UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #1

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March 19
6am : Miss Lawrence fails to arrive for her shift at Goodricke College.
Daytime : At some point, her mobile phone is either switched off or runs out of battery.
Evening : Miss Lawrence fails to meet her friend Suzy Cooper. After finding out Miss Lawrence also did not turn up for work, Ms Cooper calls Mr Lawrence, who then calls North Yorkshire Police.
Night : The police search for Miss Lawrence begins.

So it was a 6am start.
Could she have been seeing Cartwright?

(mind doing overtime since reading an old article about him. He was typical of the kind of man she allegedly went for - older / well off / builder.)

He's a new one on me, can anyone fill in the facts about him?
I must admit I can't get Cartwright out of my head. Search his name ajc, the links on the previous page that are quoted about him don't work anymore for me.
I don't think anything happened to Claudia in the house because I think the police would have found some sort of evidence also probably the neighbours would have seen something, so I believe that it is unlikely....(MOO)
Because of the phone not being used after about 8.30pm on the evening of the 18th and the hair straighteners being missing, I was thinking that it was probable something happened to Claudia that night but now I'm not so sure....if it is true that Claudia had a very late night the night before, she may well have gone to bed early as she was tired and had to get up very early the next day.
If she did leave her house on foot to go to work, would she have been seen at some point on her route by CCTV (I think someone mentioned earlier that there was a camera on her route (post office ?), so getting a lift, obviously from someone she knew, seems very plausible.
Some interesting comments on this link.....

"Then, shortly before 8.30pm, she sent a text to a friend working overseas. He replied a short time later - but we don't believe Claudia read the text."

"Science has moved on in six years. Additional fingerprints have been found using techniques that the review team have decided to capitalise on based on the advice of national experts. There are a number of people who we now know spent time in Claudia's house and who literally left their mark there; but, for whatever reason, those individuals have failed to come forward and acknowledge their presence in her home."

"By scrutinising in meticulous detail what people told the original enquiry, and then comparing that with other information that was either available at the time or which has only recently come to light, two things have become evident: first, that there are people locally who knew Claudia and who have actively sought to keep that a secret - and we know who some of those people are; secondly, we know that some people have deliberately lied about a number of issues concerning their association with Claudia."
^^^^ damning report!

We just need one person to crack - an ex girlfriend, suspicious wife, someone with a "it could be nothing, but..." statement. The police obviously have unidentified DNA from Claudia's home and one day, with forensic advancements and/or the possibility of an unconnected arrest (even a relative's DNA yielding a partial match) this case WILL be solved.

Just out of interest, where did RC live? I know he had rental properties on East Parade, and there must be a cut through somewhere from Heworth Road. Just trying to work out why he might have been there at 6am. I wonder if the police took RC's DNA when he died.
Just looking at the CCTV. To clarify (to myself as much as anyone else) the man was seen walking UP Heworth Place at 7:15pm and back again a minute later. I don't think he pauses because he saw someone as he'd have spotted that person well before he actually stopped, just checking he had phone/keys maybe. He can't have gone far in 30 seconds (each way), maybe he's just been for a wee in the alley?
If you superimpose the videos from the evening and the next morning, it's pretty clear that it's the same person. Their size, stride pattern and speed is almost identical.

When I first saw news that the police had released a new video, I thought the reporter was mistaken, as I remembered having seen that video and that man years ago.
It was only when I read that the newly released video was a clip from Wednesday evening ,not Thursday morning, that I realised there were two video clips.
Anyone got a link to the morning clip please, I still haven't seen it!
Anyone got a link to the morning clip please, I still haven't seen it!
If you look at the video linked in my reply post #577 or the post I replied to #574 it has both evening and morning clips.
I would put money on it it been the same man that's how sure I am.
Totally agree, I've layered the two videos on top of each other and they are the same size, walk with the same stride pattern at the same rate and follow an almost identical path.
The thing is, the man in the video walks up Hepworth place, at 7.15pm then back about a minute later which was over an hour before the last time anyone spoke to Claudia, so I'm interested to know in what way people think he may be involved ? Was he invited into her home ?
In the evening clip, maybe it's just me, but I think I can see those reflective bands on the legs of his trousers, it's very faint though. The sort that if RC was still working at the Rail yard would have been worn by him or other workmen.
I believe that the "morning" clip was first released on 15th May 2009.

POLICE searching for missing Claudia Lawrence released CCTV footage today of a man seen near the chef's home the morning after she was last seen.
The images show a man going to the rear of the terrace where the 35-year-old lived, in Heworth Road, York, before returning to the front of the property at about 5.50am on March 19.

Following the original Crimewatch appeal, the police were almost certain the man was RC who had recently died.

The CCTV footage shows a man walking at the back of her home at 5.50am and, following an appeal on BBC TV's Crimewatch, they are 'almost certain' it is Mr Cartwright.

If the newly released "evening" clip is the same man (and it looks to me like it is) then one wonders why the police have released it recently? Presumably because they believe it's a different man or possibly because they no longer believe the morning clip to be RC?
May I give my impression:

Swiftly, inelegant gangue - the same man in the morning/in the evening. Trousers seem the same. Maybe jacket/winter blouson also.
He is waiting with the bag until the man in the bright blazer (?) has passed, seemingly doesn't want to meet with him (odd). He fast and for seconds looks to his back (towards main street?) while he goes around the corner (odd).
RC would be my favorite even though there are so many other men. Who knew him, has to recognize him (IF he is the man). He is not 08/15, not so easy interchangeable. Now I don't wonder about the tip for searching a railway bridge and an nearby old (former???) bakery .... Always IMO+IMO+IMO :)

March 19
6am : Miss Lawrence fails to arrive for her shift at Goodricke College.
Daytime : At some point, her mobile phone is either switched off or runs out of battery.
Evening : Miss Lawrence fails to meet her friend Suzy Cooper. After finding out Miss Lawrence also did not turn up for work, Ms Cooper calls Mr Lawrence, who then calls North Yorkshire Police.
Night : The police search for Miss Lawrence begins.

Unfortunately the Mail's timeline is wrong. Suzy Cooper phoned Peter Lawrence on Friday after Claudia's no show at the pub the previous evening. Peter was due to meet Claudia for a pub lunch that day. So this presented a wider window of opportunity for her assailant to cover their tracks.
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