UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

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For those in the UK who missed it last time, Donal McIntyre's unsolved episode about Claudia airs again tonight on CBS Reality at 9pm.

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Really unlikely in 21st Century Britain where apparently more people go to football matches on a Sunday than church and where "Jedi" is allowed to be put on census forms.

Not wishing to offend anyone of course, but speaking for the majority of people mine and Claudia's age (there are just a few weeks between us) we don't really "do" church.

I don't know if we know whether she was Catholic? They've had their fair share of news stories in recent years.

I put Jedi! :saber: :p

But I worship at the Church Of Anfield :D
Agreed. I think he went to his pocket to pull out his phone maybe, or to check for keys. That's what it looks like to me. I've always thought it was the same man. The walk looks identical but maybe that's the motion of the video, a little jittery.

It's like someone knocked on a front door, got no answer so went round the back to check. Twice, morning and night. Idk

That was discussed a lot on the old thread, it does kinda look like he could be looking in his pocket for something, but the way he suddenly stops in such a startled way when that other person walks across seems too telling that he was trying to hide.
That was discussed a lot on the old thread, it does kinda look like he could be looking in his pocket for something, but the way he suddenly stops in such a startled way when that other person walks across seems too telling that he was trying to hide.
I think when there is lack of new evidence/information all we can do is rehash what we do know..

Hoping one day we find out what did happen that night

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That was discussed a lot on the old thread, it does kinda look like he could be looking in his pocket for something, but the way he suddenly stops in such a startled way when that other person walks across seems too telling that he was trying to hide.

I disagree that his hesitation means he wanted to hide. I'd say he simply preferred to let the other man go ahead, where he could keep him in sight, rather than be followed by him. I think most people would do the same, late at night and alone.
Not watched the clips for a while and must admit after watching them just I thought the same that it was an elbow...hand in pocket to check for phone/keys etc sprung to mind because I always stop dead when I'm checking

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Same here i always stop dead when i reach into my bag and cant feel my phone or keys. Just wanted to add that im confident this is someone who knows her because a stranger/serial killer usually leaves the body to be found, but these people/person who did this to claudia have gone to obviously great lengths to make sure her body will never be seen or found.
I disagree that his hesitation means he wanted to hide. I'd say he simply preferred to let the other man go ahead, where he could keep him in sight, rather than be followed by him. I think most people would do the same, late at night and alone.

I would reduce my speed to let another person pass but I wouldn't stop abruptly like him. If I had nothing to hide (time, place, bag) I also wouldn't look over my shoulder twice at the edge of the CL's building.
I would reduce my speed to let another person pass but I wouldn't stop abruptly like him. If I had nothing to hide (time, place, bag) I also wouldn't look over my shoulder twice at the edge of the CL's building.
Yeah i personally dont think a male would be bothered about someone walking behind them, i think its women that are more at risk
I disagree that his hesitation means he wanted to hide. I'd say he simply preferred to let the other man go ahead, where he could keep him in sight, rather than be followed by him. I think most people would do the same, late at night and alone.

I'd agree if it was late and a bit desolate but it weren't late at night, 7pm in mid March, not pitch black either.
I can't see a man his age being scared of others at that time of day. Personally.
I think he was hesitating for reasons known to himself.
I think the implication is that he isn't scared of another man, but that he doesn't want to be seen by someone. I'm not sure if we'll ever know what he was doing to be honest, I do think there's something odd about it though, and I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm also interested to know if he knew those people who walked across the screen right at the beginning or who the person stood in front of the house on the left when he walks back from the alleyway is (not the guy who walks across the screen, causing the dark man to stop).
It's not so much about being scared or at risk, it's about being cautious. It's the kind of thing I associate with people who have been in the armed forces, they are trained to take precautions like that and it becomes second nature.

Claudia Lawrence
Born Claudia Elizabeth Lawrence
27 February 1974
East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Disappeared 18 March 2009 (aged 35)
Heworth, York, England
Status Missing for 7 years, 1 month and 20 days
Ethnicity White British
Occupation Chef
Known for Missing person
Home town Heworth, York
Parent(s) Peter and Joan Lawrence
Relatives Ali Sims (sister)[1]

So sad. The police have spent a lot of time, and money, on this case without results.

Also interesting in that article:

"They also confirmed a complaint had been filed against North Yorkshire Police in relation to Operation Essence, but had not been upheld, and no complaints had been filed against the force by any other bodies - for example, the IPCC. The force could not confirm the nature of the complaint"
Here's the correct clip with both times he's caught going behide the alley and back.
This is my first time posting about this, but I had to put my 2 cents in.

After watching both videos it is my opinion those are the same man. And yes I believe it's a man. .the stride, the gait. I also think he was up to something suspicious, looking back repeatedly on the way in. Then stopping on the way out, it was deliberate, he was looking intently as the man in white turned to possibly yell back to someone else? I believe the man in black wanted to make sure he was behind the last possible man, or to make sure he wasn't seen carrying that bag by anyone (what's in it?)

I also noticed he walks very deliberately on the way in...with a purpose, but trying to look nonchalant. He's moving quickly. He wants to get in and out of there after he does whatever he needs to do....presumably get the bag (I don't believe he has it going in).

I also think, and to me this is big, he walks with a slight limp, and would consider the possibility there is something wrong with one of his legs. Does he wear a prosthesis or augment his leg with some sort of support that would show up oddly under his pants? Regardless, I see a slight limp. I see it in the day and in the night videos. Again, I strongly believe it's the same person.

I also do not believe he was knocking to see if someone's home...1stly, he was so deliberate as to seem to have a mission instead of a recon in mind, and 2ndly, one minute is not enough time to wait for a door response.

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It's not so much about being scared or at risk, it's about being cautious. It's the kind of thing I associate with people who have been in the armed forces, they are trained to take precautions like that and it becomes second nature.

I think for a secretive person it is even first nature. For me a curmudgeon is simultaneously always a secretive person too, for an example. There are some people in my circle of acquaintances who would fit in this description. I have "studied" the phenomenon. :)
In case CL I have always the same man in mind begins with R and ends with C (initials). I will be surprised if one day the perp is found and he is not him.
I think for a secretive person it is even first nature. For me a curmudgeon is simultaneously always a secretive person too, for an example. There are some people in my circle of acquaintances who would fit in this description. I have "studied" the phenomenon. :)
In case CL I have always the same man in mind begins with R and ends with C (initials). I will be surprised if one day the perp is found and he is not him.

I also think there's a chance it was RC, but as he has since died I wonder how much of the speculation is either wishful thinking or people trying to make him a scapegoat.

I can't remember many of the details now, other than RC lived in a property which backed onto the area behind Claudia's house (and hence might have been him on the CCTV). I do wonder if she was seeing him perhaps? Where could he have put her? How far was he investigated at the time and post death?
I also think there's a chance it was RC, but as he has since died I wonder how much of the speculation is either wishful thinking or people trying to make him a scapegoat.

I can't remember many of the details now, other than RC lived in a property which backed onto the area behind Claudia's house (and hence might have been him on the CCTV). I do wonder if she was seeing him perhaps? Where could he have put her? How far was he investigated at the time and post death?

First I have to say: I would prefer a suspect who is alive.
Whether LE had investigated at the time or post death I don't know. I will search for it on occasion. :) But I fear there is not enough done because he died 3 weeks after Claudia's disappearance, his relatives were outraged about him being investigated at all (lovely "second father" to the nieces and nephews - and so on), he had a positive reputation ("many many visitors at his funeral") and nobody seems to know something about him and Claudia. Though we know CL didn't tell her friends and family about some liaisons and also we learned nobody seems to know something about RC's private intimate life. "Secrecy" I would name that if the persons are adult and even around 40/50yo.
I fear RC had so many properties (construction sites, jobs)) and so many opportunities to make someone like CL perhaps disappear - if there isn't every stone unturned 100% it maybe her parents never will have any closure.
I have to admit: I'm negative influenced by a pic of him. MOO
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