TX - Uvalde; Robb Elementary, 19 children and 3 adults killed, shooter dead, 24 MAY 2022 #2

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Usually a bullied person becomes a bully himself.
It is like repeating the same pattern.

That is why therapy is needed - to break free from it.

Esp. regarding the need for therapy in schools.
We need programs and more mental health assistance for students.
No one should have been bullying him for being poor, and I'm curious if he ever went to school admin. to report it and get help ?

It's so sad who this SR chose as his victims, though -- innocent kids who obviously were not his bullies and his own grandma whom he wounded but possibly meant to kill as well ?
A family member who took him in.

When did he start exhibiting cruel behavior ?
Did it start before the friend's video with the animal abuse ?
It takes a very evil person to target animals and young children.
I doubt any of his victims hurt him and if he was blaming past bullying it makes no sense to attack innocent people who weren't responsible.
Not that it's okay to wreak havoc and revenge on another because of past actions, regardless of how wrong.
Reporting it to the teachers or school authorities is best.
He had no excuse to do what he did.
My .02.
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9-year-old Kendall Olivarez told her family that she was the first student shot in her classroom at Robb Elementary, and that her teacher, Irma Garcia, landed on top of her when she was shot. “That’s gonna stay with her forever," her grandmother said.

'She is a miracle': Family of Uvalde survivor recounts elementary school shooting terror
A Uvalde fourth-grader recounts the terror she experienced in her classroom during the Robb Elementary School shooting.

8:30 PM · Jun 6, 2022·

Esp. regarding the need for therapy in schools.
We need programs and more mental health assistance for students.
No one should have been bullying him for being poor, and I'm curious if he ever went to school admin. to report it and get help ?

It's so sad who this SR chose as his victims, though -- innocent kids who obviously were not his bullies and his own grandma whom he wounded but possibly meant to kill as well ?
A family member who took him in.

When did he start exhibiting cruel behavior ?
Did it start before the friend's video with the animal abuse ?
It takes a very evil person to target animals and young children.
I doubt any of his victims hurt him and if he was blaming past bullying it makes no sense to attack innocent people who weren't responsible.
Not that it's okay to wreak havoc and revenge on another because of past actions, regardless of how wrong.
Reporting it to the teachers or school authorities is best.
He had no excuse to do what he did.
My .02.
He came from a broken home.
Father - absent/criminal.

As a child he was neglected - his stutter and lisp were not treated.
It seems he didn't have positive role models to follow.
It was reported he self-harmed.
Bullied at school.
No friends according to his grandfather.

He seemed obsessed with revenge.
Revenge against family - he shot his grandmother.
And revenge against school, where he was unhappy.

In my opinion, he wanted to commit suicide, taking as many others as possible with him.

That is why he chose elementary school kids - b/c they are the most vulnerable and could not resist him/fight him.

That is why he killed vulnerable cats as well.

He was seething with anger/rage, frustration and self pity.

That is how I see it.
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He came from a broken home.
Father - absent/criminal.

As a child he was neglected - his stutter and lisp were not treated.
It seems he didn't have positive role models to follow.
It was reported he self-harmed.
Bullied at school.
No friends according to his grandfather.

He seemed obsessed with revenge.
Revenge against family - he shot his grandmother.
And revenge against school, where he was unhappy.

In my opinion, he wanted to commit suicide, taking as many others as possible with him.

That is why he chose elementrary school kids - b/c they are the most vulnerable and could not resist him/fight him.

That is why he killed vulnerable cats as well.

He was seething with anger/rage, frustration and self pity.

That is how I see it.
Your explanation makes sense.

His mother has been open in speaking to the media.
From reading the posts here on previous pages.
Not sure what to think of it ?
Maybe his mother feels regret now ?

It sounds like he was neglected in his formative years ?
And went untreated at school or by medical professionals.
A perfect storm that led to the massacre at Uvalde.
My take on it.
He probably never told a health professional or school counselor about all of this.
It was probably not brought to anyone's attention.

There are lots of weird, quirky kids in schools.
They are "not a problem" until they become "the school's problem"...
Been there. Done that.
In this case, the problem did not become "the school's problem", until there was a mass shooting.

Documents have shown that schools in Texas have done everything possible to prevent helping students. Department Of Education Finds Texas Violated Special Education Law

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He came from a broken home.
Father - absent/criminal.

As a child he was neglected - his stutter and lisp were not treated.
It seems he didn't have positive role models to follow.
It was reported he self-harmed.
Bullied at school.
No friends according to his grandfather.

He seemed obsessed with revenge.
Revenge against family - he shot his grandmother.
And revenge against school, where he was unhappy.

In my opinion, he wanted to commit suicide, taking as many others as possible with him.

That is why he chose elementary school kids - b/c they are the most vulnerable and could not resist him/fight him.

That is why he killed vulnerable cats as well.

He was seething with anger/rage, frustration and self pity.

That is how I see it.
bolding added
From what I could find to read, it sounds like he wasn't with his grandma for very many years ?
Soooo ... was he with his mother for most of the time ?

The life he had with her may have been mainly neglect and maybe giving into his demands as SR grew older ; but there's an older case here , and in the msm news about the life that Adrian Jones had with his father and stepmother.
Pretty hard reading, and according to this article there were drug problems in the household.

The life of a child with a parent with drug addiction can result in what we've seen in Uvalde.
The bulk of the blame lies in the person who committed the act; but from reading your post maybe SR may have had a massively unstable upbringing ?
And many have suffered and are continuing to suffer if this is what happened.
My .02.
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bolding added
From what I could find to read, it sounds like he wasn't with his grandma for very many years ?
Soooo ... was he with his mother for most of the time ?

The life he had with her may have been mainly neglect and maybe giving into his demands as SR grew older ; but there's an older case here , and in the msm news about the life that Adrian Jones had with his father and stepmother.
Pretty hard reading, and according to this article there were drug problems in the household.

The life of a child with a parent with drug addiction can result in what we've seen in Uvalde.
The bulk of the blame lies in the person who committed the act; but from reading your post maybe SR may have had a massively unstable upbringing ?
And many have suffered and are continuing to suffer if this is what happened.
My .02.
As far as I know - and I only know what I read in news reports - he lived with his grandparents for only a few months.

He slept on the mattress on the floor in the living room as there was not enough space (other family members stayed there as well).

His relationship with mother was difficult and negative it seems.
A person with whom he played online games reported, that there was constant angry shouting.
In the end his mother "kicked him out of the house".
Well, as he was 18 and working, he could have rented some place to live, but he had already been saving every cent to buy deadly weapons.
Still facing nightmares, Uvalde survivor Miah Cerrillo, 11, will testify at House hearing on guns

Candy Woodall, USA TODAY
34 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Miah Cerrillo, a fourth-grader who smeared herself with her murdered friend’s blood to play dead and stay alive during last month's mass shooting at a Uvalde elementary school, should be two weeks into her summer vacation.

Instead, the 11-year-old will be a star witness Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill, testifying before a House committee and becoming the face of a nationwide gun-control debate.

She will tell her story and field questions from Democrats and Republicans as they face mounting pressure to respond to burgeoning gun violence across the country.

Still facing nightmares, Uvalde survivor Miah Cerrillo, 11, will testify at House hearing on guns
Miah’s bravery during the shooting, and now this week - to go on to Congress to testify - is simply incredible. I pray she can eventually move past this horrific event. May destiny bring her a bright future. She deserves it.
If I remember right, the Columbine shooters both came from stable homes ?
Esp. D. Klebold , who was (I think) more of a 'follower' of E. Harris ?
Mrs Klebold saw small signs of her son being troubled, but wrote them off to teen angst. She later wrote a book.

Klebold was later deemed as depressed, Harris a psychopath. They planned it together and documented it in journals.

This teacher, who was shot, tells it like it is-- your heart goes out to him as he watched his students die-he was lucky to survive. He called the police cowards and they were. period. He says he will never forgive these police officers for doing basically nothing. Neither will I and they should not be forgiven.
The teacher mentioned that some parents took their kids home after the awards ceremony. Heartbreaking for the parents that just wanted to let their child stay in class and watch a movie with classmates in one of the final school days before summer break. It was a decision that will haunt them and bring them pain forever.
Many school shooters don't come from bad backgrounds.

Some school shooters do come from troubled backgrounds and are abused. The term is traumatized. Jeff Weise, Eric Houston, Patrick Purdy, and T.J. Lane come to mind. Many have negative relationship with their family.

I do not know if Salvador Ramos was a target of abuse. It is probable he could be, which would make him traumatized. He could also be a psychopath. He had a history of bullying and engaging antisocial behavior.
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The teacher mentioned that some parents took their kids home after the awards ceremony. Heartbreaking for the parents that just wanted to let their child stay in class and watch a movie with classmates in one of the final school days before summer break. It was a decision that will haunt them and bring them pain forever.
I'm also recalling another mother that took her daughter out to a celebratory lunch following the awards ceremony but returned her to school after lunch. How does one get over that? :(:(:(
Many school shooters don't come from bad backgrounds.
If by "bad background" you mean poverty and obvious pathology (drugs, alcohol, criminal activity) - I agree.

But, there are many so called "perfect families" on the outside with unspeakable abuse going on inside.

We never know what happens "behind closed doors" of a pretty house (Lacey Fletcher case comes to mind).

After all, kids are not born as killers.

And not everything that glitters is gold.

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If by "bad background" you mean poverty and obvious pathology (drugs, alcohol, criminal activity) - I agree.

But, there are many so called "perfect families" on the outside with unspeakable abuse going on inside.

We never know what happens "behind closed doors" of a pretty house (Lacey Fletcher case comes to mind).

After all, kids are not born as killers.

And not everything that glitters is gold.


I think it is debatable as to whether some kids are born as killers or "the bad seed". we just don't know enough about the human psyche to know the definitive answer to that .
I think it is debatable as to whether some kids are born as killers or "the bad seed". we just don't know enough about the human psyche to know the definitive answer to that .
That is why societies educate mental health professionals - to spot "red flags", intervene and help, thus preventing tragedies.

I think, financing such professionals at schools is a small price to pay.
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There is an argument to be made here about having cameras in the classroom. As unsettling and gruesome that feed would have been - it would have fed valuable real-time information to those LE that just kept waiting outside the door.

I have approached this idea a few times with administration and was shot down in flames every time - the unions are dead set against it - citing "privacy" concerns. But, today, even day cares now have cameras where moms at work can call up the cam and see their baby in real-time. Plus there have been many many instances where "bad" day care workers are caught abusing children!

I would say "if you aren't doing anything wrong - and doing your job - what do you care if you are on camera?" Plus, they already have cameras in the hallways and other places.

I am a mom first and I know I would have rested easier if there would have been cameras in the classroom. But what do I know? I'm just a lowly, underpaid teacher - the powers that be (which some have never been in the classroom or it has been YEARS since they were) always have to feel that they know better!!!!!

That's a great idea! imo
Miah Cerrillo testifies to Congress via video:

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