GUILTY UK - Arthur Labinjo Hughes, 6, killed, dad & friend arrested, June 2020 #3

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This is what I can find about timings

Resuming, Mr Hankin says the first ambulance arrived at Cranmore Road at 2.50pm with the crew witnessing Arthur on his back on the floor receiving CPR from the neighbour.

He states he 'rapidly progressed to cardiac arrest' but advanced life support measures were able to restore his heartbeat.

Mr Hankin tells the court Arthur's gums were bleeding and his teeth were in poor condition. He says he was transferred to Birmingham Children's Hospital where he arrived at 3.47pm.

The prosecutor tells the court around 5pm Tustin, who had remained at home, appeared to knock over the camera inside the property seconds before a police officer entered the room.

Returning to Arthur, Mr Hankin says he 'remained very unstable' and suffered two further cardiac arrests.


The jury is told Hughes was arrested at 7.30pm on June 16 last year at Birmingham Children's Hospital on suspicion of s18 assault - inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent.

He was taken to Coventry Central police station before being transferred to Oldbury.

At 6.14pm on June 17 he was arrested on suspicion of murder following Arthur's death. He was cautioned but made 'no significant reply'.

Tustin was arrested on suspicion of s18 assault at 7.09pm on June 16 at Cranmore Road. She was also taken to Coventry Central before being taken to Oldbury.

When Tustin was later arrested on suspicion of murder she said: "Well you better get his dad here then."

Tustin's police interviews.

She states the first took place on the night of June 17, 2020, and lasted over an hour.

By this time she had been 'arrested on suspicion of murder'.

Dad and stepmum guilty of brutally killing Arthur Labinjo-Hughes
Sentencing tomorrow!

I’m not surprised they have been found guilty. I feel very sorry for the jury, I would need counselling if I was a juror in a harrowing case like this. Does anyone know what the sentencing guidelines are? They should both be living a long miserable life in solitary confinement in prison and only leaving when they have died. Even that would be too good for them. They don’t deserve three meals a day and a bed to sleep on after the suffering they caused.

I’m absolutely heartbroken for Arthur and what he had to endure in his short life. I’m so, so, sorry that his life was endless unbearable suffering. I wish these monsters had put Arthur up for adoption and maybe he could have been loved.

It is so disturbing that anyone could inflict what they did on an innocent little boy. How can someone be capable of doing what they did and even enjoy it? Individuals like them must be evil, vile psychopaths. She should never see her own kids or be around kids again.

It is also distressing to discover poor Arthur hasn’t even had a funeral or been laid to rest ye, he isn’t even being treated with dignity after his horrendously tragic death.

It is easy to say lessons need to be learned in the hope no other child will suffer and be murdered like Arthur. Clearly an urgent analysis needs to be done into how the child protective services system and authorities failed him. What happened to Arthur should never have been possible. How many more boys and girls are suffering like Arthur right now? It is not acceptable that there were chances to save Arthur but they didn’t save him.
I’m normally glad when a verdict comes in and feel that justice has been served but today I feel no happiness, no sense of justice, I just feel sad and heartbroken for this lovely little boy. These two evil monsters could spend all eternity locked in a dark room and it still wouldn’t come close to being enough punishment for what Arthur was forced to suffer through in the final horrific months of his short life. No sentence will be long enough, they still get fed, watered, get to sleep in a bed, get to sit down when they like. The basic human rights that they denied Arthur of.

I don’t feel happy at the verdict I just feel physically sick that this child suffered so horribly that death must have been a relief from all the pain and sadness he felt. It’s heartbreaking beyond words.

Couldn’t have put it better..

This is what I can find about timings

Resuming, Mr Hankin says the first ambulance arrived at Cranmore Road at 2.50pm with the crew witnessing Arthur on his back on the floor receiving CPR from the neighbour.

He states he 'rapidly progressed to cardiac arrest' but advanced life support measures were able to restore his heartbeat.

Mr Hankin tells the court Arthur's gums were bleeding and his teeth were in poor condition. He says he was transferred to Birmingham Children's Hospital where he arrived at 3.47pm.

The prosecutor tells the court around 5pm Tustin, who had remained at home, appeared to knock over the camera inside the property seconds before a police officer entered the room.

Returning to Arthur, Mr Hankin says he 'remained very unstable' and suffered two further cardiac arrests.


The jury is told Hughes was arrested at 7.30pm on June 16 last year at Birmingham Children's Hospital on suspicion of s18 assault - inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent.

He was taken to Coventry Central police station before being transferred to Oldbury.

At 6.14pm on June 17 he was arrested on suspicion of murder following Arthur's death. He was cautioned but made 'no significant reply'.

Tustin was arrested on suspicion of s18 assault at 7.09pm on June 16 at Cranmore Road. She was also taken to Coventry Central before being taken to Oldbury.

When Tustin was later arrested on suspicion of murder she said: "Well you better get his dad here then."

Tustin's police interviews.

She states the first took place on the night of June 17, 2020, and lasted over an hour.

By this time she had been 'arrested on suspicion of murder'.

Dad and stepmum guilty of brutally killing Arthur Labinjo-Hughes
CPR from a neighbour???
Been offline all afternoon, just seen the verdict, without catching up on the thread, but, good! Never any doubt of ET's guilt, TH, I completely understand those who were advocating for murder, but I could see enough doubt that I'd have had a hard time on the jury making that work, while manslaughter I could 100% get behind. Hopefully he gets a severe sentence on the manslaughter charge, (as opposed to a slightly less harsh murder one, if he'd been found guilty, as I felt his culpability was lesser than that of Tustin); if so, I think justice will have been done for Arthur.
While I'm glad ET was found guilty I am disappointed (raging) about TH getting manslaughter and especially the not guilty charges because correct me if I'm wrong but when others offered arthur food (hairdresser or ET mum & stepdad) it was TH who declined? I don't buy it that ET wouldn't allow TH to decide if his own son could eat or not and if that is true then what a pathetic excuse for a man he is...quite easily bullies a defenceless 6 year old little boy (one who is beaten, poorly and weak from starvation) but can't stand up and say no to his hideously wicked girlfriend! I just hope when it comes to sentencing that the judge see's the truth that this pair are both equally EVIL!

As for poor Arthur. He laid on a cold concrete floor alone and in pain and now in death he lays in a cold morgue, alone. All because the adults in his life cannot put him first. After all he has been through he deserves to be laid to rest and his short life remembered and honoured. I really thought that once verdicts came in I'd feel relief or justice for him but I don't. His poor little face wincing in pain trying to lift that duvet will haunt me for life.

As for ET suicide attempt...another pathetic attempt to delay the trial (why else tell the guards what you've done). She really is a piece of work...but she's also a coward! Cowards don't get on too well in prison...if she had salt thrown at her while on remand then I think there's a lot worse to come in actual prison! I hope she is tortured until she can take no more. She deserves no mercy just like she showed no mercy to poor Arthur!

RIP little Arthur. Xx
I am the same as everyone else,no sentence will make up for this.
I hope now that little gorgeous boy is at peace and they are just beginning a lifetime of hell.
Not comparing at all but the slightest thing you do wrong the police or whoever are on your back but this was left by all authorities.
Evil will always exist but we need to fight back stronger for the victims.
I will never forget this little angel Arthur and I hope wherever he is he has a good book and loads of tasty snacks and the love he deserves RIP little one x
The families really need to agree to cremate Arthur and split the ashes. It would be far more dignified to do that than his body lying in a freezer for several more years because they’re arguing about who “owns” him. Give the poor child some dignity in death. It really is the final insult.
Daily Mail updated with the initial 999 call. In statement analysis of emergency calls, guilty people often say the word "sorry". ET does indeed say "sorry" in the 999 call, because she seemingly didn't hear something. It's interesting how sorry manages to makes its way out of the mouths of the guilty.

Lots of over-explaining about how the incident supposedly happened, even though it's not relevant to treating her dying stepson's critical injury.

Lots of completely superfluous mentions of him supposedly banging himself.
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Yeah how was she a day and a half getting her hair done. What exactly did she get done, she still has roots! Doesnt make sense!
Actually in the bodycam video you can see it from the side and it’s definitely a more complicated hairstyle than I could ever do. I was just expecting flowing shiny locks in her mugshot after a day and a half with the hairdresser.
I'm glad ET got guilty of murder. And I'm OK with TH getting the lesser conviction. It's not what I wanted, or what I think he deserved. But I feel a big sense of relief that the trial is over, its been a real toughie.
This has been so horrendous I really don't know what to say now apart from RIP Arthur ❤️❤️❤️. Also I need to say thank you to all that contributed to this thread we may of differed on certain points but what shined through was always a love for Arthur and for justice to be served. We would never make sense of the senseless but at least we all cared
The body cam footage is very interesting. At first ET was running out of breath when she was trying to explain, as if she was anxious, but then she got into her stride. I have to say if I didn't know anything about her or what she was talking about, I would have believed her, as she lies so confidently and matter-of-factly. Eventually she gets overwhelmed and starts crying (all the while lying about Arthur), which is a huge contrast to TH, who seems completely calm and unbothered the whole way through. You'd never think that his son was critically ill in hospital following abuse and that police were already there. There's a point about a third of the way through when right after ET has described the moment of Arthur's fatal injury, TH wonders off to the front of the garden, and ET stops and stares at him for a while, visibly worried about what he's thinking. After about five seconds she continues telling the police about what happened. It is chilling to see her pointing out exactly where the murder happened. And then saying there is no underlay, it's just concrete. She knew that would cause some damage.

I'm interested in statement analysis, which is basically forensic linguistics. Often, people accidentally admit the truth. Also the language people use can expose the truth during lies. When crying and lying that Arthur was some violent demon child who she couldn't cope with, ET tries to make herself look good by saying that "even so, still I did my best for that kid". Calling him "that kid" is severely distancing - she doesn't have a good relationship with him. Saying "I did my best" is past tense - I think she realises here that he is gone, even if technically still alive.

When lying that Arthur had pushed her down 4 or 5 stairs at the hairdressers (which we know isn't true), ET supposedly imitates Arthur's voice when he did this, saying "you're not my mum, I hate you". ET fails to say "Arthur said". She just says it herself. So linguistically, she doesn't actually commit to saying that Arthur said that.

Arthur's injuries include damage to his spinal nerves, head injury and detached retina. They thought he had been shaken and his head bashed against a hard surface. I always thought his little body had been picked up in order to slam his head on the floor, which would explain the spinal injuries from the violent flinging and abrupt stops when the head hits the floor. In this video, ET claims she tried to bear hug him, and he just "dropped" to the floor and banged his head three times. I think she picked him up in a bear hug and slammed him down head first three times.
Thanks for the linguistic analysis. Yes “hinky” doesn’t begin to describe this. How does a 6 year old boy weighing maybe 18kg(?) with zero energy “drop” himself out of an adult’s arms? It is not a plausible active verb in that sentence.

She obviously smashed his head on the ground repeatedly, possibly including dropping him from a height.
I wonder where Tustins kids were during the bodycam footage. Hughes had taken them to the supermarket so I’d guess they may have been left in the car.

I wonder does her ex even still has custody of her kids. He sounds like a dangerous person too given he beat Hughes up upon Tustin’s command. We will never know what’s happened to her kids or who they are but I just hope they are safe wherever they are now. They were innocent victims who had to witness all that happened.

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