GUILTY TX - Zoe Hastings, 18, abducted & murdered, Dallas, 11 Oct 2015

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Looks like a trial date has possibly been set for October. It says "TRIL"

Trial will begin Thursday morning according to her mother. The family has a Face Bookook site "Live Like Zoe"
On Thursday, the first day of the trial, jurors heard about the DNA evidence found at the scene linked to Cochran. Prosecutors said traces of his DNA were on the handle of the bloody knife used to stab the 18-year-old in the neck.

Cochran’s attorneys argued that he handled the murder weapon, but didn’t kill the young woman.

If convicted, Cochran will automatically be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He is not eligible for the death penalty due to a law that prevents people with intellectual disabilities from being executed.
Cell phone evidence:

1 hour ago
Detective says on day Zoe was murdered, Cochran made no calls and answered no calls from 2:50 pm to 6:55 pm. 4 hours

42 minutes ago
October 13th, Cochran’s phone searching Dallas Morning News, again on Oct. 15th and Oct. 20th and Oct. 23rd

38 minutes ago
32 searches by Cochran’s phone for news stories about Zoe Hastings murder. The 30 days before murder, 1 news search from Cochran’s phone of the Daily Mail. No other until after Oct. 11th - Oct. 23rd 2015

33 minutes ago
Oct 9th, Cochran’s phone in video chat with a Megan Vincent. Daughter of woman he chatted with earlier:”Please tell me what I must do to be in your life, or do you want to miss out on a chance of a life time?”
Cell phone evidence

13 minutes ago [with image of map]
Detectives say Cochran’s phone in same area of both #ZoeHastings abduction and where her body was found.

16 minutes ago [with image of map]
Detectives say data shows Cochran’s phone in the same areas of both #ZoeHastings abduction from Walgreen’s parking lot, AND ALSO in area of homicide scene

28 minutes ago
Detective Eric Weast says on October 11th, 4:40 - 6:00, Cochran’s phone communicated with cell tower st 4:44 and 5:47 and 5:48 pm. This is phone communicating with particular tower and transceiver; then same tower, different transceiver

Antonio Cochran talking with one of his legal team. Cochran on trial, charged with capital murder in death of #ZoeHastings


[I don't understand why the tweets are not showing up as a tweet for this one has an image of the accused. I did not realize he was such a large sized male.]
1 hour ago
Expert testifies Antonio Cochran’s cell phone near Walgreen’s, Zoe Hastings cell phone, and the crime scene where her body and mini van found 1:23 minute October 11th 2015. And that in the 45 days before Hastings murder, Cochran’s phone NEVER in that area.

Ends phone evidence
CSI Expert begins

44 minutes ago
Carolyn Ferreira. Medical Examiner. Blood on blade of pocket knife at crime scene belonged to #ZoeHastings.

43 minutes ago
Forensic expert testifies 3 suspects did not match DNA on handle of knife. Hoped to determine identity of suspect through swabs of mini-van. Did not have success.

32 minutes ago
DNA Expert says Antonio Cochran’s DNA was a match to DNA left on handle of knife
Autopsy Report


6 minutes ago

The medical examiner Dr. Jeffrey Barnard, detailing #ZoeHastings autopsy. 6 incise wounds to throat. One fatal: Jugular, artery, thyroid, trachea all cut.
1 hour ago
The state has rested in the #ZoeHastings murder trial. Defendant Antonio Cochran (seated left) and his attorneys begin their case tomorrow morning at 9:00
3 hours ago
Antonio Cochran’s defense team putting on its case in #ZoeHastings murder. Now challenging detective Scott Sayers on testimony of Gary Whitman.

3 hours ago
Detective Sayers being challenged in testimony of witness who’s said he “heard the girl scream, help.” Johnson to Sayers: “Do you think he could hear her from a football field away at one of the busiest intersections in Dallas?” Sayers:”I do.”

3 hours ago
This is Gary Whitman. His eye witness account being challenged by defense through detective Scott Sayers. Whitman was arrested after his testimony Friday for outstanding warrants. Got no deal for his testimony.

3 hours ago
Defense to Sayers: “You don’t know how this happened do you? We know the results, but you don’t know the progression of this offense do you?” Sayers: “I believe we do.”

3 hours ago
Defense to Sayers: “If one of your eye witnesses is telling the truth, there’s not a single piece of evidence in that van connecting my client to this offense is there? If he dove the van, his fingerprints are not in that van are they? Sayers: “That’s correct.”

3 hours ago
Defense lawyer to Scott Sayers: “DNA in that van and hairs that have not been identified. It’s possible someone else committed that offense.”Sayers:”I don’t believe it is.” Lawyer:”Have you ever been wrong about anything?” Sayers:”Sure.” Lawyer: “Thank you.”

3 hours ago
Paul Johnson is lead defense attorney for Cochran. Johnson challenging all unidentified fingerprints in mini van and unidentified DNA found. Suggesting someone else who has not been caught until they commit another crime. Trying to create that reasonable doubt among jurors.

3 hours ago
Cochran on record outside of presence of jury. Attorney Paul Johnson says they are calling no witnesses. Discussion now about whether Cochran will testify.

3 hours ago
Attorney Johnson tells court, Antonio Cochran has decided to rest case without testifying. To Cochran: “You’re prepared to go forward with defense strategy and not testify? Cochran: Yessir.” He will not take witness stand in his own defense.

2 hours ago
Defense has rested in #ZoeHastings murder. Judge Robert Burns now reading the charge to the jury. The charge is the jury’s instruction about the case, and that his decision not to testify cannot be used against him.

2 hours ago
Closing arguments begin with prosecutor Pat Kirlin. He starts by telling jury:”I know this has been a long journey for you. Your work is just about over.”

2 hours ago
Prosecutor in closing: “This wasn’t just any murder. This crime is an unspeakable brutal and heinous crime. There’s no mistake about it. This man is he person that did it.”

2 hours ago
Prosecutor Pat Kirlin: “This girl fought for her life. She wasn’t gonna go without a fight. But he was too big.” #ZoeHastings

2 hours ago
Pat Kirlin tells jury: The only way he is guilty of murder is that you don’t believe she was does she get in the creek bed unless she drove herself?”

2 hours ago
Defense attorney Rick Harrison seated next to defendant in this photo, is starting defense close.: “The State has not proved the elements they put in their indictment.”

2 hours ago
Closing argument Rick Harrison: “Gee, there’s a lot of circumstantial evidence that shows he probably did it. That’s not sufficient.” #ZoeHastings murder #AntonioCochranTrial

2 hours ago
Defense attorney Rick Harrison: “If there’s conflicting evidence, that’s reasonable doubt.”

2 hours ago
Defense closing argument Rick Harrison: “What’s the one picture they haven’t shown you from Walgreen’s or the Red Box? That’s because there was no kidnapping.”

2 hours ago
Defense attorney Paul Johnson closes the defense argument now.
“As I stand before you now, I know what the mood in this courtroom is, I know what’s the popular thing to do...the state has brought you a collection of facts...has the State proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.”

2 hours ago
Paul Johnson:”How are people convicted of crimes they didn’t commit? Folks this is a reasonable doubt case. Circumstantial evidence.”

2 hours ago
Def. Atty. Paul Johnson: “Isn’t his DNA on the knife enough? No,
but we don’t know when it got there. It could have been there months or weeks.”

2 hours ago
Def. Atty. ”We’re here because there’s evidence that ties Antonio Cochran to the crime. But there is not any evidence that he is the killer.”

2 hours ago
Attorney Johnson:”You have to go back to the whole of the trial, and ask yourself how is he luck enough to commit this offense and not leave a single piece of evidence?”

1 hour ago
Johnson: “As I stand before this family, my heart breaks for the them. This was a bloody and brutal crime. But there is not one single piece of evidence to tie him to the crime, conclusively?”

1 hour ago
Johnson:”I’m asking you here to find the defendant not guilty, because that’s what the evidence leads to.” #ZoeHastings murder #AntonioCochranTrial

1 hour ago
Johnson to jurors:”When the medical examiner was up,’they didn’t ask him about the sexual assault. They knew what he was gonna sat,”zero evidence of sexual assault. Zero.”

1 hour ago Johnson: I asked witnesses, can you tell me it’s not possible for another person to commit another crime and their fingerprints, their biological make up match that crime scene? They said, no, I can’t tell you that.”

1 hour ago
Johnson closes his argument telling jurors,”I’m going to ask you to do the hard thing, what you told me you could do when we started. Do the right thing. Return a Verdict if not guilty.”

1 hour ago
Prosecution gets final word: “This case is a parents worse nightmare.
Pat Kirlin shows jurors crime scene photos then walks over and points to Antonio Cochran:”This man did it and nobody else.”

1 hour ago
Pat Kirlin says Cochran had an urge so strong...this man right here couldn’t stop his urge even when you drive off that steep hill..he has raped her, he has killed her, slid her throat wide open.”

1 hour ago
Pat Kirlin: “Kidnapping, raped and murdered. And then to add insult to injury, robbery. In a matter of minutes.”

1 hour ago
Prosecutor Pat Kirlin:”You have a job much easier than most juries. And by that I mean the evidence...That is the murder weapon.” #ZoeHastings murder #AntonioCochranTrial

1 hour ago
Pat Kirlin picks up knife:”Those (Zoe Hastings, Antonio Cochran) are the only 2 DNA on the murder weapon. The elephant in the room.”

1 hour ago
Pat Kirlin: “3 pieces of DNA evidence all are saying he can’t be excluded. All the evidence points to him.”

1 hour ago
Pat Kirlin says Cochran makes no phone calls or text for hours on October 11th, when Zoe Hastings was kidnapped and killed. “Why do you think that is? He’d just committed this horrendous crime, he’s getting his wits together.”

1 hour ago
Pat Kirlin: “Ladies and gentlemen it’s yours. Please take it back there. You can make it a fast decision.”
Thank You DeDee for posting the tweets very much appreciated. I just didn't have time.

Seems like this was a pretty short trial. I pray the jurors will come back with a just verdict.

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