UK UK - Anthony Knott, 33, last seen at a pub in Lewes, Sussex, 20 Dec 2019

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@SheCarrot Welcome!! You raise a few good points and I have to admit I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I do think he left of his own accord from the bar, and I assume he switched his phone off for battery (i think that was what most people were saying) so that obviously means that there was battery to save. And if I lost my friends, I would put my phone back on - which he didn't because it hasn't ever come back on. So, I do have a small incline that he wasn't going back to his friends. JMO
does anybody really do this any more? Firstly he looks to be a fairly burly bloke, and secondly, all decent modern phones are effectively a brick without the pin / biometrics and can be remotely blocked from use.

not saying it’s not possible but if you were going to mug somebody for their phone, would be more sensible to go for a lone slightly built drunk female?
Still happens. This is the case that stuck in my mind, Inquest hears mysterious last moments of Stroud art valuer Richard Cole who drowned in Amsterdam canal last year BTW it was his own brother who
eventually found the video that showed his mugging and death....
does anybody really do this any more? Firstly he looks to be a fairly burly bloke, and secondly, all decent modern phones are effectively a brick without the pin / biometrics and can be remotely blocked from use.

not saying it’s not possible but if you were going to mug somebody for their phone, would be more sensible to go for a lone slightly built drunk female?

Duplicate post deleted.
Still happens. This is the case that stuck in my mind, Inquest hears mysterious last moments of Stroud art valuer Richard Cole who drowned in Amsterdam canal last year BTW it was his own brother who
eventually found the video that showed his mugging and death....
This also strikes me as odd in this case- if it was my partner or even a member of my family I would probably lock down my SM page, but would have a poster as my profile and so would everyone I know. Just tonight his uncle has commented that the missing poster is incorrect, in fact both of them have mistakes. The first states he went missing from Orpington, the second has a typo error on his height. 12 days down the line and a family member has pointed it out,
A lot of people would be embarrassed to reappear if they had taken off for a bit, and then seen or heard about all the news, searching etc...especially if they already were upset about something. Anyway jmo...I don’t really think this is the case.
Newbie alert(!)
Somethings that struck me as odd quite early on - the devil being in the detail of relationship dynamics (not directed just to this case , necessarily) - the specifics of ....he said he'd be home for two(at the latest) as fiancé was to be at work for three ... it just seemed terribly precise an arrangement ( at the latter end of 'cutting it fine' , imo ) , where Anthony being home was crucial - I'm not sure I'd have been quite so accommodating toward the suggestion of such a late return (but maybe I'm just an old bag ) , but that aside -- you wouldn't really have to know Lewes in any great detail - just perhaps a smattering of general knowledge , to wonder what on earth they'd all be doing in the town to be still whooping it up until , potentially , gone midnight (accounting for getting an Uber home , which was what Anthony had said was the plan) .
(I love Lewes , btw , but it's not buzzing late at night) .
This leads me onto the business of grabbing an Uber home -- these guys , I'd hazard a guess , are not inexperienced at organising a beano , so I'm not really grabbed by any theory that they didn't know there wasn't an Uber service there .
The rest of the group returned home via train (about 9/10 o'clock , I recall) , without Anthony , and I'm not unconvinced this might have been the deal all along and that perhaps the 'I'll be home by 2 via Uber' was his plausible "arrangement" for domestic purposes .

I think the ongoing process of trawling through unchecked to-date CCTV will be more an exercise in verifying that he simply wasn't there any more to be seen .
A little meander , perhaps , accidental or otherwise , and then to the station - I'm not feeling , evidentially , that there was any intention to return to his friends at any of the pubs . I don't think he lost them , I think he simply left them .
(moo) .
Yes I think he turned his phone off so that he could not be contacted. I would of thought that they would of booked an Uber back home. If the others got home about 10pm, were they still at it till 2am? Back home. If not why did AK say he would be home for 2am. His mates could of tried ringing him to see were he was but if his phone was off it might of just gone to voice mail.
A lot of people would be embarrassed to reappear if they had taken off for a bit, and then seen or heard about all the news, searching etc...especially if they already were upset about something. Anyway jmo...I don’t really think this is the case.
That was my initial thought, but then I realised eventually you reach the very bottom where you have no way out, no food, drink, roof over your head- so you have to reach out via a hospital or police, or do something more drastic. 12 days as a smoker with the cash he had on him and nothing else- at this point I think we are past he was hiding unless he has somewhere to go and hide.
This also strikes me as odd in this case- if it was my partner or even a member of my family I would probably lock down my SM page, but would have a poster as my profile and so would everyone I know. Just tonight his uncle has commented that the missing poster is incorrect, in fact both of them have mistakes. The first states he went missing from Orpington, the second has a typo error on his height. 12 days down the line and a family member has pointed it out,
His fiancee had to put details again as she said they were incorrect. He's 5" 8 in height, it said he was over 6ft. It said his phone was off for 20mins after he left the pub but could not be contacted after 1.20pm. His fiancee said his phone was off from 7.20pm and never turned back on. And evidently the footage is not him his sister in law has said.
This also strikes me as odd in this case- if it was my partner or even a member of my family I would probably lock down my SM page, but would have a poster as my profile and so would everyone I know. Just tonight his uncle has commented that the missing poster is incorrect, in fact both of them have mistakes. The first states he went missing from Orpington, the second has a typo error on his height. 12 days down the line and a family member has pointed it out,
It's never mentioned his parents or siblings, just a sister in law that has said that the search has stopped, and the footage is not him in it.
I know what you mean, but I don’t think so as they are wearing different clothes. The girl smoking is wearing a hoodie or sweatshirt. The girl walking seems to be wearing a white shirt under something else.
Unless she was a barmaid at the pub and got changed when she left. It just looked like her that's all, same hair, height, figure etc.
It's never mentioned his parents or siblings, just a sister in law that has said that the search has stopped, and the footage is not him in it.
The uncle posted on Lewes present this evening.
Talking about sharing in general on SM- for example every time there is. Terrorist attack if you look at my friends at the top of my page- the majority would change their profile to show whatever. If my partner was missing, I would like to think all my friends would change their profile picture to his missing poster and be sharing away, there will be some who wouldn’t, but the majority would.
It's so hard to guess, it is a strange case. I don't think coke has anything to do with it but who knows.
All I think is the police and people he knows have an idea why he went off but aren't saying yet, for whatever reason. I think something must have happened that night that triggered him into going off.
On a few of the videos he's on his phone. I wonder if he was getting a hard time from back home. Especially if she was at work at 3am. I would not want my partner looking after 4 kids if he had been on an all day bender and hammered when he got in.
A lot of people would be embarrassed to reappear if they had taken off for a bit, and then seen or heard about all the news, searching etc...especially if they already were upset about something. Anyway jmo...I don’t really think this is the case.
I know what you mean, but he would not of missed Xmas with his kids and kept away for 12 days. Worrying his family and mates. Wasting police time.
On a few of the videos he's on his phone. I wonder if he was getting a hard time from back home. Especially if she was at work at 3am. I would not want my partner looking after 4 kids if he had been on an all day bender and hammered when he got in.
This was discussed earlier, they would be asleep at 2am, so easy swap over. Lucy also said he doesn’t get blind drunk and from the CCTV it looks like she was right. On the CCTV he had been out for over 6 hours- I think he could pace himself.
This was discussed earlier, they would be asleep at 2am, so easy swap over. Lucy also said he doesn’t get blind drunk and from the CCTV it looks like she was right. On the CCTV he had been out for over 6 hours- I think he could pace himself.
Kids still wake up, one only looks young. He didn't look drunk but he looks quite edgy, the footage of him outside the pub smoking, he can't keep still and he keeps looking down the street as if he's looking for someone. He didn't stand still at all while he was talking to the guy in white jeans and the girl.
Kids still wake up, one only looks young. He didn't look drunk but he looks quite edgy, the footage of him outside the pub smoking, he can't keep still and he keeps looking down the street as if he's looking for someone. He didn't stand still at all while he was talking to the guy in white jeans and the girl.
That was also put to bed to a degree earlier in the posts- well we agreed not to discuss it, but it’s a trait like the hand wringing and the tip toe bouncy walk.
This is the footage, no white bag.
Leonie Marsh Williams
There is he's carrying a white plastic bag, 2 men are behind him, they start to walk quickly to catch him up. AK turns a bit as if he's keeping his eye on them. Then it's as if the 2 men ask him something and he turns and speaks to them. Then it goes off.
There is he's carrying a white plastic bag, 2 men are behind him, they start to walk quickly to catch him up. AK turns a bit as if he's keeping his eye on them. Then it's as if the 2 men ask him something and he turns and speaks to them. Then it goes off.
He’s the person at the back if it’s the E&C footage. If it’s not, can you share a link please.
Holy moly. That's v worrying if he went in
Do you mean suicide? The water is not that near that you can fall in. I don't think he's committed suicide. Or fell in a swimming pool or anything. He does not look that drunk that he can't stand up.
He’s the person at the back if it’s the E&C footage. If it’s not, can you share a link please.
I can't find it now but it was very clear.Hes walking in front. Looks like a takeaway he's carrying to be honest. He might have gone to get something to eat and was on the way back to the Lamb pub.
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