UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #15

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Fears growing for missing RAF serviceman who vanished after night out

28 September 2016

Concerns were growing today for the safety of a young military [service]man who vanished after a night out and may have tried to walk eight miles back to his base.


Camera operators saw him getting up and walking off - but he failed to return to Honington, the headquarters of the RAF Force Protection who guard UK military installations around the world.

Despite an appeal to motorists, villagers along the serviceman’s route and a search by the Suffolk police helicopter there has been no trace of him.

Corrie is described as white, 5ft 10ins tall, medium build, with short light brown hair. He was wearing a light-pink polo shirt and white jeans when last seen.

Corrie’s uncle says family’s experts will help police not replace them

09 January 2017

Missing airman Corrie McKeague’s uncle has explained how the family bringing in private experts is to help the police investigation, not start their own.

Speaking on a Facebook Live session on Saturday evening, Tony [W]ringe explained how Suffolk Police had finite resources and other cases, including murders, to investigate so they faced constraints.


A Just Giving appeal raised more than £52,000 and the family last week announced it had brought in McKenzie Intelligence Services (MIS) who have expertise in data collection, collation and analysis; imagery intelligence; human intelligence; signals intelligence; technical/communications intelligence and surveillance.

Mr Wringe said MIS would be able to bring together the massive amount of data available, ranging from Facebook messages, through CCTV to Suffolk Lowland Search and Rescue’s search mapping.

Missing airman Corrie McKeague to become a father, girlfriend reveals

09 January 2017

RAF serviceman Corrie Mckeague - who has been missing for more than three months - is due to become a father, his girlfriend has said.

Speaking to BBC Look East today (January 9), personal trainer April Oliver, 21, from West Norfolk, told how she had become pregnant after a relationship with the 23-year-old, who is from Fife, in Scotland, and stationed with the RAF regiment at RAF Honington in Suffolk

In an interview with BBC Look East, Miss Oliver said she discovered she was pregnant in October - just weeks after Mr Mckeague’s disappearance after a night out in Bury St Edmunds.


She is expecting their baby to be born in late spring/early summer.

The pair had been together for about five months after meeting on a dating site. Miss Oliver had met his family.

Mr Mckeague did not know about the pregnancy.

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Page 14 of the Daily Record newspaper Wednesday 11th January 2016 States the mobile phone part found has no link to the inquiry into Corrie's disappearance. I've just had the paper delivered to my iPad.
From thread 14: Quote Originally Posted by Shiressleuth View Post
I'm still to be convinced they haven't already recovered the phone.and just haven't confirmed it. It would also explain why no further searches were made for the phone.
The express posted a tag line in October saying there was no blood on the recovered phone. I checked and it's still there so I've emailed the journalist to ask whether it should be there

Were there any further developments on this? Could Corrie have had two phones?
From thread 14: Quote Originally Posted by Shiressleuth View Post
I'm still to be convinced they haven't already recovered the phone.and just haven't confirmed it. It would also explain why no further searches were made for the phone.
The express posted a tag line in October saying there was no blood on the recovered phone. I checked and it's still there so I've emailed the journalist to ask whether it should be there

Were there any further developments on this? Could Corrie have had two phones?

Are you able to post a link for this?
Just reading back on the previous thread and see someone mentioned that the family are getting some stick off members of the public because they are mad...not sure as all I've seen is support for the family apart from when this latest news dropped (about the girlfriend and baby), I wouldn't say that the things I've seen are people mad, more frustrated that this information was kept quiet almost it seems to make Corrie look less like someone who might go AWOL.

What we are told: Young lad, RAF, no real worries, no girlfriend, likes a night out, likes to flirt ect.

What the truth is: Young lad, who likes to spend money, has a secure home on base, likes a night out, bit of a flirt....who's got a girlfriend of a short period, potentially pregnant (lets say he didn't know 100% but that they'd discussed it when she was late or they were at least aware of that fact they'd had unprotected sex).

The truth is that a young lad who likes his independence, likes to spend money on himself (nice clothes, car ect), likes to flirt a bit is suddenly facing the possibility of having to settle down, get married, have to raise a child, find somewhere for him, his dog, his girlfriend and baby to live....

I also feel people are frustrated because a lot of time and thought has gone into different scenarios of him meeting a girl/guy for sex, pulling, it goes wrong, jealous boyfriend ect yet all of these are now seeming to be pointless wastes of time that wouldn't have been looked into if the family had been honest from the start.

I can't imagine the stress of dealing with the media is worse than looking at the future of you and your babies life without the love of your life. So protecting her from stress to me isn't really a good reason to keep it from anyone (even if they didn't announce she was pregnant straight away, they could have at least said he had a girlfriend but left her name out of it).
Hi, I'm a long time lurker and finally joined up as very intrigued by this case.

I am wondering if 'the wait' was to do with the time difference between UK and America and perhaps he was using free wifi waiting for/to make a call to AO? It is just a theory, I've had to make calls to the US during their evening and it has always meant me calling from here around 3 or 4am. Maybe it was better for him to be sure of a signal in town than on a walk home or travelling in a taxi? Random thought, MOO. Apologies if I'm not allowed to post that. It is all very curious.
I still think this is completely innocent.

Went for a toilet, needed a No.2. Went to go around near bins in HS, put phone on bin lid, got disturbed, quickly went off round to the other loading bay area leaving phone behind accidentally, went to find somewhere in and around the other area that was private and away from view, came to harm by way of accident. Possibly completely knocked out. Phone then ended up in the bin lorry when the waste was being decanted into the lorry.

The searches of the other area this week will discount my theory if his not found.

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I think it's safe to say that if we're of the opinion that Corrie stepped a few yards over the 'Horseshoe' CCTV blind spot he'd have access to quite a few parking spaces where a car could be waiting for him.....and all discretely out of view and sight of the Cornwalk Loading Bay camera.


....and on a different day...

Vehicles parked have no connection but for illustration purposes only.

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Are you able to post a link for this?

If it's the Express article you're looking for, it's here. The bit about there being no blood on the recovered phone is a caption on the big photo of Corrie near the end of the article. It's sitting within a quote from Corrie's dad about forensics having been done 'here' to check for blood (he's referring to the horseshoe area and/or the bin, I think) and wondering what could have happened to his phone, so I think it's just been a brain fart by the journalist or photo caption writer. The article itself doesn't say anything about the phone having been found.
From thread 14: Quote Originally Posted by Shiressleuth View Post
I'm still to be convinced they haven't already recovered the phone.and just haven't confirmed it. It would also explain why no further searches were made for the phone.
The express posted a tag line in October saying there was no blood on the recovered phone. I checked and it's still there so I've emailed the journalist to ask whether it should be there

Were there any further developments on this? Could Corrie have had two phones?

I also emailed the journalist 🙈
Sadly the Press are dreadful at their jobs these days especially on websites (attention to detail etc.). I agree re journalist brain fart.
JMO but I don't think the phone was ever in the bin lorry and think it is just coincidence of timing with it. If it was in the hands of a criminal 3rd party, surely they would have turned it off to avoid detection, not leave it on until 8am. I also think that he didn't stay in the horseshoe bit for very long.
Just reading back on the previous thread and see someone mentioned that the family are getting some stick off members of the public because they are mad...not sure as all I've seen is support for the family apart from when this latest news dropped (about the girlfriend and baby), I wouldn't say that the things I've seen are people mad, more frustrated that this information was kept quiet almost it seems to make Corrie look less like someone who might go AWOL.

What we are told: Young lad, RAF, no real worries, no girlfriend, likes a night out, likes to flirt ect.

What the truth is: Young lad, who likes to spend money, has a secure home on base, likes a night out, bit of a flirt....who's got a girlfriend of a short period, potentially pregnant (lets say he didn't know 100% but that they'd discussed it when she was late or they were at least aware of that fact they'd had unprotected sex).

The truth is that a young lad who likes his independence, likes to spend money on himself (nice clothes, car ect), likes to flirt a bit is suddenly facing the possibility of having to settle down, get married, have to raise a child, find somewhere for him, his dog, his girlfriend and baby to live....

I also feel people are frustrated because a lot of time and thought has gone into different scenarios of him meeting a girl/guy for sex, pulling, it goes wrong, jealous boyfriend ect yet all of these are now seeming to be pointless wastes of time that wouldn't have been looked into if the family had been honest from the start.

I can't imagine the stress of dealing with the media is worse than looking at the future of you and your babies life without the love of your life. So protecting her from stress to me isn't really a good reason to keep it from anyone (even if they didn't announce she was pregnant straight away, they could have at least said he had a girlfriend but left her name out of it).

Oh it's there if you look, it's terrible too, yes people are frustrated but the fella is still missing - the internet makes it too easy for people to voice unwanted opinions.

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Hi, I'm a long time lurker and finally joined up as very intrigued by this case.

I am wondering if 'the wait' was to do with the time difference between UK and America and perhaps he was using free wifi waiting for/to make a call to AO? It is just a theory, I've had to make calls to the US during their evening and it has always meant me calling from here around 3 or 4am. Maybe it was better for him to be sure of a signal in town than on a walk home or travelling in a taxi? Random thought, MOO. Apologies if I'm not allowed to post that. It is all very curious.

That's a really interesting thought. Although AO said in her tv interviews that she hadn't seen Corrie for a few days before his disappearance,I don't think she mentioned whether she had been in contact with him by phone or socia media.One would have thought they would have been messaging each other if they were really an item,
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I can imagine they've got the phone and are saying they've only found the back of one similar to try and make the perpetrator/s go back to the location and make a mistake...

Or they haven't got the phone at all and are trying to lure the perpetrator/s to the location in order to find the rest of the components.

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Excuse me for not reading all 15 threads, maybe this has been mentioned before ....:blushing:

Corrie bought food and is seen with that food on CCTV. I was wondering if that food or the packaging has ever been recovered?
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