TX - Veterinarian under investigation for killing cat with arrow.

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We don't know what they forwarded to the DA. Did they do a search of the property to find the body? Doesn't appear to be so.
I just find it strange that at first sheriff was saying he can't make an arrest over a facebook photo and investigation will take time, but soon thereafter he forwarded the case to the DA. I am very curious if they collected any physical evidence, because he was claiming photo isn't enough.

My 1st reaction to the sheriff's announcement on Tuesday was one of joyful surprise. But then a nagging "Hmmm" feeling took over.

The service was all a little too fast, especially since the sheriff gave an impression of a lengthy investigation just days earlier. I've also read that Kristen wasn't interviewed after all. Lets hope the DA was given something substantial to work with, and we don't hear a baloney excuse such as "nothing can actually be proven".
My 1st reaction to the sheriff's announcement on Tuesday was one of joyful surprise. But then a nagging "Hmmm" feeling took over.

The service was all a little too fast, especially since the sheriff gave an impression of a lengthy investigation just days earlier. I've also read that Kristen wasn't interviewed after all. Lets hope the DA was given something substantial to work with, and we don't hear a baloney excuse such as "nothing can actually be proven".

I think it has escalated to far to be swept under rug, I am hopeful (especially now the national board is involved) that justice will be served. While she may not get jail time, I would be perfectly happy if she could never work as a veterinarian again.

Her actions (I'm not sure how it's affected American veterinary clinics) have even our clients speaking about it.

Cats are a passion of mine, I have seven of my own.. I just can't fathom this barbaric and her actions.

And seriously if anyone did this to one of my babes, they'd have far more to worry about than the police.... They'd have the angry fur mumma!!
My 1st reaction to the sheriff's announcement on Tuesday was one of joyful surprise. But then a nagging "Hmmm" feeling took over.

The service was all a little too fast, especially since the sheriff gave an impression of a lengthy investigation just days earlier. I've also read that Kristen wasn't interviewed after all. Lets hope the DA was given something substantial to work with, and we don't hear a baloney excuse such as "nothing can actually be proven".

I hope so too. I am concerned DA will claim there is not enough evidence to charge her.
I am not sure what physical evidence, if any, was collected.
What she is accused of appears to be a felony. Seems like a photo of her with the cat should have been enough to get search warrants for her computer and property. Yet I doubt any of this was done.
I hope so too. I am concerned DA will claim there is not enough evidence to charge her.
I am not sure what physical evidence, if any, was collected.
What she is accused of appears to be a felony. Seems like a photo of her with the cat should have been enough to get search warrants for her computer and property. Yet I doubt any of this was done.

Is it possible her attorney told the police that they would like to speak to the DA about a plea bargain? Would the police hand it over to the DA at that point?

What type of investigation is the Tx Vet Board doing? I would assume she will have the chance to speak in front of them if they are thinking about revoking her license. Surely if they gather lots of info then that might be used in a criminal case too.

I can see the sentence being probation of some sort, I just hope to God if they give her community service it doesn't involve working with animals (Remember how many fools wanted Michael Vick to serve community service at shelters after he was convicted for torturing dogs?).
Any sentence, should it go that far, would be unlikely to result in prison. jmvho. She will plea it and will lose her license-there is no way you can simply sanction a vet who kills an animal in this fashion. Again, jmvho. She will plea it because she already has more than she bargained for with this case. She thought it didnt matter-look how wrong she was.
Jjenny - thanks for clarifying that it was a neighbor's pet cat - I had read that, wasn't sure and didn't put it in my post. That just makes it even worse for me - that this vet (by education, not by passion) had no empathy at all for the fact that maybe someone owned, or at least cared for that cat, and would grieve its death. IMO she needs a psychiatrist not a license to practice veterinary medicine.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all who care on ws's. Sometimes I know we feel alone when we fight for those with no voice. So I am thankful to all of you who care. Sometimes I feel that world is tipping more toward evil and apathy until I come here. It gives me hope.
There hasn't been official confirmation that the murdered kitty was Tiger, but I found FB and Tiger's pictures look almost identical to Ms. Lindsey's horrid photo, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Remembering-Tiger/369833109877538 Tiger looks like a sweet soul and such a cutie.

There also is a vet's perspective on this: http://catexpert.blogspot.ca/2015/04/response-to-story-of-vet-that-shot-cat.html?m=1

Next GJ meeting on 4/29/15: http://www.examiner.com/article/justice-for-tiger-austin-county-grand-jury-meeting-set-for-april-29

(Hopefully links allowed, otherwise Mods please remove)

If it is indeed Tiger (or even stray feral), then I agree with the posters here that Ms. Lindsey likely set trap and Tiger was her bow and arrow target practice. If Tiger is cat, then cats normally don't stray far from their homes unless they are not fixed or smell sardines or some other food smell. I wonder if Ms. Lindsey set a trap and put something like sardines/herring in the trap to catch any animal to "practice". If so, it makes her behavior that much more reprehensible (i.e. intent to trap cat); and woe to the person who tries to destroy or destroys evidence. I still hope that Tiger/kitty's guardians or someone can give him a proper burial.
There hasn't been official confirmation that the murdered kitty was Tiger, but I found FB and Tiger's pictures look almost identical to Ms. Lindsey's horrid photo, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Remembering-Tiger/369833109877538 Tiger looks like a sweet soul and such a cutie.

There also is a vet's perspective on this: http://catexpert.blogspot.ca/2015/04/response-to-story-of-vet-that-shot-cat.html?m=1

Next GJ meeting on 4/29/15: http://www.examiner.com/article/justice-for-tiger-austin-county-grand-jury-meeting-set-for-april-29

(Hopefully links allowed, otherwise Mods please remove)

If it is indeed Tiger (or even stray feral), then I agree with the posters here that Ms. Lindsey likely set trap and Tiger was her bow and arrow target practice. If Tiger is cat, then cats normally don't stray far from their homes unless they are not fixed or smell sardines or some other food smell. I wonder if Ms. Lindsey set a trap and put something like sardines/herring in the trap to catch any animal to "practice". If so, it makes her behavior that much more reprehensible (i.e. intent to trap cat); and woe to the person who tries to destroy or destroys evidence. I still hope that Tiger/kitty's guardians or someone can give him a proper burial.

I read Rae Kelly's letter to District Attorney Koehn (from the examiner.com link). She brings up concerns that most of us have about how this case is proceeding. There is also an interesting issue with Kristen's parents. Should they be charged as accessories to the alleged animal cruelty? Hmmm.
Yeah but she would also get LICENSED in the new state, and there is no way it wouldn't come out that she lost her license in TX (and I presume she will). So that hurdle would have to be jumped and then she would have to find someone to actually hire her.
My hope is not even the worst high-kill shelter in the country (take your pick, there are plenty of them) would hire her in any capacity. It is one thing to euthanize innocent animals and totally another thing to be a sadistic, narcissist and ENJOY torturing them in the process.


I already posted two things, so I apologize if I am on a bit of a rant. I get so upset when I see the excuse made that this poor animal was a "feral" cat. In the county I live in (state of Alabama) our humane society recognizes feral cats, and actually has a program called "Trap, neuter, Return" not Trap, Kill with Bow and Arrow, Post on Facebook!!! The county has numerous times actually posted on FB that they are looking for people who will put out food for the community(feral) cats. All cats in the trap, neuter, return progam have their ear notched so it will be recognized. The attitude of our county is that these cats - feral, community, or whatever called - have a right to their life. It is also recognized that feral cats (and cats who are outside/indoor) usually live shorter lives because of outside dangers - cars, coyotes, fox, etc. I fostered a litter of 4 feral cats. I had them neutered, given shots, and after their release I fed them daily. I also educated all of my neighbors that they were neutered and could not have babies, and also that they had shots. I guess I am blessed to have animal loving neighbors because all of them actually enjoyed them.

I am of the opinion that this vet did this purposely, and enjoyed it. Otherwise, why post it on FB. I just get more mad about this every day. When I posted about children abusing/killing animals I did not state what I was thinking, but some other posts have made it clear that they think this woman has deep seated psychological issues. My opinion is to concur.

Concur also. Behavior of this nature doesn't manifest itself overnight, it evolves over time most likely since childhood. Therefore I am curious if KL's sole purpose in attending veterinary school was to learn animal anatomy and thereby know how to be the most sadistic torturer to them.

My hope is not even the worst high-kill shelter in the country (take your pick, there are plenty of them) would hire her in any capacity. It is one thing to euthanize innocent animals and totally another thing to be a sadistic, narcissist and ENJOY torturing them in the process.


I wonder where Kristen is at this time. Maybe she is in hiding, and possibly has left Texas. Any ideas?
I wonder where Kristen is at this time. Maybe she is in hiding, and possibly has left Texas. Any ideas?

I am not sure she has any ties in Texas other than this is where she got her job, I assume right out of vet school. She is from Wyoming, one of the 5 worst states for humane animal protection laws, so my guess is she would find cover there.
I read Rae Kelly's letter to District Attorney Koehn (from the examiner.com link). She brings up concerns that most of us have about how this case is proceeding. There is also an interesting issue with Kristen's parents. Should they be charged as accessories to the alleged animal cruelty? Hmmm.
Yes, if either of them witnessed the criminal act and did nothing and/or supported it by photographing KL with the murder victim and/or assisted her in covering up the crime by "destroying evidence". To some Tiger may have "just been a cat" but he is a murder victim in my opinion.


One would think her former employers would be good witnesses for the prosecution. They investigated this matter themselves and stated in an interview that when the truth came out they fired her.

They could be called to testify and share everything she told them, right? If they are NOT called before the grand jury then the folks that say the DA won't make a real effort to prosecute will be proven right.
I wonder where Kristen is at this time. Maybe she is in hiding, and possibly has left Texas. Any ideas?

If she left TX, she could be in Wyoming since that's where she is from. Would she be allowed to leave the state considering potential charges she could be facing?
Not sure if this has been posted.
Local family under fire for Facebook post


Kristen was not available for comment this week, nor were her parents, Jack and Becky Lindsey, who are longtime Big Horn County residents.

Becky, the Big Horn County treasurer, has also been widely criticized online for the role that she played in the matter. The Lindseys were visiting Kristen when the cat was killed, and Becky stated under Kristen’s original post, when questions were raised about its authenticity, that she had taken the picture.

Reached at her office Monday, Becky said the family is not going to comment.

Jerry Ewen, who chairs the three-man Big Horn County Commission, also declined comment.

Becky is among Big Horn County’s longest tenured department heads. After 14 years as the deputy county treasurer, she ran for the top job in 1994 when incumbent George Hoffman did not seek re-election. Becky emerged from a crowded field of four candidates to win the GOP nomination that year. She has not lost an election since, winning her first term in the 1994 general election and re-election in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and, most recently, in 2014, when she ran unopposed.

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