TX TX - Weatherford, near I-20, WhtFem 35-55, 227UFTX, wig & glasses in purse, Sz 7 shoes, Oct'98

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Ok Iam just throwing this out there what if this UID woman was not in fact a woman but a guy, sort of like Julie Doe and they just got it all wrong?

I just wanted to put it out there because I came across this guy that reminded me of this UID... again just throwing it out there because as we all know stranger things have happened .


Name: John Patrick Deeny
Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: March 20, 1973
Location Last Seen: Janesville, Le Sueur County, Minnesota

Physical Description
Date of Birth: March 25, 1953
Age: 19 yrs old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"-5'8"
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Unknown
Nickname/Alias: None
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Surgery scar on thighs from surgery as an infant.

Dentals: Not Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available

Circumstances of Disappearance
John left his residence in Janesville and was not heard from again.

227UFTX - Unidentified Female

Reconstructions of the victim. The wig & glasses in the reconstruction were found beside the body.
I had wondered briefly about whether this woman might be transgender. But if she's got DNA, they ought to have been able to determine that. Maybe they don't check unless they think there's a question.

Pointers to John Deeny's case files:

John Patrick Deeny – The Charley Project
5184DMMN - John Patrick Deeny

He seems like a closer match than a lot of the women we've compared.
I still don't understand how you can have a body that has been dead for maybe a week and have the bra and the breasts so decomposed that you can't tell whether the silicone thingy is inside fleshy tissue or inside the bra. I suppose the fillings could have fallen off the bra pockets and they also might have fallen off the body if the tissue holding them in place decomposed but does that happen so completely in a week or does it suggest that she had been dead for a longer time?
Good question.. I guess temperature can be another factor.
I have a theory. I think the Jane Doe most likely had some form of cancer. It would explain the hysterectomy and mastectomy and if she was undergoing chemotherapy it would also explain the wig. It's possible she didn't want to continue suffering and let the disease take her. So she just drove to a remote area, walked into the woods, took out a gun, and ended her life.
Hi, ive been reading here at websleuths a while before joining (nice to meet you all) and a thought keeps occuring to me when i see this one.

The reconstructive model to me looks like what seriously searching said above, "almost masculine" and thats part of my thinking on this.

Is it possible that the person could have once been a man? From the description given about the unidentified its stated "Sutures in her pelvic region possibly suggest a hysterectomy, and either two breast implants or prosthetic breasts. Her bra was a "pocket bra" with a facing on the inside to hold prosthetic breasts. This may suggest a possible mastectomy. "

I am wondering if the sutures in the pelvic region could also "suggest" a sex change operation because of also being combined with a "pocket bra" to hold prosthetic breasts and to me this might also explain why the person would be wearing a wig.

I dont know what all they do during an autopsy or how closely this aspect would have been examined or how evident superficially a sex change operation would be to one who didnt know one had occured but also have heard that this kind of thing can cause depression in individuals who maybe regretted it afterward.

Anyway thats just been a thought ive had about it because the model does look very masculine to me.

There's one big problem with the theory that the Jane Doe might've been transgender. According to Doe Network her DNA profile is available. Even a brief glance at the decadent's DNA profile would reveal the existence of a Y-chromosome if there was one. So I doubt she was trans.
I am surprised nobody has brought up this missing person as a possible match. So I created an account to post it.

The Doe Network: Melinda Kay Mele - 3409DFFL

Many things make me think this is a strong match. First the picture, although not super clear, does resemble the uid without the wig. All the physical charactistics match up well. Also Melinda is noted as having a historectomy and dental work like the uid. The timeline also matches up well.
I have to agree with those of you who mentioned the possibility this person may have been a male. And please forgive me ahead of time as I am familiar with the “Julie” Doe case and immediately thought of her when I read the OP of this thread (one I’ve been hesitant to comment on for a little while) but I am very uneducated when it comes to the proper and appropriate pronouns, etc. to use when describing transgendered individuals. So bear with me...I want to see this individual identified just as much as any other.

(these are, as always, my own thoughts, opinions, and observations)

I think “Julie” Doe, found dead in Florida in 1988, and her case set a sort of standard when it comes to crime and the LGBT+ community. For a long time - I know but forget the exact length - Julie was thought to be a cisgender (assigned at birth) woman who had given birth at some point in her life. It wasn’t until her DNA was tested that it was determined she was a transgender woman who had undergone gender reassignment surgery. Meaning, Julie was born a biological male and later in life transformed her outward appearance to match that of her inward being. A female.

Julie, by initial observations alone, had manicured nails, silicone breast implants, longer hair, and was wearing a skirt. Much like our Double Doe 7here. (It’s difficult for me to continually refer to UIDs as “UID”, I usually give them all a name in order to personalize each one of them. Double Doe 7 seemed very fitting for their spy-like appearance)

Anyway, my point is, breast cancer and chemo induced hair loss would be the obvious explanation for some of the physical characteristics described for our Doe. But unless actual testing has been done with the DNA collected from Double Doe 7, it’s hard to know for sure if we should be searching for a missing male or a missing female.

I hope that if I’ve misspoken about anything, someone will step in and correct me.
Here is one in particular I’ve been researching. David Paul Morrison was last seen in Yosemite National Park, California in May of 1998. By all accounts, an experienced hiker who disappeared after a should-be day trip from Little Yosemite Valley to Little Dome. He was not dressed or equipped for an overnight stay so he was presumed lost, injured and ultimately deceased.

While it’s usually the case in instances where people disappear from National parks and wilderness areas, I always question those cases that have gone unsolved for so long. Especially ones in which no clues to the person’s fate have turned up. This is one of those instances IMO.

David is a little younger than the estimated age range of Double Doe 7, but a lot of the other specifics match up. Especially the physical appearance of the two. I did a little digging on Ancestry for additional photos of David, and although I think I’ve found some of him in high school, I’m not confident enough to post them publicly.

If I’m correct then it gives more weight to the possible match. The teeth are almost identical. David was born in Reno, Nevada and the records I found were from Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California, for anyone wanting to research further. I’ll include a side by side of David and DD7 though, for comparison...


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There's one big problem with the theory that the Jane Doe might've been transgender. According to Doe Network her DNA profile is available. Even a brief glance at the decadent's DNA profile would reveal the existence of a Y-chromosome if there was one. So I doubt she was trans.

Assuming it's a full DNA profile and not just mtDNA.
One addition to the ruleouts (bolded)

Susan Adams 1947 Idaho
Elizabeth Allen 1957 Washington
Teresa Barnett Texas
Elizabeth Bryant 1960 Virginia
Wendy Byron 1954 California
Wilda Cross 1953 Louisiana
Stephanie Fladgard 1953 Colorado
Judy Foster 1952 Texas
Rose Gayhart 1962 New York
Traci Kelley 1965 Texas
Tina Ledet 1958 Louisiana
Jordan Loucks 1966 Texas
Mary Miller 1932 Utah
Bonnie Schultz 1951 Indiana
Agnes Shoe 1942 New York
Nancy Snow 1936 Maryland
Sandra Sollie 1955 New York
Deborah Taylor 1952 Virginia
April Vlk 1954 South Carolina
Margaret Walden 1942 California
Vernette Wester 1947 Arizona
Charlene White 1958 California
Sheri White 1964 Alaska
Joyce Yost 1946 Utah
These days it doesn’t seem like “DNA: Available” means what it used to.
I think it's important to add that a DNA test doesn't necessarily even tell you what a person's biological sex is. Sex is a broad spectrum of things and intersex individuals can outwardly appear and identify as totally different to what their DNA says. I know an intersex guy who has a penis, never grew breasts, he's tall, outwardly he looks 100% male and he also identifies as male. But if you tested his DNA, it would give you XX, not XY. He has ovaries, but no uterus. So it's not as cut and dry as one might think. Hell, a lot of people don't even know they're intersex unless a DNA test comes back with unexpected results.

I think the cancer theory is more plausible but this person being trans or intersex can't be ruled out yet imo

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