UK - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon charged, Newborn (found deceased), Bolton Greater Manchester, 5 Jan 2023 #6

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Honestly? No. She just strikes me as a spoilt little girl who never had to face a consequence or take responsibility for her actions, and that spoilt child never grew up. The sense of entitlement is astounding and there is no self awareness, absolutely everything is someone else's fault.
Gosh! How interesting it is that we see this differently. I don't see her as entitled at all. What I do see is naivety in the way that the world really works.
''She is estranged from her family, and has made a series of allegations against them.
“My family have a lot of money, a lot of clout, and a lot of connections”, she said. “That’s how they were able to do what they did.”
Referring to previous court proceedings, she said: “They said I was bearing children to sell on the black market, that I was a drug addict”, adding that these were “allegations that were wholly unfounded”.

''She is estranged from her family, and has made a series of allegations against them.
“My family have a lot of money, a lot of clout, and a lot of connections”, she said. “That’s how they were able to do what they did.”
Referring to previous court proceedings, she said: “They said I was bearing children to sell on the black market, that I was a drug addict”, adding that these were “allegations that were wholly unfounded”.
Will we likely find out if this is indeed the accusation that was made against her in the family court? And any basis for this assertion? I suspect not, sadly.
CM's position is that the reason she envisaged being separated from Victoria for a while after she was 6 months old is because Victoria would go abroad while CM would stay in Britain in the fight to get her other children back. Is this how other people read her evidence? There has to be an answer to why escape abroad would involve separation.
Yes, that is the way I understood it too.

I think she needs counselling to understand that she will never get those children back and the reasons why.
I think the judge is getting quite cross - is CM unravelling? Is she perjuring herself, is that what the Judge means when he warns CM about the 'serious allegations she is making' and that 'there could be consequences for her'? Source - Total Crime Twitter account.
I'm sure he doesn't want anyone to interpret his advice as meaning that witnesses should consider consequences for themselves before they state the whole truth in court.
CM's position is that the reason she envisaged being separated from Victoria for a while after she was 6 months old is because Victoria would go abroad while CM would stay in Britain in the fight to get her other children back. Is this how other people read her evidence? There has to be an answer to why escape abroad would involve separation.

I just assumed it was so she could be very visible with no child or pregnancy, to throw everyone off the scent.
Her children have been adopted, she's know she isn't getting them back.
Gosh! How interesting it is that we see this differently. I don't see her as entitled at all. What I do see is naivety in the way that the world really works.

It is interesting! I don't see her as naive at all, I think she knows how the world works, she just doesn't think it should apply to her. Where you see naive, I see bloody minded!.
I know she doesn't have burden of proof, but I wonder if Constance's defence plan to provide any "receipts" to support any of her claims once she's finished giving evidence?

I should imagine that her defence plan is the opposite, she is relying on her posh family refusing to air their dirty laundry in the witness box!

She can say what she likes and if there's no rebuttal the jury might wonder why and believe her.
But she said her family had not wanted to buy her a house while she was in a relationship with Mr Gordon.

She apparently was offered a house and declined:

So she was offered a house then, but turned it down. The same year she had her first child. Didn’t she say yesterday that the trust wouldn’t buy her a house?

But Mr Smith said she had also been offered a house in early 2017 but had declined it just before contracts were due to be exchanged.

CM says she learned she was pregnant some time between March and May, so if LMP was say on 1 May, a Christmas Eve birth would be at 34 weeks; at the other extreme, the figure is 47 weeks. Not much info here.
One of the experts (if think it was MGs defence), said the placenta was that of a full term pregnancy. I also think she was full term looking at the CCTV images in the kebab house.
CM today: "Referring to previous court proceedings, she said: 'They said I was bearing children to sell on the black market, that I was a drug addict', adding that these were 'allegations that were wholly unfounded'."

The question of whether or not they did say either of those things is relevant. Who said them? When? To whom? Do they admit it? Can both they and the person to whom they allegedly said it come to court? What record is there? What do SS records say?

It would be good if the jury could hear from Napier Marten. To appraise his handle on reality, it may be useful to look at what he says about whales.

I have got a copy of the film he made, but I haven't watched it yet. What he says about whales may be sensible for all I know. Or it may be completely loopy. It would be interesting to know whether drug use was involved in the experience that enlightened him. Here is the Daily Mail's take:

Also: "There is a large underground network of parents who have been through the services. The problem is knowing who to trust."

Quite true. By now it will be infiltrated for sure.

Fascinating that this is coming out under cross-examination but didn't when she was questioned by her own side.

The reason for her falling out with so many barristers may possibly be that they didn't want her to say this kind of thing.
The reason for her falling out with so many barristers may possibly be that they didn't want her to say this kind of thing.
I agree. And I am therefore wondering if this is because a) they thoughts it was mad, despite being true or b)knew it to be untrue and therefore when she spoke with her first barristers and told them what she thought they told her they were not prepared to represent her with this basis of defence. Which is why not of this was put forward by defence barrister, but the madness is all coming out now but with nothing to support it. (I am interested in how the judge will direct the jury in respect of this evidence given it is only her saying it with no record provided to prove it - assuming there isn't any, although I eagerly await the evidence if true and it exists).
"She claimed a string of their vehicles had mysteriously broken down."

What I would like to know is where exactly in the car the cash was that got burnt in the fire.

If I had a large amount of cash on me, on which my wellbeing in the next few weeks depended, and I suspected that adversaries were continually making my cars break down, I would keep the cash in as easy reach as possible, in case I had to leave the car and make a run for it. I definitely wouldn't put it in the boot or a large suitcase.

How many is a "string"? She should be asked that question.

I wonder whether there will be much re-examination.
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Sorry - off topic - but is there anywhere on Websleuths that has a list of acronyms? Being fairly new here there are some which elude me... probably just me being thick! DBM? RBBM?
CM today: "Referring to previous court proceedings, she said: 'They said I was bearing children to sell on the black market, that I was a drug addict', adding that these were 'allegations that were wholly unfounded'."

The question of whether or not they did say either of those things is relevant. Who said them? When? To whom? Do they admit it? Can both they and the person to whom they allegedly said it come to court? What record is there? What do SS records say?

It would be good if the jury could hear from Napier Marten. To appraise his handle on reality, it may be useful to look at what he says about whales.

I have got a copy of the film he made, but I haven't watched it yet. What he says about whales may be sensible for all I know. Or it may be completely loopy. It would be interesting to know whether drug use was involved in the experience that enlightened him. Here is the Daily Mail's take:

Also: "There is a large underground network of parents who have been through the services. The problem is knowing who to trust."

Quite true. By now it will be infiltrated for sure.

Fascinating that this is coming out under cross-examination but didn't when she was questioned by her own side.

The reason for her falling out with so many barristers may possibly be that they didn't want her to say this kind of thing.
Most of it is not relevant to the case IMO.
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