UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #15

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If you believe the family, then the Police and MIS have physically tested that.

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Not sure they're saying MIS have tested it. The family have been saying this for months about the CCTV, from way before MIS were engaged to assist with the investigation.
Or at least, from way before it was announced that MIS were involved.

I've posted several times expressing doubts about the cctv being infallible, but that's MOO and the family say it has been tested and is infallible. Although the goalposts have moved just a teeny bit this past few days.

Not sure they're saying MIS have tested it. The family have been saying this for months about the CCTV, from way before MIS were engaged to assist with the investigation.
Or at least, from way before it was announced that MIS were involved.

I've posted several times expressing doubts about the cctv being infallible, but that's MOO and the family say it has been tested and is infallible. Although the goalposts have moved just a teeny bit this past few days.


I thought the introduction of 'theoretically by the military' which is new, was probably MIS as they are all ex-military.

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I've only recently come to this after only being vaguely aware of things, this only occurred to me last night and only just cobbled it all together. Genuinely thought someone on here would have thought of it already, and that it must have been discounted. I'm pretty much sold on the person's boots, posture, body language (can almost hear him shouting "Hey buddy, Rock, Paper, Scissors?" after the guy). No expert on lighting effects, but think the clothing colour could be right. Best to try it here first, let's see how it goes!

Excellent posts those. Probably the best I've read and very concise and clear.

I'd really be inclined to send Nicola and Tony that composition in an email because it does come across convincing and I'd personally be very inclined to agree fully with you.

If he turned right past Hughes then he's away and gone.

Left he would be caught on camera within minutes.
I know it’s the ideal to go through all previous posts, and I’ve read a lot, but it’s pretty much impossible to read all, and haven’t managed to track down analysis of Running Man footage.

So, apologies if this has been put forward before. I assume it may well have, though if it has, it has presumably been discounted.

I think there’s a strong possibility that the person in the shadows to the left in the Running Man CCTV clip, walking away from the Horseshoe is Corrie.


Though I understand how the apparent tone of the clothing would initially make this seem unlikely.

(I’m assuming this footage is second generation and was shot off the screen at the pod, seems darker and has a blue hue compared to the 3:25 CCTV footage of same area.)

Where that figure is standing, the stronger light source is not the lamp in shot in the foreground, but the streetlamp that out of frame at the other end of the lane at the edge of the Horseshoe.

The figure is casting a slight shadow back towards the camera, as can also been seen with running man when he is roughly parallel with that position.

Lighting is odd here, between the two light sources, with a balance between foreground and background lighting.

Especially when running man, initially his back brightly lit by foreground lamp passes into the area where his back is in shadow. At this point in film (middle pic) he seems to disappear, grey merging into surroundings.




The figure to the left does appear to be wearing boots.


The figure is not wearing dark trousers, they are considerably lighter in hue than the boots.

The upper body seems to wearing a similarly light tone, though this tricky as viewed through lamp glare.

The paving is relatively light in tone, and though his clothing would be lighter, the paving is not in shadow, the figure is.

I know there is little to go on here, maybe wilful thinking but what is there seems to match with the ambling, loitering, hands in pockets, body language.

Great post and I hate to knock anything but the only figures still to be identified on cctv are here:
Yep, my only query would be how much CCTV they have watched (since it has been said the police don't have the resources to have done all needed), what areas they have concentrated on, and at what times.
And whether it being him had been immediately discounted out of hand.
If it is impossible for him to have walked out, and if that figure isn't him, then I guess they'll have that figure recorded elsewhere, and could have discounted.
Even if it is him, it may mean little as he could have just gone back to horseshoe.
Though on the other hand, for instance, he could have slept in Boots doorway until 7:00, and it being an area they have discounted on not prioritised it may have been missed.
Difficult to know for sure with anything really, given limited info.
I do though believe it is possible to get to the end of that lane undetected, it's what's after that.
I'm not sure I'm convinced about her absolutes, when what that leaves seems near impossible.
I understand that it is believed that Corrie could not have left the horseshoe area on foot unless it was after 4.00 am, is it 4.00 pm? as there is no video footage after this time. I can't find out why this is and whether that could have been predicted?
Need to say, with the humour and the great newbies, we might just get to the end of this mystery.
I'm not clear on what's already been covered with that bit of CCTV.

I saw it, noticed nothing, but only seeing mention of "legs man" on here did I go back to watch again.

Obviously they used it to find running man, but did they use it in the context of asking about the guy to the left?

Ha, ha, I know I'm being defensive.

Do you know if they also identified what they presumably thought was a guy lurking in a doorway in the final segment of pod film?
I'm not clear on what's already been covered with that bit of CCTV.

I saw it, noticed nothing, but only seeing mention of "legs man" on here did I go back to watch again.

Obviously they used it to find running man, but did they use it in the context of asking about the guy to the left?

Ha, ha, I know I'm being defensive.

Do you know if they also identified what they presumably thought was a guy lurking in a doorway in the final segment of pod film?

Honestly? I've no idea. Legs man seemed entirely dismissed from my recollection
as far as I am aware, there is no evidence that Corrie was separated from his phone, the ping could have meant Corrie was somehow near the mast? Phone battery died. If he had been sending pics, talking to his brother etc, smartphone batteries die quickly. I do believe he did leave the horseshoe area, no other theories to share.. I am a newbie but have followed this story closely.
I don't buy Corrie being able to evade all that CCTV on purpose or accidently or the many people who appear to be wandering about . Plus a lot of those shops would have cctv its just that not all of it has been released to the public. Hughes for instance must have CCTV? Maybe a local could wander down the street and have a look in some of these shops.
PS: And if they were seeking to identify that figure, and if it is impossible not to leave that area without being seen on other CCTV, surely they would have had something else of him to show? Presumably better, can't get much worse than that.
I understand that it is believed that Corrie could not have left the horseshoe area on foot unless it was after 4.00 am, is it 4.00 pm? as there is no video footage after this time. I can't find out why this is and whether that could have been predicted?

Police have view up until 4pm. I believe they didn't request CCTV after that, it has then subsequently been overwritten.

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Police have view up until 4pm. I believe they didn't request CCTV after that, it has then subsequently been overwritten.

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The update I last seen said they had watched it up until 8am and could categorically say up until that point he had not left the HS area.

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sorry, to clarify, I mean he left the horseshoe area on foot, missed the camera.
Police have view up until 4pm. I believe they didn't request CCTV after that, it has then subsequently been overwritten.

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They seized 1100 hours weeks ago. Whatever they got from each camera they have had for a long time now. We don't know how many hours from each camera they got but Tony does state there is none after 16:00. I will assume they got 24 hours from each (16:00 23rd to 16:00 24th) This would give a minimum of 45 cameras and we have seen ~60 seconds of moving footage a few stills from 4.
Honestly? I've no idea. Legs man seemed entirely dismissed from my recollection

That's right he was but as we can't rely on anything much any more it's good to see the images back up.
Thanks guruagain.
Even before I looked into that figure, it seemed to me the rotation of the camera meant (if it was equally divided) that there was about a 50/50 random chance of getting down that lane. As far as that camera goes.
For instance, camera pointing towards Hughes as he walks down the alley, (3 minutes rotation I believe) as he reaches the end, it swings around. And if tight to the wall difficult anyway.
Though in that particular clip, it's pointing the right way but any more of that guy is missed because the CCTV zooms to follow running man. But without that it may have been tricky with him being close to wall Boots recess and then being directly below.
It may be extremely unlikely, I just don't think it's impossible. But then what is being presented as all that is possible does seem in itself near impossible, and isn't getting anywhere fast.

Here's a link to the Cromar search - the cached version which I had originally has expired, but this one is still live.

For information: Military next of kin, can be anyone a Serviceman or servicewoman choose, it's not necessary their parent if Single.

I can't remember who posted previously, but it was during a discussion about the 'who were informed first about CM being missing and why'

Personally, I see nothing untoward in the lads (or lasses) he worked with, ringing round CM known acquaintances or messaging them on SM to ask if they knew where he was. Much better IMO than worrying his family in Scotland, if he had just been absent after a heavy weekend socialising. I doubt very much, that any of his Opo's would foresee him still being missing now? JMOO

ive just tried to look in the corrie website but it is not loading currently??/ anyhow i believe that the friends at work also contacted corries mum over the weekend? prior to them reporting it to their commanding officer who informed the police? did i get that right? i am concerned that there was so much concern considering his friends ( according to the commanders statement also on corrie site) that they were used to corrie going off doing his own thing. why the great concern that weekend? brother the pregnant girl then his mother then camp boss then immediately police. why was there so much fuss over him going missing this weekend and not on other weekends? i do not think this has been answered by msm or the corrie website ( which as stated i cant access)
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