TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #5

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I got that feeling too. Especially when the perp opened the half door and looked up surprised. It was very pronounced if that makes sense. But, I can't get over how they would have known about the lack of alarm?!

He may have figured that many churches 1) have open door policies, and so don't use alarms or 2) many can't afford (or aren't willing to fork over to pay for) alarm systems; and when you consider there's usually not much of value to be stolen, and that they aren't hit nearly as often as other businesses, they probably had good reason. He may have taken the chance; this is a person taking a chance on murder to begin with. He's not exactly what we would call "risk-averse", lol.
He may have figured that many churches 1) have open door policies, and so don't use alarms or 2) many can't afford (or aren't willing to fork over to pay for) alarm systems; and when you consider there's usually not much of value to be stolen, and that they aren't hit nearly as often as other businesses, they probably had good reason. He may have taken the chance; this is a person taking a chance on murder to begin with. He's not exactly what we would call "risk-averse", lol.

With that being said, I think the airport near by can be ruled out with the drug smuggling operation that was brought up..... this is a personal murder
Missy went to Austin a few days before her murder. How far a drive is that from her home? Would you go just for the day or stay overnight if you had business there?

I live in DFW and have done it both ways. If my meeting is fairly early in the day I will drive down in early morning and come back in late afternoon. If meeting in afternoon I will almost always stay the night. Alternatively you can fly down cheaply from DFW and turn any business trip into a day trip.,
Thank you again. But now I am totally confused. I was viewing an aerial of the entire church and the only covered porch I saw was the small one on the right of the building.

(And I look at most of these on my phone) and I should be wearing glasses.

So, where the evidence truck is currently located, is that the front entrance of the building? (When you drive up from the highway it faces you.
If you turn right and go around the 1st corner turning left there appears to be a small awning with a single door? That's where I thought the white truck was located but I'm obviously mistaken. Yes?


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Terri Missy Bevers chruch 3 .jpg

terri missy bevers creekside church inside 5.jpg

MB truck is under the awning ... Far Right side of church .. Terri Missy Bevers awning side door type 2.JPG
Terri Missy Bevers church covered awning  area.jpg
MB truck on tow truck Terri Missy Bevers awning side door poss handicap area .jpg

White Crime Scene truck is behind MB truck has Crime scene tape blocking off
With that being said, I think the airport near by can be ruled out with the drug smuggling operation that was brought up..... this is a personal murder

I don't rule out the airport for someone who would want to establish an alibi of not being in area at the time. 5 minute walk from church to airport. This means you could be in another state up to 500 miles away at 2 am, fly in and commit murder and then reappear a few states way at 7 am. Far fetched but not technically impossible unless airport is closed down during dark which is potentially the case. Wild speculation on my part..
I'm not aware of any states where cameras are required by law. In any case, cameras do NOT actually protect a person by warding off crime. Their main purpose is to gather evidence later.

Like I said building codes and premises liability are two different things. The church was made aware of criminal activity in the area given how the church itself had been the victim of a major theft (that perp struck twice in the same day stealing both high value and low value items), which after that incident they should have installed a burglar alarm after notice of major criminal activity at their location, where it would be foreseeable that someone in the off-hours could encounter someone trying to steal from the church and such a criminal wouldn't just be a petty thief, like they could encounter that same criminal (which it even could be that same criminal that stole from the church previously that killed Missy). Even if Missy knew about the prior major theft at the church, that wouldn't automatically absolve the church of liability based on a recent Texas State Supreme Court ruling:
From the very first moment that triggered the motion censored camera 358.. He was not walking or acting as if concerned one bit. True we only saw little over 2 min of it but we did see the very first few min of it. Per time stamped media photo and it was a few seconds after the video clip had been playing. JMHO Perp knew didnt have alarm system ... Even a silent alarm one would be concerned that LEO be there or at least a key holder..... Surely he didnt murder MB thinking she was a key holder that caught him/her. I dont believe that, not dressed like that. Planned out too much .. JMHO

I agree. the suspect was in no hurry. They are either overly confident/arrogant, extremely comfortable with the church, Missy's schedule and possibly a psychopath to show no nervousness etc...
Certainly. But IMO, the way he was looking into every room as though wondering "What's in here", looking at the bulletin board, surprised by the fact that the church had dutch doors, etc., suggests differently to me.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree!

I know LE is into of all that
Hubby says church could be sued for crucifying Christ (sorry, just quoting), but it all boils down to what can be proven in court. And no telling what the courts will find. There was a guy trying to break into a school building who fell through the skylight and then sued. And won.

Usually this kind of stuff is settled before going to court. (And nine times out of ten, the lawyers are the ones getting rich, while the clients filling their pockets age 10 years. <-- that last bit is MOO.)

Yes, I'm talking about successful premises liability litigation as people can sue for anything. In our family's commercial premises liability case that was brought against us, it ended up being a non-starter by the person who sued us.
I still cant figure out where THESE DAMN DOORS ARE!!! I swear, every door is different lol Look at the divided windows not sure how to explain but look ... and its at the end of the pretty flooring in the main hallway. View attachment 93123 so trying to figure out: View attachment 93124
Not sure but in the beginning of the 3 in 1 video, you can see one of those foldable accordion style
doors that you pull open. On the picture you sent where u can't make out where those doors are, in the left hand corner of the frame is that accordion style door.

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Like I said building codes and premises liability are two different things. The church was made aware of criminal activity in the area given how the church itself had been the victim of a major theft (that perp struck twice in the same day stealing both high value and low value items), which after that incident they should have installed a burglar alarm after notice of major criminal activity at their location, where it would be foreseeable that someone in the off-hours could encounter someone trying to steal from the church and such a criminal wouldn't just be a petty thief, like they could encounter that same criminal (which it even could be that same criminal that stole from the church previously that killed Missy). Even if Missy knew about the prior major theft at the church, that wouldn't automatically absolve the church of liability based on a recent Texas State Supreme Court ruling:

The slip and fall case is a completely different type of case. Going by what you linked, a plaintiff would have to prove that the church KNEW that there was a LIKELIHOOD of dangerous criminal activity - in other words, that they knew that someone could be murdered in the church. Since there is no history of ongoing criminal activity with grave bodily harm in that church, it would be an almost impossible hurdle. That, coupled with the fact that the church is NOT required by law to have alarms or cameras (which do NOT protect people anyway), it would be extremely unlikely the church could be considered liable.
I got that feeling too. Especially when the perp opened the half door and looked up surprised. It was very pronounced if that makes sense. But, I can't get over how they would have known about the lack of alarm?!

They could have been in the church the previous day - like for the Bible study - and checked the door then with them being connected, but surprised that since they had been in someone else had changed the door.
This is a spirited (and talkative) bunch! :)

I frequently fall behind in the threads, but I'm glad to see so many people who want justice for Missy. I especially like seeing all the locals posting. Locals help so much in every case, in my opinion.

I completely agree! Plus I've got a real soft spot for Texans, you guys are like Americas Yorkshire, you all pull together. As sad as it often is, I do love a good case in Texas, you have some of the best, and most compassionate posters.

No disrespect to other states! Everyone here rocks!
It's not difficult to go wander around in churches you don't regularly go to.

I haven't willingly been in a church in many years...but I can give you the walk through. Movie nights. Sports nights. Any other night they can come up with to drag people in...

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View attachment 93140 View attachment 93144

The awning, or Porte cochere entrance is at the bottom of this aerial view of the building...where there is a visible drive-through under the extended roof. That is where the crime scene tape was up, and where both cars upthread were pictured.

The 'front' of the church technically faces the HWY 67 (where a building fronts the street determines its address). The front of the church had no crime scene tape (see WFAA videos), and has a shallow driveway-style parking lot with several handicapped parking spaces. It has a long stretch of glass doors which open up to soaring ceilings and a spacious main entry hall with the main sanctuary directly opposite those doors.

The Porte cochere, since it is at the one end where the major part of the parking lot is (and where drop-offs occur), is often (though less precisely) referred to as the front or main entrance. But while a main entrance, it is technically not 'the' main, front entrance. What complicates things is that the church sits somewhat diagonally on the lot. But the architecture and the address both seem to agree that the front of the building is not this Porte cochere entrance but the one in the long drive opposite all those handicapped parking spots.
Got it!! The awning from the arial view looks way too small to handle the length of a huge truck plus the back of the evidence truck together. I thought it was crazy that they ever exercised under there but it's much larger than it appears from the air.

Thank you!

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The slip and fall case is a completely different type of case. Going by what you linked, a plaintiff would have to prove that the church KNEW that there was a LIKELIHOOD of dangerous criminal activity - in other words, that they knew that someone could be murdered in the church. Since there is no history of ongoing criminal activity with grave bodily harm in that church, it would be an almost impossible hurdle. That, coupled with the fact that the church is NOT required by law to have cameras (which do NOT protect people anyway), it would be extremely unlikely the church could be considered liable.

There is no mention of prior criminal bodily harm in my link. Also you keep talking about cameras, but I'm talking about the lack of an alarm. The church knew they were a target for theft, but they didn't install and burglar alarm and it even could have been the same thief that killed Missy. Thieves are dangerous as others on here have posted to what extent thieves/burglars will go to avoid arrest (which in fact why a number of posters discounted at first that this was targeted) and in fact it was thought by LE originally that it was someone trying to steal from the church that killed her incidentally to their crime, which shows exactly how foreseeable someone stealing from the church could result to violence as that is what LE themselves thought and only later appear to have changed their mind that it was targeted.
I have kind of stayed away from this thread because I have never thought it was a professional hit ,and I don't think it was a family member , I mean who kills with a head injury ? suggesting to me he was not armed, I am convinced it was a robbery....there are so many totally ignorant people in DFW that have kill for dumb ***** like a cell phone , hat, etc. I think he was looking for simple things to sell or pawn I just don't think we are looking for a genus , it reminds me of a day care that was broken into a few weeks prior , they took something like a TV and snacks for the kids, there are plenty of adults around here that will do that, he looks like one of them to me !
I have kind of stayed away from this thread because I have never thought it was a professional hit ,and I don't think it was a family member , I mean who kills with a head injury ? suggesting to me he was not armed, I am convinced it was a robbery....there are so many totally ignorant people in DFW that have kill for dumb ***** like a cell phone , hat, etc. I think he was looking for simple things to sell or pawn I just don't think we are looking for a genus , it reminds me of a day care that was broken into a few weeks prior , they took something like a TV and snacks for the kids, there are plenty of adults around here that will do that, he looks like one of them to me !

I haven't discounted that theory because you're right there's crazies out there that would kill for a thrill or for $5.
There is no mention of prior criminal bodily harm in my link. Also you keep talking about cameras, but I'm talking about the lack of an alarm. The church knew they were a target for theft, but they didn't install and burglar alarm and it even could have been the same thief that killed Missy. Thieves are dangerous as others on here have posted to what extent thieves/burglars will go to avoid arrest (which in fact why a number of posters discounted at first that this was targeted) and in fact it was thought by LE originally that it was someone trying to steal from the church that killed her incidentally to their crime, which shows exactly how foreseeable someone stealing from the church could result to violence as that is what LE themselves thought and only later appear to have changed their mind that it was targeted.

Yes, in my reply I do have cameras and alarms. The fact that someone had a break in still does not mean they are required by law to have an alarm. An alarm is meant to protect property; not life. As there is no duty under the law to have alarms OR cameras, the church is not liable.
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