UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #19

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Fears growing for missing RAF serviceman who vanished after night out

28 September 2016

Concerns were growing today for the safety of a young military [service]man who vanished after a night out and may have tried to walk eight miles back to his base.


Camera operators saw him getting up and walking off - but he failed to return to Honington, the headquarters of the RAF Force Protection who guard UK military installations around the world.

Despite an appeal to motorists, villagers along the serviceman’s route and a search by the Suffolk police helicopter there has been no trace of him.

Corrie is described as white, 5ft 10ins tall, medium build, with short light brown hair. He was wearing a light-pink polo shirt and white jeans when last seen.

Corrie McKeague hunt: Man arrested 'a special constable who works for bin firm at centre of inquiry'

3 March 2017

A man arrested by detectives searching for missing airman Corrie McKeague is a waste disposal worker who also volunteers as a part-time Pc, it emerged on Friday.

Special constable [HS], 26, was held on suspicion of perverting the course of justice earlier this week, five months after the RAF gunner was last seen.

He works as a traffic dispatcher for the waste management firm Biffa and helps assign drivers to vehicles and collection routes.


[HS], of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, also works part-time as a Special Constable for Suffolk Police.


[HS] has been released on bail as police continue to probe his involvement in the huge missing persons inquiry.

Police looking for Corrie McKeague will start searching landfill site this week for missing airman

6 March 2017

A search of a landfill site in Cambridgeshire will start this week as police look for RAF Honington’s Corrie McKeague, following a two-week delay.


Since a signal from Corrie’s mobile phone was detecting travelling along the same route as a bin lorry shortly after he was last seen at 3.24am, police have been aware of the possibility Corrie could be at the landfill site.

“The search is likely to take six to 10 weeks to complete, although this will obviously depend on daily progress on the site,” said detective superintendent Katie Elliott.

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I think Lil is making the point that the Monday rubbish should also be there too as SP didn't put it on hold for some weeks after. In fact all BSE rubbish will have ended up there so they are throwing the net wide, so to speak, and not just looking for the contents of that one bin IMO.

Ok, that's possible but I wonder why the police aren't saying that. Maybe I'm taking it too literally, I'd expect they might say wtef "contents of all bins collected from the area in the days following C's disappearence".

I can't think of a reason that they would want to deliberately mislead the public about which bin they think C might have been in, we're well past the point of trying to give any perps a false sense of security IMO

Also, are we now 100% sure that Biffa recyclables and council collected waste all ends up at the Cambs landfil? (Basic question I know but I'm just not clear)

Time for another Quick Poll as the landfill search begins. I think I've asked this one before, a while ago, will see if I can find it to compare results (if anyone can recall when it was, much appreciated!)

So, usual "thank this post if you believe"...

Corrie's body / remains will be found in the landfill

Corrie's phone and/or other possessions will be found in the landfill

No trace of Corrie or his things will be found in the landfill
Police will begin a full-scale search of part of a landfill site at Milton in Cambridgeshire this week as part of the continuing investigation to find Corrie McKeague.

Following preparatory work including building access routes to the area of the site that needs to be searched, moving 8,000 tonnes of bulk material and placing facilities at the location, the full scale search will now begin.
When accidents have happened and people have been crushed by bin lorries in the past e.g Garrett Elsey, Scott Williams, their remains have been found within days.
I'm of the belief that this was an intentional cover up..
Did I read somewhere that Corrie was offered a lift home (possibly at the takeaway), but declined?
Did I read somewhere that Corrie was offered a lift home (possibly at the takeaway), but declined?

This was put foward as a possibility right at the start but I'm not sure that there's ever been any reliable confirmation.
Ok, that's possible but I wonder why the police aren't saying that. Maybe I'm taking it too literally, I'd expect they might say wtef "contents of all bins collected from the area in the days following C's disappearence".

I can't think of a reason that they would want to deliberately mislead the public about which bin they think C might have been in, we're well past the point of trying to give any perps a false sense of security IMO

Also, are we now 100% sure that Biffa recyclables and council collected waste all ends up at the Cambs landfil? (Basic question I know but I'm just not clear)

TBH I don't think SP know, unless they had positive or inconclusive forensic results from the Monday bins which we don't know about.

On the waste front, we cannot be 100% because we only know what the council and companies tell us. What they actually do is not known. I am guessing that is partly the reason for the search, in order that the police can be 100% sure.

It's eliminating the possibles isn't it?
This was put foward as a possibility right at the start but I'm not sure that there's ever been any reliable confirmation.

Thanks for pointing that out, I was under the impression that it had been confirmed, my mistake.
Thanks for pointing that out, I was under the impression that it had been confirmed, my mistake.

I'm not saying it hasn't, just that I don't remember a link for it, it would be really useful if someone could find one though
I'm not saying it hasn't, just that I don't remember a link for it, it would be really useful if someone could find one though

I've been and had a look back to the end of Feb, early March as I saw mention of it again just seems like days ago. Got to dash out but if I get back early enough I'll have another look.
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