still curious about the 1st camper's arrival time and to not go in until almost 5:00.

Another thing that has struck me as odd-why was she pronounced deceased at the church? I am not in the medical profession but in most news accounts, they transport people to medical facility and they are pronounced there. I mean obviously if someone has been deceased for days, but for such a short time to elapse. Also on the show, it stated the left side of the brains controlled functions? Still trying to understand how the crime scene was cleaned and released so quickly in such a brutal attack. It makes you think the killer knew how to kill.


If there are no vital signs, and any attempt at CPR fails to establish a pulse or heart beat, then there is no reason to transport the body to a medical center for further life-saving measures.

It would be up to the EMTs to call it, and then the justice of the peace would come on scene and pronounce it.

As to your comment about the clearing of the crime scene, the ELLIS County Sheriff's Office did the CSI and they may have been directed to skip the dusting for fingerprints once detectives viewed the video and saw that the perp wore gloves.

In fact, with the perp covered from head to toe, combined with the fact that any DNA would have been lost in a sea of church member DNA, the CSI might have been pretty limited in scope. We've heard nothing about anything being sent to a lab for testing, other than the dry cleaner shirt.

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however along with a supposed affair per info LE received this would make it sufficient for this to be a target number if in fact CT had called MBs phone within scope of the SW. Correct?
Honestly, I think if the police wanted to play hardball with a suspect (not referring to this case- just in general) I think they could grab devices based on the SW..but in this case I don't think they would do that, The Feds have better ways of handling things. I do think grabbing the trash was because they weren't sure...I would guess also that questions were asked around town by undercovers and if what they heard just didn't point to CT, they wouldn't grab the electronics. They would, of course, be able to if that's where the investigation led them later..
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