A Scottish voice in a pub in Nairn? How rare lol"Undoubtedly, the publication of Peter Bleksley’s 2018 book To Catch A Killer, breathed a bit of new life into the case.
‘An inside job’
Back in 2009, Peter was in Nairn trying to dig up whatever information he could about the case.
He found himself in a bar after several days of interviewing and when he went to the toilet a Scottish voice from behind him said:
“Don’t turn around, this is all I’m going to tell you.
“It was an in-house job, but we just couldn’t prove it.”
There were police in the bar that night and Peter’s assumption is that it was an officer that spoke to him.
But the tip itself is far from clear. Does in-house mean from within Alistair’s own workplace? His own family? Something else altogether?"
15 years of twists and turns but no arrest, motive or suspect in the Alistair Wilson murder case
What about someone inside the police force? MOO
I had no idea that the sensationalist grifter Bleksley had cashed in on this event. Best ignored.