GUILTY UK - Arthur Labinjo Hughes, 6, killed, dad & friend arrested, June 2020 #3

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Arthur's maternal grandmother, Madeleine Halcrow, told MailOnline that her grandson's body remains in the mortuary of Leicester Royal Infirmary, where the post-mortem was carried out 16-months ago, due to a legal dispute over who has the right to lay him to rest.

Her family want to bury him in a small quiet funeral in a churchyard in Birmingham while the Hughes family have a plot for him elsewhere and want to take charge of the service.

Ms Halcrow confirmed she had sought legal advice with a firm of solicitors and added: 'I hope that we can reach some sort of agreement with the Hughes family – for Arthur's sake.

'But for the time being it doesn't look that way and it's looking increasingly likely the matter of will be able to lay him to rest will go to court.'


His maternal grandmother Madeleine Halcrow told MailOnline: 'Arthur was let down by social services and the West Midlands Police. There was an opportunity to save him and it wasn't taken.'

The boy's family squarely blame Solihull Council's children's services, which failed to grasp a series of chances to stop Arthur's 'unimaginable' torture before he was murdered with 130 separate injuries.

Arthur's grandmother, Joanne Hughes, told the trial how she felt there was 'no one else to go to' after repeatedly raising her concerns with the authorities, while his uncle, Daniel, was even threatened with arrest over lockdown rules if he went back to the youngster's house to check up on him.


Arthur Labinjo-Hughes's stepmother's trial was halted for several days after she took an overdose and was rushed to hospital.

Emma Tustin, 32, swallowed several painkillers she had apparently hidden in her bra. She was taken from her cell at Coventry Crown Court last Monday afternoon and taken to hospital, where she remained until last Thursday.

A source told MailOnline: 'The case was held up for three days because Tustin was rushed to hospital after overdosing on pills. She swallowed a load of painkillers in one of the court cells during a lunch break last Monday. She'd earlier spent the morning in the dock alongside her co-accused as he gave evidence.

'She confessed to a member of her legal team about what she had done and an ambulance had to be called to take her to hospital. She was still conscious when she left the cell at Coventry Crown Court in the ambulance. It appears as though she may have been given pills by the prison over a number of days but rather than take them she'd been saving them up and hid them in her bra.'

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes' stepmother is found GUILTY | Daily Mail Online
That Arthur has still not been buried but is lying in morgue because of DISPUTE between families is simply DISGUSTING!!!!

I have no words to express my revulsion.
Daily mail have released the body cam of her, when it just had happened.

The body cam footage is very interesting. At first ET was running out of breath when she was trying to explain, as if she was anxious, but then she got into her stride. I have to say if I didn't know anything about her or what she was talking about, I would have believed her, as she lies so confidently and matter-of-factly. Eventually she gets overwhelmed and starts crying (all the while lying about Arthur), which is a huge contrast to TH, who seems completely calm and unbothered the whole way through. You'd never think that his son was critically ill in hospital following abuse and that police were already there. There's a point about a third of the way through when right after ET has described the moment of Arthur's fatal injury, TH wonders off to the front of the garden, and ET stops and stares at him for a while, visibly worried about what he's thinking. After about five seconds she continues telling the police about what happened. It is chilling to see her pointing out exactly where the murder happened. And then saying there is no underlay, it's just concrete. She knew that would cause some damage.

I'm interested in statement analysis, which is basically forensic linguistics. Often, people accidentally admit the truth. Also the language people use can expose the truth during lies. When crying and lying that Arthur was some violent demon child who she couldn't cope with, ET tries to make herself look good by saying that "even so, still I did my best for that kid". Calling him "that kid" is severely distancing - she doesn't have a good relationship with him. Saying "I did my best" is past tense - I think she realises here that he is gone, even if technically still alive.

When lying that Arthur had pushed her down 4 or 5 stairs at the hairdressers (which we know isn't true), ET supposedly imitates Arthur's voice when he did this, saying "you're not my mum, I hate you". ET fails to say "Arthur said". She just says it herself. So linguistically, she doesn't actually commit to saying that Arthur said that.

Arthur's injuries include damage to his spinal nerves, head injury and detached retina. They thought he had been shaken and his head bashed against a hard surface. I always thought his little body had been picked up in order to slam his head on the floor, which would explain the spinal injuries from the violent flinging and abrupt stops when the head hits the floor. In this video, ET claims she tried to bear hug him, and he just "dropped" to the floor and banged his head three times. I think she picked him up in a bear hug and slammed him down head first three times.
I’m normally glad when a verdict comes in and feel that justice has been served but today I feel no happiness, no sense of justice, I just feel sad and heartbroken for this lovely little boy. These two evil monsters could spend all eternity locked in a dark room and it still wouldn’t come close to being enough punishment for what Arthur was forced to suffer through in the final horrific months of his short life. No sentence will be long enough, they still get fed, watered, get to sleep in a bed, get to sit down when they like. The basic human rights that they denied Arthur of.

I don’t feel happy at the verdict I just feel physically sick that this child suffered so horribly that death must have been a relief from all the pain and sadness he felt. It’s heartbreaking beyond words.
The body cam footage is very interesting. At first ET was running out of breath when she was trying to explain, as if she was anxious, but then she got into her stride. I have to say if I didn't know anything about her or what she was talking about, I would have believed her, as she lies so confidently and matter-of-factly. Eventually she gets overwhelmed and starts crying (all the while lying about Arthur), which is a huge contrast to TH, who seems completely calm and unbothered the whole way through. You'd never think that his son was critically ill in hospital following abuse and that police were already there. There's a point about a third of the way through when right after ET has described the moment of Arthur's fatal injury, TH wonders off to the front of the garden, and ET stops and stares at him for a while, visibly worried about what he's thinking. After about five seconds she continues telling the police about what happened. It is chilling to see her pointing out exactly where the murder happened. And then saying there is no underlay, it's just concrete. She knew that would cause some damage.

I'm interested in statement analysis, which is basically forensic linguistics. Often, people accidentally admit the truth. Also the language people use can expose the truth during lies. When crying and lying that Arthur was some violent demon child who she couldn't cope with, ET tries to make herself look good by saying that "even so, still I did my best for that kid". Calling him "that kid" is severely distancing - she doesn't have a good relationship with him. Saying "I did my best" is past tense - I think she realises here that he is gone, even if technically still alive.

When lying that Arthur had pushed her down 4 or 5 stairs at the hairdressers (which we know isn't true), ET supposedly imitates Arthur's voice when he did this, saying "you're not my mum, I hate you". ET fails to say "Arthur said". She just says it herself. So linguistically, she doesn't actually commit to saying that Arthur said that.

Arthur's injuries include damage to his spinal nerves, head injury and detached retina. They thought he had been shaken and his head bashed against a hard surface. I always thought his little body had been picked up in order to slam his head on the floor, which would explain the spinal injuries from the violent flinging and abrupt stops when the head hits the floor. In this video, ET claims she tried to bear hug him, and he just "dropped" to the floor and banged his head three times. I think she picked him up in a bear hug and slammed him down head first three times.

I watch a few body language channels on YouTube and picked up a few things she did. The only emotion was when it was about herself. And the crying wasn't true grief either, and it quickly went into anger when talking about Arthur saying she wasn't her mum.

She has anger on her face when speaking about Arthur, and the contempt facial expression. At the start when she says throwing on himself on the floor. Her face shows contempt.

I don't know her baseline of speaking, but when people lie they do sometimes speak quicker.

Using that child is a big one, I agree not using his name at all is distancing.

Plus the old classic she's rubbing her nose and face a lot, which people do as a lie tell.

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