UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -*arrest* #4

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I wonder if one day Aaron will ever reveal the missing details...if someone were to interview him in prison for example...I dunno though as he might just keep lying about everything rather than admit it.

He's already lied so much that we probably couldn't believe him anyway.

It is sort of blowing my mind to read that Toni asked his mum to check the CCTV, Toni's aunt was who she confided in about it, Toni's aunt was there when he was being informed about DNA and Toni's aunt told his mum to call the police. I think his special defence was literally an act of petty revenge.
You’re right, I’d totally forgotten the detail about it actually being a chairlift rail, and watching the video of it even the bit around the corner would be a bit of a stretch to use for support.

Useful to use for support when crawling up stairs with a big knife in one hand? I guess we'll never know.
Just my ha'pennys worth on the above topic...

The idea that anyone would feel as though they could not post on a forum would horrify me......
The whole ethos of any forum should be that it is a safe and respectful place for the exchange of opinions and ideas between like minded people.

I may not agree with something that someone has said but i would be prepared to stand side by side with that person in defence of their right to say it.

A forum would be a lifeless entity if we all thought the same way all the time.
The key to success is respect for one another and each others opinion.

Remember a shared interest brought us all together here so that is a good start!....
That gives us more in common than many families have!!

Lets all enjoy the debate and conversation and keep things nice and respectful for all who wish to drop by.

It's nice to be nice :)
The six-year-old, from Coatbridge , had gone to Bute to stay with dad Rab, 26, a few days earlier but her granddad took her back to her hometown on Sunday, July 1, for a friend’s party.

The youngster had been “devastated” after arriving to realise it was the wrong day but her tears were short-lived when she was asked to join in another party with a friend.
Daily Record

Ah, ok maybe that was the Coatbridge link I heard?
On release from prison in 2007, they set up home in Blackpool and had to register with police as convicted sex offenders.

Lancashire Police were so concerned about the risk they posed that they ordered around-the-clock surveillance and obtained consent to place covert surveillance devices in the pair's van.

An intercepted call alerted police that O'Neill and Lauchlan were grooming a six-year-old boy in Scotland.

Over a six-week period they texted the child and his mother about 2,000 times and even bought the boy a mobile phone.

Central Scotland Police took over the surveillance operation when they travelled to Falkirk with the boy and his mother to stay at a hotel in 2008

This this section would be the relevant part if any of it was related... From same article in link

That isn't the part of the artcile I was on about but obviously this could be related to Bute also. I'll see if I can post the bit I meant, that implies they were definitely in Bute late 90's.

I'm not saying the part you quoted is incorrect, just that it only states Scotland in general and Falkirk.
It's definitely possible. I think however, as she was a visitor to the area (albeit a frequent one) that it's more likely if he was fixating on a kid it would be a permanent resident. One he saw every day. It's also possible that he wasn't fixated on children at all particularly, but on someone that he could control, who because of his age was therefore also a child. His other victim is described as "a teenager". He is rumoured to have tortured animals too, that's not about sex, it's about power, control.

Yeh this is really such a disturbing story it's so hard to get your head round...poor girl think that those were her last moments of life with him abusing her in the middle of the night must've been incredibly frightening :(
I ve read a couple of MSM reports one states Toni asked her the other says she was on the phone to Toni’s aunt and she told her Toni said it was 2. Wish the media would get their stories straight :/
Me too! I never doubted it for a second although there was every chance i was wrong as there was (and appears, still is) no proof. What i found intriguing was that many posters thought the idea ridiculous, as if TM was some high class, well heeled, successful older woman and AC a spotty, pathetic teenager trying to impress his friends. I'm not sure his friends would have been all that impressed but hey - ho.

I honestly cannot believe this but this lad got his time in court loves that he has been named with the notoriety gained from this crime
It will feed his obvious narcissistic personality
His defence has now ruined the girlfriend as mud sticks and has many people like on here questioning did they etc
I would love to see him when the publicity/honeymoon period wears off and he is stuck in the cell knowing he is not getting out
I expect the kid will appear crying and possibly making out he is the victim in all of this
Or a shamen fan...or a teeny of the 90s (like myself) ...still have the naff naff sweater and fruit of the loom jeans somewhere :) :)

Thought it was a Shamen fan but they don't tend to have great grammar
On release from prison in 2007, they set up home in Blackpool and had to register with police as convicted sex offenders.

Lancashire Police were so concerned about the risk they posed that they ordered around-the-clock surveillance and obtained consent to place covert surveillance devices in the pair's van.

An intercepted call alerted police that O'Neill and Lauchlan were grooming a six-year-old boy in Scotland.

Over a six-week period they texted the child and his mother about 2,000 times and even bought the boy a mobile phone.

Central Scotland Police took over the surveillance operation when they travelled to Falkirk with the boy and his mother to stay at a hotel in 2008

This this section would be the relevant part if any of it was related... From same article in link

This is the part of the article I was refering to

"In Rothesay, on the Isle of Bute, the pair are known to have babysat for mothers who were heavy drinkers, allowing them access to their sons.

Among their friends at this time was Mrs McGarrigle.

She had been due to give evidence against them at an upcoming trial when she went missing in June 1997 after separating from her husband.

For months her benefits book lay unused. It was later found at the flat in Rothesay where she had moved with a young boy only a week before she disappeared.

Police believe she argued with O'Neill and Lauchlan because they knew she was due to testify against them."
Yeh it's so hard to guess what was going through this sicko's head. I saw in a news video them zooming in on the window at the top of the back of the house suggesting this was Alesha's room. Is it possible he'd gained an infatuation with her and spyed on the house previously and knew very well this was her room as he'd seen her through the window. Then on the night in question he was extremely drunk and decided to go and act out his fantasy. He could've called RM and TM to see if they were awake and if they answered just pretended he wanted weed. The only weird thing is how would he have known the place was going to be unlocked. It just seems so weird to take Alesha and go and do what he did to her if that wasn't his initial intention but who knows? and also it seems so extreme to take a knife to go and rob them for some weed.

He never wanted weed. He went there for one thing and got it. Everything was staged from his POV. There would be no point stealing weed from a small-time dealer and it's not a drug (in my knowledge) people risk so much to steal for. I doubt he sold it in high quantity (an ounce or two at a time). The knife was taken to scare Alesha.

For me what would make it easier to understand how she got out of the house undetected is 1:where she was sleeping. 2:did he have to walk past any other bedrooms. 3:did she wake up. Imo she didn't due to the way her legs were dangling.

This was an opportunistic pre-planned attack. I don't believe how the media have sensationalized the video games being an influence, however Slenderman has a lot of similiarities with the act.

Cherish your children. Do your best to be safe. You never know what or who lives round the corner.
I’m going to unwatch this thread for a bit. The recent history of Bute terrifies me a bit. I’ve seen a freedom of information request by their local paper (2018) confirming there are/were currently four recorded sex offenders in that place. It only has 6000 people! Throw in the other two serving massive tariffs and this guy and that’s not so idyllic now.

I’m Convinced the right guy has been caught but I think a lot of the stuff we are being told is narrative building to suit a need. He’s a weirdo with a history of sexual and violent abuse...yet he’s clearly a popular lad with loads of friends and a partner. He plays violent video games and is on drugs. He researched how to get away with it on a phone I’m the dumbest way possible. Even the way the cctv hint was dropped to the family that got the ball rolling is odd as it’s ignored almost immediately.

I think there’s more to this as the case is so watertight and obvious that the lad must be the most stupid and over confident criminal ever seen.
I’m going to unwatch this thread for a bit. The recent history of Bute terrifies me a bit. I’ve seen a freedom of information request by their local paper (2018) confirming there are/were currently four recorded sex offenders in that place. It only has 6000 people! Throw in the other two serving massive tariffs and this guy and that’s not so idyllic now.

I’m Convinced the right guy has been caught but I think a lot of the stuff we are being told is narrative building to suit a need. He’s a weirdo with a history of sexual and violent abuse...yet he’s clearly a popular lad with loads of friends and a partner. He plays violent video games and is on drugs. He researched how to get away with it on a phone I’m the dumbest way possible. Even the way the cctv hint was dropped to the family that got the ball rolling is odd as it’s ignored almost immediately.

I think there’s more to this as the case is so watertight and obvious that the lad must be the most stupid and over confident criminal ever seen.

The right guy was caught and convicted. There is just a much wider picture emerging.
That isn't the part of the artcile I was on about but obviously this could be related to Bute also. I'll see if I can post the bit I meant, that implies they were definitely in Bute late 90's.

I'm not saying the part you quoted is incorrect, just that it only states Scotland in general and Falkirk.

I know, I was just pointing out these depraved individuals were around and about when AC was younger... Probably has nothing to do with him...
Just my ha'pennys worth on the above topic...

The idea that anyone would feel as though they could not post on a forum would horrify me......
The whole ethos of any forum should be that it is a safe and respectful place for the exchange of opinions and ideas between like minded people.

I may not agree with something that someone has said but i would be prepared to stand side by side with that person in defence of their right to say it.

A forum would be a lifeless entity if we all thought the same way all the time.
The key to success is respect for one another and each others opinion.

Remember a shared interest brought us all together here so that is a good start!....
That gives us more in common than many families have!!

Lets all enjoy the debate and conversation and keep things nice and respectful for all who wish to drop by.

It's nice to be nice :)

What did you say about my mum!
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