Found Deceased TX - Thomas Brown, 18, Hemphill County, 23 Nov 2016

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Just watched the Crime Daily videos.

It's interesting that Tom's brother was only 9 minutes behind Tom's truck driving in the same direction that evening. Tom's brother also advised he thought Tom was still alive.

I'd be very interested in knowing what is in the Sheriff's case file re Tom. The sheriff feels it would hinder the investigation. Do they have a suspect?
Were there other surveillance videos of cars that evening other than TB, his bro and Police vehicles?

I guess some believe something happened at the gas station that evening but there were no surveillance cameras there.

So, who would know about the road to the back of the water treatment? If Tom's body was in the truck, whoever it was had to get rid of it. How? Drag his body in the dark, across the river to another waiting car? This doesn't sound plausible.

Sheriff Lewis has absolutely refused Tom's parents from seeing any surveillance videos, but particularly the ones that show Tom's car being driven to the waste treatment plant. From what I have read, the only way Toms mom has seen any video is because the owner of the hardware store (who is also a friend of his moms) personally gave Penny a copy of what their video showed.

If my memory serves me correctly - and I could be wrong - but I think there was video from Dollar General that points towards Fronks Gas Station, but according to Sheriff Lewis, it didnt show anything. Penny has NOT seen that video herself.
No, I wasn't referring to that back road. (The orange line?) Wow, so that's a road. Didn't know that. Could it be that may have been the trail Tom took if he walked away from the water treatment plant and his car?

Why do think the call from the girlfriend was odd? Or timed in such a way to appear.....faked concern?

I hadn't read anything about the spent cartridges outside his truck. Or where he was found.

If someone took him, why throw out the backpack where it could eventually be found? Why put the body where it could eventually be found? And again, who would do this to Tom and why?

I, personally, do not think that the girlfriends call was odd or for faked concern. My son is Tom's age and his ex-girlfriend will text him late at night. I think the timing was just a a fluke. The girlfriend offered to take a polygraph and no one will give her one.

My gut tells me that whoever murdered Tom (and I do think it was murder) feels guilty. I feel like the person who did this knew Thomas and at some point, they will or have felt guilt. My second thought is that whoever dumped the backpack and body, thinks they are smarter than LE and are almost taunting LE.

This is the back road you are referring to right? I agree it is a likely route if they didn't see any other cars going the N 2nd /60 route up to Lake Marvin Rd. .


Regarding the yellow line, that appears to be a trail or access road, but not a public road, and I'm sure that pasture is private property. In this blowup (first picture) of the spot where that trail meets the Lake Marvin Road, you can see that there is a fence and gate there. Also, there is no bridge across the river, so you would have to ford the river with your car, and the ability to do so would depend on the level of the water. (second picture)


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It has been suggested that the backpack and the phone were planted out near Lake Marvin after the fact. These theories are based on the fact that the areas where the backpack and phone were found had been searched before and the items should have been found in the earlier search.

If that is true, I wonder if the person who planted the items put them where s/he did so that Tom's body would be found? It is almost like s/he was trying to lead the search in a certain direction. Certainly, if the items were planted after the fact, and if a person wanted to lead searchers in the wrong direction, it would be easy to do so.
It has been suggested that the backpack and the phone were planted out near Lake Marvin after the fact. These theories are based on the fact that the areas where the backpack and phone were found had been searched before and the items should have been found in the earlier search.

Not discounting this theory, but I wouldn’t put much stock in the fact that the areas were previously searched and the backpack and phone weren’t found. There are several cases on here (ex. Caylee Anthony) where areas were searched thoroughly, even with SAR dogs and important clues including bodies were overlooked.

Just my humble opinion.
My note about his ex texting him was more about whether she was responding to something concerning like a text from Tom, or something a mutual friend texted or said. I do not suspect her whatsoever.

It has been suggested that the backpack and the phone were planted out near Lake Marvin after the fact. These theories are based on the fact that the areas where the backpack and phone were found had been searched before and the items should have been found in the earlier search.


The media keeps saying "near Lake Marvin" but in reality these items are many miles apart, with the backpack not really near Lake Marvin at all (more accurately, it was roughly 4 miles East of where the car was found). The phone was since discounted as his according to Penny, and Tom himself was a few miles north-west of the lake/camping area - guessing only because he was said to be off of Lake Marvin Rd. which stops being Lake Marvin Rd a couple miles before the actual lake.

Other than concealed bodies being difficult to detect (and I do believe Tom was concealed), it sounds like the area Tom was found had not had an organized grid search or cadaver dog search yet. It was planned, which is why the gentleman who found Tom was out looking (as requested by Klein in recent months). I do believe they got a lead on that area due to other items found (I am guessing clothing) and the results of their search with the privately hired K9. Don't forget that the local PD has not been supportive of Klein or Penny's efforts which may or may not be suspect - my belief is there is a reason state police are on it now.

I think its possible someone involved has moved to college, if that is what you are thinking.

I don't know how much we can discuss specifics, but do you believe the link between the elementary school teacher who recently shot himself in Canadian and his son's connection to Tom have any importance?
I read somewhere (I think in the summary of the long podcast, which I have not listened to yet) that the phone that was found might not be Tom's, but they still thought that LE had Tom's phone. Is that right? Are there two phones?

(I have a hard time believing that it is difficult to identify whether a phone is TB's. It should have a serial number, etc. to identify it. Also, I can't believe they can't trace the owner of any phone, based on serial number or whatever. Who loses a phone and then doesn't report it missing? And can't LE track down an owner through a cellular service provider?)
Yeah I'm still confused about the phone thing as well. Do they have this actual phone or not?
806mom- if I'm reading between the lines correctly, I think you and I are on the same page about what happened. I'm pretty certain my theory would get deleted so I'm not going to mess with typing it out.
Yeah I'm still confused about the phone thing as well. Do they have this actual phone or not?
806mom- if I'm reading between the lines correctly, I think you and I are on the same page about what happened. I'm pretty certain my theory would get deleted so I'm not going to mess with typing it out.

I think I'm on the same page with y'all.
I only became aware of Tom’s case after he was found and I stayed up reading his thread here and then couldn’t sleep! 806Mom thank you so much for the transcribing! How frustrating that Tom’s case was so very bungled from the start. I’m pretty sure I’m on the same page with the thinking in the last few posts but don’t know how the sheriff’s storyline would tie in. I can’t fathom the level of heartbreak for his mother not only to not know what happened but to watch the circus of the investigation unfold. I think I’d lose my mind. I hope Tom gets justice - they both deserve that.
Yeah I'm still confused about the phone thing as well. Do they have this actual phone or not?
806mom- if I'm reading between the lines correctly, I think you and I are on the same page about what happened. I'm pretty certain my theory would get deleted so I'm not going to mess with typing it out.

Ok, I am going to try and explain what I understand about the phone. This would be so much easier if I was talking to you in person though! I am not at my desk so I can't give exact dates, but will try to give enough info that someone else could find the dates if they needed to.

Here goes -

A searcher found Tom's phone at Lake Marvin on the side of the road. The searcher initially told Tom's mom that the phone was a rose gold iPhone. Tom's mother knew his phone to be regular gold, and said this was not his phone. Meanwhile, LE was telling people it was, in fact, Tom's phone and there was some bickering back and forth between LE & the Brown family because LE was saying the phone found was Toms. And Tom's mom was saying Tom did not own a 'rose gold' iPhone.

Come to find out, the searcher was wrong about the color. I cannot speculate as to why they got the color wrong, but they later came and said they made a mistake. The phone found was indeed, gold - like Tom's. So LE, did in fact, get this right. They had Tom's phone.

Now - this is where things are sideways for LE. LE asked Tom's mom for the passcode to unlock it and she did not know it. So she reached out to Calebs mom and she, in turn, asked Caleb. He didnt know the code so he texted their friends. LE then use the texts that Caleb sent in questioning of him. Caleb maintained he only asked everyone for the code because Tom's mom wanted the code. Penny has confirmed this - she did ask and the dates match up. This info came from the female you-tuber that was posted here last week.

Also, there is a problem with the phone that was found. The gold iPhone. Inside of every iPhone there is some mechanism that when your phone is in water, it will change colors and signify that it has been in water, and therefore, it would void any warranty. Supposedly the phone was out at Lake Marvin the whole time Thomas was missing - in snow, rain, etc - and this mechanism never changed to signify that it had been exposed to water. If my memory serves me correctly - the phone was found 11 months after Tom went missing, so if it had been in the elements the whole time, it would have been exposed to rain and snow. Typically we get between 20-30 in of rain a year, depending on if its a dry spell or not. This is why many feel the phone was planted at a later date than when Thomas went missing.


There is my run-down. If I have anything wrong, someone speak up. I am strictly relying on my brain and no notes, so its possible I got something wrong.
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Those of you asking about the river and crossing the river, you have to understand that most of the time, the "river" there is more like a creek. If my memory is correct, things had been dry when Thomas disappeared, and the "river" in that area would have been just a few inches depth at the most. For example, here is a view of the same river a few miles away near the old wagon bridge where Thomas and his friends hung out some that night. (The old bridge has been restored into a really lovely place people regularly use as a daily walking path or hangout.) I have been here many times, and there are times there is even less water than you can see here. At times it can be considerably more, but most of the time, there's barely enough water in which to wade. The area along the Canadian River can still be dangerous in places and certain seasons after heavy rainfall, as there is dense underbrush and some quicksand-like areas. In the area of the river east of the water treatment place where Thomas's truck was found, I'm not sure the exact spot the dogs hit on, but there is an area where a road is quite close to the river, so I wonder if the dogs were picking up on scent left there when Thomas was transported by vehicle along that road. Google Maps

Regarding Thomas's ex-girlfriend, I seem to recall Penny mentioning that she was aware of what was in the texting exchange between Thomas and his ex that night. I believe the girlfriend had shared this with her, and Penny said she was not involved or suspected of anything wrong. I do wonder if Thomas shared something and let her know that something was happening. If it is relevant to the case, LE or the family might be keeping details of that private.

Regarding the friends with him that night, Penny has also said things indicating they are not suspects. Wasn't there video footage from the junior high verifying their story about getting in separate vehicles there and saying goodbye? The high school football field near where his phone last pinged was several blocks south of there, and both were pretty near Thomas's house. Additionally, it's possible that Thomas was taken by vehicle near the football field without actually being there. We don't know how precise the cell phone signal ping is near that location. As to Thomas's friends with him that night...all accounts seem to indicate they are in the clear; however, the male friend with him that night is the son of a wealthy and prominent state politician, so that might have complicated investigative efforts, with involved parties wanting to keep things private and keep their names out of it.

Another of the sightings of his truck during the night before it was taken and left north of town was when it turned onto the road that goes right by the hospital. I found that curious and wondered if someone considered taking a wounded or dead Thomas to the hospital before deciding against it. It is also easy to see if you look at the previously posted map with times and locations marked on it that the vehicle could easily have taken a route that passed by or stopped at the sheriff's office.

I share the common suspicions that LE was somehow involved in or assisted in covering up whatever did happen that night. For one thing, at that time of night, there just aren't many people in Canadian TX out on the roads, but LE would have been out occasionally making rounds to make sure everything was in order. Anyone else out on the roads really stands out and is easily spotted. I did wonder if someone might have accidentally hit Thomas with a vehicle while drunk/under the influence, etc. but in that case, there should have been evidence at the would think. Suppose someone prominent or LE accidentally struck him near the gas station, then panicked and wanted to avoid prosecution for manslaughter, etc... This seems a less likely scenario at this point, since his death is being ruled a homicide, but something like that could have been a catalyst to more sinister choices to follow.
Those of you asking about the river and crossing the river, you have to understand that most of the time, the "river" there is more like a creek. If my memory is correct, things had been dry when Thomas disappeared, and the "river" in that area would have been just a few inches depth at the most. For example, here is a view of the same river a few miles away near the old wagon bridge where Thomas and his friends hung out some that night. (The old bridge has been restored into a really lovely place people regularly use as a daily walking path or hangout.) I have been here many times, and there are times there is even less water than you can see here. At times it can be considerably more, but most of the time, there's barely enough water in which to wade. The area along the Canadian River can still be dangerous in places and certain seasons after heavy rainfall, as there is dense underbrush and some quicksand-like areas. In the area of the river east of the water treatment place where Thomas's truck was found, I'm not sure the exact spot the dogs hit on, but there is an area where a road is quite close to the river, so I wonder if the dogs were picking up on scent left there when Thomas was transported by vehicle along that road. Google Maps

Regarding Thomas's ex-girlfriend, I seem to recall Penny mentioning that she was aware of what was in the texting exchange between Thomas and his ex that night. I believe the girlfriend had shared this with her, and Penny said she was not involved or suspected of anything wrong. I do wonder if Thomas shared something and let her know that something was happening. If it is relevant to the case, LE or the family might be keeping details of that private.

Regarding the friends with him that night, Penny has also said things indicating they are not suspects. Wasn't there video footage from the junior high verifying their story about getting in separate vehicles there and saying goodbye? The high school football field near where his phone last pinged was several blocks south of there, and both were pretty near Thomas's house. Additionally, it's possible that Thomas was taken by vehicle near the football field without actually being there. We don't know how precise the cell phone signal ping is near that location. As to Thomas's friends with him that night...all accounts seem to indicate they are in the clear; however, the male friend with him that night is the son of a wealthy and prominent state politician, so that might have complicated investigative efforts, with involved parties wanting to keep things private and keep their names out of it.

Another of the sightings of his truck during the night before it was taken and left north of town was when it turned onto the road that goes right by the hospital. I found that curious and wondered if someone considered taking a wounded or dead Thomas to the hospital before deciding against it. It is also easy to see if you look at the previously posted map with times and locations marked on it that the vehicle could easily have taken a route that passed by or stopped at the sheriff's office.

I share the common suspicions that LE was somehow involved in or assisted in covering up whatever did happen that night. For one thing, at that time of night, there just aren't many people in Canadian TX out on the roads, but LE would have been out occasionally making rounds to make sure everything was in order. Anyone else out on the roads really stands out and is easily spotted. I did wonder if someone might have accidentally hit Thomas with a vehicle while drunk/under the influence, etc. but in that case, there should have been evidence at the would think. Suppose someone prominent or LE accidentally struck him near the gas station, then panicked and wanted to avoid prosecution for manslaughter, etc... This seems a less likely scenario at this point, since his death is being ruled a homicide, but something like that could have been a catalyst to more sinister choices to follow.
Thanks for the great info! When was his death ruled homicide? And by who?
(edited for spelling)
Thanks for the great info! When was his death ruled homicide? And by who?

Philip Klein the PI hired by the Brown family did a TV interview shortly after Thomas's body was found and he said and I am paraphrasing that this was homicide investigation and that it was not premeditated. However I don't recall LE making the same type of statement. The interview can be found up thread but don't know exact location.
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