Identified! TX - Williamson Co., 'Orange Socks' WhtFem 33UFTX, 15-30, off I-35, Oct'79 - Debra Jackson

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DNA Solves
:(I am from Abilene and unfortunately have never heard about her missing since her family never reported her missing. My sister is closer to her age so I am going to see if she knew her! I have watched this thread for years, but never really searched. She would have never been identified if her sister had not seen the updated photo in June! How remarkable and yet sad her family never looked for her.

Just heard from my sister....she did not know her.
I’m kind of frustrated, honestly, with the way life works. It’s silly of me. I’m absolutely thrilled she’s identified, but all that time and money trying to get usable DNA and then she’s identified by a sketch. After 40 years of sketches! That’s not to suggest that anyone did anything wrong whatsoever. I just wish the timing would’ve worked out a little better so Orange Socks could have her name and those resources could have been put to another doe getting their name back too. Maybe the it will turn out to be a blessing in disguise with more time; perhaps the male DNA found will lead to catching her killer. Hopefully this was good exposure for DDP and the need to opt in too, since this was such a well known case. Okay, end life’s-not-fair tantrum.
Debra's sister wasn't close enough a match to her? Wow okay, that's weird. I wonder how many cases are out there where a family member actually provided their DNA sample and it wasn't recognised by the system as a match.
My guess is that Debra’s DNA sample wasn’t very good, so it was more of a partial DNA sample, so then the sister’s couldn’t be conclusively matched. I’m sure any DNA collected in 1977 could easily have been compromised by improper collection and/or storage methods, just from lack of knowledge at that point.
:(I am from Abilene and unfortunately have never heard about her missing since her family never reported her missing. My sister is closer to her age so I am going to see if she knew her! I have watched this thread for years, but never really searched. She would have never been identified if her sister had not seen the updated photo in June! How remarkable and yet sad her family never looked for her.

Just heard from my sister....she did not know her.

Someone will have remembered her. Keep an eye on your local news. She was an adult in 1977 and back then many times, people didn't search for adults. She sure sounds like she was in rough shape at the time she died. I thought it would take forever to ID her because I got the impression from her body ( teeth missing etc) that she came from a family the seemed to live on the fringes of society.
Regarding her scars: They were from impetigo.

My daughter had impetigo and it was a quick trip to the doctor for antibiotics. The fact that she had scars indicates that there was enough dysfunction in the family to impede a quick doctor visit.

(But I think most of you reading this know this.....)

Her body was in such bad shape. I always wondered if she was a prostitute. I wonder if a toxicology was done? She left home and took menial type jobs, that don't sound like they were worth leaving town over. Something drew her away. I was born in 1956 myself. Was there a boyfriend that drew her to those towns? (Amarillo and Azle aren't exactly bright lights and big city)

OK...It's 2:30 AM. Endless scenarios...I'm glad she has a name.
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I could not find her in the yearbooks from Abilene so far. Wondering if she finished High School. I will continue to look. The local news was about the same as what we have here. Maybe someone will remember her and we can learn more about her wherabouts before her death. RIP Debra Jackson.
I don't think horses or zebras; I often think unicorns.

Every identification is a mixed bag. The person is identified, someone can finally go home, but often the killer is still unknown and may be out there. It also adds fury and irritation if the autopsy was wrong (i.e. Marilee Bruszer, Bobby Whitt).

At the beginning it makes sense to look for horses instead of zebras, but when someone isn't identified for decades it may be that the horses were a dead end, and we should be looking not for horses, zebras, or unicorns but for a couple of guys with coconut shells.
FINALLY, while you wait for the long overdue justice you so desperately deserve, you can now rest in peace, Debra. I'm so sorry for the struggles you faced in life and in death. Although you never will know, in the end, you were very much cared for by many who've worked and searched relentlessly to give you your identity back.

Rest easy, beautiful lady!
I’m kind of frustrated, honestly, with the way life works. It’s silly of me. I’m absolutely thrilled she’s identified, but all that time and money trying to get usable DNA and then she’s identified by a sketch. After 40 years of sketches! That’s not to suggest that anyone did anything wrong whatsoever. I just wish the timing would’ve worked out a little better so Orange Socks could have her name and those resources could have been put to another doe getting their name back too. Maybe the it will turn out to be a blessing in disguise with more time; perhaps the male DNA found will lead to catching her killer. Hopefully this was good exposure for DDP and the need to opt in too, since this was such a well known case. Okay, end life’s-not-fair tantrum.

Well, we don't know how her sister came across the sketch, right? Maybe it was in a news article about DNA Doe Project's efforts to identify her. Without DDP, and the additional publicity brought to Debra's case, her sister might never have seen it and she may have remained unidentified. So all that money wasn't for nothing if that's the case :)
This news...emotional...looking at the beautiful sparkling face of Debra when she was still alive...the faces of youth are wonderful...she came to a very sad end. Learned one an outsider it's very hard to look through hair color, glasses, getting older, life leaving marks,'s so hard to find a match. A recon, all the recons...totally set me off. For a person who knows you, the "bigger picture" recognizable...that's why they are made. Still I will keep on trying. Condolences to her family, the once who missed her all these years, not knowing what happened. Ms. Jackson, you are going happy...and sad...RIP.
Well, we don't know how her sister came across the sketch, right? Maybe it was in a news article about DNA Doe Project's efforts to identify her. Without DDP, and the additional publicity brought to Debra's case, her sister might never have seen it and she may have remained unidentified. So all that money wasn't for nothing if that's the case :)

I believe they said her sister saw the new recon on a news broadcast on television. But I’m not 100% sure ;)

In any case, I agree that the DDP still played a HUGE role in this identification process. For one, it’s thanks to them and GEDmatch they were able to confirm the match because CODIS couldn’t. And I think you’re right in saying that her case being accepted by the DDP probably brought renewed media attention to it.

And regardless of exactly how the match was made, it’s great that the DDP gets some media attention. Especially with the new opt in system in GEDmatch. They need to spread the word as best as they can so more people will upload their DNA and opt in.
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