UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #19

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So, it makes sense that as the waste collections are charged per pick up and not by weight the recording of the weight isn't the most important thing for each pick up so maybe we can allow that genuine mistakes can be made and not picked up by anyone as nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary.

I can go with that but I'm now wondering about the driver and the "paperwork" he was doing in the HS, is anyone else now leaning towards an accident and deliberate cover up in the HS? Is this why the identity of the driver has remained secret to date, that's an amazing feat itself nowadays so I'm thinking (and I'm going to try and write this as non judegmentally as possible) maybe he/she is from a non English speaking community who maybe don't engage with SM or mix outside that community so have managed to remain under the radar all this time

I think personal responsibility should be taken into account. If he willingly got into a bin it's not the fault of anyone else is it?

Dreadfully sad situation but perhaps this will serve as a warning to people.

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The landfill search came about because of the information about the bin weight being incorrect,

Are we sure about that, there's quite a time difference since they announced the search and reporting today that the weight was wrong

It was 10th Feb when police confirmed the landfill would be searched, the man was not arrested until 1st March.
So how exactly have SP "checked" this new weight of exactly 100kg? And if the customer only pays per collection not per kg why are they even weighed and recorded? Why did SP put the LF on hold? And when? And when did they find out about this new weight? I don't believe this new weight and I smell BS too. I suspect it is someone trying to claim the reward by faking the "new" record just in case C is in LF via other bins or other means. If he was in that bin why no positive traces? I would not trust anything from these people now.
There is no reward anymore.

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I think personal responsibility should be taken into account. If he willingly got into a bin it's not the fault of anyone else is it?

Dreadfully sad situation but perhaps this will serve as a warning to people.

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You are right in that IF he climbed in voluntarily nobody else can be directly blamed for his death. However.... should the binman have visually checked the bin contents? And did he ignore the weight or just guesstimate? Did he not realise the bin was harder to move than usual? All of those points could have saved Corrie's life.

As for what happened once the lorry drove off.... were procedures followed at depot/WTS? When, how and by whom was paperwork filed relating to the weight? Was this really properly calibrated and checked? These things wouldn't have helped Corrie, but his body might have been found immediately, and then we'd have a good idea of what happened, and his parents would have a more intact son to bury.
Bin lorries in my council are weighed going in and out again at a weigh station. The driver has no input. Same with the nearby private disposal companies: Biffa and William Tracey.

Even if the driver was logging weights it would still need to be double checked so that the lorry was not over weight etc.

Very weird.
Bin lorries in my council are weighed going in and out again at a weigh station. The driver has no input. Same with the nearby private disposal companies: Biffa and William Tracey.

Even if the driver was logging weights it would still need to be double checked so that the lorry was not over weight etc.

Very weird.
My dad used to be a bin man for the local council and the bin lorry got weighed at the dump on the way in and on the way back out again nothing to do with the driver this was in the days before recycling!!

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It beggars belief that something simple as recording the contents of a bin lorry can be mistaken & on such a big scale. As far as we're aware the bin lorry didn't have that many pick ups that morning.
I dearly hope that C wasn't in that bin, however with this new & major development it doesn't bode well.
Certainly heads should roll if it's proven someone cut corners. As others have said it's just unbelievable it's taken this long to discover an error such as this.

Biffa get paid on number of collections not the weight so why would they care about weighing the bins , no legal requirement only done if they charge by weight and it would seem that these bins were charged on number of collections ...
You are right in that IF he climbed in voluntarily nobody else can be directly blamed for his death. However.... should the binman have visually checked the bin contents? And did he ignore the weight or just guesstimate? Did he not realise the bin was harder to move than usual? All of those points could have saved Corrie's life.

As for what happened once the lorry drove off.... were procedures followed at depot/WTS? When, how and by whom was paperwork filed relating to the weight? Was this really properly calibrated and checked? These things wouldn't have helped Corrie, but his body might have been found immediately, and then we'd have a good idea of what happened, and his parents would have a more intact son to bury.
Binmen are meant to bang on the side. If someone is comatose hypothermic drunk they might not hear anything. He may have covered himself in cardboard etc. to warm up so was not visible.

Yes finding him sooner would have been better (we're assuming he will be found of course) but he'd still be dead anyway.

I've been hypothermic before and can understand how a bin could be very enticing. I think the lesson is to not get very drunk and fall asleep in the street.

What haunts me is the thought he was awake after being tipped in the lorry and was then crushed an hour or so later.

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Without getting too graphic, what would happen to a body in the back of a Biffa truck? I watched our domestic bin lorry yesterday and it was churning as it went, but does it just jumble everything round like a tumble drier, or are there blades / compressors inside that would kill someone?

I guess I'm asking what element of being in the back of a lorry would kill a person? I imagine there'd be an unmistakable amount of blood and tissue everywhere, but maybe he would die by blunt trauma?
I suppose it's quite possible that if C did climb into a bin he could have covered himself with cardboard & lay underneath it.
I still can't believe he would have done this, however my guess is as good as the next persons.
Hello long time sleuthers. I felt it was appropriate to come back here to say well done on all the collective hard work done on this case.

I really do feel that with lack of evidence of foul play in the hs area that he mostly was in the bin and it was a tragic accident, I can't believe it but I can't see any other way around it.

An absolutely gutted for his friends and family it has taken this long and I hope he is recovered soon so they can get some closure and that if negligence plays a part the right people are caught.
Right so recyclables with a body in go to the WTS for sorting and nobody (excuse unintentional pun) notices anything? What do the council, Biffa and SP say about that? Do we wait another 6 months for that answer?
Accident or on purpose ?

Temp bin lorry driver half asleep and rushing to complete his round must be a very worried person, or C sleeps in bins .... I think I would know if a mate of mine was likely to do this , my parents might not know but my mates would
I can only go on what I know about my waste centers and say a body would be noticed unless someone purposely didn't report it, but there is cameras etc

Of course things will be different elsewhere.
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