UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #2

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No I think it's signed up further down as a permit zone/ residents parking only
The area where Corrie "vanished" into is all access to businesses, Superdrug (who I have seen taking deliveries during the night in other towns) Greggs & Carphone Warehouse to name a few.
As for chancing it, I did a few years ago - left a pub over there at 11pm after 3 pints, walked into town for food, went to a friends house to play poker (without any more alcohol) returned to my car at 5am, drove less than a mile, got stopped by police & convicted :-/

I was in Bury on Friday night just gone & pratically retraced his steps - walked from The Grapes to Premier Inn at 3am without seing another soul....

Did you go past the bin area? If so did you look at the cameras and what was your gut feeling?
Ladies, Gentlemen...this is my first post so be gentle with your constructive critique please.

Having a personal interest in this (but NOT professional), I've been following this case from the very beginning. As time has eroded any thought of a safe return of Corrie, so deeper thoughts to solving this mystery have appeared. My best guess estimates have morphed into different theories as many times as the press releases have been issued. Nothing appears to be simple in this instance. That's backed up by the limited and often contradictory trickle of information being released.

I've read the forum rules, regulations and guidance notes and feel certain I'll still inadvertently tread on someone's toes by giving up my latest offerings! I'll wait for the nod from you guys (and gals) before I begin...brace yersel's'!

Ooh I like the sound of you already... no nods required - knock yourself out!!
Did you go past the bin area? If so did you look at the cameras and what was your gut feeling?

Nothing different to what's been discussed already
My gut feeling was "hurry back to the hotel" all the nightlife & eateries open that late are within a very tight area, after leaving there it was very quiet
I think the only way he could have vanished is in a vehicle via Short Brackland & Cannon Street (the one way stretch is only about 150yds, lots of people would chance that) & out of town.
@mikeywomble FYI CCTV camera rotates 360 degrees & takes approx 3.5 mins 2 complete full rotation leaving enough time 2 exit bin area unseen
Nothing different to what's been discussed already
My gut feeling was "hurry back to the hotel" all the nightlife & eateries open that late are within a very tight area, after leaving there it was very quiet
I think the only way he could have vanished is in a vehicle via Short Brackland & Cannon Street (the one way stretch is only about 150yds, lots of people would chance that) & out of town.

I was thinking, if this was in someway "an accident of some sort" that happened at the top end of Short Brackland, then someone would need access to a car. Even if they were over the limit.

But you say it's not really somewhere a person would park, if on a night out....and chancing a return trip home.
In fact, it's pretty much "permit holders" up there.

The phone possibly going in the bin, has always made me think that "what may have happened" did so at the top end of Short Brackland.

I have also "pondered" over the idea that someone knew "that particular bin" would get collected soon.

If on the other hand, it was some sort of abduction, then I have no idea. It just seems such a "random place" to abduct someone.
I only found out what a DA notice was last night so I'm not totally understanding it.
Does it mean that no further reporting in the media is allowed?
Does it mean that existing articles have to be removed from web searches etc??

Or possibly neither, as this is a new article posted earlier today???

It generally applies to "mainstream media" and "broadcasting".
And it relates to "new articles published" from the date that the standing D Notice comes in to "force" (it's voluntary).

It's possible that the "East Anglia Daily Times" isn't in the committee and didn't know !
Or they have decide to "stick two fingers up" at the "powers that be" and publish anyway.

Good on 'em, if it's the latter.
I was thinking, if this was in someway "an accident of some sort" that happened at the top end of Short Brackland, then someone would need access to a car. Even if they were over the limit.

But you say it's not really somewhere a person would park, if on a night out....and chancing a return trip home.
In fact, it's pretty much "permit holders" up there.

The phone possibly going in the bin, has always made me think that "what may have happened" did so at the top end of Short Brackland.

I have also "pondered" over the idea that someone knew "that particular bin" would get collected soon.

If on the other hand, it was some sort of abduction, then I have no idea. It just seems such a "random place" to abduct someone.

There is "one particular" blue bin there, all the rest are red & identical. probably a different company/ service provider? :thinking:
But all there is at Barton mills that I know of which could possibly relate to this is a parking yard for local authority vehicles, including gritting lorries roadworks etc
The waste site there is a household waste recycling centre, with a height restriction barrier that they only open up for changing over skips, it's not a place where lorries would empty out or waste would be sorted

Any car parking on the road there would attract attention & look out of place, I didn't venture that way but where there is a permit zone & cars parked I think it would be 99.9% full
Well, (nudges left breast upwards in a Les Dawson fashion) theories are based on gut feeling, speculative guesswork, Occums Razor and the other bloke who offered up the polar opposite to Mr Occum's argument. This may ruffle feathers.

Lets go down the Occum route first and offer up some networked mind mapping as we go...
Corrie is an RAF Gunner. Additionally, he is singled out by his piers as having a softer and more compassionate side and so is elevated to the lofty heights of Gunner (Team Medic) as is the norm in that culture. His 'softer side' is self evident by his old Facebook status. Long blond fringe, boyish looks, pink tops and apparently comfortable with his sexuality. A far cry from the machismo, testosterone fuelled team that he supports. He's already 'special' and different. Even though he's part of a well groom team of gentleman yobs, he's socially on his own due to his dress sense and 'caring personality. Infanteers have a penchant for eating raw dead animals and covering anything remotely female (unless your one of the new female infanteer breed obviously).

The lads have had an early stack and Corrie being the junior member probably gets the end of week jobs to clear up (unsubstantiated) before he Bimbles out to meet them in Flex. He drives down mid evening in his two seater, blue BMW Z4 and parks in the adjacent carpark(?). He has some catching up to do with regards to merriment. After bumping into work colleagues (or not?), Corrie starts to catch up and the alcohol takes effect slightly faster than anticipated. His judgment starts to be impaired and the softer side disappears making way for an over compensatory social attitude. Loud, arrogant and yobbish, Corrie makes no hesitation in annoying the inhabitants of the club and either decides to leave because he's been frozen out by his piers or has been ejected by his own social group. He arranges to meet them later to share a lift home at 0330 before leaving. The alcohol/blood curve is getting steeper even though he's not drinking. Off he goes to Mario's for a kebab. The short walk and cooler air aid the blood/alcohol toxicity resulting in the usual conclusion.

At 0100/0115, hee bumps into an American friend from a nearby airbase and this prompts him to call others there to extend his short lived night(?). He stops to talk to a homeless person and offers him some food, engaging in a clipped but pleasant conversation abouts his wanderings on his own. 'They're still in the club mate. Suppose I'm walking home lol'(?) is the retort. He wanders towards the Cornhill Square (taxi rank) to find a taxi or his lift.

Corrie walks past the Grapes pub and drops his garlic satchet(?). He's a consciensous chap and doesn't want to leave litter in the street. He sits semi recumbent a short distance away in Hughes doorway as the alcohol takes hold, sending a picture of him and a friend to his brother(?). How else would he sleep if not recumbent? Several people notice him and ask if he's alright (no evidence of this as the full CCTV hasn't been released that I'm aware of?) He sets his alarm on his phone AND watch like all good Boy Scouts just in case he doesn't hear either. He dozes as a thief cycles past/walks past from the night shift and he checks on him. No response. The thief relieves Corrie of his Nokia and momentarily is pleased with his nightly takings(?).

Here lies the dilemma for me:
1. The thief is unable to unlock the phone so chuck it in the paper bin.
This would explain Corrie jogging, the lack of forensic evidence of the phone being found in the bin lorry, the 11kg weight of the bin, no
2. The thief is momentarily startled by the phones alarm going off and chucks it in the PAPER bin.
3. Or he cycles over to Barton Mills mast area where he/she is accommodated, at 12mph and at roughly the same time as the bin lorry.

4. At 0308 Corrie's uses his phone again AND his watch alarm goes off. He decides he's late for his lift home so breaks into a jog, dodging the concrete plant pots and trees along the pedestrianised area on the second CCTV footage, bumping into the individual(?) in the doorway between the Nail Bar and Boots, then slowing down to see if he really did do that ("I know I'm drunk but did I really just bump into/see someone in the doorway?"). Not being able to confirm what he saw himself, he makes his way to the taxi rank/lift in Cornhill Square and is lost by CCTV. The vector and direction of his footsteps can be clearly seen in the footage. Either that or the rear of that area is know on a night out as a pick up place for taxis or lifts home (confirmation please). At 0320, his second alarm goes off for his lift. He has a few moments spare and decides to relieve himself between the blue and red bin. Bin placement being an habitual process I would suggest it'll be in the same position today as it was then.
He places his black Nokia on the black bin lid and fumbles for his appendage in the blackened loading bays of the shops. At 0330 and after a satisfactory relievement, he wonders off to Cornhill after being startled by the approaching bin lorry' headlights.

This is where Corrie accepts a lift from:
a. A registered taxi.
b. An unlicensed taxi.
c. A car with an occupant per porting to be from 'the base'.
d. A pre arranged lift from a work colleague from earlier that evening.
e. A pre arranged lift from a 'social networking group other than <modsnip> [facebook] etc (Grdr, Tndr?)

Meanwhile, the bin lorry does a u turn, places itself in a reversing position and backs up to the appropriate bin in the limited light. We're led to believe it's the paper bin. More on this later. The operator exits the rights hand side of the vehicle and being temporarily distracted by the parked cars, early morning and limited light doesn't notice the black phone on the black bin lid. The whole lifting operation takes a matter of seconds (30?). The bins weight is recorded as 11kg and the phone slides off into the bin lorry's capacious interior. The driver reverses the operation to lower the bin, wheels it a few feet to its original position and leaves for his next collection towards Barton Mills mast area. Remember the vehicle has a reversing camera NOT a recording camera on the rear. Corrie suddenly realises that he placed his phone on the bin lid, nips back around the corner to the bin and sees the bin lorry leaving. He rushes into Cornhill and accepts ANY lift available that is willing to follow the bin lorry. The bin lorry proceeds along its route at an average of 12mph (I don't believe this to be honest) until the bumps in the roads and constant stop/start of the lorry, relieve the phone of its battery at 0400.

Without communication, in totally the wrong direction and under the influence, Corrie asks the driver of the car to take him to Mildenhall where he MAY be able to sleep off in transit accommodation and make contact with base when hqe's sober.

1. The next morning he's involved in a non reported RTA along the route from Mildenhall to Honington(?) and succumbs to his injuries in a ditch.
2. During the morning he 'escapes' the lifter and vehicle and makes his way on foot towards sanctuary, be it RAF base, USAF base, Police station, or other but does not make it. Remember the canvas 'street boots'?
3. He's ended up getting a lift from someone involved in 'darker circles' and has unfortunately succumbed to their rituals. Put the clothing, enhanced occupation, old FB photos, style, puppy dog, flash car etc together and to me it screams.

Granted this may not be a pallitable answer but it does give credence to the recent D Notice emplacement. Not wanting to admit that a UK armed force member <modsnip> as well as not wanting thousands of walkers potentially trespassing (albeit unwittingly) on UK sovereign military land is reason enough surely?

It goes without saying, our thoughts are with Corrie and his family right now. Let's hope for a satisfactory and positive outcome.

I'm now going to take cover behind a lead shield and wait for the fallout from this post... :/

Well, (nudges left breast upwards in a Les Dawson fashion) theories are based on gut feeling, speculative guesswork, Occums Razor and the other bloke who offered up the polar opposite to Mr Occum argument. This may ruffle feathers.

Lets go down the Occum route first and offer up some networked mind mapping as we go...
Corrie is an RAF Gunner. Additionally, he is singled out by his piers as having a softer and more compassionate side and so is elevated to the lofty heights of Gunner (Team Medic) as is the norm in that culture. His 'softer side' is self evident by his old Facebook status. Long blond fringe, boyish looks, pink tops and apparently comfortable with his sexuality. A far cry from the machismo, testosterone fuelled team that he supports. He's already 'special' and different. Even though he's part of a well groom team of gentleman yobs, he's socially on his own due to his dress sense and 'caring personality. Infanteers have a penchant for eating raw dead animals and covering anything remotely female (unless your one of the new female infanteer breed obviously).

The lads have had an early stack and Corrie being the junior member probably gets the end of week jobs to clear up (unsubstantiated) before he Bimbles out to meet them in Flex. He drives down mid evening in his two seater, blue BMW Z4 and parks in the adjacent carpark(?). He has some catching up to do with regards to merriment. After bumping into work colleagues (or not?), Corrie starts to catch up and the alcohol takes effect slightly faster than anticipated. His judgment starts to be impaired and the softer side disappears making way for an over compensatory social attitude. Loud, arrogant and yobbish, Corrie makes no hesitation in annoying the inhabitants of the club and either decides to leave because he's been frozen out by his piers or has been ejected by his own social group. He arranges to meet them later to share a lift home at 0330 before leaving. The alcohol/blood curve is getting steeper even though he's not drinking. Off he goes to Mario's for a kebab. The short walk and cooler air aid the blood/alcohol toxicity resulting in the usual conclusion.

At 0100/0115, hee bumps into an American friend from a nearby airbase and this prompts him to call others there to extend his short lived night(?). He stops to talk to a homeless person and offers him some food, engaging in a clipped but pleasant conversation abouts his wanderings on his own. 'They're still in the club mate. Suppose I'm walking home lol'(?) is the retort. He wanders towards the Cornhill Square (taxi rank) to find a taxi or his lift.

Corrie walks past the Grapes pub and drops his garlic satchet(?). He's a consciensous chap and doesn't want to leave litter in the street. He sits semi recumbent a short distance away in Hughes doorway as the alcohol takes hold, sending a picture of him and a friend to his brother(?). How else would he sleep if not recumbent? Several people notice him and ask if he's alright (no evidence of this as the full CCTV hasn't been released that I'm aware of?) He sets his alarm on his phone AND watch like all good Boy Scouts just in case he doesn't hear either. He dozes as a thief cycles past/walks past from the night shift and he checks on him. No response. The thief relieves Corrie of his Nokia and momentarily is pleased with his nightly takings(?).

Here lies the dilemma for me:
1. The thief is unable to unlock the phone so chuck it in the paper bin.
This would explain Corrie jogging, the lack of forensic evidence of the phone being found in the bin lorry, the 11kg weight of the bin, no
2. The thief is momentarily startled by the phones alarm going off and chucks it in the PAPER bin.
3. Or he cycles over to Barton Mills mast area where he/she is accommodated, at 12mph and at roughly the same time as the bin lorry.

4. At 0308 Corrie's uses his phone again AND his watch alarm goes off. He decides he's late for his lift home so breaks into a jog, dodging the concrete plant pots and trees along the pedestrianised area on the second CCTV footage, bumping into the individual(?) in the doorway between the Nail Bar and Boots, then slowing down to see if he really did do that ("I know I'm drunk but did I really just bump into/see someone in the doorway?"). Not being able to confirm what he saw himself, he makes his way to the taxi rank/lift in Cornhill Square and is lost by CCTV. The vector and direction of his footsteps can be clearly seen in the footage. Either that or the rear of that area is know on a night out as a pick up place for taxis or lifts home (confirmation please). At 0320, his second alarm goes off for his lift. He has a few moments spare and decides to relieve himself between the blue and red bin. Bin placement being an habitual process I would suggest it'll be in the same position today as it was then.
He places his black Nokia on the black bin lid and fumbles for his appendage in the blackened loading bays of the shops. At 0330 and after a satisfactory relievement, he wonders off to Cornhill after being startled by the approaching bin lorry' headlights.

This is where Corrie accepts a lift from:
a. A registered taxi.
b. An unlicensed taxi.
c. A car with an occupant per porting to be from 'the base'.
d. A pre arranged lift from a work colleague from earlier that evening.
e. A pre arranged lift from a 'social networking group other than <modsnip>[facebook] etc (Grdr, Tndr?)

Meanwhile, the bin lorry does a u turn, places itself in a reversing position and backs up to the appropriate bin in the limited light. We're led to believe it's the paper bin. More on this later. The operator exits the rights hand side of the vehicle and being temporarily distracted by the parked cars, early morning and limited light doesn't notice the black phone on the black bin lid. The whole lifting operation takes a matter of seconds (30?). The bins weight is recorded as 11kg and the phone slides off into the bin lorry's capacious interior. The driver reverses the operation to lower the bin, wheels it a few feet to its original position and leaves for his next collection towards Barton Mills mast area. Remember the vehicle has a reversing camera NOT a recording camera on the rear. Corrie suddenly realises that he placed his phone on the bin lid, nips back around the corner to the bin and sees the bin lorry leaving. He rushes into Cornhill and accepts ANY lift available that is willing to follow the bin lorry. The bin lorry proceeds along its route at an average of 12mph (I don't believe this to be honest) until the bumps in the roads and constant stop/start of the lorry, relieve the phone of its battery at 0400.

Without communication, in totally the wrong direction and under the influence, Corrie asks the driver of the car to take him to Mildenhall where he MAY be able to sleep off in transit accommodation and make contact with base when he's sober.

1. The next morning he's involved in a non reported RTA along the route from Mildenhall to Honington(?) and succumbs to his injuries in a ditch.
2. During the morning he 'escapes' the lifter and vehicle and makes his way on foot towards sanctuary, be it RAF base, USAF base, Police station, or other but does not make it. Remember the canvas 'street boots'?
3. He's ended up getting a lift from someone involved in 'darker circles' and has unfortunately succumbed to their rituals. Put the clothing, enhanced occupation, old FB photos, style, puppy dog, flash car etc together and to me it screams.

Granted this may not be a pallitable answer but it does give credence to the recent D Notice emplacement. Not wanting to admit that a UK armed force member <modsnip>as well as not wanting thousands of walkers potentially trespassing (albeit unwittingly) on UK sovereign military land is reason enough surely?

It goes without saying, our thoughts are with Corrie and his family right now. Let's hope for a satisfactory and positive outcome.

I'm now going to take cover behind a lead sheild and wait for the fallout from this post... :/

Haven't got all the way through yet, but he sent the photo message AFTER waking up at 3 ish so still had his phone when he woke up in the doorway.

Well stone me, stranger things have happened &#128552;

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If you look within the comments of Uncle Tony's [31/10] post, someone has shared a screenshot of the original post you are after. At 11.25am today.

Thanks! I could kiss you! That thread is worth watching right now as Uncle Tony is commenting (approx 35 mins ago) and is touching on the DA-notice subject. It's rather interesting!
Thanks! I could kiss you! That thread is worth watching right now as Uncle Tony is commenting (approx 35 mins ago) and is touching on the DA-notice subject. It's rather interesting!

Yes, I saw that! Interesting indeed.

Will be interested to see what news tomorrow's promised update brings.
So if what you're suggesting is based on presented 'facts' then that would suggest that he had a lift to (?) arranged prior to sleeping, ie before 0308 and more than likely between 0115-0308hrs. That would also suggest an accidental loss within the bin system after 0308 and before 0400 thus ruling out the trick cyclist thief?

I'm leaning towards the 'gay/bi' route yes but bare in mind it is ONLY a suggestion to accommodate the presented 'facts'.
A comment on FB suggesting that terrorism doesn&#8217;t come into it because it hasn&#8217;t been claimed has just been responded to by TW (uncle Tony)

He said whilst this aspect is one reason to discount this theory, it&#8217;s not unprecedented. He added that hostages have been taken many times without immediate claims being made. He said they may be held on to for a &#8216;grandstand&#8217; event that might coincide with specific events or dates and he gave the upcoming Remembrance Day as an example.
A comment on FB suggesting that terrorism doesn’t come into it because it hasn’t been claimed has just been responded to by TW (uncle Tony)

He said whilst this aspect is one reason to discount this theory, it’s not unprecedented. He added that hostages have been taken many times without immediate claims being made. He said they may be held on to for a ‘grandstand’ event that might coincide with specific events or dates and he gave the upcoming Remembrance Day as an example.
I agree with Uncle Tony on this. He says it very succinctly.
Where aborts is this...FB? Do you have link please?

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No I think it's signed up further down as a permit zone/ residents parking only
The area where Corrie "vanished" into is all access to businesses, Superdrug (who I have seen taking deliveries during the night in other towns) Greggs & Carphone Warehouse to name a few.
As for chancing it, I did a few years ago - left a pub over there at 11pm after 3 pints, walked into town for food, went to a friends house to play poker (without any more alcohol) returned to my car at 5am, drove less than a mile, got stopped by police & convicted :-/

I was in Bury on Friday night just gone & pratically retraced his steps - walked from The Grapes to Premier Inn at 3am without seing another soul....

That bit is really quiet. Most people would choose to walk through the market Square and past Moyses Hall/clock tower, then past McDonald's. That said, I'm a female and Would avoid there as there are better lit roads and it's a bit lonely.
Yes, I saw that! Interesting indeed.

Will be interested to see what news tomorrow's promised update brings.

Any chance of a bit of "cut n paste" or paraphrasing ?
I can't see his new post

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