Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #6 *M. Bridger guilty*

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Not sure if the Daily Record and Sunday Mail is a dodgy red top or not, but an 0ct 4th article states:

"Owen Kirkham, 80, lives in a house overlooking the farm. He said:

“Bridger moved in a couple of weeks ago. When he first came I saw him there and there was a woman and kids.''

So the idea that no one knew where MB lived may be false.

Daily Record and Sunday Mail

A few interesting little snippets in the article.
I think an important question (probably discussed on this forum before?) is whether the accused allegedly targeted AJ specifically, or any child that was available for him to abduct.

If it was AJ specifically, it would imply:
a. some unresolved issue between him and one/both her parents, because taking AJ would constitute inflicting grief/punishment on her parents;
b. that he had to wait for an opportune moment to abduct her.

If he was targeting any child, AJ was simply at the right place at the wrong time.
Not sure if the Daily Record and Sunday Mail is a dodgy red top or not, but an 0ct 4th article states:

"Owen Kirkham, 80, lives in a house overlooking the farm. He said:

“Bridger moved in a couple of weeks ago. When he first came I saw him there and there was a woman and kids.''

So the idea that no one knew where MB lived may be false.

Daily Record and Sunday Mail


Does anyone know anything about the pink butterfly on a stick in the garden? I know there is a blue one as well behind the plant in the pot (can't find the picture atm).

It's not something a grown man would put in his garden I would think. Could have been a gift from his children perhaps. Of planted by a member of the public?
I think an important question (probably discussed on this forum before?) is whether the accused allegedly targeted AJ specifically, or any child that was available for him to abduct.

If it was AJ specifically, it would imply:
a. some unresolved issue between him and one/both her parents, because taking AJ would constitute inflicting grief/punishment on her parents;
b. that he had to wait for an opportune moment to abduct her.

On the basis that the accused was apparently identified and arrested within less than 24 hours, I'd be inclined to think it was (a), but we are very unlikely to know before the trial, and it is not a matter that we should be discussing.

Does anyone know anything about the pink butterfly on a stick in the garden? I know there is a blue one as well behind the plant in the pot (can't find the picture atm).

It's a pink ribbon, symbol of the search for April. Either planted by the police to humanise the appearance of their professional search, or by a member of the public.
I really think that ED would have known, they were said to be on good terms, he went to parents' evening, may have had the children at his new home for visits, can't see why he wouldn't have given her his new address. As a concerned and involved parent, you would want the other person to have your contact details.
What are the attempted/failed/success abductions for Wales in the past 12 months and in the past four weeks?
On the basis that the accused was apparently identified and arrested within less than 24 hours, I'd be inclined to think it was (a), but we are very unlikely to know before the trial, and it is not a matter that we should be discussing.

Why ?
I expect this has already been brought up previously and of course we don't know who told this to the journalist, but it has bothered me as to why should they?

Reported in The Telegraph on 3rd October - Mr Jones 43, and his wife 40, reported April missing immediately, and it emerged last night that they had told police who they suspected the driver of the car was.

I don't think the police could have arrested MB so quickly on only the basis of what seems to have been a very inaccurate description of the vehicle involved, plus only a suspicion that it could have been a left-hand drive vehicle. I think that the police had been given the name of a suspect, possibly by the parents as Marymead points out in that article in the MSM.

The fact that the police took the unusual step of revealing the suspect's name before charging, "to end speculation", as DS Bevan said, also suggests that word was going round the estate.

There must be reasons for that speculation, even though we don't know what they were.
Just joined the forum but have been reading all your posts for some time now. I am also very confused about conflicting media reports regarding timings.

The leisure centre where AJ went swimming that evening appears to have three 50 minute slots, inclusive of changing time, for junior swimming. These 50 minute slots start at 4pm and end at 6.45pm. The report here: states:

“April used the centre, she was a member of the centre, she came in for swimming lessons the night she was taken,” he said.

“She was here having lessons at about 5pm so it was only two hours later that it happened.”

This would suggest to me that her swimming lesson was the middle slot - sometime around 4.50pm to 5.40. I am not sure how long it would take to get home from here or to parents evening. As the parents evening has been reported as commencing at 5pm, I would imagine that, if this is the case, they arrived at parents evening no earlier than 5.45.

It has also been reported that CJ and PJ were seeing both AJ's teacher and the son's. Now having been to several parents evenings, I would imagine this could of taken some time...This would not leave much of a time slot between going back home and the call to the godmother at 6.50pm.

However, both these reports suggest AJ was not at parents evening at all.

Apologies in advance if I have broken any forum rules
I expect this has already been brought up previously and of course we don't know who told this to the journalist, but it has bothered me as to why should they?

Reported in The Telegraph on 3rd October - Mr Jones 43, and his wife 40, reported April missing immediately, and it emerged last night that they had told police who they suspected the driver of the car was.

Probably because the vehicle was identified, wasn't just the 7 year old, there was the elderly neighbour and another witness who said vehicle driving erratically and nearly mowed down his mate. It might not specify in MSM but odds on that the driver was identified by someone, not just the vehicle.
Don't want to start going round in circles again, but we accept that police don't release everything they have before trial. If AJ's friend (and possibly others) had identified the vehicle, first thing parents likely to do (even before ringing the godmother) would be to ring the vehicle owner because, logically, they know him. If phone unanswered, panic, think WTF is going on, why has he/they taken AJ?, ring godmother and police - tell police what is quoted above. :twocents:

A source said that at one point Mr Bridger’s Land Rover blocked the one-way road in front of the primary school, preventing another parent from getting away.

One resident on the estate said he saw him driving through the Bryn-y-Gog estate, where April lives, at 6pm on Monday.

“He was driving erratically through Bryn-y-Gog,” said the witness. “He nearly hit my mate at 6pm. I heard other people say he was driving up and down the road.”

NOTE: Witnesses refer to 'Mr Bridger - he - him', not 'the Land Rover'
That's what I thought at first, but I always thought it odd that an extra 10 minutes, say 40 minutes instead of 30 for example, would be much of a treat either as AJ probably wouldn't know the difference. What could have happened was that AJ was not normally allowed out at that time, particularly on a swimming evening, but on this occasion being given 10 minutes whilst tea was being made and that might therefore be a treat.

Not that it's important, but I've said before, I think people are making too much of the word "treat". Of course playing out for a bit longer or staying up a bit later isn't a "treat" compared with, say, a day at the seaside or going to the fair, but to small children living in the moment, "ten more minutes" is quite a big deal in that moment.
Just joined the forum but have been reading all your posts for some time now. I am also very confused about conflicting media reports regarding timings.

The leisure centre where AJ went swimming that evening appears to have three 50 minute slots, inclusive of changing time, for junior swimming. These 50 minute slots start at 4pm and end at 6.45pm. The report here: states:

“April used the centre, she was a member of the centre, she came in for swimming lessons the night she was taken,” he said.

“She was here having lessons at about 5pm so it was only two hours later that it happened.”

This would suggest to me that her swimming lesson was the middle slot - sometime around 4.50pm to 5.40. I am not sure how long it would take to get home from here or to parents evening. As the parents evening has been reported as commencing at 5pm, I would imagine that, if this is the case, they arrived at parents evening no earlier than 5.45.

It has also been reported that CJ and PJ were seeing both AJ's teacher and the son's. Now having been to several parents evenings, I would imagine this could of taken some time...This would not leave much of a time slot between going back home and the call to the godmother at 6.50pm.

However, both these reports suggest AJ was not at parents evening at all.

Apologies in advance if I have broken any forum rules
As you point out, April was not there. I've already asked who was looking after April. I also find it confusing that Vicky Fenner said it was wet and cold. It may have been cold? But it certainly wasn't wet. Vicky Fenner also had as her FB marital status on Oct 3rd Mark Bridger as her husband. According to the press she broke up with him two weeks before April went missing. Perhaps she forgot to update her status?
Just joined the forum


As the parents evening has been reported as commencing at 5pm

That is incorrect. The County Council reported that Mr and Mrs Jones are believed to have left by 3.30pm.

Remember, AJ had only been at the school for a few weeks, so I imagine this was simply a short meeting on how new pupils were settling in. It is possible that meetings for older classes were held later, but we do not know if either parent went back for these. The County Council report strongly suggests that they would not have been in the building at the same time as MB.

It is unclear whether AJ was with her parents, but I think it is very likely she would have been for this type of meeting.
As you point out, April was not there. I've already asked who was looking after April. I also find it confusing that Vicky Fenner said it was wet and cold. It may have been cold? But it certainly wasn't wet. Vicky Fenner also had as her FB marital status on Oct 3rd Mark Bridger as her husband. According to the press she broke up with him two weeks before April went missing. Perhaps she forgot to update her status?

The plot thickens :)

Apparently it rained heavily later that night, did someone local say it wasn't raining earlier?

That is incorrect. The County Council reported that Mr and Mrs Jones are believed to have left by 3.30pm.

Remember, AJ had only been at the school for a few weeks, so I imagine this was simply a short meeting on how new pupils were settling in.

It is unclear whether AJ was with her parents, but I think it is very likely she would have been for this type of meeting.

It is confusing, possible that they had a meeting with April's teacher straight after school, then one or both went back later for a meeting with son's teacher (during which time April was playing on her bike).
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