UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

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I genuinely believe she is lying under concrete. Years from now it will come to light but for now the trail to lead anyone there is too weak/non-existent.
There are people out there who know exactly what’s happened, let’s hope someday soon someone will do the right thing and come forward.
I genuinely believe she is lying under concrete. Years from now it will come to light but for now the trail to lead anyone there is too weak/non-existent.
There are people out there who know exactly what’s happened, let’s hope someday soon someone will do the right thing and come forward.

Sadly I agree with your thoughts. Claudia's complete disappearance is so similar to poor Suzy Lamplugh.
ah was just somewhere in the history of the case a reknown psychic whoes had quiet a bit of success said she knew or felt claudia was buried or around a wood.the small wood by the park and ride carpark and where the maze in the field used to be is the first logical quiet wood from Claudias house..i ignore the place where there was a report of 2 people arguing its too public
I reported my friends' concerns about the regular at the Nags Head to the police

I genuinely believe she is lying under concrete. Years from now it will come to light but for now the trail to lead anyone there is too weak/non-existent.
There are people out there who know exactly what’s happened, let’s hope someday soon someone will do the right thing and come forward.
As a (fairly new) local, I keep hearing this about her lying under concrete. Am I missing something? Was there some big building work going on at the time? Just seems a bizarrely specific rumour...
I reported my friends' concerns about the regular at the Nags Head to the police

As a (fairly new) local, I keep hearing this about her lying under concrete. Am I missing something? Was there some big building work going on at the time? Just seems a bizarrely specific rumour...

It has always been rumoured that Claudia tended to go for married builder types, the Nags has customers in the trade and it’s where she hung out. The married bit is also relevant as its meant people have not told the full truth about who knew Claudia and how. At the time, iirc, there was a huge amount of building going on at the university and the implication is that a building site would be a good place to hide a body, especially if you happened to know of a large hole that was about to be filled with concrete.
It has always been rumoured that Claudia tended to go for married builder types, the Nags has customers in the trade and it’s where she hung out. The married bit is also relevant as its meant people have not told the full truth about who knew Claudia and how. At the time, iirc, there was a huge amount of building going on at the university and the implication is that a building site would be a good place to hide a body, especially if you happened to know of a large hole that was about to be filled with concrete.

it seems a bit hollywood mafia..problem is really ud still have to bury the body in the bottom of the hole a 2 or 3 feet down or it would show.not impossible by any means but seems a bit obvious choice more a rumour than truth
it was known she had a thing for married guys she was no angel more one persona to the parents ect and one for her sex life..the village where she used to live she had a big fling with a guy that everyone knew about but her parents or so its said.
The first thing to decide is did she go out the house on the night as in going with someone for the night or was she taken the following day on her way to work..i did read,i think a newspaper article,that one of the people from the university said she wasnt normally due in the day she went missing but it was an extra shift??
one thing that is a consideration is her cell phones log onto a cell tower/s in the area so first if the phone had gone out the area,say newcastle then that would be presumably it stayed within the york area.there were less cell towers then and i believe a cell logs on to more than one so u can tell an area its in as in triangulation but even if it logged onto one tower then u have an effective working radius .ok that may be a biggish area but it give u an area and if the cell is moving around york or staying in the location of the cell tower/s..ok the phone may have been separate from claudia but if u first assume it was with her it gives u possible locations a body could be.ok she could be anywhere but if u work on the fact she was murdered then u look for logical places in that area a body could be where it has not been found say by dog walkers ect.again of course she could have been killed,kept in say the boot of a car and then the phone switched off the next day and driven god knows where..i went for a look at the area. the report of a woman and a man having an argument near a park,if she was killed there it doesnt really work.its used a lot and u would have to assume the killer pre planned it and came equipped with a shovel ready to bury her as its the only way i could see she hasnt been found there..if someone was gona do that then perhaps they set it up before hand,shovel hidden ect as like i say its a bit public and surrounded by houses.that time in the morning u still have the early morning dog walkers maybe still killed her there but took the body away,bit public at that time but not impossible..its back to the phone and cell towers.because they were arguing then if say she was killed in a rage,thinking of her phone wouldnt be the first thing more an after thought so if the phone stayed in the area then ur looking for a quiet place to bury a body.again it could be she was kept in a car and the killer waited till they had hatched a plan and then realised about the phone and switched it off.doubt we could ever see the cell tower info its still evidence..they say the phone powered down but does that mean it just couldnt log onto a cell tower or can they tell its switched off as in the phone says im logging off???
now another bit of usles info.the video of the man walking round the back of the houses.i went and looked..when he walks back past the house window,up to the right is a distictive black slab in the house bricks.below it is a im 6"1 and a half and the top of my head is level with the bottom of the vent..the guy is somewat below that as i judge it..ive included a pic so judge urselfs how tall he is..
another thing,he is out of view 60 seconds ish,it takes 10 seconds to the allyway(walked it) and say another 10 to claudias house(didnt walk it its private) then 10 seconds back down the ally way and 10 seconds into view thats 20 seconds..that leaves 20 seconds to do its assumed claudia was in the house as she talked to her parents a little while later so if its claudias rucksack she must have given it to him..seems an odd thing to do if u stay in the house..of course we dont know for sure she was in her house,she could have been say round the corner in another house(back to cell towers if her phone swapped towers or not as to how far away she was) and realised she hadnt got her ruck sack,the guy goes for it knowing where it is as she told him and has her house keys.its plausible but means she wasnt at home.
last thing and its just the psycic report..
I could see a road with lots of trees and a ditch.Then I felt I was walking down towards a solitary white house.that she has come to harm in an isolated wood after being snatched by “a male friend”.
again the cell towers,is this place in the area covered by the tower she was logged on to?..i had a nosey at the woods by the park and ride and in real life as compared to google earth they are reasonably big and a ditch runs along one side.the white house? well theres a cell tower there and the little building with the equipment in next to the tower is light grey..if u look on google earth look at historical image 2007 cos its very different today,back then there wasnt the roads ect at the rear of the woods and u could park next to the woods..(its odd but she might not have to be buried.there is another mystery murder called the nude in the nettles.a womans body was found by the side of an area used as a layby.she wasnt buried but her remains were found in undergrowth 2 years later..the only report of something fishy was a horse rider saying he smelt a bad smell but ignored it as next to farm ne else noticed the remains despite being feet from where people had picnics and some evidence showed that at some point some one must have stepped over them to dump some bottles!!the remains were skeletal and wild animals had eaten and removed some..) .she is said to be 89% right?? ok bit far fetched but i drove round and if u were looking for a place to hide a body then apart from under concrete of the university this is really the only remote place with woods....the phone of course was either taken away or maybe just failed as in rain water or something..mind u it didnt rain on the night or following day she went missing in york.



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im guessing that from the activity centred around the area she lived that the phone didnt travel outside the local cell towers.logic says if it did then we would have seen a police search in a different area..there must have been rumours flying round at the time as they seem to have a go at anyone connected to her,the pub owner ect so im guessing they think she was at least killed local to her house?
wonder if dna lasts 9 1.39 id swear he spits on the pavement...
It does appear as if he is spitting, probably way too late too late to check it now, although stranger things have happened.
In this case spit led to the suspect.
5 Big Cold Cases That Had Major Breaks in 2017
"Six years after the bodies were found, police got a DNA match on a sample they’d secretly collected when a suspect spit on the sidewalk. It was a stunning break in a case that had been cold for years, and the Los Angeles Police Department used a controversial type of DNA testing called familial DNA to allegedly connect a Torrance, California man named Geovanni Borjas with the crimes."
i think in 9 years the path has been resurfaced unfortunately.
Psychic: Claudia is in an isolated wood
this is what i read regarding the wood
The psychic refused to say if Claudia was still alive but says she does feel she has come to some harm – which is the theory police are already working on.

Dr Stevens said: “I kept picking up this bloke, a skinny, dark-haired guy with high cheekbones and a sallow complexion. His eyes were quite far apart and he had a pointy chin.

“He was a nasty-looking man – nervy and twitchy.


I would be interested to know, if a psychic is seeing a person just like the man/woman would have shown to others at the time of the felony: almost exact the same age and same look. Or might it be, the psychic is seeing the person as "a character" only, for example younger than at the time of the felony?
Of course, only a psychic could answer my question. She would know after a felony being solved.
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there is one thought,,,she was last heard watching in 2009 telly`s were into digital types..most tv`s as mine does and its 10 years old have a hidden menu,a service menue for as it implies for the service engineer to use..depending on the model it will show how long the tv has been used overall but more important when it was last used sure the police know this and in the later photo`s of her living room the telly has gone.
i wondered if her death was accidental whilst with someone like the pub landlord ect and he panicked and got mates to help get rid of her..there was a lot of attention paid to 2 pubs,they must have been working on some info relating to pubs.might explain why locals were keeping quiet
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