Identified! TX - Williamson Co., 'Orange Socks' WhtFem 33UFTX, 15-30, off I-35, Oct'79 - Debra Jackson

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I wish something was known about her last employer. When was her last check? Where were they located? If we knew where maybe someone would remember her....

I Googled the name of the company and I couldn't find anything, but then I Googled RE West....LOL...It's trucking company in Tennessee that incorporated in...wait for it...1979.....I'm sure this is just a coincidence.

Now, I pretty much doubt there is any connection between the transportation company and the R.E. West where Debra was employed. At first I thought maybe they were part of a larger business, but it looks like it was a small, local Tennessee Company in 1979. The history of the corporation on the website was a bit vague, but it appears it was started by someone who grew up in TN who was born in 1943 and died in 1999. Sounds like it started with a guy and a pick up who just kept getting work until eventually he realized he had real business potential in 1979.
I think that the key to figuring out what happened to Debra lies in finding out what she was doing in the years following her disappearance.

We know for a fact that she had a job in '79 for some realty investment firm. I'm not sure if Debra was still employed by these people at the time of her death or if she just worked for them earlier in the year. I'm leaning towards the latter, but for all we know, she could have never left / been fired from this job before she was killed. She might have simply stopped showing up for work one day without anyone really knowing why. If she did really somehow lose this job, she could have had difficulties in finding another one for some reason and ended up homeless.

To be honest, I really was never convinced that Debra had been transient for long, if ever. A few months ago, back when she was still unidentified, I posted about how her teeth were in surprisingly good condition relative to the rest of her body, meaning she had to at least have somewhere where she would go regularly to practice basic oral hygiene.

I think it's also possible that Debra could have been in some sort of toxic relationship at the time of her death. Her SO could have been abusive or unfaithful (hence the gonorrhea), and some of the details surrounding Debra's declining physical state at the time of her disappearance could be owed to the fact that she had lost the will to take care of herself. I read that Debra may have also been known as "Debra Larned" and "Debra Moon". Maybe she decided to take on the last name of a "husband" in her travels in the years after she left Abilene.
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This might be relevant, but I always thought Debra looked a lot different in life than in her reconstructions/postmortem photos. Don't get me wrong; in terms of her facial features, the reconstructions are spot-on (even when compared to her childhood photos), but you can tell that she had been "living rough" in the period leading up to her death, even if she wasn't necessarily a transient.

Like I said in my last post on this thread, I'm really curious about this job at a real estate firm (?) that Debra had the same year that she was murdered. As I said before, she very well could have still held this job at the time of her death or close to her death. I wonder what the nature of her duties were at this job. If she had co-workers, maybe one of them heard Debra talking about people in her life who had been causing her problems.

Also, Debra might have been wearing those orange socks for a reason. Halloween was coming up. Maybe there was some sort of theme party or dress-up day at work. I guess some people try to spice up their outfits by wearing colorful ties/socks that go with the theme of an upcoming holiday.

I'm up in the air in regards to the relationship between Debra and her killer. When she was unidentified, I assumed that she had just been in the wrong place and the wrong time and had met the wrong person or people who ultimately took her life (i.e. via hitchhiking or sex work).

Now, though, I think that her life may have been slightly more stable than what I had initially thought. I think it's entirely possible that she wasn't hitchhiking at all. I also think it's likely that Debra had a permanent address at the time of her death (as in, something like an apartment or a house where she would have a room indefinitely). Even if Debra was not a transient, I'm not sure that Debra had the means to live alone. That means that wherever she was living, there were probably other people with whom she would have contact on a very regular basis, and they would have definitely noticed her absence.
This might be relevant, but I always thought Debra looked a lot different in life than in her reconstructions/postmortem photos. Don't get me wrong; in terms of her facial features, the reconstructions are spot-on (even when compared to her childhood photos), but you can tell that she had been "living rough" in the period leading up to her death, even if she wasn't necessarily a transient.

Like I said in my last post on this thread, I'm really curious about this job at a real estate firm (?) that Debra had the same year that she was murdered. As I said before, she very well could have still held this job at the time of her death or close to her death. I wonder what the nature of her duties were at this job. If she had co-workers, maybe one of them heard Debra talking about people in her life who had been causing her problems.

Also, Debra might have been wearing those orange socks for a reason. Halloween was coming up. Maybe there was some sort of theme party or dress-up day at work. I guess some people try to spice up their outfits by wearing colorful ties/socks that go with the theme of an upcoming holiday.

I'm up in the air in regards to the relationship between Debra and her killer. When she was unidentified, I assumed that she had just been in the wrong place and the wrong time and had met the wrong person or people who ultimately took her life (i.e. via hitchhiking or sex work).

Now, though, I think that her life may have been slightly more stable than what I had initially thought. I think it's entirely possible that she wasn't hitchhiking at all. I also think it's likely that Debra had a permanent address at the time of her death (as in, something like an apartment or a house where she would have a room indefinitely). Even if Debra was not a transient, I'm not sure that Debra had the means to live alone. That means that wherever she was living, there were probably other people with whom she would have contact on a very regular basis, and they would have definitely noticed her absence.
I think that Debra could have been picked up by a truck driver with more men, all of whom wanted to take advantage of her and when she refused, they sexually assaulted and ended up by killing her, I don’t know if a clothing description was given by those witnesses who saw her earlier on the day, however, if it’s available, we could figure out if she was going to a costume-themed party or if she was wearing her job-clothing or a casual attire, I’d really want to know what she wore that day, so we can theorize on this.
I think that Debra could have been picked up by a truck driver with more men, all of whom wanted to take advantage of her and when she refused, they sexually assaulted and ended up by killing her, I don’t know if a clothing description was given by those witnesses who saw her earlier on the day, however, if it’s available, we could figure out if she was going to a costume-themed party or if she was wearing her job-clothing or a casual attire, I’d really want to know what she wore that day, so we can theorize on this.

That theory seems very plausible, and it goes in line with the fact that DNA from at least two different men was found on Debra's body. It looks like multiple people were involved in her rape and murder.

If Debra didn't have a car, she could have relied on hitchhiking to get to and from work. I'm thinking doing so was common back then. I wasn't around, but I'm thinking that a lot of people used to hitchhike back in those days, even people who were not transient.

I am really interested in learning about Debra's living arrangements. I think it's possible that she could have been living with people who did not have the best intentions.
Wow that's great news to come back to.

The possibility she used the name "Debra Moon" startles me, though--any chance she became part of the Unification movement (the "Moonies")? I seem to remember that many of Moon's followers took that as their last name?
Probably this was discussed at some point but as perNetflix’s “The Confession Tapes”, Henry Lee Lucas claimed responsibility for the murder of Debra...among many others which were eventually proven he didn’t have anything to do with
I know this sounds wild but..

What if Debra was dressing as Velma from Scooby Doo on Halloween? The orange socks would make sense, as that would be odd to wear normally. The fact Debra wore glasses also interests me in the costume idea, as it would make sense. Scooby Doo ran from 1969 - 1970, so she was about 13/14 when it ran.

I know this sounds wild but..

What if Debra was dressing as Velma from Scooby Doo on Halloween? The orange socks would make sense, as that would be odd to wear normally. The fact Debra wore glasses also interests me in the costume idea, as it would make sense. Scooby Doo ran from 1969 - 1970, so she was about 13/14 when it ran.

Sounds plausible! I really wish that the witnesses that saw her that day, could give a description of what she wore.
I actually looked into the places she worked at. Burmont is actually “Bur-Mont Inc”. Here’s a photo of it:

Okay, so where Debra worked at the Ramada Inn, it’s now the Camelot Inn.

Here’s an updated timeline of the case:

September 23, 1956 - Debra is born in Harris County, Texas.

c. 1977 - Debra disappears from Abilene, Texas.

~ January 1978 - Debra begins working at the Ramada Inn (now the Camelot Inn) in Amarillo, Texas.

~ June 1978 - Debra begins working at 7150 Gantt Road, Azle, Texas. This is now an assisted living center called Bur-Mont Inc.

~ 1979 Debra begins working at R E West & C G Cole Admiral PTR, Realty Investment PTD, at unknown location.

October 30-31, 1979 - Debra is murdered.

October 31, 1979 - Debra’s body is found in Georgetown, Texas.
So I looked into the last job Debra had and here’s a brief summary of it:

- R.E. West & C.G. Cole Admiral PTR (Personal Tax Return) is the company
- Realty Investment PTD (Property Tax Division) is the part of the business it is in

My conclusion is that Debra worked in a division of a tax company.
So I looked into the last job Debra had and here’s a brief summary of it:

- R.E. West & C.G. Cole Admiral PTR (Personal Tax Return) is the company
- Realty Investment PTD (Property Tax Division) is the part of the business it is in

My conclusion is that Debra worked in a division of a tax company.
Here’s a quick enlightenment on what happens in this division:

- Realty Investment is the purchase, management, or ownership of real estate property for profit, and these properties have taxes

- This is similar to the taxes of a property

- Debra’s place of work would work with people who had these kind of taxes
I know you guys will be mad about this, but..

I looked for Debra’s birth information to make sure of her birth date and name. It wasn’t “Debra” but rather “Deborah”. She was born September 23, 1956, not September 28 in Harris County, Texas. It said her parents’ names, but I will not say them for privacy. I left the matter afterwards. Just to correct the incorrect information.
I think that the key to figuring out what happened to Debra lies in finding out what she was doing in the years following her disappearance.

We know for a fact that she had a job in '79 for some realty investment firm. I'm not sure if Debra was still employed by these people at the time of her death or if she just worked for them earlier in the year. I'm leaning towards the latter, but for all we know, she could have never left / been fired from this job before she was killed. She might have simply stopped showing up for work one day without anyone really knowing why. If she did really somehow lose this job, she could have had difficulties in finding another one for some reason and ended up homeless.

To be honest, I really was never convinced that Debra had been transient for long, if ever. A few months ago, back when she was still unidentified, I posted about how her teeth were in surprisingly good condition relative to the rest of her body, meaning she had to at least have somewhere where she would go regularly to practice basic oral hygiene.

I think it's also possible that Debra could have been in some sort of toxic relationship at the time of her death. Her SO could have been abusive or unfaithful (hence the gonorrhea), and some of the details surrounding Debra's declining physical state at the time of her disappearance could be owed to the fact that she had lost the will to take care of herself. I read that Debra may have also been known as "Debra Larned" and "Debra Moon". Maybe she decided to take on the last name of a "husband" in her travels in the years after she left Abilene.

Could she have been hiding from an abuser or stalker? If you are in a bad relationship or have a someone harassing, stalking, abusing (mentally or physically) your job performance could easily suffer. Also having a steady job with regular hours means people know where you are, normally that isn't a problem, it's usually considered a good thing, but with an abusive partner or a stalker it gives them an idea of what you are doing during the day, what time you should be home. It can help an abuser control you. Which is so messed up.

Getting an STD or STI doesn't mean you're a prostitute it can just mean you slept with a partner that had it. I was surprised to learn that my male friends didn't have doctors that asked if they wanted an STD test. At a gynecologist they always ask if you want them to test for STDs.
I was given chlamydia by the first person I had sex with and who I had a child with. I found out when I was pregnant. He thought he was magically tested when in jail right before I met him. I had no reason to think he was lying, or misguided about sexual health at the time. He possibly (most likely) cheated but I trusted him back then. Abusive partners don't care about your health, they can also become sexually abusive. You could also be symptom free and have no reason to suspect you have an STD.
You made really good points.

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