UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #15

DNA Solves
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Judging by grill in central gutter in paving, bike stands etc, the figure is initially (when out of sight) outside Celebrities Nails, 6 Brentgovel Street. Possibly about parallel with the recessed doorway to the right in pic.


Then when continuing walking, while turning to look behind at the running man, is now just about outside Boot Opticians, 5 Brentgovel Street.


There’s the possibility he may have hung around in Boots Opticians doorway.

With recessed frontage, and large doorway, opportunity for him to disappear from sight.

Or if he continued to walk out of the walkway while the CCTV was zoomed in on running man, obviously this wouldn’t be captured.

If the camera turned back in the opposite direction towards Hughes Electrical (same as the angle showing the three people pictured) as he took a right, he wouldn’t be seen, or for that matter if he took a left.


Though after this, where he would have been expected to be captured on CCTV no idea, or whether this figure has been seen on subsequent CCTV and was clearly visible enough to be discounted.

I’m going on this clip being at 3:40am based on the timeline posted.

If accurate, that would suggest having had five minutes to do his business at the bins, (Number 1, 2 or otherwise) he’s retracing his steps.

If it is him, and it is at 3:40, then this would actually be his last appearance on CCTV, and he’s not heading away from the Horseshoe by the assumed route.

Welcome, brilliant first posts!
New theory emerging in my head about the latest thoughts...
The 'Horseshoe' is at the far end of this picture. Their are parking spaces for approximately four cars on the left...

What looks like another loading bay (private property?) is on the right with possible spaces for at least half a dozen cars...

We haven't confirmed but it is suggested, that the three cars in question all arrived AFTER the bin lorry at 0420. The bin lorry has to pass the loading bay pictured in order to collect the single Greggs 1100ltr bin. If the perp's car was parked here, the passing bin lorry would have been noticed by said perp and Corrie as it's quite a large vehicle. Could Corrie and the perp have been out of the vehicle at the time of passing? (Insert incident) Corrie's phone then gets flung into the bin lorry as it exits the 'Horseshoe' back up Shortbrackland?
Corrie and the perp's time is then their own and totally separate from the phone or bin lorry's movements. Corrie would have needed to have been under shelter, inside a building or in a car from before sun up at around 0530. Meaning we have possibly created a window of opportunity for possible egress by both individuals.
Newbies might want to refer to previous posts for references? :)

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A comment on this only. Is it really possible that if one found 'the back of a phone' they would report it?

I'm not sure I would even know what 'the back of a phone' looked like - or pick it up !

Just my own doubts on what is reported in MSM .
Yes, I think so, because of the coverage of this case. Otherwise, no!


Judging by grill in central gutter in paving, bike stands etc, the figure is initially (when out of sight) outside Celebrities Nails, 6 Brentgovel Street. Possibly about parallel with the recessed doorway to the right in pic.


Then when continuing walking, while turning to look behind at the running man, is now just about outside Boot Opticians, 5 Brentgovel Street.


There’s the possibility he may have hung around in Boots Opticians doorway.

With recessed frontage, and large doorway, opportunity for him to disappear from sight.

Or if he continued to walk out of the walkway while the CCTV was zoomed in on running man, obviously this wouldn’t be captured.

If the camera turned back in the opposite direction towards Hughes Electrical (same as the angle showing the three people pictured) as he took a right, he wouldn’t be seen, or for that matter if he took a left.


Though after this, where he would have been expected to be captured on CCTV no idea, or whether this figure has been seen on subsequent CCTV and was clearly visible enough to be discounted.

I’m going on this clip being at 3:40am based on the timeline posted.

If accurate, that would suggest having had five minutes to do his business at the bins, (Number 1, 2 or otherwise) he’s retracing his steps.

If it is him, and it is at 3:40, then this would actually be his last appearance on CCTV, and he’s not heading away from the Horseshoe by the assumed route.

What a well-written, we'll thought-through post. Have you made this suggestion to the police? I'm sure they'll have thought of it, mind you.
Just reading back on the previous thread and see someone mentioned that the family are getting some stick off members of the public because they are mad...not sure as all I've seen is support for the family apart from when this latest news dropped (about the girlfriend and baby), I wouldn't say that the things I've seen are people mad, more frustrated that this information was kept quiet almost it seems to make Corrie look less like someone who might go AWOL.

What we are told: Young lad, RAF, no real worries, no girlfriend, likes a night out, likes to flirt ect.

What the truth is: Young lad, who likes to spend money, has a secure home on base, likes a night out, bit of a flirt....who's got a girlfriend of a short period, potentially pregnant (lets say he didn't know 100% but that they'd discussed it when she was late or they were at least aware of that fact they'd had unprotected sex).

The truth is that a young lad who likes his independence, likes to spend money on himself (nice clothes, car ect), likes to flirt a bit is suddenly facing the possibility of having to settle down, get married, have to raise a child, find somewhere for him, his dog, his girlfriend and baby to live....

I also feel people are frustrated because a lot of time and thought has gone into different scenarios of him meeting a girl/guy for sex, pulling, it goes wrong, jealous boyfriend ect yet all of these are now seeming to be pointless wastes of time that wouldn't have been looked into if the family had been honest from the start.

I can't imagine the stress of dealing with the media is worse than looking at the future of you and your babies life without the love of your life. So protecting her from stress to me isn't really a good reason to keep it from anyone (even if they didn't announce she was pregnant straight away, they could have at least said he had a girlfriend but left her name out of it).

but didnt he have a girlfriendup in scotland? im sure on the website at some time there was a slim girl in a photo with him his bro and his gf
I've only recently come to this after only being vaguely aware of things, this only occurred to me last night and only just cobbled it all together. Genuinely thought someone on here would have thought of it already, and that it must have been discounted. I'm pretty much sold on the person's boots, posture, body language (can almost hear him shouting "Hey buddy, Rock, Paper, Scissors?" after the guy). No expert on lighting effects, but think the clothing colour could be right. Best to try it here first, let's see how it goes!
I've only recently come to this after only being vaguely aware of things, this only occurred to me last night and only just cobbled it all together. Genuinely thought someone on here would have thought of it already, and that it must have been discounted. I'm pretty much sold on the person's boots, posture, body language (can almost hear him shouting "Hey buddy, Rock, Paper, Scissors?" after the guy). No expert on lighting effects, but think the clothing colour could be right. Best to try it here first, let's see how it goes!

rock paper scissors ? thanks for bringing that part up again - i had a chat with somoene about a similar game called rock paper scissors lollipop and someting else. it is a variation of the game and the penalties can be sexual or the loser buys drinks food etc - wondering if this is what corrie was playing in the pizza place and how he ended up with so much food when he was skint. OR that losing the game could have been what took him to the horseshoe area to meet with someone to be paid or get paid for losing.
I've only recently come to this after only being vaguely aware of things, this only occurred to me last night and only just cobbled it all together. Genuinely thought someone on here would have thought of it already, and that it must have been discounted. I'm pretty much sold on the person's boots, posture, body language (can almost hear him shouting "Hey buddy, Rock, Paper, Scissors?" after the guy). No expert on lighting effects, but think the clothing colour could be right. Best to try it here first, let's see how it goes!

You make some good points but AFAIK the witness in those pics have all said they didn't see Corrie and at least running man would have certainly seen him.

I think the problem with this case now is nothing is actually fact and so we are guessing based on ever changing info and/or untrue beliefs. Unless and until the Police put out a new PR then I'm just sitting back for now....

I have a feeling this case will stretch to at least March and then it will be the first featured case on Crimewatch. That will be interesting to see.


Judging by grill in central gutter in paving, bike stands etc, the figure is initially (when out of sight) outside Celebrities Nails, 6 Brentgovel Street. Possibly about parallel with the recessed doorway to the right in pic.


Then when continuing walking, while turning to look behind at the running man, is now just about outside Boot Opticians, 5 Brentgovel Street.


There’s the possibility he may have hung around in Boots Opticians doorway.

With recessed frontage, and large doorway, opportunity for him to disappear from sight.

Or if he continued to walk out of the walkway while the CCTV was zoomed in on running man, obviously this wouldn’t be captured.

If the camera turned back in the opposite direction towards Hughes Electrical (same as the angle showing the three people pictured) as he took a right, he wouldn’t be seen, or for that matter if he took a left.


Though after this, where he would have been expected to be captured on CCTV no idea, or whether this figure has been seen on subsequent CCTV and was clearly visible enough to be discounted.

I’m going on this clip being at 3:40am based on the timeline posted.

If accurate, that would suggest having had five minutes to do his business at the bins, (Number 1, 2 or otherwise) he’s retracing his steps.

If it is him, and it is at 3:40, then this would actually be his last appearance on CCTV, and he’s not heading away from the Horseshoe by the assumed route.

Great info. Would you happen to be with MIS by any chance ? :wink:

Here's a link to the Cromar search - the cached version which I had originally has expired, but this one is still live.

For information: Military next of kin, can be anyone a Serviceman or servicewoman choose, it's not necessary their parent if Single.

I can't remember who posted previously, but it was during a discussion about the 'who were informed first about CM being missing and why'

Personally, I see nothing untoward in the lads (or lasses) he worked with, ringing round CM known acquaintances or messaging them on SM to ask if they knew where he was. Much better IMO than worrying his family in Scotland, if he had just been absent after a heavy weekend socialising. I doubt very much, that any of his Opo's would foresee him still being missing now? JMOO
I have recently joined and been following the threads. <modsnip> Keep up the good work. I have got my own ideas what might have happened but nothing to back it up &#55357;&#56842;

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To be fair I think Running Man has his mind on other matters.

But if he remembered the guy and saw and remembered him well enough to discount Corrie, perhaps so.

But I'm not convinced how reliable witnesses are at 3 in the morning when they're bladdered, even when they're not sprinting past.

For me it would fall down if there's no way out of that alley without him having been picked up on CCTV that has been viewed.
This is my first post and I'm a bit confused (already). Am I allowed to share my musings, as long as they're mine and not taken from facebook or similar? Apologies for being so dense.
Here's a link to the Cromar search - the cached version which I had originally has expired, but this one is still live. _4822385


found a few others, all fed by same local newspaper editor.
"huge presence"...."mystery surrounds" and in official statements given to him, mismatches between gender, time of search and anomaly of no record of NPAS use for this purpose.
This is my first post and I'm a bit confused (already). Am I allowed to share my musings, as long as they're mine and not taken from facebook or similar? Apologies for being so dense.

Frankly, I'd say go ahead. It would help if there were some fact to back up your ideas but who knows? Few facts available in this case.
Prepare to be interrogated about your opinions though - and :welcome4:
This is my first post and I'm a bit confused (already). Am I allowed to share my musings, as long as they're mine and not taken from facebook or similar? Apologies for being so dense.

Welcome and yes you can although it may be worth reading the rules on page 1 of this thread! You'll soon get the hang of things! :)

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if a missing person does not want to be found - someone asked this on a previous thread but couldn't see an answer

Missing person cases should not be closed without the person FIRST being seen by a police officer. The officer will check on the health and welfare of the person and give them the opportunity to disclose any offending behaviour by or against them while, or as a cause of, being missing, see also Section 3.20 Interviewing on Return From Missing

In circumstances where the missing person has been located but it is impractical to see them due to their present circumstances, eg, gone abroad or deliberately making themselves unavailable to the police, the case can be closed provided that the authority of a superintendent is given.

pg 50 of Police guidance document

we also know Corrie is not on the register
we know he has not been classified formally as AWOL
if a missing person does not want to be found - someone asked this on a previous thread but couldn't see an answer

pg 50 of Police guidance document

we also know Corrie is not on the register
we know he has not been classified formally as AWOL

Am I being daft here? Not classed as a missing person with the police but classed as missing from the RAF but not AWOL? So what does that mean? Is anyone officially looking for him?!

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I think the reason his friends at the base contacted his brother and AO that first weekend is because they thought he'd gone AWOL. AO even flew home quickly. I don't think he's gone AWOL but why did they? He apparently used to disappear all the time, sometimes for a day or so according to various press reports. Why the apparent panic? I'm not convinced he's waiting for anyone specific in BSE. He's wandering. I don't think he wanted to go home. He was looking for an opportunity to have a bit of fun, a bit of company, a laugh. Was he really struggling at the base? Apologies if this is rubbish.
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