UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #14

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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He hasn't hypothetically committed a civilian offence, so what would the arrest warrant be for? Known address being the base, on which civilian police have no jurisdiction.

As far as I was aware absconding didn't result in 'root and branch' searches. Merely the forces passing the information onto the civilian police who issue a warrant for arrest. The occasional check on his known addresses by the Military Police but that's about it

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In reply to him refusing a DNA test. If for example someone refused to acknowledge a baby as theirs (and it wasn't theirs) the mother could go through Maintence to force a DNA test and extract maintenance payments.
first hand experience, they don't even need the dna test- military is the only place they can still automatically deduct from wages at source when they receive no input from father (so even if he refused a test, they would still take the money)
Back to yesterdays bbc news video showing Corrie and the girl at the start, we clearly have a left hand drive car, any one know if the car in the picture is a BMW Z4. Being on msm i hope that we are OK to talk about this

No expert here but don't some phones (iPhone?) flip the image? Look at Corrie's T-Shirt. Could be talking nonsense here but remember my niece talking about this happening to her where she was in the passenger seat and some thought she was driving.
I've just re read that article and it's been updated, it did say over the weekend corries brother started to get messages.

I really dislike it when that happens.

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i start to have problems now.

if the lads were used to corrie going off and doing his own thing why would they have been calling his brother/s over the weekend?

what was different to any other time corrie went off and did his own thing?
we keep hearing this is what he did??
i am wondering if some of his true friends were suspcious sooner than we are being told?
so what was it made them suspect something?
why contacting his family if corrie was just off with some random girl or doing whatever he did when he went off on his own.
here is actually something not adding up with this.
anyone else starting to thing there is something stranger to this than a random whatever it is?
i start to have problems now. if the lads were used to corrie going off and doing his own thing why would they have been calling his brother/s over the weekend? what was different to any other time corrie went off and did his own thing? we keep hearing this is what he did?? i am wondering if some of his true friends were suspcious sooner than we are being told? so what was it made them suspect something? why contacting his family if corrie was just off with some random girl or doing whatever he did when he went off on his is actually something not adding up with this.nyone else starting to thing there is something stranger to this than a random whatever it is?
Yes, I keep wondering.
i start to have problems now.

if the lads were used to corrie going off and doing his own thing why would they have been calling his brother/s over the weekend?

what was different to any other time corrie went off and did his own thing?
we keep hearing this is what he did??
i am wondering if some of his true friends were suspcious sooner than we are being told?
so what was it made them suspect something?
why contacting his family if corrie was just off with some random girl or doing whatever he did when he went off on his own.
here is actually something not adding up with this.
anyone else starting to thing there is something stranger to this than a random whatever it is?
I'm going to start screen shotting some of these reports as they were quoted as N own words. If they are not then it needs pulling up.
I'm so fed up with it all changing all the time.
No not aimed at family, it's a need to know basis.
Msm need to report facts that really to much to ask.

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Any Rock Apes on here care to suggest what the likely outcome of an intra-corps affair would be? I know how it was dealt with at Colchester, unless you were 3PARA Mortars that it.
I'm not sure that going out & getting drunk, being asked to leave a nightclub by security, parking your car in town, falling asleep in a doorway etc. etc. is the way you would choose to start a new life 'on the run'.

There are so many facets to living a life (especially a secret one) than just using a bankcard. If I am reading you correctly I think you may be suggesting that by only having had the puppy for 5 months, he may not have forged that close a bond with the dog? While I respect your opinion, there's just too much there that doesn't make sense.

Welcome to WS Stewart.

Re bold above - what if he hadn't even decided to scarper on that Friday? We have said often on these threads: what if he only decided on Sunday, and even then was expecting to be gone just a couple of weeks etc.
Anything's possible with this case.
As a member just posted re mirror images - nothing is quite what it seems and we went down the rabbit hole weeks ago.
I simply can't give any credence to the theory that he's gone AWOL in order to be with a love interest. Had this been the case, I am totally convinced that he would have left some kind of 'footprint' somewhere since disappearing. Given the amount of surveillance we encounter in our daily lives, it would be difficult if not impossible to go unnoticed for a protracted period of time. The Police & Military have not posted him AWOL for good reason. I also cannot believe that he would have engineered his own disappearance & left his dog in his quarters without making provision for its care.

I agree. He would have planned it better. Why leave the week before payday? I am no lawyer and certainly not an expert on AWOL but I would think there needs to be intent to stay away to be charged. The circumstances don't seem to suggest intent to stay away. You would think if someone was going to take off, he would tack it on to a leave. He is almost at 4 years anyway. If they could show he has a pile of money in the Caribbean, well that would show intent. Sadly I think he is dead in one of the nearby fields either by accident or suicide. The phone has me thrown for a loop. That is what makes me think suicide is possible. I still think accident is more likely.
I agree. He would have planned it better. Why leave the week before payday?

In a sense, what difference does that make? If he went missing after payday he could not withdraw funds without that being flagged up. If he went missing before payday, and had been planning to bolt, he would have been building up hard cash reserves for some time and in the great scheme of things one more paycheck may well be neither here nor there.
In a sense, what difference does that make? If he went missing after payday he could not withdraw funds without that being flagged up. If he went missing before payday, and had been planning to bolt, he would have been building up hard cash reserves for some time and in the great scheme of things one more paycheck may well be neither here nor there.

that's conjecture. I doubt he would drink himself stupid, lock up the dog in a bathroom, risking early detection to set out on a new life. He could have been halfway across the continent if he had just drove to France that night. By Monday sitting on a beach in Rio. But no. I think i will pass out on a sidewalk eating chips at 1 am and sleep on it til 3:20 am. Now that sounds like a plan. Nobody will ever expect to find me Rio now. If he has a 4 year stint and he is already past 3 years, why not run off legally in a few months. He would be an RAF vet. And there is absolutely no evidence he was in trouble with anyone, so what exactly would make him run off?
Barton Mills EE directional mast information.
Apparently the mast picked up the phone signal 100-300metres to UPTO 3 KILOMETRES away from BM? Is this correct? If so, we're looking at these entry points for the PHONE ONLY.



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i would guess at a point between 2 and 4 oclock on that map. please keep in mind that some of the area just outwith that radius are non cell reception.
that's conjecture. I doubt he would drink himself stupid, lock up the dog in a bathroom, risking early detection to set out on a new life. He could have been halfway across the continent if he had just drove to France that night. By Monday sitting on a beach in Rio. But no. I think i will pass out on a sidewalk eating chips at 1 am and sleep on it til 3:20 am. Now that sounds like a plan. Nobody will ever expect to find me Rio now. If he has a 4 year stint and he is already past 3 years, why not run off legally in a few months. He would be an RAF vet. And there is absolutely no evidence he was in trouble with anyone, so what exactly would make him run off?

everything's conjecture here mrseeker.

10 days after he went missing Uncle Tony thought your bold was conceivable. Mum still hasn't ruled it out 100+days later.

Oct 2nd
Mr Wringe said the 'happy-go-lucky' Corrie was as 'thick as thieves' with his two brothers and would normally tell his family if anything was wrong. He spoke of how the family is 'questioning everything' in the wake of his disappearance and in a direct plea to Corrie, Mr Wringe said: 'If it's for any reason that you're now AWOL (absent without leave), it's a storm in a tea cup.
'We've all been there. We've all done dumb stuff in our service time but in a fortnight from now this will just be a bar story.
'So get in touch. We can chat it through, we'll work it out and we'll fix it but get in touch.

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that's conjecture. I doubt he would drink himself stupid, lock up the dog in a bathroom, risking early detection to set out on a new life.

I agree with you. I've never been seriously convinced that AWOL was obviously more likely than, say, an accident or misadventure.
In case anyone missed my earlier post, read Nicola's Q&A transcript here.

There is a question "*User asks about vehicles that go into the horseshoe*" and Nicola's answer suggests that the bin lorry is first ("The 4 are bin lorry at 4.20 then another 3").

This is just an FYI, as I don't think Q&A discussion is allowed on this thread.

Edit: Actually, it's maybe OK to discuss now that the video is linked on the website?

So we could probably say then that
0425: Bin Lorry arrives (need to do a work back with this I think).

Car 1 (needs to be there for work etc but identified)?
Car 2 (needs to be there for work etc but identified)?
Car 3 (DOES NOT need to be there but identified)?



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everything's conjecture here mrseeker.

10 days after he went missing Uncle Tony thought your bold was conceivable. Mum still hasn't ruled it out 100+days later.

Oct 2nd

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Mom and uncle want to believe he is alive. AWOL would mean he is likely still alive. It would be a better outcome than the more probable reality - He is dead and has been since the day he went missing. The AWOL theory is based solely on two facts...he is missing, and he is in the RAF. For death there is a long list of circumstances. He was drunk. He left his dog, car, career, all his possessions behind. There has been no banking activity. He has no apparent means. He told people he was going to walk 9 miles back to camp. It is not a complete picture. But it is a lot more convincing than he ran off to start a new life. It's always possible he became despondent after waking up alone on a sidewalk at 3 am, and walked away to do himself in and changed his mind I suppose. Perhaps he is living among the homeless in London, or in a tent in some woods. But the most logical explanation is, he did attempt to walk home and didn't make it. The phone being in BM does not fit. It fits suicide a little more. The phone should be with him alive or dead i think.

And btw I hope he is awol. Then he would be alive.
Sorry if it's been covered but what's the deal with the dog? Why did no one hear it bark? Someone was feeding it?
There has been a couple of posts mentioning Barnham as a possible direction for C to travel from BM. I have waited to see if more info is available but nothing more has been mentioned so is Barnham important or a non-starter?

Regarding AO, it was mentioned the lads had called her and D at the weekend yet D has said he was called on the Monday. Also she said she was one of the last people to see him but for the lads and when she was asked she said it was a few days befor he went missing. So would we say maybe the Wednesday or Thursday? As she was in America then 0308 a.m. UK time would be only 10.08 p.m. Friday EST so am wondering if the conversation and pic was sent to AO as she may only just have arrived on that Friday. All the hook-up speculation should be out the window IMO now but nobody has mentioned this except for one person on here I think, who has said the info about contacting D has been altered already. What do people make of this? Could she have been C's last phone contact?
Just to clarify, I was suggesting that he attempted to walk from BM to Barnham. He had previously been stationed there and would have been able to obtain a lift back to Honington or even just a bed. I have heard many stories of RAF guys walking this route to obtain "supplies" from the 24hour garages.

how long would it take to walk from barnham to honington ( bases)

how safe is the walk on the road?

does it go across country in any manner?

its interesting what you have just written.

you would be tempted to make short cuts over fields or smaller track roads, if it did cut time off the walk.

maybe the searchers should do that route?
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