TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #6

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Folks, I don't want to rain on your parade, because I know you are trying to do a good job here and get a tad closer to identifying Missy's killer, but...
I just don't see much sense in trying to guess what the perp is carrying, if he has knee pads, boots or shoes, and so on. The footage is very low quality, the lightning is bad, there is a ton of artifacts in every picture, more you blow the pic, more artifacts and distortions you get. In such low quality pictures you can see everything you want, Elvis Presley included, but it doesn't mean good ole Bubba really was there. You know, pareidolia and stuff our brains do trying to make something out of the blobs and blotches we see. A Rorschach test, kind off. Wouldn't it be a bit more useful if we concentrate on the perps behaviour? On the facts that we have?
Nancy Grace had brought up someone who rode a motorcycle and owned moto gear. She said it several times. Completely logical. I just wonder if the perp was on a moto that night and thats how he/she got away so quick. This timeline is so tight. Makes me wonder what vehicle of interest the LE saw but wasnt comfortable releasing.

3:50 a.m. - Suspect first appears at Creekside Church of Christ.
4:16 a.m. - Missy Bevers’ is shown arriving in her pickup truck.
4:20 a.m. - Bevers parks and enters the church building.
4:35 a.m. - A participant in her weekly 'Camp Gladiator' workout class arrives.
5:00 a.m. - Emergency dispatchers receive first of two 911 calls.
5:03 a.m. - Patrol officers and EMS are dispatched.
5:10 a.m. - Police arrive at the crime scene.

Whatever it was, it happened fast. (timeline source; multiple news agencies and here: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-video-timeline-released-in-terri-bevers-death-at-texas-church/

I believe was in a car. Not on foot or motorcycle. My reasoning is doesn't appear wet. And it was raining pretty heavy when Suspect arrived. Unless Suspect changed into the SWAT clothing after got there, possible but that would also make running the risk of being seen by motion detected camera more risky, unless Suspect knows where the cameras were located and not located. HE/SHE knew they were there. Once even looked up iirc. JMHO
Have MB's family (parents, siblings) spoken to the public about the murder? I have seen MB's husband's family speak to the public. They have done several interviews.

(Just thinking, and wondering)
Have MB's family (parents, siblings) spoken to the public about the murder? I have seen MB's husband's family speak to the public. They have done several interviews.

(Just thinking, and wondering)
No. MB father is not living. Her side quietly grieving. His side, and this is just an observation, from Kilo the dog on down has been in a presser, on tv, wriiten letter etc. They are proactive I guess you would say. We are all different.
If they were going there to fish. Why rent a car. Are you kidding.

If so. Why rent a hotel to stay. Was he staying on a boat.

Did he take everything needed like tackle box etc.

I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t have rented a car. But if they didn’t want to rent one, they could have gotten by without it. They could have taken a taxi-cab from the airport to the harbor. Once there, they would have boats, restaurants, and hotels all within walking distance. A car would make it a lot easer though.

I suspect they already had the rental car, when he got the phone call. So they just took off. Or maybe they went to the airport and tried to get a flight. But it didn’t work out so they just rented a car.
I saw this on an episode of Castle recently. If true, could be related to the stolen guns from Phillip Slaughter or from a gun they don't want traced. IMO (sick,planned,get this guy)

That would work in a tv show, but not likely in real life. Bullets don't stay in pristine shape after smashing into bone (apologies for being graphic). They tend to fragment. Surgeons need xrays to identify the location of fragments when trying to remove bullets from victims b/c they can hide anywhere.
Right and supposedly NO OUTSIDE CAMERAS. The only cameras were inside the church or facing inside the church. They have said that over and over again. My whole thing is if the perp saw even 1 camera, what kept him/her from smashing them? That one at the door is literally right there in distance to get whacked. It doesnt make sense. Perp vandalized the church in MULTIPLE places but leaves the cameras alone? Um...trophy crime much?! Vain, narcissist...perp wanted to be on film. Its all so weird. I really do believe ppl when they say expect surprises. Its a weird one. JMO.

CORRECT!!!! And how many shows/news reports do we hear or see where someone has spray painted over the lens. This Suspect def wanted to be seen. JMHO
No, the outside cameras weren't working.

I know it’s a technicality, but just for the sake of accuracy. The cameras didn’t activate. That doesn’t mean they weren’t working.

The outdoor cameras were not working. The indoor cameras are motion-activated.

I believe the outdoor cameras were motion-activated too. They just did’t activate, probably because it was too dark and/or rainy.
I believe was in a car. Not on foot or motorcycle. My reasoning is doesn't appear wet. And it was raining pretty heavy when Suspect arrived.

Black clothes, dark interior, low quality footage. It might be a bit hard to spot the wet spots on the perp's clothes in circumstances like these.

Unless Suspect changed into the SWAT clothing after got there, possible but that would also make running the risk of being seen by motion detected camera more risky, unless Suspect knows where the cameras were located and not located. HE/SHE knew they were there. Once even looked up iirc. JMHO

A thing that bothers me is how the perp managed to get from his vehicle to the church without being spotted by anyone. There is some business almost exactly opposite the church, a busy road next to the church and nobody saw a person in a SWAT gear wandering around? And where did he hide his vehicle so well, that nobody noticed it and the police has only a hint of it on some footage? Judging by Google Street View and aerial shots there aren't many possibilities. The perp had to know area very well IMO.

Dear Websleuths Members,

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*Please no personal chatter back and forth. Welcoming someone back or making jokes at other member’s expense is not going to be allowed. The case is about Missy Bever. Please do not make the thread about you.

*If Missy’s husband posts pictures and posts on his personal public Facebook page it can be discussed and you can speculate.

*If you do speculate please do not make comments on their personal appearance. That’s just rude. You can speculate on their behavior but if you want to post something unkind about their looks please don’t.

*Speculation is allowed if it involves someone who has been named in the mainstream media and you can logically put this person at the scene of the crime or can suggest they were somehow involved. Speculation has to be based on some semblance of fact. In other words, you can’t speculate that the dry cleaning people killed Missy. The police have confirmed they believe Missy was targeted. That’s a good place to start.

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*We have an unfair advantage. We are anonymous. Your words are very powerful and they will be on the Internet forever. You will own those words when the truth is found out about Missy's murder.

To review:

*Yes you can speculate as long as it is logical and done in a mature manner.

*Yes you can discuss the pictures Missy's husband posted on his personal and public Facebook page. You cannot discuss any comments unless they are from Missy’s husband personally.

*Yes you can discuss all pictures/ videos as long as you can source them to a legitimate source . Do not post or discuss the Twitter picture that showed the face blown up. This looks like some sort of photo-shopped picture and it can’t be sourced

I am completely responsible for any confusion that has gone on in this thread. Sparky is doing a great job and she was doing what I taught her to do. I want to publically thank Sparky for her hard work and dedication.

OK Newbies and Old Time Websleuths Members, go forth and DISCUSS!

Tricia Griffith
PS. Please forgive spelling and grammatical errors. I am half asleep as I write.

What's interesting is... the person's walk and the shoes they are wearing. If a person walks with their feet outward like a duck, it means that their shoes are too big–meaning too extended in the front toe area. When that happens, it causes your feet to extend out. I can tell right away those shoes are WAY too big for their feet. My impression is that it's a person with a small foot trying to wear what looks to be a men's size 12 or 12-1/2 shoe. In other words–it's someone trying to pose as a larger sized man. This might explain why the suspect appears to be touching the wall at the beginning of the video as they were really using it as leverage because of their shoes.



Maybe, but I doubt anyone would be fooled by shoe size when they can SEE how tall the person is by measuring them against doorways.
I see knee high moto type boots on this perp. When people say slippers or what not...Im like huh? Clearly to ME those boots are at least knee high, at least semi well made and there is a tag that either pokes out or sticks straight up in the back. It could be a part that helps pull them on? It looks like it loops. The light catches it just right to show the outline every time perp turns around--esp when fiddling with the door he/she couldnt get into 15secs in. JMO

Rain boots often have those loops on the back to pull them on. Additionally, they are usually very flat heeled.
Maybe, but I doubt anyone would be fooled by shoe size when they can SEE how tall the person is by measuring them against doorways.

Still, I have an impression that this bulky outfit hides someone small and thin, who wants to appear big and strong. A power fantasy of sorts.
COD = Head Trauma. Per msm.

Head trauma could mean anything from gunshot to yes, ball peen :(

I believe head trauma would generally indicate a blow to the head, as opposed to a gunshot wound to the head

A head injury is any trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain. The injury may be only a minor bump on the skull or a serious brain injury. Head injury can be either closed or open (penetrating). A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object, but the object did not break the skull.

Head injury - first aid | University of Maryland Medical Center

Most head trauma involves injuries that are minor and don't require specialized attention or hospitalization. However, even minor injuries may cause persistent chronic symptoms, such as headache or difficulty concentrating, and you may need to take some time away from many normal activities to get enough rest to ensure complete recovery.

Head trauma: First aid | Mayo Clinic
Can't we just post a list of names of people we suspect did this, and open up the discussion a little?

I'm kidding, Sparky, before you have a heart attack...!

Nearly two weeks on and nothing. Sooooo frustrating.
Can't we just post a list of names of people we suspect did this, and open up the discussion a little?

I'm kidding, Sparky, before you have a heart attack...!

Nearly two weeks on and nothing. Sooooo frustrating.

I told my hubby last night I just want to reach in the video and rip that face mask off that perp. Hopefully, we'll have more news tomorrow.
Thanks. I am stunned (not to imply its not true) that the gun store's security cameras were able to see the church parking lot. I drive that stretch of 287 (did this morning) and was thinking that the gun store was too far past the church to be of any help. I am glad LE was able to get some video from them.

Me too. I had studied the church in Google Maps Streetview and didn’t notice the gun store. I thought the house across the street was the only building in the vicinity. Then somebody gave me the location of the gun store. When I looked at it, I was surprised to see it has a line of sight to the church.
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