Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #5 *M. Bridger guilty*

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Unless they were asked to stay out of the way by the police, which is likely.

Can anyone remember seeing in news some volunteer searchers saying they had to look in people's backyards, sheds etc, and that nobody minded - where was that? Ceinws?
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm trying to redress the balance wrt this part of the world. This is how it should be thought of and remembered.

I understand this. I am from Dallas. My grandmother worked at the Texas school book depository, knew Oswald, and testified to the Warren Comission, as she was a witness to the assassination of President Kennedy.

All these years later there is still a defensiveness in regards to that black stain on our city. It's been strange as we move toward the fiftieth anniversary, which will be November 22, 2013. The city is "sprucing up" Dealy Plaza. New coat of paint, new plantings. It's a bit like buying a new dress and new shoes for a funeral. We know people will be here, and we want to put on a respectful appearance, but it's hardly a celebration.

I know it would be difficult to convince anyone that Dallas is as pretty as this country you've shown us, but it does hold a beauty of its own. My point is just that bad things happen everywhere, and it's normal to want to share the more appealing picture. It's an absolutely lovely place. Thank you for sharing with us.
I thought that sounded odd when I read it! But then I thought, well, it's the time of year when you sometimes need to put the light on indoors in the afternoon. Your eye tends to be drawn to someone moving about in a lighted room.

Excellent Point, We are talking about the Wettest area in the UK, so Lights, especially in a cottage like this would be on a lot more.
Can anyone remember seeing in news some volunteer searchers saying they had to look in people's backyards, sheds etc, and that nobody minded - where was that? Ceinws?


Roma Morgan, a lecturer from Aberystwyth, was on a day off so decided to join the search. She got together with a team that was going door-to-door in Machynlleth, asking to look in people's sheds, bins, gardens and even attics. "People were fine – they were happy to let us into their houses."
What makes you think that we in Britain would behave any different?

Just look at the way Bridger's son is being treated - told that he is not wanted in Machynlleth and to get out of the town - and he is only the innocent and estranged son of somebody who hasn't even been convicted yet.

We have the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme ("Sarah's Law"), which allows controlled access to such information without providing a licence for every nutter in the country to organise lynching parties.
I understand this. I am from Dallas. My grandmother worked at the Texas school book depository, knew Oswald, and testified to the Warren Comission, as she was a witness to the assassination of President Kennedy.

All these years later there is still a defensiveness in regards to that black stain on our city. It's been strange as we move toward the fiftieth anniversary, which will be November 22, 2013. The city is "sprucing up" Dealy Plaza. New coat of paint, new plantings. It's a bit like buying a new dress and new shoes for a funeral. We know people will be here, and we want to put on a respectful appearance, but it's hardly a celebration.

I know it would be difficult to convince anyone that Dallas is as pretty as this country you've shown us, but it does hold a beauty of its own. My point is just that bad things happen everywhere, and it's normal to want to share the more appealing picture. It's an absolutely lovely place. Thank you for sharing with us.

I love Dallas, lived there for a little while. Funny thing, while there, I never thought of the assassination (even though I was old enough to remember it happening). Just loved the energy of the place, the contrast between Dallas and Fort Worth and beyond, and of course the glam, specially Galleria :)
And they still haven't searched the houses on the estate.

The Police need a search warrant to enter private premises, and for that they have to provide evidence to a magistrate that there is reasonable prospect that something illegal in the property. No magistrate is going to sign 114 search warrants on just the hope that something might be found.

However, as clutchbag points out, people can voluntarily agree to a search on their property, and that was done. There are also pictures of the area around the estate being searched.

The press didn't take a lot of interest in the case until the Tuesday, and by that afternoon the suspect had been arrested and the focus of the search was moving off the estate and to the river and beyond.
One should bear in mind that some of these "incidents" are completely innocuous. The other day I was driving through the neighbouring village to mine at about 3.30pm. On the edge of the village I noticed a girl of about 12, I do not know her but I know her father in passing. They live in a remote house halfway between the two villages and as it was just coming on to rain heavily I stopped and offered her a lift. I was not really surprised when she declined, but felt a bit sad about it. She would have been absolutely drenched by the time she got home. :( and there's no pavement.

Yes you are right, it is very sad that it has come to this. I was disgusted the other day when nosing on one of the FB groups they were discussing a man who in similar circumstances offered a teenager a lift, some idiot was on there spouting their "OMG, Attempted abduction, phone the police" blah blah blah...
I was astounded at how quickly people jumped on the Band wagon and agreed with the abduction theory!

I sat thinking, Am I wrong in seeing this Group as 'troublemakers' or are they stating a valid point in this day and age?!!

I don't know but it is VERY sad when genuine people are being abused because they have tried to do the decent thing!
Sad, sad, very sad!:twocents:
Yes you are right, it is very sad that it has come to this. I was disgusted the other day when nosing on one of the FB groups they were discussing a man who in similar circumstances offered a teenager a lift, some idiot was on there spouting their "OMG, Attempted abduction, phone the police" blah blah blah...
I was astounded at how quickly people jumped on the Band wagon and agreed with the abduction theory!

I sat thinking, Am I wrong in seeing this Group as 'troublemakers' or are they stating a valid point in this day and age?!!

I don't know but it is VERY sad when genuine people are being abused because they have tried to do the decent thing!
Sad, sad, very sad!:twocents:

And some of the same vigilantes on FB see no issue with sharing everything apart from the colour of their undies with the world and his brother because they have a fully public profile and even post where they're having coffee or what have you.
I may be accused of over analysing here, but is there any significance to the fact Mark Bridger updated his profile picture 2 weeks ago? He went from a friendly face in a swimming pool to a side on shot holding a gun. And, could the landscape to that photo be of any significance?
Regarding the possibility that MB is ex military, I have only seen it reported in one of the papers that the MOD didn't hold any records on him, has it ever been stated from an official source?
I wouldn't have thought you could just contact the MOD with a "Hey has this bloke ever been in the army?"
As far as I know MOD records come under the data protection act and there are quite strict regulations regarding gaining access to someones service record. I'm not sure if finding out in a person was actually in the armed forces would come under similar regs.

I would think that someone from the Police would have been assigned very early on to build a profile on MB and they would have looked into literally everything that they can get background info on right from Childhood. And therefore been able to check it out with the MOD...
(It is a part of Policing that I would love to do I think.)

Was just thinking about the Army thing,....Do we think this gains him Public Sympathy IF he had served...would some say this must be a factor, he had flipped due to something horrible happening in a warzone??
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