UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #14

DNA Solves
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This to me is more a case of making sure. She can't leave Suffolk without looking under every rock, no parent could.

But do you really think Nicola would push for buildings to be searched for what can only be a body and waste valuable resources and money if she thinks he has absconded with a woman?
That's more dramarific than an episode of Jezza [emoji23].
Don't think Corrie would even feel the need to run off with someone to that extent, he's clearly a player, he'd just deny all and leave April to it if that was the case.
She couldn't prove he's the father if he refuses a DNA test [emoji6].

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It doesn't work like that with the RAF re: DNA test.
IMO- that is exactly what has hopefully happened pilgrims prayer (because at this point I dont want to to think of the alternatives , as I have no evidence to). I also have an inkling it could be someone related to the married quarters/military whom was romantically involved. Due to stresses and strains it is not Jeremy kylesque- but what happens on quite a frequent basis.
I don't think he is a player, he would not need all the hook-up apps if he was. I think he is probably too fragile for that as well. He strikes me as impulsive and somebody who gets swept up in emotion's. IMO N has brought him up better than to "leave A to it", not to mention the effect on his career a CSA/CMS case would have.
Important also to understand the nature of BSE, it is a small town, it would be very difficult for C to live his outgoing lifestyle if he had a denied child with a popular local girl.

Didn't the <modsnip> girl say her and him were seeing other people when they met......

and after some time (not sure how long) they decided to get together.

I don't know the facts....but......hmmmmm.
I don't think he is a player, he would not need all the hook-up apps if he was. I think he is probably too fragile for that as well. He strikes me as impulsive and somebody who gets swept up in emotion's. IMO N has brought him up better than to "leave A to it", not to mention the effect on his career a CSA/CMS case would have.
Important also to understand the nature of BSE, it is a small town, it would be very difficult for C to live his outgoing lifestyle if he had a denied child with a popular local girl.

Having all those dating apps makes him a player, all these single girls at the touch of a button? That's what those apps are for, it's not for shy boys who can't talk to women, 99% of the people use them for one thing and one thing only - no strings attached, easy accessible sex.
Judging by his pictures on his social media accounts he's not one bit shy, he even had a picture up of his bare arse lol.
I don't know Corrie at all, I can only judge his personality from what people have said and what I can see... but I honestly do not believe that he's a soft and gentle as you're leading yourself to believe - let's face it, if he got swept up in emotions he wouldn't keep his fb as single and STILL be using his hook up accounts for other women if he was soft and fragile, A thinks they were in a relationship, Corrie clearly had other ideas.
And anyway, she lives in Norfolk, he's in the raf and originally from Scotland, no reason why he couldn't deny all if he wanted too... I know of people who have done exactly that.

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His "footprint" includes being seen on CCTV, probably in a legitimate vehicle that will have passed ANPR cameras, mobile phone records (on his mum's phone) etc. I would actually say he has not done anything to suggest he hasn't absconded. It doesn't require you to be Jason Bourne to know not to use your bank card..... he could well have been skint because he was stashing money with this person....

I am sure leaving the puppy was difficult, but he had only had it 5 months, knew it would be returned to his family (maybe that he would one day see her again).

The AWOL thing, there is a very valid reason for it, but not yet referenced by MSM so cannot discuss.

I simply can't give any credence to the theory that he's gone AWOL in order to be with a love interest. Had this been the case, I am totally convinced that he would have left some kind of 'footprint' somewhere since disappearing. Given the amount of surveillance we encounter in our daily lives, it would be difficult if not impossible to go unnoticed for a protracted period of time. The Police & Military have not posted him AWOL for good reason. I also cannot believe that he would have engineered his own disappearance & left his dog in his quarters without making provision for its care.
I do genuinely disagree, I think he had the apps because he enjoyed the attention without the commitment, just like the comments on his SM.
Not saying he is shy but also not convinced that he is a) a playboy b) that these apps are about sex (Grindr is entirely different, but lets not go there again!).
If the person he has left with was in a relationship then there is every reason for him to appear single.
Your final paragraph..... that sounds an awful lot like rationale for AWOL does it not?

Having all those dating apps makes him a player, all these single girls at the touch of a button? That's what those apps are for, it's not for shy boys who can't talk to women, 99% of the people use them for one thing and one thing only - no strings attached, easy accessible sex.
Judging by his pictures on his social media accounts he's not one bit shy, he even had a picture up of his bare arse lol.
I don't know Corrie at all, I can only judge his personality from what people have said and what I can see... but I honestly do not believe that he's a soft and gentle as you're leading yourself to believe - let's face it, if he got swept up in emotions he wouldn't keep his fb as single and STILL be using his hook up accounts for other women if he was soft and fragile, A thinks they were in a relationship, Corrie clearly had other ideas.
And anyway, she lives in Norfolk, he's in the raf and originally from Scotland, no reason why he couldn't deny all if he wanted too... I know of people who have done exactly that.

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I'm confused, Pilgrim...He is AWOL but there is a good reason why he isn't classed as AWOL?

Talk about a puzzler!
Going AWOL would result in a "root and branch" investigation, it is possible that there is a desire to avoid this because a) There might be some awkward truths b) They believe he will return.

I'm confused, Pilgrim...He is AWOL but there is a good reason why he isn't classed as AWOL?

Talk about a puzzler!
Going AWOL would result in a "root and branch" investigation, it is possible that there is a desire to avoid this because a) There might be some awkward truths b) They believe he will return.

As far as I was aware absconding didn't result in 'root and branch' searches. Merely the forces passing the information onto the civilian police who issue a warrant for arrest. The occasional check on his known addresses by the Military Police but that's about it

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Although in saying that, I can't quite get my head around how someone who appears to be dependant on adoration, social media and constant human contact can seemingly NOT be evident in it now, from the day of his disappearance? Unless, he suddenly came to the conclusion that night, that his perceived narcissistic tendencies were causing rifts between himself and his mates/closer mates?
That night might have been the 'realisation clincher' for him?

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I am not easily unnerved. I misread your post first time around. the word "he" was substitued for "they" and i thought this was possibly very close to the truth. then i read it again and read properly. try it using "he" ....... to ............"they"
I'm not sure that going out & getting drunk, being asked to leave a nightclub by security, parking your car in town, falling asleep in a doorway etc. etc. is the way you would choose to start a new life 'on the run'.

There are so many facets to living a life (especially a secret one) than just using a bankcard. If I am reading you correctly I think you may be suggesting that by only having had the puppy for 5 months, he may not have forged that close a bond with the dog? While I respect your opinion, there's just too much there that doesn't make sense.
Going AWOL would result in a "root and branch" investigation, it is possible that there is a desire to avoid this because a) There might be some awkward truths b) They believe he will return.

So they are just treating him with kid gloves? This all just sounds to me that it has been known for awhile what has happened to him and the Police and RAF are just tip toeing around?

I hope this isn't going where I'm thinking.
I simply can't give any credence to the theory that he's gone AWOL in order to be with a love interest. Had this been the case, I am totally convinced that he would have left some kind of 'footprint' somewhere since disappearing. Given the amount of surveillance we encounter in our daily lives, it would be difficult if not impossible to go unnoticed for a protracted period of time. The Police & Military have not posted him AWOL for good reason. I also cannot believe that he would have engineered his own disappearance & left his dog in his quarters without making provision for its care.
See what you are saying but surveillance hasn't managed to work out how Corrie got put of the horseshoe area or where he went from there. A bit worrying in this day and age when we think that all of our movements are watched. So much for Big Brother!

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In reply to him refusing a DNA test. If for example someone refused to acknowledge a baby as theirs (and it wasn't theirs) the mother could go through Maintence to force a DNA test and extract maintenance payments.
Getting plastered would probably be top of my list if I was going to attempt said act!

Also with the puppy it is more to do with the reasons why he had it that I am comfortable in suggesting he would be ok in leaving her.

I'm not sure that going out & getting drunk, being asked to leave a nightclub by security, parking your car in town, falling asleep in a doorway etc. etc. is the way you would choose to start a new life 'on the run'.

There are so many facets to living a life (especially a secret one) than just using a bankcard. If I am reading you correctly I think you may be suggesting that by only having had the puppy for 5 months, he may not have forged that close a bond with the dog? While I respect your opinion, there's just too much there that doesn't make sense.
Going AWOL would result in a "root and branch" investigation, it is possible that there is a desire to avoid this because a) There might be some awkward truths b) They believe he will return.
It would appear the RAF are dealt with differently to the other armed forces
  1. Royal Air Force
    Notification to Police
    Generally, absentees will be dealt with internally by Royal Air Force staff. Should anynotification be received, every assistance should be given to assist in tracing the absentee.

    Stolen from the derbyshire police guidance document on AWOL procedures

Back to yesterdays bbc news video showing Corrie and the girl at the start, we clearly have a left hand drive car, any one know if the car in the picture is a BMW Z4. Being on msm i hope that we are OK to talk about this
It would appear the RAF are dealt with differently to the other armed forces
  1. Royal Air Force
    Notification to Police
    Generally, absentees will be dealt with internally by Royal Air Force staff. Should anynotification be received, every assistance should be given to assist in tracing the absentee.

    Stolen from the derbyshire police guidance document on AWOL procedures
source added
Back to yesterdays bbc news video showing Corrie and the girl at the start, we clearly have a left hand drive car, any one know if the car in the picture is a BMW Z4. Being on msm i hope that we are OK to talk about this
It's a photo on a phone, it's mirrored, it's right hand drive
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